/usr/include/ITK-4.5/itkKernelTransform.h is in libinsighttoolkit4-dev 4.5.0-3.
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* Copyright Insight Software Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#ifndef __itkKernelTransform_h
#define __itkKernelTransform_h
#include "itkTransform.h"
#include "itkMatrix.h"
#include "itkPointSet.h"
#include <deque>
#include <cmath>
#include "vnl/vnl_matrix_fixed.h"
#include "vnl/vnl_matrix.h"
#include "vnl/vnl_vector.h"
#include "vnl/vnl_vector_fixed.h"
#include "vnl/algo/vnl_svd.h"
#include "vnl/vnl_sample.h"
namespace itk
/** \class KernelTransform
* Intended to be a base class for elastic body spline and thin plate spline.
* This is implemented in as straightforward a manner as possible from the
* IEEE TMI paper by Davis, Khotanzad, Flamig, and Harms, Vol. 16,
* No. 3 June 1997. Notation closely follows their paper, so if you have it
* in front of you, this code will make a lot more sense.
* KernelTransform:
* Provides support for defining source and target landmarks
* Defines a number of data types used in the computations
* Defines the mathematical framework used to compute all splines,
* so that subclasses need only provide a kernel specific to
* that spline
* This formulation allows the stiffness of the spline to
* be adjusted, allowing the spline to vary from interpolating the
* landmarks to approximating the landmarks. This part of the
* formulation is based on the short paper by R. Sprengel, K. Rohr,
* H. Stiehl. "Thin-Plate Spline Approximation for Image
* Registration". In 18th International Conference of the IEEE
* Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 1996.
* \ingroup ITKTransform
template< typename TScalar, // probably only float and double make sense here
unsigned int NDimensions >
// Number of dimensions
class KernelTransform :
public Transform< TScalar, NDimensions, NDimensions >
/** Standard class typedefs. */
typedef KernelTransform Self;
typedef Transform< TScalar, NDimensions, NDimensions > Superclass;
typedef SmartPointer< Self > Pointer;
typedef SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer;
/** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
itkTypeMacro(KernelTransform, Transform);
/** New macro for creation of through a Smart Pointer */
/** Dimension of the domain space. */
itkStaticConstMacro(SpaceDimension, unsigned int, NDimensions);
/** Scalar type. */
typedef typename Superclass::ScalarType ScalarType;
/** Parameters type. */
typedef typename Superclass::ParametersType ParametersType;
/** Jacobian type. */
typedef typename Superclass::JacobianType JacobianType;
/** Transform category type. */
typedef typename Superclass::TransformCategoryType TransformCategoryType;
/** Standard coordinate point type for this class. */
typedef typename Superclass::InputPointType InputPointType;
typedef typename Superclass::OutputPointType OutputPointType;
/** Standard vector type for this class. */
typedef typename Superclass::InputVectorType InputVectorType;
typedef typename Superclass::OutputVectorType OutputVectorType;
/** Standard covariant vector type for this class */
typedef typename Superclass::InputCovariantVectorType InputCovariantVectorType;
typedef typename Superclass::OutputCovariantVectorType OutputCovariantVectorType;
/** Standard vnl_vector type for this class. */
typedef typename Superclass::InputVnlVectorType InputVnlVectorType;
typedef typename Superclass::OutputVnlVectorType OutputVnlVectorType;
/** PointList typedef. This type is used for maintaining lists of points,
* specifically, the source and target landmark lists. */
typedef DefaultStaticMeshTraits<TScalar, NDimensions, NDimensions, TScalar, TScalar> PointSetTraitsType;
typedef PointSet<InputPointType, NDimensions, PointSetTraitsType> PointSetType;
typedef typename PointSetType::Pointer PointSetPointer;
typedef typename PointSetType::PointsContainer PointsContainer;
typedef typename PointSetType::PointsContainerIterator PointsIterator;
typedef typename PointSetType::PointsContainerConstIterator PointsConstIterator;
typedef typename PointSetType::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier;
/** VectorSet typedef. */
typedef itk::VectorContainer<SizeValueType, InputVectorType> VectorSetType;
typedef typename VectorSetType::Pointer VectorSetPointer;
/** Get/Set the source landmarks list, which we will denote \f$ p \f$. */
itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(SourceLandmarks, PointSetType); //NOTE: This is used to circumvent the SetTargetLandmarks
virtual void SetSourceLandmarks(PointSetType *);
/** Get the target landmarks list, which we will denote \f$ q \f$. */
itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(TargetLandmarks, PointSetType); //NOTE: This is used to circumvent the SetTargetLandmarks
virtual void SetTargetLandmarks(PointSetType *);
/** Get the displacements list, which we will denote \f$ d \f$,
* where \f$ d_i = q_i - p_i \f$. */
itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(Displacements, VectorSetType);
/** Compute W matrix. */
void ComputeWMatrix(void);
/** Compute the position of point in the new space */
virtual OutputPointType TransformPoint(const InputPointType & thisPoint) const;
/** These vector transforms are not implemented for this transform */
using Superclass::TransformVector;
virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector(const InputVectorType &) const \
{ \
itkExceptionMacro( \
<< "TransformVector(const InputVectorType &) is not implemented for KernelTransform"); \
virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector(const InputVnlVectorType &) const \
{ \
itkExceptionMacro( \
<< "TransformVector(const InputVnlVectorType &) is not implemented for KernelTransform"); \
/** Method to transform a CovariantVector. */
using Superclass::TransformCovariantVector;
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector(const InputCovariantVectorType &) const \
{ \
itkExceptionMacro( \
<< "TransformCovariantVector(const InputCovariantVectorType &) is not implemented for KernelTransform"); \
/** 'I' (identity) matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed<TScalar, NDimensions, NDimensions> IMatrixType;
/** Compute the Jacobian Matrix of the transformation at one point */
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters( const InputPointType & p, JacobianType & jacobian) const;
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition(const InputPointType &,
JacobianType &) const \
{ \
itkExceptionMacro( "ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition not yet implemented " \
"for " << this->GetNameOfClass() ); \
/** Set the Transformation Parameters and update the internal transformation.
* The parameters represent the source landmarks. Each landmark point is
* represented by NDimensions doubles. All the landmarks are concatenated to
* form one flat Array<double>. */
virtual void SetParameters(const ParametersType &);
/** Set Transform Fixed Parameters:
* To support the transform file writer this function was
* added to set the target landmarks similar to the
* SetParameters function setting the source landmarks
virtual void SetFixedParameters(const ParametersType &);
/** Update the Parameters array from the landmarks corrdinates. */
virtual void UpdateParameters(void) const;
/** Get the Transformation Parameters - Gets the Source Landmarks */
virtual const ParametersType & GetParameters(void) const;
/** Get Transform Fixed Parameters - Gets the Target Landmarks */
virtual const ParametersType & GetFixedParameters(void) const;
/** This transform is not linear, because the transformation of a linear
* combination of points is not equal to the linear combination of the
* transformations of individual points */
virtual TransformCategoryType GetTransformCategory() const
return Self::Spline;
/** Stiffness of the spline. A stiffness of zero results in the
* standard interpolating spline. A non-zero stiffness allows the
* spline to approximate rather than interpolate the landmarks.
* Stiffness values are usually rather small, typically in the range
* of 0.001 to 0.1. The approximating spline formulation is based on
* the short paper by R. Sprengel, K. Rohr, H. Stiehl. "Thin-Plate
* Spline Approximation for Image Registration". In 18th
* International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
* Biology Society. 1996.
itkSetClampMacro( Stiffness, double, 0.0, NumericTraits<double>::max() );
itkGetConstMacro(Stiffness, double);
virtual ~KernelTransform();
void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const;
/** 'G' matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed<TScalar, NDimensions, NDimensions> GMatrixType;
/** 'L' matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix<TScalar> LMatrixType;
/** 'K' matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix<TScalar> KMatrixType;
/** 'P' matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix<TScalar> PMatrixType;
/** 'Y' matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix<TScalar> YMatrixType;
/** 'W' matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix<TScalar> WMatrixType;
/** 'D' matrix typedef. Deformation component */
typedef vnl_matrix<TScalar> DMatrixType;
/** 'A' matrix typedef. Rotational part of the Affine component */
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed<TScalar, NDimensions, NDimensions> AMatrixType;
/** 'B' matrix typedef. Translational part of the Affine component */
typedef vnl_vector_fixed<TScalar, NDimensions> BMatrixType;
/** Row matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed<TScalar, 1, NDimensions> RowMatrixType;
/** Column matrix typedef. */
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed<TScalar, NDimensions, 1> ColumnMatrixType;
/** Compute G(x)
* This is essentially the kernel of the transform.
* By overriding this method, we can obtain (among others):
* Elastic body spline
* Thin plate spline
* Volume spline */
virtual void ComputeG(const InputVectorType & landmarkVector, GMatrixType & gmatrix) const;
/** Compute a G(x) for a point to itself (i.e. for the block diagonal
* elements of the matrix K. Parameter indicates for which landmark
* the reflexive G is to be computed. The default implementation for
* the reflexive contribution is a diagonal matrix where the diagonal
* elements are the stiffness of the spline.
* \warning this method is not thread-safe. However this method is called
* only through ComputeWMatrix() that is itself normally called from a single
* thread during the initialization of the Transform. */
virtual const GMatrixType & ComputeReflexiveG(PointsIterator) const;
/** Compute the contribution of the landmarks weighted by the kernel funcion
to the global deformation of the space */
virtual void ComputeDeformationContribution(const InputPointType & inputPoint, OutputPointType & result) const;
/** Compute K matrix. */
void ComputeK();
/** Compute L matrix. */
void ComputeL();
/** Compute P matrix. */
void ComputeP();
/** Compute Y matrix. */
void ComputeY();
/** Compute displacements \f$ q_i - p_i \f$. */
void ComputeD();
/** Reorganize the components of W into
D (deformable), A (rotation part of affine)
and B (translational part of affine ) components.
\warning This method release the memory of the W Matrix */
void ReorganizeW(void);
/** Stiffness parameter */
double m_Stiffness;
/** The list of displacements.
* d[i] = q[i] - p[i]; */
VectorSetPointer m_Displacements;
/** The L matrix. */
LMatrixType m_LMatrix;
/** The K matrix. */
KMatrixType m_KMatrix;
/** The P matrix. */
PMatrixType m_PMatrix;
/** The Y matrix. */
YMatrixType m_YMatrix;
/** The W matrix. */
WMatrixType m_WMatrix;
/** The Deformation matrix.
This is an auxiliary matrix that will hold the
Deformation (non-affine) part of the transform.
Those are the coefficients that will multiply the
Kernel function */
DMatrixType m_DMatrix;
/** Rotatinoal/Shearing part of the Affine component of the Transformation */
AMatrixType m_AMatrix;
/** Translational part of the Affine component of the Transformation */
BMatrixType m_BVector;
/** The G matrix.
* It is made mutable because m_GMatrix was made an ivar
* only to avoid copying the matrix at return time */
mutable GMatrixType m_GMatrix;
/** Has the W matrix been computed? */
bool m_WMatrixComputed;
/** Identity matrix. */
IMatrixType m_I;
/** The list of source landmarks, denoted 'p'. */
PointSetPointer m_SourceLandmarks;
/** The list of target landmarks, denoted 'q'. */
PointSetPointer m_TargetLandmarks;
KernelTransform(const Self &); // purposely not implemented
void operator=(const Self &); // purposely not implemented
} // end namespace itk
#include "itkKernelTransform.hxx"
#endif // __itkKernelTransform_h