/usr/include/freefoam/triSurface/triSurface.H is in libfreefoam-dev 0.1.0+dfsg-1build1.
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========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
\\/ M anipulation |
This file is part of OpenFOAM.
OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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Triangulated surface description with patch information.
#ifndef triSurface_H
#define triSurface_H
#include <OpenFOAM/PrimitivePatch_.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/pointField.H>
#include <triSurface/labelledTri.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/boolList.H>
#include <triSurface/geometricSurfacePatchList.H>
#include <triSurface/surfacePatchList.H>
#include <OpenFOAM/triFaceList.H>
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
class Time;
class IFstream;
Class triSurface Declaration
class triSurface
public PrimitivePatch<labelledTri, ::Foam::List, pointField, point>
// Private typedefs
//- Typedefs for convenience
typedef labelledTri Face;
typedef PrimitivePatch
// Private data
//- The number of bytes in the STL header
static const int STLheaderSize = 80;
//- Patch information (face ordering nFaces/startFace only used
// during reading and writing)
geometricSurfacePatchList patches_;
// Demand driven private data.
//- Edge-face addressing (sorted)
mutable labelListList* sortedEdgeFacesPtr_;
//- Label of face that 'owns' edge (i.e. e.vec() is righthanded walk
// along face)
mutable labelList* edgeOwnerPtr_;
// Private member functions
//- Calculate sorted edgeFaces
void calcSortedEdgeFaces() const;
//- Calculate owner
void calcEdgeOwner() const;
//- Sort faces according to region. Returns patch list
// and sets faceMap to index of labelledTri inside *this.
surfacePatchList calcPatches(labelList& faceMap) const;
//- Sets default values for patches
void setDefaultPatches();
//- Function to stitch the triangles by removing duplicate points.
// Returns true if any points merged
bool stitchTriangles
const pointField& rawPoints,
const scalar tol = SMALL,
const bool verbose = false
//- Read in Foam format
bool read(Istream&);
//- Generic read routine. Chooses reader based on extension.
bool read(const fileName&, const word& ext, const bool check = true);
bool readSTL(const fileName&);
bool readSTLASCII(const fileName&);
bool readSTLBINARY(const fileName&);
bool readGTS(const fileName&);
bool readOBJ(const fileName&);
bool readOFF(const fileName&);
bool readTRI(const fileName&);
bool readAC(const fileName&);
bool readNAS(const fileName&);
//- Generic write routine. Chooses writer based on extension.
void write(const fileName&, const word& ext, const bool sort) const;
//- Write to Ostream in ASCII STL format.
// Each region becomes 'solid' 'endsolid' block.
void writeSTLASCII(Ostream&) const;
//- Write to std::ostream in BINARY STL format
void writeSTLBINARY(std::ostream&) const;
//- Write to Ostream in GTS (Gnu Tri Surface library)
// format.
void writeGTS(const bool writeSorted, Ostream&) const;
//- Write to Ostream in OBJ (Lightwave) format.
// writeSorted=true: sort faces acc. to region and write as single
// group. =false: write in normal order.
void writeOBJ(const bool writeSorted, Ostream&) const;
//- Write to Ostream in OFF (Geomview) format.
// writeSorted=true: sort faces acc. to region and write as single
// group. =false: write in normal order.
void writeOFF(const bool writeSorted, Ostream&) const;
//- Write to VTK legacy format.
void writeVTK(const bool writeSorted, Ostream&) const;
//- Write to Ostream in TRI (AC3D) format
// Ac3d .tri format (unmerged triangle format)
void writeTRI(const bool writeSorted, Ostream&) const;
//- Write to Ostream in SMESH (tetgen) format
void writeSMESH(const bool writeSorted, Ostream&) const;
//- Write to Ostream in AC3D format. Always sorted by patch.
void writeAC(Ostream&) const;
//- For DX writing.
void writeDX(const bool, Ostream&) const;
void writeDXGeometry(const bool, Ostream&) const;
void writeDXTrailer(Ostream&) const;
// Static private functions
//- Convert faces to labelledTri. All get same region.
static List<labelledTri> convertToTri
const faceList&,
const label defaultRegion = 0
//- Convert triFaces to labelledTri. All get same region.
static List<labelledTri> convertToTri
const triFaceList&,
const label defaultRegion = 0
//- helper function to print triangle info
static void printTriangle
const Foam::string& pre,
const labelledTri&,
const pointField&
//- read non-comment line
static string getLineNoComment(IFstream&);
// Protected Member Functions
//- Non-const access to global points
pointField& storedPoints()
return const_cast<pointField&>(ParentType::points());
//- Non-const access to the faces
List<Face>& storedFaces()
return static_cast<List<Face>&>(*this);
// Public typedefs
//- Placeholder only, but do not remove - it is needed for GeoMesh
typedef bool BoundaryMesh;
//- Runtime type information
// Static
//- Name of triSurface directory to use.
static fileName triSurfInstance(const Time&);
// Constructors
//- Construct null
//- Construct from triangles, patches, points.
const List<labelledTri>&,
const geometricSurfacePatchList&,
const pointField&
//- Construct from triangles, patches, points. Reuse storage.
const geometricSurfacePatchList&,
const bool reUse
//- Construct from triangles, points. Set patchnames to default.
triSurface(const List<labelledTri>&, const pointField&);
//- Construct from triangles, points. Set region to 0 and default
// patchName.
triSurface(const triFaceList&, const pointField&);
//- Construct from file name (uses extension to determine type)
triSurface(const fileName&);
//- Construct from Istream
//- Construct from objectRegistry
triSurface(const Time& d);
//- Construct as copy
triSurface(const triSurface&);
// Destructor
void clearOut();
void clearTopology();
void clearPatchMeshAddr();
// Member Functions
// Access
const geometricSurfacePatchList& patches() const
return patches_;
geometricSurfacePatchList& patches()
return patches_;
//- Return edge-face addressing sorted (for edges with more than
// 2 faces) according to the angle around the edge.
// Orientation is anticlockwise looking from
// edge.vec(localPoints())
const labelListList& sortedEdgeFaces() const;
//- If 2 face neighbours: label of face where ordering of edge
// is consistent with righthand walk.
// If 1 neighbour: label of only face.
// If >2 neighbours: undetermined.
const labelList& edgeOwner() const;
// Edit
//- Move points
virtual void movePoints(const pointField&);
//- Scale points. A non-positive factor is ignored
virtual void scalePoints(const scalar&);
//- Check/remove duplicate/degenerate triangles
void checkTriangles(const bool verbose);
//- Check triply (or more) connected edges.
void checkEdges(const bool verbose);
//- Remove non-valid triangles
void cleanup(const bool verbose);
//- Fill faceZone with currentZone for every face reachable
// from faceI without crossing edge marked in borderEdge.
// Note: faceZone has to be sized nFaces before calling this fun.
void markZone
const boolList& borderEdge,
const label faceI,
const label currentZone,
labelList& faceZone
) const;
//- (size and) fills faceZone with zone of face. Zone is area
// reachable by edge crossing without crossing borderEdge
// (bool for every edge in surface). Returns number of zones.
label markZones
const boolList& borderEdge,
labelList& faceZone
) const;
//- 'Create' sub mesh, including only faces for which
// boolList entry is true
// Sets: pointMap: from new to old localPoints
// faceMap: new to old faces
void subsetMeshMap
const boolList& include,
labelList& pointMap,
labelList& faceMap
) const;
//- Return new surface. Returns pointMap, faceMap from
// subsetMeshMap
triSurface subsetMesh
const boolList& include,
labelList& pointMap,
labelList& faceMap
) const;
// Write
//- Write to Ostream in simple FOAM format
void write(Ostream&) const;
//- Generic write routine. Chooses writer based on extension.
void write(const fileName&, const bool sortByRegion = false) const;
//- Write to database
void write(const Time&) const;
//- Write to Ostream in OpenDX format
void writeDX(const scalarField&, Ostream&) const;
void writeDX(const vectorField&, Ostream&) const;
//- Write some statistics
void writeStats(Ostream&) const;
// Member operators
void operator=(const triSurface&);
// Ostream Operator
friend Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const triSurface&);
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
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