/usr/include/ql/experimental/credit/cdo.hpp is in libquantlib0-dev 1.4-2.
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Copyright (C) 2008 Roland Lichters
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/*! \file cdo.hpp
\brief collateralized debt obligation
#ifndef quantlib_cdo_hpp
#define quantlib_cdo_hpp
#include <ql/instrument.hpp>
#include <ql/termstructures/yieldtermstructure.hpp>
#include <ql/termstructures/defaulttermstructure.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/credit/lossdistribution.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/credit/onefactorcopula.hpp>
#include <ql/time/schedule.hpp>
namespace QuantLib {
//! collateralized debt obligation
/*! The instrument prices a mezzanine CDO tranche with loss given
default between attachment point \f$ D_1\f$ and detachment
point \f$ D_2 > D_1 \f$.
For purchased protection, the instrument value is given by the
difference of the protection value \f$ V_1 \f$ and premium
value \f$ V_2 \f$,
\f[ V = V_1 - V_2. \f]
The protection leg is priced as follows:
- Build the probability distribution for volume of defaults
\f$ L \f$ (before recovery) or Loss Given Default \f$ LGD =
(1-r)\,L \f$ at times/dates \f$ t_i, i=1, ..., N\f$ (premium
schedule times with intermediate steps)
- Determine the expected value
\f$ E_i = E_{t_i}\,\left[Pay(LGD)\right] \f$
of the protection payoff \f$ Pay(LGD) \f$ at each time
\f$ t_i\f$ where
Pay(L) = min (D_1, LGD) - min (D_2, LGD) = \left\{
\displaystyle 0 &;& LGD < D_1 \\
\displaystyle LGD - D_1 &;& D_1 \leq LGD \leq D_2 \\
\displaystyle D_2 - D_1 &;& LGD > D_2
- The protection value is then calculated as
\f[ V_1 \:=\: \sum_{i=1}^N (E_i - E_{i-1}) \cdot d_i \f]
where \f$ d_i\f$ is the discount factor at time/date \f$ t_i \f$
The premium is paid on the protected notional amount,
initially \f$ D_2 - D_1. \f$ This notional amount is reduced
by the expected protection payments \f$ E_i \f$ at times
\f$ t_i, \f$ so that the premium value is calculated as
V_2 = m \, \cdot \sum_{i=1}^N \,(D_2 - D_1 - E_i)
\cdot \Delta_{i-1,i}\,d_i
where \f$ m \f$ is the premium rate, \f$ \Delta_{i-1, i}\f$ is
the day count fraction between date/time \f$ t_{i-1}\f$ and
\f$ t_i.\f$
The construction of the portfolio loss distribution \f$ E_i
\f$ is based on the probability bucketing algorithm described
John Hull and Alan White, "Valuation of a CDO and nth to default CDS
without Monte Carlo simulation", Journal of Derivatives 12, 2, 2004
The pricing algorithm allows for varying notional amounts and
default termstructures of the underlyings.
\todo Investigate and fix cases \f$ E_{i+1} < E_i. \f$
class CDO : public Instrument {
/*! \param attachment fraction of the LGD where protection starts
\param detachment fraction of the LGD where protection ends
\param nominals vector of basket nominal amounts
\param basket default basket represented by a vector of
default term structures that allow
computing single name default
probabilities depending on time
\param copula one-factor copula
\param protectionSeller sold protection if set to true, purchased
\param premiumSchedule schedule for premium payments
\param premiumRate annual premium rate, e.g. 0.05 for 5% p.a.
\param dayCounter day count convention for the premium rate
\param recoveryRate recovery rate as a fraction
\param upfrontPremiumRate premium as a tranche notional fraction
\param yieldTS yield term structure handle
\param nBuckets number of distribution buckets
\param integrationStep time step for integrating over one
premium period; if larger than premium
period length, a single step is taken
CDO (Real attachment,
Real detachment,
const std::vector<Real>& nominals,
const std::vector<Handle<DefaultProbabilityTermStructure> >& basket,
const Handle<OneFactorCopula>& copula,
bool protectionSeller,
const Schedule& premiumSchedule,
Rate premiumRate,
const DayCounter& dayCounter,
Rate recoveryRate,
Rate upfrontPremiumRate,
const Handle<YieldTermStructure>& yieldTS,
Size nBuckets,
const Period& integrationStep = Period(10, Years));
Real nominal() { return nominal_; }
Real lgd() { return lgd_; }
Real attachment () { return attachment_; }
Real detachment () { return detachment_; }
std::vector<Real> nominals() { return nominals_; }
Size size() { return basket_.size(); }
bool isExpired () const;
Rate fairPremium() const;
Rate premiumValue () const;
Rate protectionValue () const;
Size error () const;
void setupExpired() const;
void performCalculations() const;
Real expectedTrancheLoss (Date d) const;
Real attachment_;
Real detachment_;
std::vector<Real> nominals_;
std::vector<Handle<DefaultProbabilityTermStructure> > basket_;
Handle<OneFactorCopula> copula_;
bool protectionSeller_;
Schedule premiumSchedule_;
Rate premiumRate_;
DayCounter dayCounter_;
Rate recoveryRate_;
Rate upfrontPremiumRate_;
Handle<YieldTermStructure> yieldTS_;
Size nBuckets_; // number of buckets up to detachment point
Period integrationStep_;
std::vector<Real> lgds_;
Real nominal_; // total basket volume (sum of nominals_)
Real lgd_; // maximum loss given default (sum of lgds_)
Real xMax_; // tranche detachment point (tranche_ * nominal_)
Real xMin_; // tranche attachment point (tranche_ * nominal_)
mutable Size error_;
mutable Real premiumValue_;
mutable Real protectionValue_;
mutable Real upfrontPremiumValue_;