/usr/include/freefoam/dynamicMesh/slidingInterface.H is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
\\/ M anipulation |
This file is part of OpenFOAM.
OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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Sliding interface mesh modifier. Given two face zones, couple the
master and slave side using a cutting procedure.
The coupled faces are collected into the "coupled" zone and can become
either internal or placed into a master and slave coupled zone. The
remaining faces (uncovered master or slave) are placed into the master
and slave patch.
The definition of the sliding interface can be either integral or partial.
Integral interface implies that the slave side completely covers
the master (i.e. no faces are uncovered); partial interface
implies that the uncovered part of master/slave face zone should
become boundary faces.
#ifndef slidingInterface_H
#define slidingInterface_H
#include <dynamicMesh/polyMeshModifier.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/primitiveFacePatch.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/polyPatchID.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/ZoneIDs.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/intersection.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/Pair.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
// Forward declaration of classes
class objectHit;
Class slidingInterface Declaration
class slidingInterface
public polyMeshModifier
// Public enumerations
//- Type of match
enum typeOfMatch
//- Direction names
static const NamedEnum<typeOfMatch, 2> typeOfMatchNames_;
// Private data
//- Master face zone ID
faceZoneID masterFaceZoneID_;
//- Slave face zone ID
faceZoneID slaveFaceZoneID_;
//- Cut point zone ID
pointZoneID cutPointZoneID_;
//- Cut face zone ID
faceZoneID cutFaceZoneID_;
//- Master patch ID
polyPatchID masterPatchID_;
//- Slave patch ID
polyPatchID slavePatchID_;
//- Type of match
const typeOfMatch matchType_;
//- Couple-decouple operation.
// If the interface is coupled, decouple it and vice versa.
// Used in conjuction with automatic mesh motion
mutable Switch coupleDecouple_;
//- State of the modifier
mutable Switch attached_;
//- Point projection algorithm
intersection::algorithm projectionAlgo_;
//- Trigger topological change
mutable bool trigger_;
// Tolerances. Initialised to static ones below.
//- Point merge tolerance
scalar pointMergeTol_;
//- Edge merge tolerance
scalar edgeMergeTol_;
//- Estimated number of faces an edge goes through
label nFacesPerSlaveEdge_;
//- Edge-face interaction escape limit
label edgeFaceEscapeLimit_;
//- Integral match point adjustment tolerance
scalar integralAdjTol_;
//- Edge intersection master catch fraction
scalar edgeMasterCatchFraction_;
//- Edge intersection co-planar tolerance
scalar edgeCoPlanarTol_;
//- Edge end cut-off tolerance
scalar edgeEndCutoffTol_;
// Private addressing data.
//- Cut face master face. Gives the index of face in master patch
// the cut face has been created from. For a slave-only face
// this will be -1
mutable labelList* cutFaceMasterPtr_;
//- Cut face slave face. Gives the index of face in slave patch
// the cut face has been created from. For a master-only face
// this will be -1
mutable labelList* cutFaceSlavePtr_;
//- Master zone faceCells
mutable labelList* masterFaceCellsPtr_;
//- Slave zone faceCells
mutable labelList* slaveFaceCellsPtr_;
//- Master stick-out faces
mutable labelList* masterStickOutFacesPtr_;
//- Slave stick-out faces
mutable labelList* slaveStickOutFacesPtr_;
//- Retired point mapping.
// For every retired slave side point, gives the label of the
// master point that replaces it
mutable Map<label>* retiredPointMapPtr_;
//- Cut edge pairs
// For cut points created by intersection two edges,
// store the master-slave edge pair used in creation
mutable Map<Pair<edge> >* cutPointEdgePairMapPtr_;
//- Slave point hit. The index of master point hit by the
// slave point in projection. For no point hit, set to -1
mutable labelList* slavePointPointHitsPtr_;
//- Slave edge hit. The index of master edge hit by the
// slave point in projection. For point or no edge hit, set to -1
mutable labelList* slavePointEdgeHitsPtr_;
//- Slave face hit. The index of master face hit by the
// slave point in projection.
mutable List<objectHit>* slavePointFaceHitsPtr_;
//- Master point edge hit. The index of slave edge hit by
// a master point. For no hit set to -1
mutable labelList* masterPointEdgeHitsPtr_;
//- Projected slave points
mutable pointField* projectedSlavePointsPtr_;
// Private Member Functions
//- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
slidingInterface(const slidingInterface&);
//- Disallow default bitwise assignment
void operator=(const slidingInterface&);
//- Clear out
void clearOut() const;
//- Check validity of construction data
void checkDefinition();
//- Calculate attached addressing
void calcAttachedAddressing() const;
//- Calculate decoupled zone face-cell addressing
void renumberAttachedAddressing(const mapPolyMesh&) const;
//- Clear attached addressing
void clearAttachedAddressing() const;
// Topological changes
//- Master faceCells
const labelList& masterFaceCells() const;
//- Slave faceCells
const labelList& slaveFaceCells() const;
//- Master stick-out faces
const labelList& masterStickOutFaces() const;
//- Slave stick-out faces
const labelList& slaveStickOutFaces() const;
//- Retired point map
const Map<label>& retiredPointMap() const;
//- Cut point edge pair map
const Map<Pair<edge> >& cutPointEdgePairMap() const;
//- Clear addressing
void clearAddressing() const;
//- Project slave points and compare with the current projection.
// If the projection has changed, the sliding interface
// changes topologically
bool projectPoints() const;
//- Couple sliding interface
void coupleInterface(polyTopoChange& ref) const;
//- Clear projection
void clearPointProjection() const;
//- Clear old couple
void clearCouple(polyTopoChange& ref) const;
//- Decouple interface (returns it to decoupled state)
// Note: this should not be used in normal operation of the
// sliding mesh, but only to return the mesh to its
// original state
void decoupleInterface(polyTopoChange& ref) const;
// Static data members
//- Point merge tolerance
static const scalar pointMergeTolDefault_;
//- Edge merge tolerance
static const scalar edgeMergeTolDefault_;
//- Estimated number of faces an edge goes through
static const label nFacesPerSlaveEdgeDefault_;
//- Edge-face interaction escape limit
static const label edgeFaceEscapeLimitDefault_;
//- Integral match point adjustment tolerance
static const scalar integralAdjTolDefault_;
//- Edge intersection master catch fraction
static const scalar edgeMasterCatchFractionDefault_;
//- Edge intersection co-planar tolerance
static const scalar edgeCoPlanarTolDefault_;
//- Edge end cut-off tolerance
static const scalar edgeEndCutoffTolDefault_;
//- Runtime type information
// Constructors
//- Construct from components
const word& name,
const label index,
const polyTopoChanger& mme,
const word& masterFaceZoneName,
const word& slaveFaceZoneName,
const word& cutPointZoneName,
const word& cutFaceZoneName,
const word& masterPatchName,
const word& slavePatchName,
const typeOfMatch tom,
const bool coupleDecouple = false,
const intersection::algorithm algo = intersection::VISIBLE
//- Construct from dictionary
const word& name,
const dictionary& dict,
const label index,
const polyTopoChanger& mme
// Destructor
virtual ~slidingInterface();
// Member Functions
//- Return master face zone ID
const faceZoneID& masterFaceZoneID() const;
//- Return slave face zone ID
const faceZoneID& slaveFaceZoneID() const;
//- Return true if attached
bool attached() const
return attached_;
//- Check for topology change
virtual bool changeTopology() const;
//- Insert the layer addition/removal instructions
// into the topological change
virtual void setRefinement(polyTopoChange&) const;
//- Modify motion points to comply with the topological change
virtual void modifyMotionPoints(pointField& motionPoints) const;
//- Force recalculation of locally stored data on topological change
virtual void updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh&);
//- Return projected points for a slave patch
const pointField& pointProjection() const;
//- Set the tolerances from the values in a dictionary
void setTolerances(const dictionary&, bool report=false);
//- Write
virtual void write(Ostream&) const;
//- Write dictionary
virtual void writeDict(Ostream&) const;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
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