/usr/include/ITK-4.5/itkBSplineTransformInitializer.hxx is in libinsighttoolkit4-dev 4.5.0-3.
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* Copyright Insight Software Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#ifndef __itkBSplineTransformInitializer_hxx
#define __itkBSplineTransformInitializer_hxx
#include "itkBSplineTransformInitializer.h"
#include "itkContinuousIndex.h"
#include "itkPointSet.h"
#include "itkBoundingBox.h"
namespace itk
template<typename TTransform, typename TImage>
BSplineTransformInitializer<TTransform, TImage>
::BSplineTransformInitializer() :
m_Transform( NULL ),
m_SetTransformDomainMeshSizeViaInitializer( false )
this->m_TransformDomainMeshSize.Fill( 1 );
template<typename TTransform, typename TImage>
BSplineTransformInitializer<TTransform, TImage>
template<typename TTransform, typename TImage>
BSplineTransformInitializer<TTransform, TImage>
::SetTransformDomainMeshSize( const MeshSizeType meshSize )
itkDebugMacro( "setting m_TransformDomainMeshSize to " << meshSize );
if( this->m_SetTransformDomainMeshSizeViaInitializer == false ||
this->m_TransformDomainMeshSize != meshSize )
this->m_SetTransformDomainMeshSizeViaInitializer = true;
this->m_TransformDomainMeshSize = meshSize;
template<typename TTransform, typename TImage>
BSplineTransformInitializer<TTransform, TImage>
::InitializeTransform() const
if( !this->m_Transform )
itkExceptionMacro( << "Transform has not been set." );
if( !this->m_Image )
itkExceptionMacro( << "Image has not been set." );
if( TImage::GetImageDimension() != SpaceDimension )
itkExceptionMacro( << "Image dimensionality does not match the transform." );
OriginType transformDomainOrigin;
PhysicalDimensionsType transformDomainPhysicalDimensions;
DirectionType transformDomainDirection;
// Determine the image corners. We keep track of the relative location of
// the corners using a binary labeling system. For example, in a 3-D
// coordinate system aligned with the x,y,z axes, we have 8 points labeled as
// follows:
// 1. 000 min_x, min_y, min_z
// 2. 001 max_x, min_y, min_z
// 3. 010 min_x, max_y, min_z
// 4. 011 max_x, max_y, min_z
// 5. 100 min_x, min_y, min_z
// 6. 101 max_x, min_y, max_z
// 7. 110 min_x, max_y, max_z
// 8. 111 max_x, max_y, max_z
// We use this binary description of the corners in n-dimensions because it
// allows us to know the adjacent neighbors of an arbitrary image corner. For
// example, suppose we locate the transform domain origin at the corner 011
// the adjacent neighbors which form the rotated coordinate system are
// 111, 001, and 010. Notice that we just change 1 bit at a time from the
// origin to determine these axes. Thus bitwise operators are used
// throughout the code so that the initializer is generalized to n-dimensions.
typedef typename ImagePointType::CoordRepType CoordRepType;
typedef PointSet<CoordRepType, SpaceDimension> PointSetType;
typename PointSetType::Pointer cornerPoints = PointSetType::New();
typedef typename PointSetType::PointType PointType;
typedef typename PointSetType::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier;
typedef typename PointType::RealType RealType;
typedef typename PointType::VectorType VectorType;
typedef ContinuousIndex<CoordRepType, SpaceDimension> ContinuousIndexType;
// We first convert the image corners into points which reside in physical
// space and label them as indicated above. Note that the corners reside
// at the extreme corners of the image and not just at the voxel centers.
// We also store the corners using the point set class which gives us easy
// access to the bounding box.
const CoordRepType BSplineTransformDomainEpsilon = vcl_pow( 2.0, -3 );
ContinuousIndexType startIndex;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < SpaceDimension; i++ )
startIndex[i] = this->m_Image->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex()[i] - 0.5 -
for( unsigned int d = 0; d < vcl_pow( 2.0, SpaceDimension ); d++ )
ContinuousIndexType whichIndex;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < SpaceDimension; i++ )
whichIndex[i] = startIndex[i] + static_cast<CoordRepType>( ( ( d >> i ) &
1 ) * ( this->m_Image->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize()[i] + 2.0 *
BSplineTransformDomainEpsilon ) );
ImagePointType point;
this->m_Image->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint( whichIndex, point );
PointType corner;
corner.CastFrom( point );
cornerPoints->SetPoint( d, corner );
// We next determine which corner is the transform domain origin by which
// point is closest to the minimum of the bounding box.
typedef BoundingBox<unsigned int, SpaceDimension,
typename PointSetType::CoordRepType,
typename PointSetType::PointsContainer> BoundingBoxType;
typename BoundingBoxType::Pointer bbox = BoundingBoxType::New();
bbox->SetPoints( cornerPoints->GetPoints() );
transformDomainOrigin.Fill( 0 );
PointIdentifier transformDomainOriginId = 0;
RealType minDistance = NumericTraits<RealType>::max();
for( unsigned int d = 0; d < cornerPoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); d++ )
PointType corner;
corner.Fill( 0.0 );
cornerPoints->GetPoint( d, &corner );
RealType distance = corner.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(
bbox->GetMinimum() );
if( distance < minDistance )
transformDomainOrigin.CastFrom( corner );
minDistance = distance;
transformDomainOriginId = static_cast<PointIdentifier>( d );
// Now we need to find the transform direction matrix. This is done
// by using the domain origin and its adjacent neighbors to determine a new
// rotated coordinate system.
// We first determine which image axis is the most aligned with each physical
// axis.
PointIdentifier minCornerId[SpaceDimension];
double minAngle[SpaceDimension];
for( unsigned int d = 0; d < SpaceDimension; d++ )
minAngle[d] = NumericTraits<double>::max();
VectorType vectorAxis( 0.0 );
vectorAxis[d] = 1.0;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < SpaceDimension; i++ )
PointIdentifier oppositeCornerId = static_cast<PointIdentifier>(
vcl_pow( 2.0, static_cast<int>( i ) ) ) ^ transformDomainOriginId;
PointType corner;
corner.Fill( 0.0 );
cornerPoints->GetPoint( oppositeCornerId, &corner );
VectorType vector = corner - transformDomainOrigin;
double theta = angle( vectorAxis.GetVnlVector(), vector.GetVnlVector() );
if( theta < minAngle[d] )
bool alreadyFound = false;
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < d; j++ )
if( minCornerId[j] == oppositeCornerId )
alreadyFound = true;
if( !alreadyFound )
minCornerId[d] = oppositeCornerId;
minAngle[d] = theta;
// Now that we know which image axes corresponds to the unrotated coordinate
// axes in physical space, we can easily construct the rotation matrix which
// rotates a point from the unrotated coordinate system to the rotated
// coordinate system. This is done by placing the rotated axis vectors as
// columns in the rotation matrix.
for( unsigned int d = 0; d < SpaceDimension; d++ )
PointType corner;
corner.Fill( 0.0 );
cornerPoints->GetPoint( minCornerId[d], &corner );
VectorType vector = corner - transformDomainOrigin;
// Note that specifying the size and spacing separately doesn't matter in
// the case of the B-spline transform since the B-spline transform is a
// continuous object over its finite domain.
transformDomainPhysicalDimensions[d] = vector.GetNorm();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < SpaceDimension; i++ )
transformDomainDirection[i][d] = vector[i];
this->m_Transform->SetTransformDomainOrigin( transformDomainOrigin );
transformDomainPhysicalDimensions );
this->m_Transform->SetTransformDomainDirection( transformDomainDirection );
if( this->m_SetTransformDomainMeshSizeViaInitializer == true )
this->m_TransformDomainMeshSize );
template<typename TTransform, typename TImage>
BSplineTransformInitializer<TTransform, TImage>
::PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const
Superclass::PrintSelf( os, indent );
os << indent << "Transform: " << std::endl;
if( this->m_Transform )
os << indent << this->m_Transform << std::endl;
os << indent << "None" << std::endl;
if( this->m_SetTransformDomainMeshSizeViaInitializer == true )
os << indent << "Transform domain mesh size:" <<
this->m_TransformDomainMeshSize << std::endl;
os << indent << "Image: " << this->m_Image << std::endl;
} // namespace itk