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# FILE: cl-dump.pl
# cl-dump.pl [-h host] [-p port] [-D bind-dn] -w bind-password | -P bind-cert
# [-r replica-roots] [-o output-file] [-c] [-v]
# cl-dump.pl -i changelog-ldif-file-with-base64encoding [-o output-file] [-c]
# Dump and decode Directory Server replication change log
# -c Dump and interpret CSN only. This option can be used with or
# without -i option.
# -D bind-dn
# Directory server's bind DN. Default to "cn=Directory Manager" if
# the option is omitted.
# -h host
# Directory server's host. Default to the server where the script
# is running.
# -i changelog-ldif-file-with-base64encoding
# If you already have a ldif-like changelog, but the changes
# in that file are encoded, you may use this option to
# decode that ldif-like changelog.
# -o output-file
# Path name for the final result. Default to STDOUT if omitted.
# -p port
# Directory server's port. Default to 389.
# -P bind-cert
# Pathname of binding certificate DB
# -r replica-roots
# Specify replica roots whose changelog you want to dump. The replica
# roots may be seperated by comma. All the replica roots would be
# dumped if the option is omitted.
# -v Print the version of this script.
# -w bind-password
# Password for the bind DN
# If you are not using -i option, the script should be run when the server
# is running, and from where the server's changelog directory is accessible.
# For environment variable issues, see script repl-monitor.pl under bindir
# enable the use of our bundled perldap with our bundled ldapsdk libraries
# all of this nonsense can be omitted if the mozldapsdk and perldap are
# installed in the operating system locations (e.g. /usr/lib /usr/lib/perl5)
$usage="Usage: $0 [-h host] [-p port] [-D bind-dn] [-w bind-password | -P bind-cert] [-r replica-roots] [-o output-file] [-c] [-v]\n\n $0 -i changelog-ldif-file-with-base64encoding [-o output-file] [-c]\n";
use Getopt::Std; # Parse command line arguments
use Mozilla::LDAP::Conn; # LDAP module for Perl
use Mozilla::LDAP::Utils; # LULU, utilities.
use Mozilla::LDAP::API; # Used to parse LDAP URL
use MIME::Base64; # Decode
# Global variables
$version = "Directory Server Changelog Dump - Version 1.0";
# Turn off buffered I/O
$| = 1;
# Check for legal options
if (!getopts('h:p:D:w:P:r:o:cvi:')) {
print $usage;
exit -1;
exit -1 if &validateArgs;
if ($opt_v) {
print OUTPUT "$version\n";
if (!$opt_i) {
elsif ($opt_c) {
&grep_csn ($opt_i);
else {
&cl_decode ($opt_i);
close (OUTPUT);
# Validate the parameters
sub validateArgs
my ($rc) = 0;
%ld = Mozilla::LDAP::Utils::ldapArgs();
chop ($ld{host} = `hostname`) if !$opt_h;
$ld{bind} = "cn=Directory Manager" if !$opt_D;
@allreplicas = ($opt_r) if ($opt_r);
if ($opt_o && ! open (OUTPUT, ">$opt_o")) {
print "Can't create output file $opt_o\n";
$rc = -1;
# Open STDOUT if option -o is missing
open (OUTPUT, ">-") if !$opt_o;
return $rc;
# Dump and decode changelog
# OUTPUT should have been opened before this call
sub cl_dump_and_decode
# Open the connection
my ($conn) = new Mozilla::LDAP::Conn (\%ld);
if (!$conn) {
print OUTPUT qq/Can't connect to $ld{host}:$ld{port} as "$ld{bind}"\n/;
return -1;
# Get the changelog dir
my ($changelogdir);
my ($entry) = $conn->search ("cn=changelog5,cn=config", "sub", "(objectClass=*)");
while ($entry) {
$changelogdir = $entry->{"nsslapd-changelogdir"}[0];
last if $changelogdir;
$entry = $conn->nextEntry ();
# Get all the replicas on the server if -r option is not specified
if (!$opt_r) {
$entry = $conn->search ("cn=mapping tree,cn=config", "sub",
while ($entry) {
push (@allreplicas, "$entry->{nsDS5ReplicaRoot}[0]");
$entry = $conn->nextEntry ();
# Dump the changelog for the replica
my (@ldifs);
my ($replica);
my ($gotldif);
my ($ldif);
foreach (@allreplicas) {
# Reset the script's start time
$^T = time;
$replica = $_;
$gotldif = 0;
# Can't move this line before entering the loop:
# no ldif file generated other than for the first
# replica.
$entry = $conn->newEntry();
$entry->setDN ("cn=replica,cn=\"$_\",cn=mapping tree,cn=config");
$entry->setValues('nsDS5Task', 'CL2LDIF');
$conn->update ($entry);
#Decode the dumped changelog
@ldifs = <$changelogdir/*.ldif>;
foreach (@ldifs) {
# Skip older ldif files
next if ($#ldifs > 0 && (-M $_ > 0));
$ldif = $_;
$gotldif = 1;
&print_header ($replica, 0);
if ($opt_c) {
&grep_csn ($_);
else {
&cl_decode ($_);
# Test op -M doesn't work well so we use rename
# here to avoid reading the same ldif file more
# than once.
rename ($ldif, "$ldif.done");
&print_header ($replica, "Not Found") if !$gotldif;
sub print_header
my ($replica, $ldif) = @_;
print OUTPUT "\n# Replica Root: $replica" if $replica;
print OUTPUT "\n# LDIF File : $ldif\n" if $ldif;
# Grep and interpret CSNs
# OUTPUT should have been opened before this call
sub grep_csn
open (INPUT, "@_") || return;
&print_header (0, @_);
my ($csn, $maxcsn, $modts);
while (<INPUT>) {
next if ($_ !~ /(csn:)|(ruv:)/i);
if (/ruv:\s*{.+}\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w*)/i) {
# RUV with two CSNs and an optional lastModifiedTime
$csn = &csn_to_string($1);
$maxcsn = &csn_to_string($2);
$modts = $3;
if ( $modts =~ /^0+$/ ) {
$modts = "";
else {
$modts = &csn_to_string($modts);
elsif (/csn:\s*(\w+)\s+/i || /ruv:\s*{.+}\s+(\w+)\s+/i) {
# Single CSN
$csn = &csn_to_string($1);
$maxcsn = "";
$modts = "";
else {
printf OUTPUT;
printf OUTPUT "$_ ($csn";
printf OUTPUT "; $maxcsn" if $maxcsn;
printf OUTPUT "; $modts" if $modts;
printf OUTPUT ")\n";
sub csn_to_string
my ($csn, $tm, $seq, $masterid, $subseq);
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year);
$csn = "@_";
return $csn if !$csn;
($tm, $seq, $masterid, $subseq) = unpack("a8 a4 a4 a4", $csn);
$tm = hex($tm);
$seq = hex($seq);
$masterid = hex($masterid);
$subseq = hex($subseq);
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime ($tm);
$year += 1900;
foreach ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon) {
$_ = "0".$_ if ($_ < 10);
$csn = "$mon/$mday/$year $hour:$min:$sec";
$csn .= " $seq $subseq" if ( $seq != 0 || $subseq != 0 );
return $csn;
# Decode the changelog
# OUTPUT should have been opened before this call
sub cl_decode
open (INPUT, "@_") || return;
&print_header (0, @_);
my ($encoded);
undef $encoded;
while (<INPUT>) {
# Try to accomodate "changes" in 4.X and "change" in 6.X
if (/^changes?::\s*(\S*)/i) {
print OUTPUT "change::\n";
$encoded = $1;
if (!defined ($encoded)) {
print OUTPUT;
if ($_ eq "\n") {
print OUTPUT MIME::Base64::decode($encoded);
print OUTPUT "\n";
undef $encoded;
$encoded .= $1;