/usr/share/ada/adainclude/gtkada/glib-graphs.ads is in libgtkada2.24.1-dev 2.24.1-14.
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-- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001-2005 AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
-- --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- General Public License for more details. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- <description>
-- General implementation for a graph.
-- This provides a representation for a graph structure, with nodes (vertices)
-- connected by links (edges).
-- It is not intended for huges, highly-connected graphs, since there are
-- several lists provided for efficient access to ancestor and children nodes.
-- </description>
-- <group>Glib, the general-purpose library</group>
package Glib.Graphs is
type Graph is private;
type Vertex is abstract tagged private;
type Edge is abstract tagged private;
type Vertex_Access is access all Vertex'Class;
type Edge_Access is access all Edge'Class;
-- General access types to vertices and edges
type Vertex_Iterator is private;
type Edge_Iterator is private;
-- Iterators other the vertices and edges of the graph
Null_Vertex_Iterator : constant Vertex_Iterator;
Null_Edge_Iterator : constant Edge_Iterator;
type Vertices_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Vertex_Access;
type Edges_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Edge_Access;
-- Modifying a graph --
procedure Set_Directed (G : in out Graph; Directed : Boolean);
-- Indicate whether the graph is oriented.
function Is_Directed (G : Graph) return Boolean;
-- Return True if the graph is oriented
procedure Add_Vertex (G : in out Graph; V : access Vertex'Class);
-- Add a new vertex to the graph.
procedure Add_Edge
(G : in out Graph;
E : access Edge'Class;
Source, Dest : access Vertex'Class);
-- Add a new edge to the graph.
procedure Destroy (E : in out Edge) is abstract;
-- Destroy the memory occupied by the edge. This doesn't remove the edge
-- from the graph. You should override this subprogram for the specific
-- edge type you are using.
-- This subprogram shouldn't (and in fact can't) free E itself.
procedure Destroy (V : in out Vertex) is abstract;
-- Destroy the memory occupied by the vertex. This doesn't remove the
-- vertex from the graph. This subprogram must be overriden.
-- This subprogram shouldn't (and in fact can't) free V itself.
procedure Destroy (G : in out Graph);
-- Destroy all the nodes and edges of the graph, and then free the memory
-- occupied by the graph itself
procedure Clear (G : in out Graph);
-- Remove all the nodes and edges of the graph.
procedure Remove (G : in out Graph; E : access Edge'Class);
-- Remove the edge from the graph. The primitive
-- subprogram Destroy is called for the edge.
-- Any iterator currently pointing to E becomes invalid
procedure Remove (G : in out Graph; V : access Vertex'Class);
-- Remove the vertex from the graph.
-- Destroy is called for the vertex.
-- Note that all the edges to or from the vertex are destroyed (see
-- Remove above).
-- Any iterator currently pointing to V becomes invalid
function Is_Acyclic (G : Graph) return Boolean;
-- Return True if G contains no cycle. Note that this requires a
-- depth-first search, the running time is thus
-- O (edges + vertices).
-- G must be oriented
function Get_Src (E : access Edge) return Vertex_Access;
function Get_Dest (E : access Edge) return Vertex_Access;
-- Return the source and destination for a given edge
function In_Degree (G : Graph; V : access Vertex'Class) return Natural;
function Out_Degree (G : Graph; V : access Vertex'Class) return Natural;
-- Return the number of edges ending on V, or starting from V.
procedure Move_To_Front (G : in out Graph; V : access Vertex'Class);
-- Move V to the front of the list of vertices in the graph, so that the
-- iterators will return this item first.
-- All iterators become obsolete.
procedure Move_To_Back (G : in out Graph; V : access Vertex'Class);
-- Move V to the back of the list of vertices in the graph, so that the
-- iterators will return this item last.
-- All iterators become obsolete.
function Get_Index (V : access Vertex) return Natural;
-- Return the uniq index associated with the vertex. Each vertex has a
-- different index from 0 to Max_Index (Graph)
function Max_Index (G : Graph) return Natural;
-- Return the maximum index used for vertices in the graph.
-- Breadth First Search --
-- This search algorithm traverse the tree layer after layer (first the
-- nodes closer to the specified root, then the grand-children of this
-- root, and so on).
type Breadth_Record is record
Vertex : Vertex_Access;
Distance : Natural;
Predecessor : Vertex_Access;
end record;
-- Distance is the shortest distance from the root of the breadth-first
-- search to Vertex. The graph is considered as unweighted. Thus, Distance
-- is 1 for direct children of Root, 2 for grand-children,...
-- Predecessor is the parent of Vertex used when computing the distance.
type Breadth_Vertices_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Breadth_Record;
function Breadth_First_Search (G : Graph; Root : access Vertex'Class)
return Breadth_Vertices_Array;
-- Traverse the tree Breadth_First, and sort the nodes accordingly.
-- The returned list is sorted so that all nodes at a distance k from Root
-- are found before the nodes at a distance (k+1).
-- The running time is O(vertices + edges).
-- Depth First Search --
-- This algorithm traverse the tree in depth, ie all the descendents of the
-- first child are found before the second child.
-- This algorithm has several properties: it can indicate whether the graph
-- is cyclic. Moreover, the subgraph formed by all the nodes and the edges
-- between a vertex and its predecessor (see the structure Depth_Record) is
-- a tree.
-- If the graph is acyclic, then the resulting array is sorted
-- topologically: if G contains an edge (u, v), then u appears before v.
-- The running time for this algorithm is O(vertices + edges)
type Depth_Record is record
Vertex : Vertex_Access;
First_Discovered, End_Search : Natural;
Predecessor : Vertex_Access;
end record;
-- First_Discovered and End_Search are the two timestamps computed during
-- the search. The former is the time Vertex was first discovered. The
-- latter is the time when all the children of vertex were fully
-- processed.
-- Predecessor is the parent of Vertex.
type Depth_Vertices_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Depth_Record;
type Reverse_Edge_Callback is access
procedure (G : Graph; Edge : Edge_Access);
-- Callback called when the two ends of the edge should be reverted, so as
-- to make the graph acyclick
procedure Revert_Edge (G : Graph; E : Edge_Access);
-- Revert the two ends of Edge. This is meant to be used as a callback for
-- Depth_First_Search so as to make the graph acyclic.
function Depth_First_Search (G : Graph) return Depth_Vertices_Array;
-- Traverse the tree Depth_First.
function Depth_First_Search
(G : Graph;
Acyclic : access Boolean;
Reverse_Edge_Cb : Reverse_Edge_Callback := null)
return Depth_Vertices_Array;
-- Same as above, but Acyclic is also modified to indicate whether G is
-- acyclic.
-- If Reverse_Edge_Cb is not null, then it is called to reverse the ends of
-- selected edges, so that the final graph is acyclic. Note that you *must*
-- revert the ends, or there will be an infinite loop. You might also want
-- to mark the edge as reverted somehow, so as to draw the arrows on the
-- correct side, if your application is graphical.
-- If Reverse_Edge_Cb is null, no edge is reverted, and the graph is
-- unmodified.
-- Strongly connected components --
-- Strongly connected components in a directed graph are the maximal set of
-- vertices such that for every pair {u, v} of vertices in the set, there
-- exist a path from u to v and a path from v to u.
-- Two vertices are in different strongly connected components if there
-- exist at most one of these paths.
type Connected_Component;
type Connected_Component_List is access Connected_Component;
type Connected_Component (Num_Vertices : Natural) is record
Vertices : Vertices_Array (1 .. Num_Vertices);
Next : Connected_Component_List;
end record;
procedure Free (List : in out Connected_Component_List);
-- Free the list of strongly connected components
function Strongly_Connected_Components (G : Graph)
return Connected_Component_List;
-- Return the list of strongly connected components.
-- This is a linear time algorithm O(vertices + edges).
function Strongly_Connected_Components
(G : Graph; DFS : Depth_Vertices_Array)
return Connected_Component_List;
-- Same as above, but a depth-first search has already been run on G, and
-- we reuse the result. This is of course more efficient than the previous
-- function.
-- Minimum spanning trees --
-- A minimum spanning tree is a subset of the edges of G that forms a
-- tree (acyclic) and connects all the vertices of G.
-- Note that the number of edges in the resulting tree is always
-- (number of vertices of G) - 1
function Kruskal (G : Graph) return Edges_Array;
-- Return a minimum spanning tree of G using Kruskal's algorithm.
-- This algorithm runs in O(E * log E), with E = number of edges.
-- Vertex iterator --
function First (G : Graph) return Vertex_Iterator;
-- Return a pointer to the first vertex.
procedure Next (V : in out Vertex_Iterator);
-- Moves V to the next vertex in the graph.
function At_End (V : Vertex_Iterator) return Boolean;
-- Return True if V points after the last vertex
function Get (V : Vertex_Iterator) return Vertex_Access;
-- Get the vertex pointed to by V
-- Edge iterator --
function First
(G : Graph;
Src, Dest : Vertex_Access := null;
Directed : Boolean := True)
return Edge_Iterator;
-- Return a pointer to the first edge from Src to Dest.
-- If either Src or Dest is null, then any vertex matches. Thus, if both
-- parameters are nulll, this iterator will traverse the whole graph.
-- Note: there might be duplicates returned by this iterator, especially
-- when the graph is not oriented.
-- Directed can be used to temporarily overrides the setting in the graph:
-- If Directed is True, the setting of G is taken into account.
-- If Directed is False, the setting of G is ignored, and the graph is
-- considered as not directed.
procedure Next (E : in out Edge_Iterator);
-- Moves V to the next edge in the graph.
function At_End (E : Edge_Iterator) return Boolean;
-- Return True if V points after the last edge
function Get (E : Edge_Iterator) return Edge_Access;
-- Get the edge pointed to by E.
function Repeat_Count (E : Edge_Iterator) return Positive;
-- Return the number of similar edges (same ends) that were found before,
-- and including this one).
-- For instance, if there two edges from A to B, then the first one will
-- have a Repeat_Count of 1, and the second 2.
-- Note: we do not use a generic list, since that would require a separate
-- package so that we can instanciate it in this package. Doesn't seem
-- worth adding this to GtkAda. Nor does it seem interesting to use
-- Glib.Glist.
type Edge_List_Record;
type Edge_List is access Edge_List_Record;
type Edge_List_Record is record
E : Edge_Access;
Next : Edge_List;
end record;
procedure Add (List : in out Edge_List; E : access Edge'Class);
-- Add a new element to List.
-- Edges are inserted in the list so that edges with similar ends are next
-- to each other.
procedure Remove (List : in out Edge_List; E : access Edge'Class);
-- Remove an element from List
function Length (List : Edge_List) return Natural;
-- Return the number of elements in the list
type Vertex_List_Record;
type Vertex_List is access Vertex_List_Record;
type Vertex_List_Record is record
V : Vertex_Access;
Next : Vertex_List;
end record;
type Graph is record
Vertices : Vertex_List;
Num_Vertices : Natural := 0;
Directed : Boolean := False;
Last_Vertex_Index : Natural := 0;
end record;
procedure Add (List : in out Vertex_List; V : access Vertex'Class);
procedure Internal_Remove (G : in out Graph; V : access Vertex'Class);
type Edge is abstract tagged record
Src, Dest : Vertex_Access;
end record;
type Vertex is abstract tagged record
Index : Natural; -- Internal unique index for the vertex
In_Edges, Out_Edges : Edge_List;
end record;
type Vertex_Iterator is new Vertex_List;
type Edge_Iterator is record
Directed : Boolean;
Src, Dest : Vertex_Access;
Current_Edge : Edge_List;
Current_Vertex : Vertex_List;
First_Pass : Boolean;
Repeat_Count : Positive := 1;
end record;
Null_Vertex_Iterator : constant Vertex_Iterator := null;
Null_Edge_Iterator : constant Edge_Iterator :=
(Directed => False,
Src => null,
Dest => null,
Current_Edge => null,
Current_Vertex => null,
First_Pass => True,
Repeat_Count => 1);
pragma Inline (Get_Index);
pragma Inline (Max_Index);
end Glib.Graphs;