/usr/include/ITK-4.5/itkHistogram.h is in libinsighttoolkit4-dev 4.5.0-3.
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* Copyright Insight Software Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __itkHistogram_h
#define __itkHistogram_h
#include <vector>
#include "itkArray.h"
#include "itkSample.h"
#include "itkDenseFrequencyContainer2.h"
#include "itkSparseFrequencyContainer2.h"
namespace itk
namespace Statistics
/** \class Histogram
* \brief This class stores measurement vectors in the context of n-dimensional histogram.
* Histogram represents an ND histogram. Histogram bins can be
* regularly or irregularly spaced. The storage for the histogram is
* managed via the FrequencyContainer specified by the template
* argument. The default frequency container is a
* DenseFrequencyContainer. A SparseFrequencyContainer can be used as
* an alternative.
* Frequencies of a bin (SetFrequency(), IncreaseFrequency()) can be
* specified by measurement, index, or instance identifier.
* Measurements can be queried by bin index or instance
* identifier. In this case, the measurement returned is the centroid
* of the histogram bin.
* The Initialize() method is used to specify the number of bins for
* each dimension of the histogram. An overloaded version also allows
* for regularly spaced bins to defined. To define irregularly sized
* bins, use the SetBinMin()/SetBinMax() methods.
* If you do not know the length of the measurement vector at compile time, you
* should use the VariableDimensionHistogram class, instead of the Histogram
* class.
* If you know the length of the measurement vector at compile time, it can
* conveniently be obtained from MeasurementVectorTraits. For instance,
* instantiate a histogram as below:
* \code
* typedef Histogram< THistogramMeasurement, typename TFrequencyContainer > HistogramType;
* \endcode
* \sa Sample, DenseFrequencyContainer, SparseFrequencyContainer, VariableDimensionHistogram
* \ingroup ITKStatistics
* \wiki
* \wikiexample{Statistics/Histogram,Compute a histogram from measurements.}
* \endwiki
template< typename TMeasurement = float,
typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2 >
class Histogram:
public Sample< Array< TMeasurement > >
// This type serves as the indirect definition of MeasurementVectorType
typedef Array< TMeasurement > ArrayType;
/** Standard typedefs */
typedef Histogram Self;
typedef Sample< ArrayType > Superclass;
typedef SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
/** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
itkTypeMacro(Histogram, Sample);
/** standard New() method support */
/** type of an element of a measurement vector */
typedef TMeasurement MeasurementType;
/** Common sample class typedefs */
typedef typename Superclass::MeasurementVectorType MeasurementVectorType;
typedef typename Superclass::InstanceIdentifier InstanceIdentifier;
typedef typename Superclass::MeasurementVectorSizeType MeasurementVectorSizeType;
typedef MeasurementVectorType ValueType;
/** frequency container typedef */
typedef TFrequencyContainer FrequencyContainerType;
typedef typename FrequencyContainerType::Pointer FrequencyContainerPointer;
/** Frequency and TotalFrequency value type from superclass */
typedef typename FrequencyContainerType::AbsoluteFrequencyType AbsoluteFrequencyType;
typedef typename FrequencyContainerType::TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType;
typedef typename FrequencyContainerType::RelativeFrequencyType RelativeFrequencyType;
typedef typename FrequencyContainerType::TotalRelativeFrequencyType TotalRelativeFrequencyType;
/** Index typedef support. An index is used to access pixel values. */
typedef Array< ::itk::IndexValueType > IndexType;
typedef typename IndexType::ValueType IndexValueType;
/** size array type */
typedef Array< ::itk::SizeValueType > SizeType;
typedef typename SizeType::ValueType SizeValueType;
/** bin min max value storage types */
typedef std::vector< MeasurementType > BinMinVectorType;
typedef std::vector< MeasurementType > BinMaxVectorType;
typedef std::vector< BinMinVectorType > BinMinContainerType;
typedef std::vector< BinMaxVectorType > BinMaxContainerType;
/** Initialize the histogram, generating the offset table and
* preparing the frequency container. Subclasses should call this
* method in their Initialize() method. */
void Initialize(const SizeType & size);
/** Initialize the histogram using equal size bins. To assign bin's
* min and max values along each dimension use SetBinMin() and
* SetBinMax() functions. */
void Initialize(const SizeType & size, MeasurementVectorType & lowerBound,
MeasurementVectorType & upperBound);
/** Initialize the values of the histogram bins to zero */
void SetToZero();
/** Get the index of a measurement value from the histogram.
* \deprecated Use GetIndex(const MeasurementVectorType &
* measurement, IndexType & index ) const instead. */
itkLegacyMacro(const IndexType & GetIndex(const MeasurementVectorType & measurement) const);
/** Get the index of histogram corresponding to the specified
* measurement value. Returns true if index is valid and false if
* the measurement is outside the histogram */
bool GetIndex(const MeasurementVectorType & measurement,
IndexType & index) const;
/** Get the index that is uniquely labelled by an instance identifier
* The corresponding id is the offset of the index
* This method uses ImageBase::ComputeIndex() method */
const IndexType & GetIndex(InstanceIdentifier id) const;
/** Is set to false if the bins at edges of the histogram extend to
* +/- infinity. */
itkGetConstMacro(ClipBinsAtEnds, bool);
/** Set to false to have the bins at edges of the histogram extend to
* +/- infinity. */
itkSetMacro(ClipBinsAtEnds, bool);
/** Returns true if the given index is out of bound meaning one of index
* is not between [0, last index] */
bool IsIndexOutOfBounds(const IndexType & index) const;
/** Get the instance identifier of the bin that is indexed by the
* index. The corresponding instance identifier is the offset of the index
* This method uses ImageBase::ComputeIndex() method */
InstanceIdentifier GetInstanceIdentifier(const IndexType & index) const;
/** Returns the number of instances (bins or cells) in this container */
InstanceIdentifier Size() const;
/** Get the size (N-dimensional) of the histogram */
const SizeType & GetSize() const;
/** Get the size of histogram along a specified dimension */
SizeValueType GetSize(unsigned int dimension) const;
/** Get the minimum value of nth bin of dimension d */
const MeasurementType & GetBinMin(unsigned int dimension,
InstanceIdentifier nbin) const;
/** Get the maximum value of nth bin of dimension d */
const MeasurementType & GetBinMax(unsigned int dimension,
InstanceIdentifier nbin) const;
/** Set the minimum value of nth bin of dimension d */
void SetBinMin(unsigned int dimension, InstanceIdentifier nbin,
MeasurementType min);
/** Set the maximum value of nth bin of dimension d */
void SetBinMax(unsigned int dimension,
InstanceIdentifier nbin, MeasurementType max);
/** Get the minimum of the bin along dimension d corresponding to a
* particular measurement. */
const MeasurementType & GetBinMinFromValue(unsigned int dimension,
float value) const;
/** Get the maximum of the bin along dimension d corresponding to a
* particular measurement. */
const MeasurementType & GetBinMaxFromValue(unsigned int dimension,
float value) const;
/** Get the vector of bin minimums along a dimension */
const BinMinVectorType & GetDimensionMins(unsigned int dimension) const;
/** Get the vector of maximums along a dimension */
const BinMaxVectorType & GetDimensionMaxs(unsigned int dimension) const;
/** Get the minimums of the bins */
const BinMinContainerType & GetMins() const;
/** Method the maximums of the bins */
const BinMaxContainerType & GetMaxs() const;
/** Get the minimums of the bin corresponding to a particular index */
const MeasurementVectorType & GetHistogramMinFromIndex(const IndexType & index) const;
/** Get the maximums of the bin corresponding to a particular index */
const MeasurementVectorType & GetHistogramMaxFromIndex(const IndexType & index) const;
/** Get the frequency of an instance identifier */
AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency(InstanceIdentifier id) const;
/** Get the frequency of an index */
AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency(const IndexType & index) const;
/** Set all the bins in the histogram to a specified frequency */
void SetFrequency(AbsoluteFrequencyType value);
/** Set the frequency of an instance identifier. Returns false if the bin is
* out of bounds. */
bool SetFrequency(InstanceIdentifier id, AbsoluteFrequencyType value);
/** Set the frequency of an index. Returns false if the bin is
* out of bounds. */
bool SetFrequencyOfIndex(const IndexType & index,
AbsoluteFrequencyType value);
/** Set the frequency of a measurement. Returns false if the bin is
* out of bounds. */
bool SetFrequencyOfMeasurement(const MeasurementVectorType & measurement,
AbsoluteFrequencyType value);
/** Increase the frequency of an instance identifier.
* Frequency is increased by the specified value. Returns false if
* the bin is out of bounds. */
bool IncreaseFrequency(InstanceIdentifier id, AbsoluteFrequencyType value);
/** Increase the frequency of an index. Frequency is
* increased by the specified value. Returns false if the bin is out
* of bounds. */
bool IncreaseFrequencyOfIndex(const IndexType & index,
AbsoluteFrequencyType value);
/** Increase the frequency of a measurement. Frequency is
* increased by the specified value. Returns false if the
* measurement is outside the bounds of the histogram. */
bool IncreaseFrequencyOfMeasurement(
const MeasurementVectorType & measurement,
AbsoluteFrequencyType value);
//In ITKv4 the member functions are given unique names to dis-ambiguate
//the intended behavior. Make aliases of the overloaded calls
//for ITKv3 backwards compatibility.
bool IncreaseFrequency(const IndexType & index,
AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
return IncreaseFrequencyOfIndex(index,value);
bool IncreaseFrequency(
const MeasurementVectorType & measurement,
AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
return IncreaseFrequencyOfMeasurement(measurement,value);
/** Get the measurement of an instance identifier. This is the
* centroid of the bin.
const MeasurementVectorType & GetMeasurementVector(InstanceIdentifier id) const;
/** Get the measurement of an index. This is the centroid of the bin. */
const MeasurementVectorType & GetMeasurementVector(const IndexType & index) const;
/** Get the measurement a bin along a specified dimension. This is
* the midpoint of the bin along that dimension. */
MeasurementType GetMeasurement(InstanceIdentifier n,
unsigned int dimension) const;
/** Get the total frequency in the histogram */
TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType GetTotalFrequency() const;
/** Get the frequency of a dimension's nth element. */
AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency(InstanceIdentifier n,
unsigned int dimension) const;
/** Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.
* Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
* min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
* max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
* interval = max - min ,
* pp = cumlated proportion until n-1 bin;
* and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.
* If p is less than 0.5,
* the percentile value =
* min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
* If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
* the percentile value =
* max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval */
double Quantile(unsigned int dimension, double p) const;
/** Get the mean value for a dimension */
double Mean(unsigned int dimension) const;
/** Method to graft another histogram's output */
virtual void Graft(const DataObject *);
void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const;
/** \class ConstIterator
* \brief class that walks through the elements of the histogram.
* \ingroup ITKStatistics
class ConstIterator
friend class Histogram;
ConstIterator(const Self *histogram)
m_Id = 0;
m_Histogram = histogram;
ConstIterator(const ConstIterator & it)
m_Id = it.m_Id;
m_Histogram = it.m_Histogram;
ConstIterator & operator=(const ConstIterator & it)
m_Id = it.m_Id;
m_Histogram = it.m_Histogram;
return *this;
AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency() const
return m_Histogram->GetFrequency(m_Id);
InstanceIdentifier GetInstanceIdentifier() const
return m_Id;
const MeasurementVectorType & GetMeasurementVector() const
return m_Histogram->GetMeasurementVector(m_Id);
const IndexType & GetIndex() const
return m_Histogram->GetIndex(m_Id);
ConstIterator & operator++()
return *this;
bool operator!=(const ConstIterator & it)
return ( m_Id != it.m_Id );
bool operator==(const ConstIterator & it)
return ( m_Id == it.m_Id );
// This method is purposely not implemented
ConstIterator(InstanceIdentifier id, const Self *histogram):
m_Id(id), m_Histogram(histogram)
// ConstIterator pointing DenseFrequencyContainer
InstanceIdentifier m_Id;
// Pointer of DenseFrequencyContainer
const Self *m_Histogram;
}; // end of iterator class
/** \class Iterator
* \brief class that walks through the elements of the histogram.
* \ingroup ITKStatistics
class Iterator:public ConstIterator
Iterator(Self *histogram):ConstIterator(histogram)
Iterator(InstanceIdentifier id, Self *histogram):
ConstIterator(id, histogram)
Iterator(const Iterator & it):ConstIterator(it)
Iterator & operator=(const Iterator & it)
return *this;
bool SetFrequency(const AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
Self *histogram = const_cast< Self * >( this->m_Histogram );
return histogram->SetFrequency(this->m_Id, value);
// To ensure const-correctness these method must not be in the public API.
// The are purposly not implemented, since they should never be called.
Iterator(const Self *histogram);
Iterator(InstanceIdentifier id, const Self *histogram);
Iterator(const ConstIterator & it);
ConstIterator & operator=(const ConstIterator & it);
}; // end of iterator class
Iterator Begin()
Iterator iter(0, this);
return iter;
Iterator End()
return Iterator(m_OffsetTable[this->GetMeasurementVectorSize()], this);
ConstIterator Begin() const
ConstIterator iter(0, this);
return iter;
ConstIterator End() const
return ConstIterator(m_OffsetTable[this->GetMeasurementVectorSize()], this);
virtual ~Histogram() {}
// The number of bins for each dimension
SizeType m_Size;
Histogram(const Self &); //purposely not implemented
void operator=(const Self &); //purposely not implemented
typedef std::vector< InstanceIdentifier > OffsetTableType;
OffsetTableType m_OffsetTable;
FrequencyContainerPointer m_FrequencyContainer;
unsigned int m_NumberOfInstances;
// This method is provided here just to avoid a "hidden" warning
// related to the virtual method available in DataObject.
virtual void Initialize() {}
// lower bound of each bin
std::vector< std::vector< MeasurementType > > m_Min;
// upper bound of each bin
std::vector< std::vector< MeasurementType > > m_Max;
mutable MeasurementVectorType m_TempMeasurementVector;
mutable IndexType m_TempIndex;
bool m_ClipBinsAtEnds;
} // end of namespace Statistics
} // end of namespace itk
#include "itkHistogram.hxx"