/usr/include/freefoam/dynamicMesh/hexRef8.H is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
\\/ M anipulation |
This file is part of OpenFOAM.
OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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Refinement of (split) hexes using polyTopoChange.
#ifndef hexRef8_H
#define hexRef8_H
#include <OpenFOAM/labelIOList.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/face.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/HashSet.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/DynamicList.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/primitivePatch.H>
#include "removeFaces.H"
#include "refinementHistory.H"
#include <OpenFOAM/PackedBoolList.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
// Forward declaration of classes
class polyMesh;
class polyPatch;
class polyTopoChange;
class mapPolyMesh;
class mapDistributePolyMesh;
Class hexRef8 Declaration
class hexRef8
// Private data
//- Reference to underlying mesh.
const polyMesh& mesh_;
//- Per cell the refinement level
labelIOList cellLevel_;
//- Per point the refinement level
labelIOList pointLevel_;
//- Typical edge length between unrefined points
const scalar level0Edge_;
//- Refinement history
refinementHistory history_;
//- Face remover engine
removeFaces faceRemover_;
//- Level of saved points
Map<label> savedPointLevel_;
//- Level of saved cells
Map<label> savedCellLevel_;
// Private Member Functions
//- Reorder according to map.
static void reorder
const labelList& map,
const label len,
const label null,
labelList& elems
//- Get patch and zone info
void getFaceInfo
const label faceI,
label& patchID,
label& zoneID,
label& zoneFlip
) const;
//- Adds a face on top of existing faceI. Reverses if nessecary.
label addFace
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
const label faceI,
const face& newFace,
const label own,
const label nei
) const;
//- Adds internal face from point. No checks on reversal.
label addInternalFace
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
const label meshFaceI,
const label meshPointI,
const face& newFace,
const label own,
const label nei
) const;
//- Modifies existing faceI for either new owner/neighbour or new face
// points. Reverses if nessecary.
void modFace
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
const label faceI,
const face& newFace,
const label own,
const label nei
) const;
scalar getLevel0EdgeLength() const;
//- Get cell added to point of cellI (if any)
label getAnchorCell
const labelListList& cellAnchorPoints,
const labelListList& cellAddedCells,
const label cellI,
const label faceI,
const label pointI
) const;
//- Get new owner and neighbour (in unspecified order) of pointI
// on faceI.
void getFaceNeighbours
const labelListList& cellAnchorPoints,
const labelListList& cellAddedCells,
const label faceI,
const label pointI,
label& own,
label& nei
) const;
//- Get index of minimum pointlevel.
label findMinLevel(const labelList& f) const;
//- Get maximum pointlevel.
label findMaxLevel(const labelList& f) const;
//- Count number of vertices <= anchorLevel
label countAnchors(const labelList&, const label) const;
//- Debugging: dump cell as .obj file
void dumpCell(const label cellI) const;
//- Find index of point with wantedLevel, starting from fp.
label findLevel
const label faceI,
const face& f,
const label startFp,
const bool searchForward,
const label wantedLevel
) const;
////- Print levels of list of points.
//void printLevels(Ostream&, const labelList&) const;
//- debug:check orientation of added internal face
static void checkInternalOrientation
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
const label cellI,
const label faceI,
const point& ownPt,
const point& neiPt,
const face& newFace
//- debug:check orientation of new boundary face
static void checkBoundaryOrientation
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
const label cellI,
const label faceI,
const point& ownPt,
const point& boundaryPt,
const face& newFace
//- If p0 and p1 are existing vertices check if edge is split and insert
// splitPoint.
void insertEdgeSplit
const labelList& edgeMidPoint,
const label p0,
const label p1,
DynamicList<label>& verts
) const;
//- Store in maps correspondence from midpoint to anchors and faces.
label storeMidPointInfo
const labelListList& cellAnchorPoints,
const labelListList& cellAddedCells,
const labelList& cellMidPoint,
const labelList& edgeMidPoint,
const label cellI,
const label faceI,
const bool faceOrder,
const label midPointI,
const label anchorPointI,
const label faceMidPointI,
Map<edge>& midPointToAnchors,
Map<edge>& midPointToFaceMids,
polyTopoChange& meshMod
) const;
//- Create all internal faces from an unsplit face.
void createInternalFromSplitFace
const labelListList& cellAnchorPoints,
const labelListList& cellAddedCells,
const labelList& cellMidPoint,
const labelList& faceMidPoint,
const labelList& edgeMidPoint,
const label cellI,
const label faceI,
Map<edge>& midPointToAnchors,
Map<edge>& midPointToFaceMids,
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
label& nFacesAdded
) const;
//- Create all internal faces to split cellI into 8.
void createInternalFaces
const labelListList& cellAnchorPoints,
const labelListList& cellAddedCells,
const labelList& cellMidPoint,
const labelList& faceMidPoint,
const labelList& faceAnchorLevel,
const labelList& edgeMidPoint,
const label cellI,
polyTopoChange& meshMod
) const;
//- Store vertices from startFp upto face split point.
// Used when splitting face into 4.
void walkFaceToMid
const labelList& edgeMidPoint,
const label cLevel,
const label faceI,
const label startFp,
DynamicList<label>& faceVerts
) const;
//- Same as walkFaceToMid but now walk back.
void walkFaceFromMid
const labelList& edgeMidPoint,
const label cLevel,
const label faceI,
const label startFp,
DynamicList<label>& faceVerts
) const;
//- Updates refineCell so consistent 2:1 refinement. Returns local
// number of cells changed.
label faceConsistentRefinement
const bool maxSet,
PackedBoolList& refineCell
) const;
//- Check wanted refinement for 2:1 consistency
void checkWantedRefinementLevels(const labelList&) const;
//- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
hexRef8(const hexRef8&);
//- Disallow default bitwise assignment
void operator=(const hexRef8&);
//- Runtime type information
// Constructors
//- Construct from mesh, read_if_present refinement data
// (from write below)
hexRef8(const polyMesh& mesh);
//- Construct from mesh and un/refinement data.
const polyMesh& mesh,
const labelList& cellLevel,
const labelList& pointLevel,
const refinementHistory& history
//- Construct from mesh and refinement data.
const polyMesh& mesh,
const labelList& cellLevel,
const labelList& pointLevel
// Member Functions
// Access
const labelIOList& cellLevel() const
return cellLevel_;
const labelIOList& pointLevel() const
return pointLevel_;
const refinementHistory& history() const
return history_;
//- Typical edge length between unrefined points
scalar level0EdgeLength() const
return level0Edge_;
// Refinement
//- Gets level such that the face has four points <= level.
label getAnchorLevel(const label faceI) const;
//- Given valid mesh and current cell level and proposed
// cells to refine calculate any clashes (due to 2:1) and return
// ok list of cells to refine.
// Either adds cells to refine to set (maxSet = true) or
// removes cells to refine (maxSet = false)
labelList consistentRefinement
const labelList& cellsToRefine,
const bool maxSet
) const;
//- Like consistentRefinement but slower:
// - specify number of cells between consecutive refinement levels
// (consistentRefinement equivalent to 1)
// - specify max level difference between point-connected cells.
// (-1 to disable) Note that with normal 2:1 limitation
// (maxFaceDiff=1) there can be 8:1 size difference across point
// connected cells so maxPointDiff allows you to make that less.
// cellsToRefine : cells we're thinking about refining. It will
// extend this set. All refinement levels will be
// at least maxFaceDiff layers thick.
// facesToCheck : additional faces where to implement the
// maxFaceDiff thickness (usually only boundary
// faces)
labelList consistentSlowRefinement
const label maxFaceDiff,
const labelList& cellsToRefine,
const labelList& facesToCheck,
const label maxPointDiff,
const labelList& pointsToCheck
) const;
//- Like consistentSlowRefinement but uses different meshWave
// (proper distance instead of toplogical count). No point checks
// yet.
labelList consistentSlowRefinement2
const label maxFaceDiff,
const labelList& cellsToRefine,
const labelList& facesToCheck
) const;
//- Insert refinement. All selected cells will be split into 8.
// Returns per element in cells the 8 cells they were split into.
// Guarantees that the 0th element is the original cell label.
// Mapping:
// -split cells: 7 new ones get added from original
// -split faces: original gets modified; 3 new ones get added
// from original
// -added internal faces: added from original cell face(if
// that was internal) or created out-of-nothing (so will not
// get mapped!). Note: could make this inflate from point but
// that will allocate interpolation.
// -points added to split edge: added from edge start()
// -midpoints added: added from cellPoints[0].
labelListList setRefinement
const labelList& cells,
//- Update local numbering for changed mesh.
void updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh&);
// Restoring : is where other processes delete and reinsert data.
// These callbacks allow this to restore the cellLevel
// and pointLevel for reintroduced points.
// Is not related to undoing my refinement
//- Signal points/face/cells for which to store data
void storeData
const labelList& pointsToStore,
const labelList& facesToStore,
const labelList& cellsToStore
//- Update local numbering + undo
// Data to restore given as new pointlabel + stored pointlabel
// (i.e. what was in pointsToStore)
void updateMesh
const mapPolyMesh&,
const Map<label>& pointsToRestore,
const Map<label>& facesToRestore,
const Map<label>& cellsToRestore
//- Update local numbering for subsetted mesh.
// Gets new-to-old maps. Not compatible with unrefinement.
void subset
const labelList& pointMap,
const labelList& faceMap,
const labelList& cellMap
//- Update local numbering for mesh redistribution
void distribute(const mapDistributePolyMesh&);
//- Debug: Check coupled mesh for correctness
void checkMesh() const;
//- Debug: Check 2:1 consistency across faces.
// maxPointDiff==-1 : only check 2:1 across faces
// maxPointDiff!=-1 : check point-connected cells.
void checkRefinementLevels
const label maxPointDiff,
const labelList& pointsToCheck
) const;
// Unrefinement (undoing refinement, not arbitrary coarsening)
//- Return the points at the centre of top-level split cells
// that can be unsplit.
labelList getSplitPoints() const;
//- Given proposed
// splitPoints to unrefine according to calculate any clashes
// (due to 2:1) and return ok list of points to unrefine.
// Either adds points to refine to set (maxSet = true) or
// removes points to refine (maxSet = false)
labelList consistentUnrefinement
const labelList& pointsToUnrefine,
const bool maxSet
) const;
//- Remove some refinement. Needs to be supplied output of
// consistentUnrefinement. Only call if undoable set.
// All 8 pointCells of a split point will be combined into
// the lowest numbered cell of those 8.
void setUnrefinement
const labelList& splitPointLabels,
// Write
// Set instance for mesh files
void setInstance(const fileName& inst);
//- Force writing refinement+history to polyMesh directory.
bool write() const;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //