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// FILE: ossimSensorModel.h
// License: See top level LICENSE.txt file.
// AUTHOR: Oscar Kramer
// Contains declaration of class ossimSensorModel. This is the base class to
// all sensor model-related projections including replacement models such as
// coarse grids and polynomial models. This base class supports adjustable
// parameters for registration adjustment.
// Important note to sensor model implementors: In order to avoid a separate
// set of "initial adjustable parameters," this design assumes ALL initial
// values are 0. When designing the derived-class model, insure that the
// adjustable parameters are 0-based. This applies to theAdjustableParams
// array declared in this base class only. The derived classes can declare
// their own adjstable params that are more descriptive and that can be
// assigned an initial value that is non-zero, but that are linearly related
// to the adjustable params of this class. In that case, the updateModel()
// method will compute the derived-class's parameters based on
// theAdjustableParams array, after an adjustment is made.
// $Id: ossimSensorModel.h 13673 2008-10-03 15:10:52Z gpotts $
#ifndef ossimSensorModel_HEADER
#define ossimSensorModel_HEADER
#include <ossim/projection/ossimProjection.h>
#include <ossim/projection/ossimBilinearProjection.h>
#include <ossim/projection/ossimOptimizableProjection.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimEcefRay.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimString.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimPolygon.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimDrect.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimCommon.h> /* for ossim::nan() */
#include <ossim/elevation/ossimElevSource.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimAdjustableParameterInterface.h>
#include <ossim/matrix/newmat.h>
#include <ossim/matrix/newmatap.h>
class ossimKeywordlist;
class ossimTieGptSet;
* CLASS: ossimSensorModel
class OSSIMDLLEXPORT ossimSensorModel : public ossimProjection,
public ossimOptimizableProjection,
public ossimAdjustableParameterInterface
enum CovMatStatus
enum DeriveMode
OBS_INIT =-99,
P_WRT_X = -1,
P_WRT_Y = -2,
P_WRT_Z = -3
ossimSensorModel(const ossimSensorModel& copy_this);
ossimSensorModel(const ossimKeywordlist& geom_kwl);
virtual ~ossimSensorModel();
virtual ossimObject* getBaseObject();
virtual const ossimObject* getBaseObject()const;
virtual ossimGpt origin() const {return theRefGndPt; }
virtual ossimDpt getMetersPerPixel() const {return ossimDpt(fabs(theGSD.x),
* Implementation of base-class pure virtual projection methods. These
* methods may be overriden by derived classes if those have more efficient
* schemes. The implementations here are iterative (relatively slow). Both
* depend on calls to the pure virtual lineSampleHeightToWorld() method.
virtual void lineSampleToWorld(const ossimDpt& image_point,
ossimGpt& world_point) const;
virtual void worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point,
ossimDpt& image_point) const;
* METHOD: lineSampleHeightToWorld
* This is the pure virtual that performs the actual work of projecting
* the image point to the given elevation above MSL.
virtual void lineSampleHeightToWorld(const ossimDpt& lineSampPt,
const double& heightAboveMSL,
ossimGpt& worldPt) const = 0;
* METHOD: imagingRay(image_point, &ossimEcefRay)
* Given an image point, returns a ray originating at some arbitrarily high
* point (ideally at the sensor position) and pointing towards the target.
* Implemented here but should be overriden for more efficient solution.
virtual void imagingRay(const ossimDpt& image_point,
ossimEcefRay& image_ray) const;
* METHOD: print()
* Fulfills base-class pure virtual. Dumps contents of object to ostream.
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const;
* @brief Sets the center line sampe of the image.
* @param pt Image center point (x = sample, y = line).
void setRefImgPt(const ossimDpt& pt);
* @brief Sets the center latitude, longitude, height of the image.
* @param pt Image center point.
void setRefGndPt(const ossimGpt& pt);
void setImageRect(const ossimDrect& imageRect);
void setGroundRect(const ossimGpt& ul,
const ossimGpt& ur,
const ossimGpt& lr,
const ossimGpt& ll);
* METHOD: imageSize()
* Returns the maximum line/sample rigorously defined by this model.
ossimDpt imageSize() const { return theImageSize; }
* This is from the adjustable parameter interface. It is
* called when a paraemter adjustment is made.
virtual void adjustableParametersChanged()
* VIRTUAL METHOD: updateModel()
* Following a change to the adjustable parameter set, this virtual
* is called to permit instances to compute derived quantities after
* parameter change.
virtual void updateModel() {}
* METHODS: saveState, loadState
* Fulfills ossimObject base-class pure virtuals. Loads and saves geometry
* KWL files.
virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
const char* prefix=0) const;
virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
const char* prefix=0);
* METHOD: insideImage(image_point)
* Returns true if the image_point lies inside the image rectangle.
virtual bool insideImage(const ossimDpt& p) const
/* return( (p.u>=(0.0-FLT_EPSILON)) && */
/* (p.u<=(double)(theImageSize.u-(1-FLT_EPSILON))) && */
/* (p.v>=(0.0-FLT_EPSILON)) && */
/* (p.v<=(double)(theImageSize.v-(1-FLT_EPSILON))) ); */
// if it's close to the edge we will consider it inside the image
return theImageClipRect.pointWithin(p, 2.0);
* STATIC METHOD: writeGeomTemplate(ostream)
* Writes a template of keywords processed by loadState and saveState to
* output stream.
static void writeGeomTemplate(ostream& os);
virtual bool operator==(const ossimProjection& proj) const; //inline below
* optimizableProjection implementation
virtual ossim_uint32 degreesOfFreedom()const;
inline virtual bool needsInitialState()const {return true;}
virtual double optimizeFit(const ossimTieGptSet& tieSet,
double* targetVariance=0);
* METHOD: getForwardDeriv()
* gives forward() partial derivative regarding parameter parmIdx (>=0)
* default implementation is centered finite difference
* -should be reimplemented with formal derivative in child class
virtual ossimDpt getForwardDeriv(int parmIdx, const ossimGpt& gpos, double hdelta=1e-11);
* METHOD: getInverseDeriv()
* gives inverse() partial derivative regarding parameter parmIdx (>=0)
* default implementation is centered finite difference
* -should be reimplemented with formal derivative in child class
virtual ossimGpt getInverseDeriv(int parmIdx, const ossimDpt& ipos, double hdelta=1e-11);
* METHOD: getObsCovMat()
* gives 2X2 covariance matrix of observations
virtual ossimSensorModel::CovMatStatus getObsCovMat(
const ossimDpt& ipos, NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix& Cov);
* @brief Implementation of pure virtual
* ossimProjection::isAffectedByElevation method.
* @return true.
virtual bool isAffectedByElevation() const { return true; }
* METHOD: extrapolate()
* Extrapolates solutions for points outside of the image. The second
* version accepts a height value -- if left at the default, the elevation
* will be looked up via theElevation object.
virtual ossimDpt extrapolate (const ossimGpt& gp) const;
virtual ossimGpt extrapolate (const ossimDpt& ip,
const double& height=ossim::nan()) const;
* METHOD: buildNormalEquation
* builds linearized system (LMS equivalent)
* A*dp = projResidue
* A: symetric matrix = tJ*J
* dp: system parameter shift that we want to estimate
* projResidue = tJ * residue
* t: transposition operator
* J = jacobian of transform relative to parameters p, transform can be forward() or inverse()
* jacobian is obtained via finite differences
* residue can be image (2D) or ground residue(3D)
* TODO: use image/ground points covariance matrices
void buildNormalEquation(const ossimTieGptSet& tieSet,
NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix& A,
NEWMAT::ColumnVector& residue,
NEWMAT::ColumnVector& projResidue,
double pstep_scale);
* METHOD: getResidue()
* returns ground opr image residue
NEWMAT::ColumnVector getResidue(const ossimTieGptSet& tieSet);
NEWMAT::ColumnVector solveLeastSquares(NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix& A, NEWMAT::ColumnVector& r)const;
* stable invert stolen from ossimRpcSolver
NEWMAT::Matrix invert(const NEWMAT::Matrix& m)const;
ossimIpt theImageSize; // pixels
* Support sub-image of larger full image by maintaining offset to UL corner
ossimDpt theSubImageOffset; // pixels
ossimString theImageID;
ossimString theSensorID;
ossimDpt theGSD; // meters
ossim_float64 theMeanGSD; // meters
ossimGpt theRefGndPt; // should be image center
ossimDpt theRefImgPt; // should be image center
ossimPolygon theBoundGndPolygon;
ossimDrect theImageClipRect;
ossim_float64 theNominalPosError; // meters
/** Partials for current point */
ossimDpt theParWRTx;
ossimDpt theParWRTy;
ossimDpt theParWRTz;
/** Observations & residuals for current point */
ossimDpt theObs;
ossimDpt theResid;
* Used as an initial guess for iterative solutions and a guess for points outside the support
* bounds.
ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> theSeedFunction;
mutable bool theExtrapolateImageFlag;
mutable bool theExtrapolateGroundFlag;
//================= BEGIN INLINE DEFINITIONS =================================
inline bool ossimSensorModel::operator==(const ossimProjection& proj) const
const ossimSensorModel* model
= PTR_CAST(ossimSensorModel, (const ossimProjection*) &proj);
if ( (!model) ||
(theSensorID != model->theSensorID) ||
(theImageID != model->theImageID) ||
(theSubImageOffset != model->theSubImageOffset) )
return false;
return true;