/usr/include/freefoam/compressibleLESModels/LESModel.H is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
\\/ M anipulation |
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Namespace for compressible LES models.
Base class for all compressible flow LES SGS models.
This class defines the basic interface for a compressible flow SGS
model, and encapsulates data of value to all possible models.
In particular this includes references to all the dependent fields
(rho, U, phi), the physical viscosity mu, and the LESProperties
dictionary, which contains the model selection and model coefficients.
#ifndef compressibleLESModel_H
#define compressibleLESModel_H
#include <compressibleTurbulenceModel/turbulenceModel.H>
#include <LESdeltas/LESdelta.H>
#include <finiteVolume/fvm.H>
#include <finiteVolume/fvc.H>
#include <finiteVolume/fvMatrices.H>
#include <basicThermophysicalModels/basicThermo.H>
#include <finiteVolume/bound.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/autoPtr.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/runTimeSelectionTables.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
namespace compressible
Class LESModel Declaration
class LESModel
public turbulenceModel,
public IOdictionary
// Protected data
Switch printCoeffs_;
dictionary coeffDict_;
dimensionedScalar k0_;
autoPtr<LESdelta> delta_;
// Protected Member Functions
//- Print model coefficients
virtual void printCoeffs();
// Private Member Functions
//- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
LESModel(const LESModel&);
//- Disallow default bitwise assignment
LESModel& operator=(const LESModel&);
//- Runtime type information
// Declare run-time constructor selection table
const volScalarField& rho,
const volVectorField& U,
const surfaceScalarField& phi,
const basicThermo& thermoPhysicalModel
(rho, U, phi, thermoPhysicalModel)
// Constructors
//- Construct from components
const word& type,
const volScalarField& rho,
const volVectorField& U,
const surfaceScalarField& phi,
const basicThermo& thermoPhysicalModel
// Selectors
//- Return a reference to the selected LES model
static autoPtr<LESModel> New
const volScalarField& rho,
const volVectorField& U,
const surfaceScalarField& phi,
const basicThermo& thermoPhysicalModel
//- Destructor
virtual ~LESModel()
// Member Functions
// Access
//- Const access to the coefficients dictionary,
// which provides info. about choice of models,
// and all related data (particularly model coefficients).
inline const dictionary& coeffDict() const
return coeffDict_;
//- Return the value of k0 which k is not allowed to be less than
const dimensionedScalar& k0() const
return k0_;
//- Allow k0 to be changed
dimensionedScalar& k0()
return k0_;
//- Access function to filter width
inline const volScalarField& delta() const
return delta_();
//- Return the SGS turbulent kinetic energy.
virtual tmp<volScalarField> k() const = 0;
//- Return the SGS turbulent dissipation.
virtual tmp<volScalarField> epsilon() const = 0;
//- Return the SGS turbulent viscosity
virtual tmp<volScalarField> muSgs() const = 0;
//- Return the effective viscosity
virtual tmp<volScalarField> muEff() const
return tmp<volScalarField>
new volScalarField("muEff", muSgs() + mu())
//- Return the SGS turbulent thermal diffusivity
virtual tmp<volScalarField> alphaSgs() const = 0;
//- Return the SGS thermal conductivity.
virtual tmp<volScalarField> alphaEff() const = 0;
//- Return the sub-grid stress tensor.
virtual tmp<volSymmTensorField> B() const = 0;
//- Return the deviatoric part of the effective sub-grid
// turbulence stress tensor including the laminar stress
virtual tmp<volSymmTensorField> devRhoBeff() const = 0;
//- Returns div(rho*dev(B)).
// This is the additional term due to the filtering of the NSE.
virtual tmp<fvVectorMatrix> divDevRhoBeff(volVectorField& U) const = 0;
// RAS compatibility functions for the turbulenceModel base class
//- Return the turbulence viscosity
virtual tmp<volScalarField> mut() const
return muSgs();
//- Return the turbulence thermal diffusivity
virtual tmp<volScalarField> alphat() const
return alphaSgs();
//- Return the Reynolds stress tensor
virtual tmp<volSymmTensorField> R() const
return B();
//- Return the effective stress tensor including the laminar stress
virtual tmp<volSymmTensorField> devRhoReff() const
return devRhoBeff();
//- Return the source term for the momentum equation
virtual tmp<fvVectorMatrix> divDevRhoReff(volVectorField& U) const
return divDevRhoBeff(U);
//- Correct Eddy-Viscosity and related properties.
// This calls correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU) by supplying
// gradU calculated locally.
void correct();
//- Correct Eddy-Viscosity and related properties
virtual void correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU);
//- Read LESProperties dictionary
virtual bool read() = 0;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace compressible
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
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