/usr/lib/python/astrometry/util/plotshift.py is in astrometry.net 0.46-0ubuntu2.
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import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import matplotlib
from pylab import *
from numpy import *
from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
def plotshift(ixy, rxy, dcell=50, ncells=18, outfn=None, W=None, H=None, hist=False,
# correspondences we could have hit...
radius = dcell * sqrt(2.)
#print 'ixy', ixy.shape
#print 'rxy', rxy.shape
assert((len(rxy) == 0) or (rxy.shape[1] == 2))
assert((len(ixy) == 0) or (ixy.shape[1] == 2))
ix = ixy[:,0]
iy = ixy[:,1]
if W is None:
W = max(ix)
if H is None:
H = max(iy)
if len(rxy):
keep = (rxy[:,0] > -dcell) * (rxy[:,0] < W+dcell) * (rxy[:,1] > -dcell) * (rxy[:,1] < H+dcell)
rxy = rxy[keep]
#print 'Cut to %i ref sources in range' % len(rxy)
cellsize = sqrt(W * H / ncells)
nw = int(round(W / cellsize))
nh = int(round(H / cellsize))
#print 'Grid cell size', cellsize
#print 'N cells', nw, 'x', nh
edgesx = linspace(0, W, nw+1)
edgesy = linspace(0, H, nh+1)
#print 'Edges:'
#print ' x:', edgesx
#print ' y:', edgesy
if len(rxy) == 0:
binx = array([])
biny = array([])
binx = digitize(rxy[:,0], edgesx)
biny = digitize(rxy[:,1], edgesy)
binx = clip(binx - 1, 0, nw-1)
biny = clip(biny - 1, 0, nh-1)
bin = biny * nw + binx
for i in range(nh):
for j in range(nw):
thisbin = i * nw + j
R = (bin == thisbin)
#print 'cell %i, %i' % (j, i)
#print '%i ref sources' % sum(R)
matchdx = []
if sum(R) > 0:
(inds,dists) = spherematch.match(rxy[R,:], ixy, radius)
#print 'Found %i matches within %g pixels' % (len(dists), radius)
ri = inds[:,0]
# un-cut ref inds...
ri = (flatnonzero(R))[ri]
ii = inds[:,1]
matchx = rxy[ri,0]
matchy = rxy[ri,1]
matchdx = ix[ii] - matchx
matchdy = iy[ii] - matchy
#print 'All matches:'
#for dx,dy in zip(matchdx,matchdy):
# print ' %.1f, %.1f' % (dx,dy)
ok = (matchdx >= -dcell) * (matchdx <= dcell) * (matchdy >= -dcell) * (matchdy <= dcell)
matchdx = matchdx[ok]
matchdy = matchdy[ok]
#print 'Cut to %i within %g x %g square' % (sum(ok), dcell*2, dcell*2)
#print 'Cut matches:'
#for dx,dy in zip(matchdx,matchdy):
# print ' %.1f, %.1f' % (dx,dy)
# Subplot places plots left-to-right, TOP-to-BOTTOM.
subplot(nh, nw, 1 + ((nh - i - 1)*nw + j))
if len(matchdx) > 0:
#plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'ro', mec='r', mfc='r', ms=5, alpha=0.2)
#plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'ro', mec='r', mfc='none', ms=5, alpha=0.2)
if hist:
#if histbinsize is None:
# histbinsize = dcell / 10.
edges = linspace(-dcell, dcell, nhistbins+1)
(H,xe,ye) = histogram2d(matchdx, matchdy, bins=(edges,edges))
imshow(H.T, extent=(min(xe), max(xe), min(ye), max(ye)),
aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
text(dcell, dcell, '%i' % H.max(), color='y',
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')
plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'r.', alpha=0.3)
if hist:
axhline(0, color='b', alpha=0.8)
axvline(0, color='b', alpha=0.8)
axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
if i == 0 and j == 0:
axis([-dcell, dcell, -dcell, dcell])
if outfn is not None:
#print 'Saving', outfn
if __name__ == '__main__':
from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table
parser = OptionParser('usage: %prog [options] <image xy> <reference xy> <plot name>')
parser.add_option('-X', dest='xcol', help='Name of X column in image table')
parser.add_option('-Y', dest='ycol', help='Name of Y column in image table')
parser.add_option('-N', dest='nimage', type='int', help='Cut to the first N image sources')
parser.add_option('-x', dest='rxcol', help='Name of X column in reference table')
parser.add_option('-y', dest='rycol', help='Name of Y column in reference table')
parser.add_option('-n', dest='nref', type='int', help='Cut to the first N reference sources')
parser.add_option('-c', dest='cells', type='int', help='Approx. number of pieces to cut image into (default:18)')
parser.add_option('-s', dest='cellsize', type='int', help='Search radius, in pixels (default 50)')
parser.set_defaults(xcol='X', ycol='Y', nimage=0, cells=0, cellsize=0, rxcol='X', rycol='Y', nref=0)
opt,args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 3:
imxy = fits_table(args[0])
refxy = fits_table(args[1])
outfn = args[2]
kwargs = {}
if opt.cells:
kwargs['ncells'] = opt.cells
if opt.cellsize:
kwargs['dcell'] = opt.cellsize
ix = imxy.getcolumn(opt.xcol)
iy = imxy.getcolumn(opt.ycol)
ixy = vstack((ix,iy)).T
if opt.nimage:
ixy = ixy[:opt.nimage,:]
rx = refxy.getcolumn(opt.rxcol)
ry = refxy.getcolumn(opt.rycol)
rxy = vstack((rx,ry)).T
if opt.nref:
rxy = rxy[:opt.nref,:]
plotshift(ixy, rxy, outfn=outfn, **kwargs)