/usr/include/freefoam/chemistryModel/EulerImplicit.C is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
\\/ M anipulation |
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#include "EulerImplicit.H"
#include <OpenFOAM/addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/simpleMatrix.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
Foam::EulerImplicit<CompType, ThermoType>::EulerImplicit
ODEChemistryModel<CompType, ThermoType>& model,
const word& modelName
chemistrySolver<CompType, ThermoType>(model, modelName),
coeffsDict_(model.subDict(modelName + "Coeffs")),
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
Foam::EulerImplicit<CompType, ThermoType>::~EulerImplicit()
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
template<class CompType, class ThermoType>
Foam::scalar Foam::EulerImplicit<CompType, ThermoType>::solve
scalarField &c,
const scalar T,
const scalar p,
const scalar t0,
const scalar dt
) const
scalar pf, cf, pr, cr;
label lRef, rRef;
label nSpecie = this->model_.nSpecie();
simpleMatrix<scalar> RR(nSpecie, 0.0, 0.0);
for (label i=0; i<nSpecie; i++)
c[i] = max(0.0, c[i]);
for (label i=0; i<nSpecie; i++)
RR.source()[i] = c[i]/dt;
for (label i=0; i<this->model_.reactions().size(); i++)
const Reaction<ThermoType>& R = this->model_.reactions()[i];
scalar omegai = this->model_.omega
R, c, T, p, pf, cf, lRef, pr, cr, rRef
scalar corr = 1.0;
if (equil_)
if (omegai<0.0)
corr = 1.0/(1.0 + pr*dt);
corr = 1.0/(1.0 + pf*dt);
for (label s=0; s<R.lhs().size(); s++)
label si = R.lhs()[s].index;
scalar sl = R.lhs()[s].stoichCoeff;
RR[si][rRef] -= sl*pr*corr;
RR[si][lRef] += sl*pf*corr;
for (label s=0; s<R.rhs().size(); s++)
label si = R.rhs()[s].index;
scalar sr = R.rhs()[s].stoichCoeff;
RR[si][lRef] -= sr*pf*corr;
RR[si][rRef] += sr*pr*corr;
} // end for(label i...
for (label i=0; i<nSpecie; i++)
RR[i][i] += 1.0/dt;
c = RR.LUsolve();
for (label i=0; i<nSpecie; i++)
c[i] = max(0.0, c[i]);
// estimate the next time step
scalar tMin = GREAT;
label nEqns = this->model_.nEqns();
scalarField c1(nEqns, 0.0);
for (label i=0; i<nSpecie; i++)
c1[i] = c[i];
c1[nSpecie] = T;
c1[nSpecie+1] = p;
scalarField dcdt(nEqns, 0.0);
this->model_.derivatives(0.0, c1, dcdt);
scalar sumC = sum(c);
for (label i=0; i<nSpecie; i++)
scalar d = dcdt[i];
if (d < -SMALL)
tMin = min(tMin, -(c[i] + SMALL)/d);
d = max(d, SMALL);
scalar cm = max(sumC - c[i], 1.0e-5);
tMin = min(tMin, cm/d);
return cTauChem_*tMin;
// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //