
This package is 147.3 KB. It is available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/aprsd/aprsd_2.2.5-13-5.2_amd64.deb .

View its full control file here: debian/control.


Internet Gateway for the Automatic Position Reporting System


This package depends on: libax25 (>= 0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204), libc6 (>= 2.14), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libstdc++6 (>= 4.6).

This package does not recommend any other package.

This package does not suggest any other package.

This package does not conflict with any other package.

Package Contents

This package is indexed.

aprsd 1:2.2.5-13-5.2 is in ubuntu - trusty / universe. This package's architecture is: amd64.

File Mime Type Owner Mode Size
postinst text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 252 bytes
postrm text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 254 bytes
prerm text/x-shellscript N/A N/A 165 bytes
/etc/ root:root 0o755
/etc/aprsd/ root:root 0o755
/etc/aprsd/aprsd.conf text/plain root:root 0o644 8.1 KB
/etc/aprsd/INIT.TNC text/plain root:root 0o644 1.0 KB
/etc/aprsd/RESTORE.TNC text/plain root:root 0o644 119 bytes
/etc/aprsd/user.deny text/plain root:root 0o644 175 bytes
/etc/aprsd/welcome.txt text/plain root:root 0o644 121 bytes
/etc/init.d/ root:root 0o755
/etc/init.d/aprsd text/x-shellscript root:root 0o755 869 bytes
/usr/ root:root 0o755
/usr/bin/ root:root 0o755
/usr/bin/aprspass application/x-executable root:root 0o755 10.3 KB
/usr/sbin/ root:root 0o755
/usr/sbin/aprsd application/x-executable root:root 0o755 236.0 KB
/usr/share/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/aprsddoc.html text/html root:root 0o644 50.3 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/AUTHORS text/plain root:root 0o644 1.1 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/changelog.Debian.gz application/gzip root:root 0o644 1.4 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/copyright text/plain root:root 0o644 1.6 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/examples/ root:root 0o755
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/examples/chkaprsd text/x-shellscript root:root 0o644 1.1 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/examples/udp_example text/x-perl root:root 0o755 927 bytes
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/ports.html text/html root:root 0o644 13.5 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/qalgorithm.html text/html root:root 0o644 6.3 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/q.html text/html root:root 0o644 4.9 KB
/usr/share/doc/aprsd/README.gz application/gzip root:root 0o644 2.6 KB
/var/ root:root 0o755
/var/log/ root:root 0o755
/var/log/aprsd/ root:root 0o755