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\page appendix-qcodes Appendix E - Common Q Codes
Q Signals take the form of a question only when each is followed by a question mark.
\b QRG
- Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of ___)?
- Your exact frequency (or that of ___) is ___ kHz.
\b QRH
- Does my frequency vary?
- Your frequency varies.
\b QRI
- How is the tone of my transmission?
- The tone of your transmission is ___. (1. Good 2. Variable 3. Bad)
\b QRJ
- Are you receiving me badly?
- I can not receive you. Your signals are too weak.
\b QRK
- What is the intelligibility of my signals (or those of ___)?
- The intelligibility of your signals (or those of ___) is:
- (1. Bad 2. Poor 3. Fair 4. Good 5. Excellent)
\b QRL
- Are you busy?
- I am busy (or I am busy with ___). Please do not interfere.
\b QRM
- Is my transmission being interferred with?
- Your transmission is being interferred with ___.
- (1. Nil 2. Slightly 3. Moderately 4. Severely 5. Extremely)
\b QRN
- Are you troubled by static?
- I am troubled by static ---.
- (1-5 as under QRM)
\b QRO
- Shall I increase power?
- Increase power.
\b QRP
- Shall I decrease power?
- Decrease power.
\b QRQ
- Shall I send faster?
- Send faster ___. (WPM)
\b QRS
- Shall I send more slowly?
- Send more slowly ___. (WPM)
\b QRT
- Shall I stop sending?
- Stop sending.
\b QRU
- Have you anything for me?
- I have nothing for you.
\b QRV
- Are you ready?
- I am ready.
\b QRW
- Shall I inform ___ that you are calling on ___ kHz?
- Please inform ___ that I am calling on ___ kHz.
\b QRX
- When will you call me again?
- I will call you again at ___ hours (on ___ kHz).
\b QRY
- What is my turn?
- Your turn is numbered ___.
\b QRZ
- Who is calling me?
- You are being called by ___ (on ___ kHz).
\b QSA
- What is the strength of my signals (or those of ___)?
- The strength of you signals (or those of ___) is ___.
- (1. Scarcely perceptable 2. Weak 3. Fairly good 4. Good 5. Very good)
\b QSB
- Are my signals fading?
- Your signals are fading.
\b QSD
- Is my keying defective?
- Your keying is defective?
\b QSG
- Shall I send ___ messages at a time?
- Send ___ messages at a time.
\b QSK
- Can you hear me in between your signals and if so, can I break in on your transmission?
- I can hear you between my signals; break in on my transmission.
\b QSL
- Can you acknowledge receipt?
- I am acknowledging receipt.
\b QSM
- Shall I repeat the last message I sent you, or some previous message?
- Repeat the last message you sent me [or message(s) number(s) ___].
\b QSN
- Did you hear me (or ___) on ___ kHz?
- I did hear you (or ___) on ___ kHz.
\b QSO
- Can you communicate with ___ direct or by relay?
- I can communicate with ___ direct (or by relay through ___).
\b QSP
- Will you relay to ___?
- I will relay to ___.
\b QST
- General call proceding a message addressed to all amateurs and ARRL members. This is in effect, "CQ ARRL".
\b QSU
- Shall I send or reply on this frequency (or on ___ kHz)?
- Send a series of Vs on this frequency (or on ___ kHz).
\b QSW
- Will you send on this frequency (or on ___ kHz)?
- I am going to send on this frequency (or on ___ kHz).
\b QSX
- Will you listen to ___ on ___ kHz?
- I am listening to ___ on ___ kHz.
\b QSY
- Shall I change to to transmission on another frequency?
- Change transmission to another frequency (or ___ kHz).
\b QSZ
- Shall I send each word or group more than once?
- Send each word or group twice (or ___ times).
\b QTA
- Shall I cancel message number ___?
- Cancel message number ___.
\b QTB
- Do you agree with my counting of words?
- I do not agree with your counting of words. I will repeat the first letter or digit of each word or group.
\b QTC
- How many messages have you to send?
- I have ___ messages for you (or for ___).
\b QTH
- What is your location?
- My location is ___.
\b QTR
- What is the correct time?
- The correct time is ___.