/usr/include/freefoam/dynamicMesh/boundaryMesh.H is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
\\/ M anipulation |
This file is part of OpenFOAM.
OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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Addressing for all faces on surface of mesh. Can either be read
from polyMesh or from triSurface. Used for repatching existing meshes.
#ifndef boundaryMesh_H
#define boundaryMesh_H
#include "bMesh.H"
#include <dynamicMesh/boundaryPatch.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/PrimitivePatch_.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/PtrList.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/polyPatchList.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/className.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
// Forward declaration of classes
class Time;
class polyMesh;
class primitiveMesh;
Class boundaryMesh Declaration
class boundaryMesh
// Static data
//- Normal along which to divide faces into categories
// (used in getNearest)
static const vector splitNormal_;
//- Distance to face tolerance for getNearest. Triangles are considered
// near if they are nearer than distanceTol_*typDim where typDim is
// the largest distance from face centre to one of its vertices.
static const scalar distanceTol_;
// Private data
//- All boundary mesh data. Reconstructed every time faces are repatched
bMesh* meshPtr_;
//- Patches. Reconstructed every time faces are repatched.
PtrList<boundaryPatch> patches_;
//- For every face in mesh() gives corresponding polyMesh face
// (not sensible if mesh read from triSurface)
labelList meshFace_;
// Edge handling
//- points referenced by feature edges.
pointField featurePoints_;
//- feature edges. Indices into featurePoints.
edgeList featureEdges_;
//- from feature edge to mesh edge.
labelList featureToEdge_;
//- from mesh edges to featureEdges_;
labelList edgeToFeature_;
//- Feature 'segments'. Collections of connected featureEdges.
// Indices into featureEdges_.
labelListList featureSegments_;
//- Additional edges (indices of mesh edges)
labelList extraEdges_;
// Private Member Functions
//- Number of connected feature edges.
label nFeatureEdges(label pointI) const;
//- Step to next feature edge
label nextFeatureEdge(const label edgeI, const label vertI) const;
//- Return connected list of feature edges.
labelList collectSegment
const boolList& isFeaturePoint,
const label startEdgeI,
boolList& featVisited
) const;
//- Do point-edge walk to determine nearest (to edgeI). Stops if
// distance >= maxDistance. Used to determine edges close to seed
// point.
void markEdges
const label maxDistance,
const label edgeI,
const label distance,
labelList& minDistance,
DynamicList<label>& visited
) const;
//- Get index of polypatch by name
label findPatchID(const polyPatchList&, const word&) const;
//- Get index of patch for face
label whichPatch(const polyPatchList&, const label) const;
//- Gets labels of changed faces and propagates them to the edges.
// Returns labels of edges changed. Fills edgeRegion of visited edges
// with current region.
labelList faceToEdge
const boolList& regionEdge,
const label region,
const labelList& changedFaces,
labelList& edgeRegion
) const;
//- Reverse of faceToEdge: gets edges and returns faces
labelList edgeToFace
const label region,
const labelList& changedEdges,
labelList& faceRegion
) const;
//- Finds area, starting at faceI, delimited by borderEdge. Marks all
// faces thus visited with currentZone.
void markZone
const boolList& borderEdge,
label faceI,
label currentZone,
labelList& faceZone
) const;
//- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
boundaryMesh(const boundaryMesh&);
//- Disallow default bitwise assignment
void operator=(const boundaryMesh&);
//- Runtime type information
// Constructors
//- Construct null
// Destructor
void clearOut();
// Member Functions
// Access
const bMesh& mesh() const
if (!meshPtr_)
<< "No mesh available. Probably mesh not yet"
<< " read." << abort(FatalError);
return *meshPtr_;
const PtrList<boundaryPatch>& patches() const
return patches_;
//- Label of original face in polyMesh (before patchify(...))
const labelList& meshFace() const
return meshFace_;
//- Feature points.
const pointField& featurePoints() const
return featurePoints_;
//- Feature edges. Indices into featurePoints.
const edgeList& featureEdges() const
return featureEdges_;
//- From index into featureEdge to index into meshedges,
const labelList& featureToEdge() const
return featureToEdge_;
//- From edge into featureEdges
const labelList& edgeToFeature() const
return edgeToFeature_;
//- Lists of connected featureEdges. Indices into featureEdges.
const labelListList& featureSegments() const
return featureSegments_;
//- Indices into edges of additional edges.
const labelList& extraEdges() const
return extraEdges_;
// Edit
//- Read from boundaryMesh of polyMesh.
void read(const polyMesh&);
//- Read from triSurface
void readTriSurface(const fileName&);
//- Write to file.
void writeTriSurface(const fileName&) const;
//- Get bMesh index of nearest face for every boundary face in
// pMesh. Gets passed initial search box. If not found
// returns -1 for the face.
labelList getNearest
const primitiveMesh& pMesh,
const vector& searchSpan
) const;
//- Take over patches onto polyMesh from nearest face in *this
// (from call to getNearest). Insert as
// -new set of patches (newMesh.addPatches)
// -topoChanges to change faces.
// nearest is list of nearest face in *this for every boundary
// face. oldPatches is list of existing patches in mesh.
// newMesh is the mesh to which the new patches are added.
// (so has to be constructed without patches).
void patchify
const labelList& nearest,
const polyBoundaryMesh& oldPatches,
polyMesh& newMesh
) const;
// Patches
//- Get index of patch face is in
label whichPatch(const label faceI) const;
//- Get index of patch by name
label findPatchID(const word& patchName) const;
//- Get names of patches
wordList patchNames() const;
//- Add to back of patch list.
void addPatch(const word& patchName);
//- Delete from patch list.
void deletePatch(const word& patchName);
//- Change patch.
void changePatchType(const word& patchName, const word& type);
//- Recalculate face ordering and patches. Return old to new
// mapping.
void changeFaces(const labelList& patchIDs, labelList& oldToNew);
// Edges
//- Set featureEdges, edgeToFeature, featureSegments according
// to angle of faces across edge
void setFeatureEdges(const scalar minCos);
//- Set extraEdges to edges 'near' to edgeI. Uses point-edge walk
// to determine 'near'.
void setExtraEdges(const label edgeI);
// Faces
//- Simple triangulation of face subset. Returns number of triangles
// needed.
label getNTris(const label faceI) const;
//- Simple triangulation of face subset. TotalNTris is total number
// of triangles, nTris is per face number of triangles.
label getNTris
const label startFaceI,
const label nFaces,
labelList& nTris
) const;
//- Simple triangulation of face subset. TotalNTris is total number
// of triangles (from call to getNTris)
// triVerts is triangle vertices, three per triangle.
void triangulate
const label startFaceI,
const label nFaces,
const label totalNTris,
labelList& triVerts
) const;
//- Number of points used in face subset.
label getNPoints(const label startFaceI, const label nFaces) const;
//- Same as triangulate but in local vertex numbering.
// (Map returned).
void triangulateLocal
const label startFaceI,
const label nFaces,
const label totalNTris,
labelList& triVerts,
labelList& localToGlobal
) const;
// Other
// Flood filling without crossing protected edges.
void markFaces
const labelList& protectedEdges,
const label faceI,
boolList& visited
) const;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
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