/usr/share/vtk/Modelling/Tcl/SpherePuzzle.tcl is in vtk-examples 5.8.0-14.1ubuntu3.
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# First we include the VTK Tcl packages which will make available
# all of the vtk commands to Tcl
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# Prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .
# Create the toplevel window
toplevel .top
wm title .top "Sphere Puzzle"
wm protocol .top WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit
# Create some frames
frame .top.f1
frame .top.f2
pack .top.f1 \
-side top -anchor n \
-expand 1 -fill both
pack .top.f2 \
-side bottom -anchor s \
-expand t -fill x
# Create the Tk render widget, and bind the events
vtkRenderWindow renWin
vtkRenderer ren1
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkTkRenderWidget .top.f1.rw \
-width 400 \
-height 400 \
-rw renWin
::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget .top.f1.rw
pack .top.f1.rw \
-expand t -fill both
# Display some infos
label .top.f2.l1 -text "Position cursor over the rotation plane."
label .top.f2.l2 -text "Moving pieces will be highlighted."
label .top.f2.l3 -text "Press 'm' to make a move."
button .top.f2.reset \
-text "Reset" \
-command {puzzle Reset; renWin Render}
button .top.f2.b1 \
-text "Quit" \
-command ::vtk::cb_exit
pack .top.f2.l1 .top.f2.l2 .top.f2.l3 .top.f2.reset .top.f2.b1 \
-side top \
-expand t -fill x
# Create the pipeline
vtkSpherePuzzle puzzle
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper
mapper SetInputConnection [puzzle GetOutputPort]
vtkActor actor
actor SetMapper mapper
vtkSpherePuzzleArrows arrows
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper2
mapper2 SetInputConnection [arrows GetOutputPort]
vtkActor actor2
actor2 SetMapper mapper2
# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
ren1 AddActor actor
ren1 AddActor actor2
ren1 SetBackground 0.1 0.2 0.4
ren1 ResetCamera
set cam [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
$cam Elevation -40
renWin Render
# Modify some bindings, use the interactor style 'switch'
set iren [renWin GetInteractor]
set istyle [vtkInteractorStyleSwitch istyleswitch]
$iren SetInteractorStyle $istyle
$istyle SetCurrentStyleToTrackballCamera
$iren AddObserver MouseMoveEvent MotionCallback
$iren AddObserver CharEvent CharCallback
# Highlight pieces
proc MotionCallback {} {
global in_piece_rotation
if {[info exists in_piece_rotation]} {
global LastVal
set iren [renWin GetInteractor]
set istyle [[$iren GetInteractorStyle] GetCurrentStyle]
# Return if the user is performing interaction
if {[$istyle GetState]} {
# Get mouse position
set pos [$iren GetEventPosition]
set x [lindex $pos 0]
set y [lindex $pos 1]
# Get world point
ren1 SetDisplayPoint $x $y [ren1 GetZ $x $y]
ren1 DisplayToWorld
set pt [ren1 GetWorldPoint]
set val [puzzle SetPoint [lindex $pt 0] [lindex $pt 1] [lindex $pt 2]]
if {![info exists LastVal] || $val != $LastVal} {
renWin Render
set LastVal $val
# Rotate the puzzle
proc CharCallback {} {
set iren [renWin GetInteractor]
set keycode [$iren GetKeyCode]
if {$keycode != "m" && $keycode != "M"} {
set pos [$iren GetEventPosition]
ButtonCallback [lindex $pos 0] [lindex $pos 1]
proc ButtonCallback {x y} {
global in_piece_rotation
if {[info exists in_piece_rotation]} {
set in_piece_rotation 1
# Get world point
ren1 SetDisplayPoint $x $y [ren1 GetZ $x $y]
ren1 DisplayToWorld
set pt [ren1 GetWorldPoint]
set x [lindex $pt 0]
set y [lindex $pt 1]
set z [lindex $pt 2]
for { set i 0} {$i <= 100} {set i [expr $i + 10]} {
puzzle SetPoint $x $y $z
puzzle MovePoint $i
renWin Render
unset in_piece_rotation
# Shuffle the puzzle
ButtonCallback 218 195
ButtonCallback 261 128
ButtonCallback 213 107
ButtonCallback 203 162
ButtonCallback 134 186
tkwait window .top