/usr/include/freefoam/triSurface/faceTriangulation.H is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
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Triangulation of faces. Handles concave polygons as well
Works by trying to subdivide the face at the vertex with 'flattest'
internal angle (i.e. closest to 180 deg).
Based on routine 'Diagonal' in
"Efficient Triangulation of Simple Polygons"
Godfried Toussaint, McGill University.
After construction is the list of triangles the face is decomposed into.
(Or empty list if no valid triangulation could be found).
#ifndef faceTriangulation_H
#define faceTriangulation_H
#include <OpenFOAM/triFaceList.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/pointField.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
// Forward declaration of classes
Class faceTriangulation Declaration
class faceTriangulation
public triFaceList
// Static Data
//- Relative tolerance on edge.
static const scalar edgeRelTol;
// Static Member Functions
//- Edge to the right of face vertex i
static label right(const label size, label i);
//- Edge to the left of face vertex i
static label left(const label size, label i);
//- Calculate normalized edge vectors
static tmp<vectorField> calcEdges(const face&, const pointField&);
//- Calculates half angle components of angle from e0 to e1
// in plane given by normal.
static void calcHalfAngle
const vector& normal,
const vector& e0,
const vector& e1,
scalar& cosHalfAngle,
scalar& sinHalfAngle
//- Calculate intersection point between edge p1-p2 and ray (in 2D).
// Return true and intersection point if intersection between p1 and p2.
static pointHit rayEdgeIntersect
const vector& normal,
const point& rayOrigin,
const vector& rayDir,
const point& p1,
const point& p2,
scalar& posOnEdge
// Return true if triangle given its three points
// (anticlockwise ordered) contains point
static bool triangleContainsPoint
const vector& n,
const point& p0,
const point& p1,
const point& p2,
const point& pt
//- Starting from startIndex find diagonal. Return in index1, index2.
// Index1 always startIndex except when convex polygon
static void findDiagonal
const pointField& points,
const face& f,
const vectorField& edges,
const vector& normal,
const label startIndex,
label& index1,
label& index2
//- Find label of vertex to start splitting from. This will be the
// vertex with edge angle:
// 1] flattest concave angle
// 2] flattest convex angle if no concave angles.
static label findStart
const face& f,
const vectorField& edges,
const vector& normal
// Private Member Functions
//- Split face f into triangles. Handles all simple (convex & concave)
// polygons. Returns false if could not produce valid split.
bool split
const bool fallBack,
const pointField& points,
const face& f,
const vector& normal,
label& triI
// Constructors
//- Construct null
//- Construct from face and points. Decomposition based on average
// normal. After construction *this is size 0 or holds the triangles.
// If fallBack and triangulation fails does naive triangulation
// and never returns 0 size.
const pointField& points,
const face& f,
const bool fallBack = false
//- Construct from face and points and user supplied (unit) normal.
// After construction *this is size 0 or holds the triangles.
// If fallBack and triangulation fails does naive triangulation
// and never returns 0 size.
const pointField& points,
const face& f,
const vector& n,
const bool fallBack = false
//- Construct from Istream
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //