/usr/include/freefoam/dynamicMesh/meshCutter.H is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
\\/ M anipulation |
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Cuts (splits) cells.
Description of cut is given as a loop of 'cuts' per cell (see cellCuts).
setRefinement() takes this cut description and inserts the nessecary
topoActions (add points/faces/cells) into the polyTopoChange.
Stores added cells/faces/points.
Cut description gives orientation to cut by calculating 'anchorPoints'.
The side of the cell that contains the anchorPoints is the master cell.
Likewise the cells' edges will have the split added as a duplicate of the
master (anchor) point.
Think of it as the cell with the anchor points at the bottom. Add a face
at the bottom to split the cell and then sweep this face up to be through
the middle of the cell (inflation).
-# Start:
cell with anchor points at bottom
| +
| +
| +
| +
| +
| +
| +
anchor anchor
-# Topo change:
splitface introduced at bottom of cell, introducing a new
cell and splitting the side faces into two.
| +
| +
| + <- addedCell
| +
| +
| +
+-------+ <- splitFace
+-------+ <- original cell
anchor anchor
-# Inflation:
splitface shifted up to middle of cell (or wherever cut was)
| +
| + <- addedCell
| +
+-------+ <- splitFace
| +
| + <- original cell
| +
anchor anchor
Anyway this was the original idea. Inflation was meant to handle
conservative properties distribution without interpolation.
(just face sweeping through space). But problem was that
only if the introduced splitface was exactly the same shape as bottom face
(so same 2D topo or perfectly flat) the volume between them was 0.
This meshCutting still uses anchorPoints though:
- the master cell is the one without the anchor points. The added cell
(on top of the splitFace) is the with.
- the splitFace is owned by the master cell (since it has the lower number)
- the side faces get split and get either the original cell as neighbour
or the added cell (if the faces contain the cell anchor points)
#ifndef meshCutter_H
#define meshCutter_H
#include <dynamicMesh/edgeVertex.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/labelList.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/typeInfo.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/Map.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
// Forward declaration of classes
class Time;
class polyTopoChange;
class cellCuts;
class polyMesh;
class face;
Class meshCutter Declaration
class meshCutter
public edgeVertex
// Private data
//- Cells added in last setRefinement. Per splitcell label of added
// cell
Map<label> addedCells_;
//- Faces added in last setRefinement. Per split cell label of added
// face
Map<label> addedFaces_;
//- Points added in last setRefinement. Per split edge label of added
// point
HashTable<label, edge, Hash<edge> > addedPoints_;
// Private Static Functions
//- Do list 1 and 2 share elements?
static bool uses(const labelList& elems1, const labelList& elems2);
//- Do the elements of edge appear in consecutive order in the list
static bool isIn(const edge&, const labelList&);
// Private Member Functions
//- Returns -1 or the cell in cellLabels that is cut.
label findCutCell(const cellCuts&, const labelList&) const;
//- Returns first pointI in pointLabels that uses an internal
// face. Used to find point to inflate cell/face from (has to be
// connected to internal face)
label findInternalFacePoint(const labelList& pointLabels) const;
//- Get new owner and neighbour of face. Checks anchor points to see if
// need to get original or added cell.
void faceCells
const cellCuts& cuts,
const label faceI,
label& own,
label& nei
) const;
//- Get patch information for face.
void getFaceInfo
const label faceI,
label& patchID,
label& zoneID,
label& zoneFlip
) const;
//- Adds a face on top of existing faceI. Flips face
// if owner>neighbour
void addFace
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
const label faceI,
const face& newFace,
const label owner,
const label neighbour
//- Modifies existing faceI for either new owner/neighbour or
// new face points. Checks if anything changed and flips face
// if owner>neighbour
void modFace
polyTopoChange& meshMod,
const label faceI,
const face& newFace,
const label owner,
const label neighbour
// Copies face starting from startFp. Jumps cuts. Marks visited
// vertices in visited.
void copyFace
const face& f,
const label startFp,
const label endFp,
face& newFace
) const;
//- Split face along cut into two faces. Faces are in same point
// order as original face (i.e. maintain normal direction)
void splitFace
const face& f,
const label v0,
const label v1,
face& f0,
face& f1
) const;
//- Add cuts of edges to face
face addEdgeCutsToFace(const label faceI) const;
//- Convert loop of cuts into face.
face loopToFace
const label cellI,
const labelList& loop
) const;
//- Get elements of cell.
void getFacesEdgesPoints
const label cellI,
labelHashSet& faces,
labelHashSet& edges,
labelHashSet& points
) const;
//- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
meshCutter(const meshCutter&);
//- Disallow default bitwise assignment
void operator=(const meshCutter&);
//- Runtime type information
// Constructors
//- Construct from mesh
meshCutter(const polyMesh& mesh);
// Destructor
// Member Functions
// Edit
//- Do actual cutting with cut description. Inserts mesh changes
// into meshMod.
void setRefinement(const cellCuts& cuts, polyTopoChange& meshMod);
//- Force recalculation of locally stored data on topological change
void updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh&);
// Access
//- Cells added. Per split cell label of added cell
const Map<label>& addedCells() const
return addedCells_;
//- Faces added. Per split cell label of added face
const Map<label>& addedFaces() const
return addedFaces_;
//- Points added. Per split edge label of added point
const HashTable<label, edge, Hash<edge> >& addedPoints() const
return addedPoints_;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
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