/usr/bin/last-pair-probs is in last-align 393-1.
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# Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013 Martin C. Frith
# This script reads alignments of DNA reads to a genome, and estimates
# the probability that each alignment represents the genomic source of
# the read. It assumes that the reads come in pairs, where each pair
# is from either end of a DNA fragment.
# Seems to work with Python 2.x, x>=4.
# The --rna option makes it assume that the genomic fragment lengths
# follow a log-normal distribution (instead of a normal distribution).
# In one test with human RNA, log-normal was a remarkably good fit,
# but not perfect. The true distribution looked like a mixture of 2
# log-normals: a dominant one for shorter introns, and a minor one for
# huge introns. Thus, our use of a single log-normal fails to model
# rare, huge introns. To compensate for that, the default value of
# --disjoint is increased when --rna is used.
# (Should we try to estimate the prior probability of disjoint mapping
# from the data? But maybe ignore low-scoring alignments for that?
# Estimate disjoint maps to opposite strands of same chromosome = maps
# to same strand of same chromosome?)
import itertools, math, operator, optparse, os, signal, sys
def logSumExp(numbers):
"""Adds numbers, in log space, to avoid overflow."""
n = list(numbers)
if not n: return -1e99 # should be -inf
m = max(n)
s = sum(math.exp(i - m) for i in n) # fsum is only Python >= 2.6.
return math.log(s) + m
def warn(*things):
prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
text = " ".join(map(str, things))
sys.stderr.write(prog + ": " + text + "\n")
def joinby(iterable1, iterable2, keyfunc):
"""Yields pairs from iterable1 and iterable2 that share the same key."""
groups1 = itertools.groupby(iterable1, keyfunc)
groups2 = itertools.groupby(iterable2, keyfunc)
k1, v1 = groups1.next()
k2, v2 = groups2.next()
while 1:
if k1 < k2:
k1, v1 = groups1.next()
elif k1 > k2:
k2, v2 = groups2.next()
v2 = list(v2)
for i1 in v1:
for i2 in v2:
yield i1, i2
k1, v1 = groups1.next()
k2, v2 = groups2.next()
class AlignmentParameters:
"""Parses the score scale factor, minimum score, and genome size."""
def __init__(self): # dummy values:
self.t = -1 # score scale factor
self.e = -1 # minimum score
self.g = -1 # genome size
def update(self, line):
for i in line.split():
if self.t == -1 and i.startswith("t="):
self.t = float(i[2:])
if self.t <= 0: raise Exception("t must be positive")
if self.e == -1 and i.startswith("e="):
self.e = float(i[2:])
if self.e <= 0: raise Exception("e must be positive")
if self.g == -1 and i.startswith("letters="):
self.g = float(i[8:])
if self.g <= 0: raise Exception("letters must be positive")
def isValid(self):
return self.t != -1 and self.e != -1 and self.g != -1
def validate(self):
if self.t == -1: raise Exception("I need a header line with t=")
if self.e == -1: raise Exception("I need a header line with e=")
if self.g == -1: raise Exception("I need a header line with letters=")
def printAlignmentWithMismapProb(alignment, prob, suf):
lines = alignment[4]
qName = alignment[5]
if qName.endswith("/1") or qName.endswith("/2"): suf = ""
p = "%.3g" % prob
if len(lines) == 1: # we have tabular format
w = lines[0].split()
w[6] += suf
print "\t".join(w)
else: # we have MAF format
print lines[0].rstrip() + " mismap=" + p
pad = " " * len(suf) # spacer to keep the alignment of MAF lines
rNameEnd = len(alignment[0]) + 1 # where to insert the spacer
qNameEnd = len(qName) + 2 # where to insert the suffix
s = 0
for i in lines[1:]:
if i[0] in "sq":
if i[0] == "s": s += 1
if s == 1: print i[:rNameEnd] + pad + i[rNameEnd:],
else: print i[:qNameEnd] + suf + i[qNameEnd:],
elif i[0] == "p": print i[:1] + pad + i[1:]
else: print i,
print # each MAF block should end with a blank line
def headToHeadDistance(alignment1, alignment2):
"""The 5'-to-5' distance between 2 alignments on opposite strands."""
length = alignment1[1] + alignment2[1]
if length > alignment1[2]: length -= alignment1[2] # for circular chroms
return length
def conjointScores(aln1, alns2, fraglen, inner, isRna):
for i in alns2:
length = headToHeadDistance(aln1, i)
if isRna: # use a log-normal distribution
if length <= 0: continue
loglen = math.log(length)
yield i[3] + inner * (loglen - fraglen) ** 2 - loglen
else: # use a normal distribution
if (length > 0) != (fraglen > 0): continue # ?
yield i[3] + inner * (length - fraglen) ** 2
def probForEachAlignment(alignments1, alignments2, opts):
x = opts.disjointScore + logSumExp(i[3] for i in alignments2)
fraglen = opts.fraglen
outer = opts.outer
inner = opts.inner
isRna = opts.rna
groups2 = itertools.groupby(alignments2, operator.itemgetter(0))
genomeStrand2 = " " # assume this is < any genomeStrand1
for aln1 in alignments1:
genomeStrand1 = aln1[0]
# get the items in alignments2 that have the same genomeStrand:
if genomeStrand2 < genomeStrand1:
for genomeStrand2, alns2 in groups2:
if genomeStrand2 >= genomeStrand1:
alns2 = list(alns2)
genomeStrand2 = "~" # assume this is > any genomeStrand1
if genomeStrand1 == genomeStrand2:
y = outer + logSumExp(conjointScores(aln1, alns2, fraglen, inner, isRna))
yield aln1[3] + logSumExp((x, y))
else: # no items in alignments2 have the same genomeStrand
yield aln1[3] + x
def printAlnsForOneRead(alignments1, alignments2, opts, maxMissingScore, suf):
if alignments2:
zs = list(probForEachAlignment(alignments1, alignments2, opts))
w = maxMissingScore + max(i[3] for i in alignments2)
zs = [i[3] + opts.disjointScore for i in alignments1]
w = maxMissingScore
z = logSumExp(zs)
zw = logSumExp((z, w))
for i, j in itertools.izip(alignments1, zs):
prob = 1 - math.exp(j - zw)
if prob <= opts.mismap: printAlignmentWithMismapProb(i, prob, suf)
def unambiguousFragmentLength(alignments1, alignments2):
"""Returns the fragment length implied by alignments of a pair of reads."""
old = None
for i, j in joinby(alignments1, alignments2, operator.itemgetter(0)):
new = headToHeadDistance(i, j)
if old is None: old = new
elif new != old: return None # the fragment length is ambiguous
return old
def unambiguousFragmentLengths(queryPairs):
for i, j in queryPairs:
length = unambiguousFragmentLength(i, j)
if length is not None: yield length
def readHeaderOrDie(lines):
params = AlignmentParameters()
for line in lines:
if line[0] == "#":
if params.isValid():
return params
elif not line.isspace():
params.validate() # die
def parseAlignment(score, rName, rStart, rSpan, rSize, qName, qStrand, text,
strand, scale, circularChroms):
if qStrand == strand: genomeStrand = rName + "+"
else: genomeStrand = rName + "-"
rStart = int(rStart)
rSize = int(rSize)
if qStrand == "+":
c = -rStart
c = rStart + int(rSpan)
if rName in circularChroms or "." in circularChroms: c += rSize
scaledScore = float(score) / scale # needed in 2nd pass
return genomeStrand, c, rSize, scaledScore, text, qName
def parseMafScore(aLine):
for i in aLine.split():
if i.startswith("score="): return i[6:]
raise Exception("missing score")
def parseMaf(lines, strand, scale, circularChroms):
score = parseMafScore(lines[0])
r, q = [i.split() for i in lines if i[0] == "s"]
return parseAlignment(score, r[1], r[2], r[3], r[5], q[1], q[4], lines,
strand, scale, circularChroms)
def parseTab(line, strand, scale, circularChroms):
w = line.split()
return parseAlignment(w[0], w[1], w[2], w[3], w[5], w[6], w[9], [line],
strand, scale, circularChroms)
def readBatches(lines, strand, scale, circularChroms):
"""Yields alignment data from MAF or tabular format."""
alns = []
maf = []
for line in lines:
if line[0].isdigit():
alns.append(parseTab(line, strand, scale, circularChroms))
elif line[0].isalpha():
elif line.isspace():
if maf: alns.append(parseMaf(maf, strand, scale, circularChroms))
maf = []
elif line.startswith("# batch "):
if maf: alns.append(parseMaf(maf, strand, scale, circularChroms))
maf = []
yield alns # might be empty
alns = []
if maf: alns.append(parseMaf(maf, strand, scale, circularChroms))
yield alns # might be empty
def readQueryPairs(in1, in2, scale1, scale2, circularChroms):
batches1 = readBatches(in1, "+", scale1, circularChroms)
batches2 = readBatches(in2, "-", scale2, circularChroms)
for i, j in itertools.izip(batches1, batches2):
yield i, j
def myRound(myFloat):
"""Round a real number to a moderate amount of significant figures."""
return float("%g" % myFloat)
def estimateFragmentLengthDistribution(lengths, opts):
if not lengths:
raise Exception("can't estimate the distribution of distances")
# Define quartiles in the most naive way possible:
sampleSize = len(lengths)
quartile1 = lengths[sampleSize // 4]
quartile2 = lengths[sampleSize // 2]
quartile3 = lengths[sampleSize * 3 // 4]
warn("distance sample size:", sampleSize)
warn("distance quartiles:", quartile1, quartile2, quartile3)
if opts.rna and quartile1 <= 0:
raise Exception("too many distances <= 0")
if opts.rna: thing = "ln[distance]"
else: thing = "distance"
if opts.fraglen is None:
if opts.rna: opts.fraglen = myRound(math.log(quartile2))
else: opts.fraglen = float(quartile2)
warn("estimated mean %s: %s" % (thing, opts.fraglen))
if opts.sdev is None:
if opts.rna: iqr = math.log(quartile3) - math.log(quartile1)
else: iqr = quartile3 - quartile1
# Normal Distribution: sdev = iqr / (2 * qnorm(0.75))
opts.sdev = myRound(iqr / 1.34898)
warn("estimated standard deviation of %s: %s" % (thing, opts.sdev))
def safeLog(x):
if x == 0: return -1e99
else: return math.log(x)
def calculateScorePieces(opts, params1, params2):
if opts.sdev == 0:
if opts.rna: opts.outer = opts.fraglen
else: opts.outer = 0.0
opts.inner = -1e99
else: # parameters for a Normal Distribution (of fragment lengths):
opts.outer = -math.log(opts.sdev * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi))
opts.inner = -1.0 / (2 * opts.sdev ** 2)
opts.outer += safeLog(1 - opts.disjoint)
if params1.g != params2.g: raise Exception("unequal genome sizes")
# Multiply genome size by 2, because it has 2 strands:
opts.disjointScore = safeLog(opts.disjoint) - math.log(params1.g * 2)
# Max possible influence of an alignment just below the score threshold:
maxLogPrior = opts.outer
if opts.rna: maxLogPrior += opts.sdev ** 2 / 2 - opts.fraglen
opts.maxMissingScore1 = (params1.e - 1) / params1.t + maxLogPrior
opts.maxMissingScore2 = (params2.e - 1) / params2.t + maxLogPrior
def lastPairProbs(opts, args):
fileName1, fileName2 = args
if opts.fraglen is None or opts.sdev is None:
in1 = open(fileName1)
in2 = open(fileName2)
qp = readQueryPairs(in1, in2, 1, 1, opts.circular)
lengths = list(unambiguousFragmentLengths(qp))
estimateFragmentLengthDistribution(lengths, opts)
if not opts.estdist:
in1 = open(fileName1)
in2 = open(fileName2)
params1 = readHeaderOrDie(in1)
params2 = readHeaderOrDie(in2)
calculateScorePieces(opts, params1, params2)
printme = opts.fraglen, opts.sdev, opts.disjoint, params1.g
print "# fraglen=%s sdev=%s disjoint=%s genome=%.17g" % printme
qp = readQueryPairs(in1, in2, params1.t, params2.t, opts.circular)
for i, j in qp:
printAlnsForOneRead(i, j, opts, opts.maxMissingScore1, "/1")
printAlnsForOneRead(j, i, opts, opts.maxMissingScore2, "/2")
if __name__ == "__main__":
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) # avoid silly error message
usage = """
%prog --help
%prog [options] alignments1 alignments2"""
description = "Read alignments of paired DNA reads to a genome, and: (1) estimate the distribution of distances between paired reads, (2) estimate the probability that each alignment represents the genomic source of the read."
op = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
op.add_option("-r", "--rna", action="store_true", help=
"assume the reads are from potentially-spliced RNA")
op.add_option("-e", "--estdist", action="store_true",
help="just estimate the distribution of distances")
op.add_option("-m", "--mismap", type="float", default=0.01, metavar="M",
help="don't write alignments with mismap probability > M (default: %default)")
op.add_option("-f", "--fraglen", type="float", metavar="BP",
help="mean distance in bp")
op.add_option("-s", "--sdev", type="float", metavar="BP",
help="standard deviation of distance")
op.add_option("-d", "--disjoint", type="float",
metavar="PROB", help=
"prior probability of disjoint mapping (default: 0.02 if -r, else 0.01)")
op.add_option("-c", "--circular", action="append", metavar="CHROM",
help="specifies that chromosome CHROM is circular (default: chrM)")
(opts, args) = op.parse_args()
if opts.disjoint is None:
if opts.rna: opts.disjoint = 0.02
else: opts.disjoint = 0.01
if opts.disjoint < 0: op.error("option -d: should be >= 0")
if opts.disjoint > 1: op.error("option -d: should be <= 1")
if opts.sdev and opts.sdev < 0: op.error("option -s: should be >= 0")
if len(args) != 2: op.error("please give me two file names")
if opts.circular is None: opts.circular = ["chrM"]
try: lastPairProbs(opts, args)
except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # avoid silly error message
except Exception, e:
warn("error:", e)