/usr/include/ncbi/dlogutil.h is in libvibrant6-dev 6.1.20120620-7.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 | /* dlogutil.h
* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
* the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
* to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
* Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
* We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
* any work or product based on this material
* Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
* and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
* Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
* may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
* Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
* warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
* purpose.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: dlogutil.h
* Author: Jonathan Kans
* Version Creation Date: 1/22/95
* $Revision: 6.119 $
* File Description:
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Name Description of modification
* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _DLOGUTIL_
#define _DLOGUTIL_
#include <vibrant.h>
#include <document.h>
#include <sqnutils.h>
#include <prtutil.h>
#include <asn.h>
#include <objall.h>
#include <objfeat.h>
#include <objfdef.h>
#include <sequtil.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern StdPrintOptionsPtr spop;
extern Boolean SetupPrintOptions (void);
extern void FreePrintOptions (void);
extern EnumFieldAssoc months_alist [];
extern EnumFieldAssoc new_pseudogene_alist [];
extern void DatePtrToVibrant (DatePtr dp, PopuP dateMonth, TexT dateDay, TexT dateYear);
extern DatePtr VibrantToDatePtr (PopuP dateMonth, TexT dateDay, TexT dateYear);
extern ValNodePtr AddStringToValNodeChain (ValNodePtr head, CharPtr str, Uint1 choice);
DialoG data;
DialoG commonRadio; \
GrouP commonSubGrp [8]; \
Int2 commonPage; \
ButtoN partial; \
ButtoN exception; \
ButtoN pseudo; \
PopuP pseudogene; \
EnumFieldAssocPtr pseudoalist; \
DialoG experiment; \
DialoG inference; \
TexT comment; \
TexT title; \
TexT exceptText; \
PopuP evidence; \
Handle gene; \
PopuP genePopup; \
LisT geneList; \
ValNodePtr geneNames; \
GrouP useGeneXref; \
GrouP newGeneGrp; \
TexT geneSymbol; \
TexT geneAllele; \
TexT geneDesc; \
TexT locusTag; \
TexT geneSynonym; \
ButtoN editGeneBtn; \
TexT protXrefName; \
TexT protXrefDesc; \
DialoG location; \
DialoG product; \
DialoG featcits; \
DialoG dbxrefs; \
DialoG gbquals; \
DialoG usrobjext; \
TexT featid; \
TexT fidxref; \
ButtoN leave_dlg_up; \
UserObjectPtr goTermUserObj; \
Int2 badInfAttempts; \
Boolean acceptBadInf;
typedef struct descform {
} DescriptorForm, PNTR DescriptorFormPtr;
typedef struct featform {
} FeatureForm, PNTR FeatureFormPtr;
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK DescriptorPropagate (Pointer data);
extern Boolean DescFormReplaceWithoutUpdateProc (ForM f);
extern Boolean DescFormReplaceWithoutUpdateProcEx (ForM f, Boolean feature_or_molinfo_change);
extern void StdDescFormActnProc (ForM f);
extern void StdDescFormActnProcNoFeatureChangeNoMolInfoChange (ForM f);
extern void StdDescFormCleanupProc (GraphiC g, VoidPtr data);
extern Boolean FeatFormReplaceWithoutUpdateProc (ForM f);
extern void StdFeatFormActnProc (ForM f);
extern void StdSeqFeatPtrToFeatFormProc (ForM f, Pointer data);
extern void StdInitFeatFormProc (ForM f);
extern void StdFeatFormCleanupProc (GraphiC g, VoidPtr data);
extern void StdFeatFormAcceptButtonProc (ButtoN b);
extern void InferenceDialogToGBQuals (DialoG d, SeqFeatPtr sfp, Boolean convertBadToNote);
extern void GBQualsToInferenceDialog (DialoG d, SeqFeatPtr sfp);
extern void ExtendGeneFeatIfOnMRNA (Uint2 entityID, SeqEntryPtr sep);
extern OMUserDataPtr ItemAlreadyHasEditor (Uint2 entityID, Uint4 itemID, Uint2 itemtype, Uint2 procid);
extern Uint2 GetProcIdForItemEditor (Uint2 entityID, Uint2 itemID, Uint1 itemtype, Uint2 subinputtype);
extern OMUserDataPtr EntityAlreadyHasViewer (Uint2 entityID);
extern Boolean MakeViewerIndependent (Uint2 entityID, OMUserDataPtr omudp);
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK StdVibrantEditorMsgFunc (OMMsgStructPtr ommsp);
extern Boolean TestInference (FeatureFormPtr ffp, CharPtr badInfQual, size_t len, CharPtr badInfMssg);
extern void InitPseudogenePopup (FeatureFormPtr ffp, PopuP p, Boolean ispseudo, CharPtr pseudogene, Boolean indexerVersion);
* Various specific spreadsheet or editor dialogs.
extern DialoG CreateAuthorDialog (GrouP prnt, Uint2 rows, Int2 spacing);
extern DialoG CreateDateDialogEx (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title, Int4 start_year, Int4 num_years);
extern DialoG CreateDateDialog (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title);
extern DialoG CreateAffilDialog (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title);
extern DialoG CreatePublisherAffilDialog (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title);
extern DialoG CreateProceedingsDialog (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title);
/* The Ext versions split the affil dialogs into two superimposed pages,
both of which are initially hidden, that can go in separate folder tabs */
extern DialoG CreateExtAffilDialog (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title,
GrouP PNTR grp1, GrouP PNTR grp2);
extern DialoG CreateExtPublisherAffilDialog (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title,
GrouP PNTR grp1, GrouP PNTR grp2);
extern DialoG CreateExtProceedingsDialog (GrouP prnt, CharPtr title,
GrouP PNTR grp1, GrouP PNTR grp2);
extern GrouP CreateCommonFeatureGroup (GrouP h, FeatureFormPtr ffp,
SeqFeatPtr sfp, Boolean hasGeneControl,
Boolean hasCitationTab);
extern GrouP CreateCommonFeatureGroupEx (GrouP h, FeatureFormPtr ffp,
SeqFeatPtr sfp, Boolean hasGeneControl,
Boolean hasCitationTab, Boolean hasGeneSuppress);
extern void UpdateGeneLocation (SeqFeatPtr gene, SeqLocPtr old_feat_loc,
SeqLocPtr new_feat_loc, Uint2 entityID);
extern void PopulateGenePopup (FeatureFormPtr ffp);
extern void SeqFeatPtrToCommon (FeatureFormPtr ffp, SeqFeatPtr sfp);
extern void SetNewFeatureDefaultInterval (FeatureFormPtr ffp);
extern DialoG CreateImportFields (GrouP h, CharPtr name, SeqFeatPtr sfp, Boolean allowProductGBQual);
extern DialoG NewCreateImportFields (GrouP h, CharPtr name, SeqFeatPtr sfp, Boolean allowProductGBQual);
extern DialoG CreateIntervalEditorDialog (GrouP h, CharPtr title, Uint2 rows,
Int2 spacing, SeqEntryPtr sep,
Boolean nucsOK, Boolean protsOK);
typedef void (*IntEdPartialProc) (FeatureFormPtr ffp, Boolean partial5, Boolean partial3, Boolean order);
extern DialoG CreateIntervalEditorDialogEx (GrouP h, CharPtr title, Uint2 rows,
Int2 spacing, SeqEntryPtr sep,
Boolean nucsOK, Boolean protsOK,
Boolean useBar, Boolean showPartials,
Boolean allowGaps, FeatureFormPtr ffp,
IntEdPartialProc proc);
extern DialoG CreateIntervalEditorDialogExEx (GrouP h, CharPtr title, Uint2 rows,
Int2 spacing, SeqEntryPtr sep,
Boolean nucsOK, Boolean protsOK,
Boolean useBar, Boolean showPartials,
Boolean allowGaps, FeatureFormPtr ffp,
IntEdPartialProc proc,
Boolean use_aln, Boolean show_seqid,
TaglistCallback tlp_callback,
Pointer callback_data,
Boolean allow_nulls_in_list);
extern void DisplayErrorMessages (CharPtr title, ValNodePtr err_list);
extern Boolean AdjustFromForGap (Int4Ptr p_from, SeqAlignPtr salp, Int4 aln_len, Int4 aln_row);
extern Boolean AdjustToForGap (Int4Ptr p_to, SeqAlignPtr salp, Int4 aln_row);
extern void SetSequenceAndStrandForIntervalPage (DialoG d);
extern void StdFeatIntEdPartialCallback (FeatureFormPtr ffp, Boolean partial5, Boolean partial3, Boolean order);
extern DialoG CreateVisibleStringDialog (GrouP h, Uint2 rows,
Int2 spacing, Int2 width);
extern DialoG CreateDbtagDialog (GrouP h, Uint2 rows, Int2 spacing,
Int2 width1, Int2 width2);
* Miscellaneous functions.
* The TextViewProcsPtr may be registered with a call to SetAppProperty
* e.g., SetAppProperty ("TextDisplayForm", &viewprocs), where viewprocs
* is a persistent structure filled with callback function pointers specific
* for a given application.
typedef struct textviewprocs {
WndActnProc activateForm;
WndActnProc closeForm;
WndActnProc createMenus;
FormMessageFunc handleMessages;
Int2 minPixelWidth;
Int2 minPixelHeight;
Boolean useScrollText;
FonT displayFont;
Char screenMode;
} TextViewProcs, PNTR TextViewProcsPtr;
typedef CharPtr (*Nlm_RepopulateViewer) PROTO ((Pointer userdata));
typedef Pointer (*Nlm_RepopulateDataFree) PROTO ((Pointer userdata));
extern void LaunchGeneralTextViewer (CharPtr path, CharPtr title);
extern void LaunchAsnTextViewer (Pointer from, AsnWriteFunc writefunc, CharPtr title);
extern void LaunchGeneralTextViewerWithRepopulate
(CharPtr path, CharPtr title,
Nlm_RepopulateViewer repopulate_func, Pointer repopulate_data,
Nlm_RepopulateDataFree free_data_func);
extern Boolean FileToScrollText (TexT t, CharPtr path);
extern void ScrollTextToFile (TexT t, CharPtr path);
extern void FileToClipboard (CharPtr path);
* The StdEditorProcsPtr may be registered with a call to SetAppProperty
* e.g., SetAppProperty ("StdEditorForm", &viewprocs), where viewprocs
* is a persistent structure filled with callback function pointers specific
* for a given application.
typedef struct stdeditorprocs {
WndActnProc activateForm;
FormMessageFunc handleMessages;
Boolean duplicateExisting;
Char screenMode;
} StdEditorProcs, PNTR StdEditorProcsPtr;
#ifndef WIN_MAC
extern void CreateStdEditorFormMenus (WindoW w);
* When duplicating instead of editing, the editors call the following
* function to change the baseFormPtr itemID and itemtype to the closest
* Bioseq or BioseqSet, thus adding the new item to that parent.
extern Boolean SetClosestParentIfDuplicating (BaseFormPtr bfp);
* The HelpMessageFunc may be registered with a call to SetAppProperty
* e.g., SetAppProperty ("HelpMessageProc", helpproc), where helpproc
* is an application-supplied callback function that takes character
* strings for the heading and section.
typedef void (*HelpMessageFunc) (CharPtr, CharPtr);
* Miscellaneous functions.
extern CharPtr SaveStringFromTextAndStripNewlines (TexT t);
extern CharPtr StripNewlines (CharPtr str);
extern void NewlinesToTildes (CharPtr str);
/* GetRidOfEmptyFeatsDescStrings takes either an entityID or a SeqEntryPtr */
extern void GetRidOfEmptyFeatsDescStrings (Uint2 entityID, SeqEntryPtr sep);
* LaunchEntrezURL constructs a web-Entrez URL query. Parameter choices are:
* Database Report Formats
* PubMed DocSum, Brief, Abstract, Citation, MEDLINE, ASN.1, ExternalLink
* Nucleotide DocSum, Brief, GenBank, ASN.1, FASTA, ExternalLink
* Protein DocSum, Brief, GenPept, ASN.1, FASTA, ExternalLink
* Genome DocSum, Brief, ASN.1, ExternalLink
* Popset DocSum, Brief, ASN.1, FASTA, ExternalLink
* Structure DocSum, Brief
* OMIM DocSum, Text, Synopsis, Variants, MiniMIM, ASN.1, ExternalLink
* Taxonomy DocSum, Brief, TxInfo, TxTree, ExternalLink
NLM_EXTERN void LaunchEntrezURL (CharPtr database, Int4 uid, CharPtr format);
/* this function creates a dialog for selecting publications in a record */
extern DialoG FeatCitEditDialog (GrouP parent, Uint2 entityID);
/* This structure and the functions after it are used for
* modal dialogs with two choices.
typedef struct modalacceptcancel
Boolean accepted;
Boolean cancelled;
Boolean third_option;
} ModalAcceptCancelData, PNTR ModalAcceptCancelPtr;
extern void ModalAcceptButton (ButtoN b);
extern void ModalCancelButton (ButtoN b);
extern void ModalThirdOptionButton (ButtoN b);
NLM_EXTERN Int4 ThreeOptionsDlg (CharPtr title_txt, CharPtr explain_txt, CharPtr opt1, CharPtr opt2, CharPtr opt3);
typedef void (*TableDisplayDblClick) PROTO((PoinT, CharPtr, CharPtr, Pointer));
typedef Boolean (*TableDisplayLeftInRed) PROTO ((Int4, ValNodePtr, Pointer));
extern DialoG TableDisplayDialog (GrouP parent, Int4 width, Int4 height,
Int4 frozen_header, Int4 frozen_left,
TableDisplayDblClick dbl_click,
Pointer dbl_click_data,
Pointer left_in_red_data);
extern DialoG EditableTableDisplayDialog (GrouP parent, Int4 width, Int4 height,
Int4 frozen_header, Int4 frozen_left,
TableDisplayDblClick dbl_click,
Pointer dbl_click_data,
TableDisplayLeftInRed left_in_red,
Pointer left_in_red_data);
extern ValNodePtr FreeTableDisplayRowList (ValNodePtr row_list);
extern void PrintTableDisplayRowListToFile (ValNodePtr row_list, FILE *fp);
extern ValNodePtr CopyTableDisplayRowList (ValNodePtr row_list);
extern CharPtr GetRowListCellText (ValNodePtr row_list, Int4 row, Int4 column);
extern FonT GetTableDisplayDefaultFont (void);
/* err_msg is the message to put in the results from TestDialog if nothing is selected */
/* choice_list should be a valnode list of strings to use for the names of the choices. */
/* All is automatically included as a choice if allow_multi is true. */
/* The ValNodeList returned is a list of integers indicating the position of the item
* in the list: 1 is the first item, 2 is the second item, etc. */
extern DialoG SelectionDialog
(GrouP h,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
CharPtr err_msg,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Int2 list_height);
extern DialoG SelectionDialogEx
(GrouP h,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
CharPtr err_msg,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Int2 list_height,
Boolean force_list);
extern DialoG SelectionDialogExEx
(GrouP h,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
CharPtr err_msg,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Int2 list_height,
Boolean force_list,
Boolean force_popup);
/* This function should free just the data associated with the ValNode */
typedef void (*FreeValNodeProc) PROTO ((ValNodePtr));
/* This function should copy just this ValNode, not the chain */
typedef ValNodePtr (*CopyValNodeDataProc) PROTO ((ValNodePtr));
typedef ValNodePtr (*RemapValNodeProc) PROTO ((ValNodePtr));
typedef Boolean (*MatchValNodeProc) PROTO ((ValNodePtr, ValNodePtr));
typedef CharPtr (*NameFromValNodeProc) PROTO ((ValNodePtr));
extern DialoG ValNodeSelectionDialogExEx
(GrouP h,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Int2 list_height,
NameFromValNodeProc name_proc,
FreeValNodeProc free_vn_proc,
CopyValNodeDataProc copy_vn_proc,
MatchValNodeProc match_vn_proc,
CharPtr err_name,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
Boolean force_list,
Boolean force_popup,
RemapValNodeProc remap_vn_proc);
extern DialoG ValNodeSelectionDialogEx
(GrouP h,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Int2 list_height,
NameFromValNodeProc name_proc,
FreeValNodeProc free_vn_proc,
CopyValNodeDataProc copy_vn_proc,
MatchValNodeProc match_vn_proc,
CharPtr err_name,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
Boolean force_list,
RemapValNodeProc remap_vn_proc);
extern DialoG ValNodeSelectionDialog
(GrouP h,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Int2 list_height,
NameFromValNodeProc name_proc,
FreeValNodeProc free_vn_proc,
CopyValNodeDataProc copy_vn_proc,
MatchValNodeProc match_vn_proc,
CharPtr err_name,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi);
extern DialoG EnumAssocSelectionDialog
(GrouP h,
Nlm_EnumFieldAssocPtr eap,
CharPtr err_name,
Boolean allow_multi,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata);
extern CharPtr ValNodeStringName (ValNodePtr vnp);
extern void ValNodeSimpleDataFree (ValNodePtr vnp);
extern ValNodePtr ValNodeStringCopy (ValNodePtr vnp);
extern Boolean ValNodeChoiceMatch (ValNodePtr vnp1, ValNodePtr vnp2);
extern Boolean ValNodeStringMatch (ValNodePtr vnp1, ValNodePtr vnp2);
/* choice list is a list of strings */
extern DialoG StringComboDialog
(GrouP h,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Int2 list_height,
Int2 list_width,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata);
extern DialoG SequenceSelectionDialog
(GrouP h,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
Boolean show_nucs,
Boolean show_prots,
Uint2 entityID);
extern DialoG SequenceSelectionDialogEx
(GrouP h,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
Boolean allow_none,
Boolean show_nucs,
Boolean show_prots,
Uint2 entityID,
Int4 list_height);
extern DialoG SubSourceTypeDialog
(GrouP h,
Int2 list_height,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
Boolean force_list,
Boolean include_note);
extern DialoG OrgModTypeDialog
(GrouP h,
Int2 list_height,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata,
Boolean allow_multi,
Boolean force_list,
Boolean include_note);
typedef CharPtr (*GetClickableItemText) (ValNodePtr item_list);
extern DialoG
(GrouP h,
CharPtr label1,
CharPtr label2,
ClickableCallback item_single_click_callback,
ClickableCallback item_double_click_callback,
Pointer item_click_callback_data,
GetClickableItemText get_item_text);
extern DialoG
(GrouP h,
CharPtr label1,
CharPtr label2,
CharPtr help1,
CharPtr help2,
ClickableCallback item_single_click_callback,
ClickableCallback item_double_click_callback,
Pointer item_click_callback_data,
GetClickableItemText get_item_text,
Int4 left_width,
Int4 right_width,
Boolean horizontal,
Boolean show_find);
extern DialoG
(GrouP h,
CharPtr label1,
CharPtr label2,
CharPtr help1,
CharPtr help2,
ClickableCallback item_single_click_callback,
ClickableCallback item_double_click_callback,
Pointer item_click_callback_data,
GetClickableItemText get_item_text,
Int4 left_width,
Int4 right_width,
Boolean horizontal,
Boolean show_find,
Boolean display_chosen);
extern DialoG
(GrouP h,
CharPtr label1,
CharPtr label2,
CharPtr help1,
CharPtr help2,
ClickableCallback item_single_click_callback,
ClickableCallback item_double_click_callback,
Pointer item_click_callback_data,
GetClickableItemText get_item_text,
Int4 num_item_text_columns,
Int4 left_width,
Int4 right_width,
Boolean horizontal,
Boolean show_find,
Boolean display_chosen);
extern void SetClickableListDialogTitles (DialoG d, CharPtr title1, CharPtr title2, CharPtr help1, CharPtr help2);
extern void SetClickableListDisplayChosen (DialoG d, Boolean set);
extern void ScrollToNextClickableTextDescription (CharPtr txt, DialoG d);
extern void ScrollToPreviousClickableTextDescription (CharPtr txt, DialoG d);
extern CharPtr GetSelectedClickableListText (DialoG d);
extern void GetAlignmentsInSeqEntryCallback (SeqAnnotPtr sap, Pointer userdata);
extern void CreateSeqAlignLabel (SeqAlignPtr salp, CharPtr buf, Int4 buf_size);
typedef struct existingtext
Int4 existing_text_choice;
} ExistingTextData, PNTR ExistingTextPtr;
typedef enum {
eExistingTextChoiceReplaceOld = 1,
eExistingTextChoiceCancel } EExistingTextChoice;
extern CharPtr
(CharPtr existing_text,
CharPtr new_text,
ExistingTextPtr etp);
extern ExistingTextPtr GetExistingTextHandlerInfo (Int4 num_found, Boolean non_text);
typedef enum {
EditApplyFindLocation_anywhere = 1,
} EditApplyFindLocation;
typedef struct applyvalue
ValNodePtr field_list;
ExistingTextPtr etp;
CharPtr new_text;
CharPtr text_to_replace;
EditApplyFindLocation where_to_replace;
} ApplyValueData, PNTR ApplyValuePtr;
typedef struct editapply
CharPtr find_txt;
EditApplyFindLocation find_location;
CharPtr repl_txt;
CharPtr apply_txt;
} EditApplyData, PNTR EditApplyPtr;
extern EditApplyPtr EditApplyFree (EditApplyPtr eap);
extern EditApplyPtr EditApplyNew (void);
typedef enum {
eEditApplyChoice_Apply = 0,
eEditApplyChoice_Edit } EEditApplyChoice;
extern DialoG EditApplyDialog
(GrouP h,
Int4 action_choice,
CharPtr apply_label,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata);
/* For the global inference editor */
typedef struct inferenceparsedata
CharPtr category;
CharPtr type;
Boolean same_species;
CharPtr first_field;
CharPtr second_field;
} InferenceParseData, PNTR InferenceParsePtr;
extern InferenceParsePtr ParseInferenceText (CharPtr inference);
extern CharPtr InferenceTextFromStruct (InferenceParsePtr ipp);
typedef struct inferencefieldedit
CharPtr field_type;
Int4 field_choice;
EditApplyPtr edit_apply;
} InferenceFieldEditData, PNTR InferenceFieldEditPtr;
extern InferenceFieldEditPtr InferenceFieldEditFree (InferenceFieldEditPtr ifep);
typedef enum {
eInferenceRemove = 0,
eNumInferenceEditActions } EInferenceEditAction;
typedef struct inferenceedit {
EInferenceEditAction action;
CharPtr category_from;
CharPtr category_to;
CharPtr type_from;
CharPtr type_to;
InferenceFieldEditPtr field_edit;
} InferenceEditData, PNTR InferenceEditPtr;
extern InferenceEditPtr InferenceEditFree (InferenceEditPtr iep);
extern DialoG CreateInferenceEditDialog
(GrouP h,
Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata);
typedef enum {
eValueEditSimpleText = 0,
} EValueEdit;
/* In name_vnp, choice is type of editor, ptrvalue is string with choice name */
typedef struct namevaluepair {
ValNodePtr name_vnp;
CharPtr value;
} NameValuePairData, PNTR NameValuePairPtr;
extern NameValuePairPtr NameValuePairFree (NameValuePairPtr nvp);
extern NameValuePairPtr NameValuePairCopy (NameValuePairPtr nvp);
extern ValNodePtr NameValuePairListFree (ValNodePtr vnp);
TexT note;
typedef struct valuelistparent {
} ValueListParentData, PNTR ValueListParentPtr;
extern DialoG
(GrouP h,
Uint2 num_rows,
Int2 width,
ValNodePtr choice_list,
ValueListParentPtr parent,
TaglistCallback change_notify,
Pointer change_userdata);
extern DialoG CreateSubSourceDialog (GrouP h, EnumFieldAssocPtr al);
extern DialoG CreateOrgModDialog (GrouP h, EnumFieldAssocPtr al, TexT taxname);
extern Boolean IsNonTextModifier (CharPtr mod_name);
typedef Boolean (*ParseOK) PROTO ((CharPtr));
extern Boolean ParseCollectionDateOk (CharPtr txt);
extern DialoG CollectionDateDialog (GrouP h, SeqEntryPtr sep, CharPtr name,
TaglistCallback tlp_callback,
Pointer callback_data);
extern DialoG CreateRptUnitRangeDialog (GrouP h, SeqEntryPtr sep, CharPtr name,
TaglistCallback tlp_callback,
Pointer callback_data);
extern void CreateStandardEditMenu (WindoW w);
extern void CleanupEvidenceGBQuals (GBQualPtr PNTR prevgbq);
extern void VisStringDialogToGbquals (SeqFeatPtr sfp, DialoG d, CharPtr qual);
extern void RememberSqnTempFile (CharPtr file);
extern void FreeSqnTempFiles (void);
/* For fixing special characters */
NLM_EXTERN Boolean FixSpecialCharacters (Uint2 entityID);
extern Boolean FixSpecialCharactersForStringsInList (ValNodePtr find_list, CharPtr exp_text, Boolean force_fix);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean FixSpecialCharactersForObject (Uint2 datatype, Pointer objdata, CharPtr msg, Boolean force_fix, BoolPtr changed);
/* for functions that act on all open records */
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr GetBaseFormList (void);
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr GetViewedSeqEntryList (void);
NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr RestoreFromFileEx (CharPtr path, Boolean convert_seqsubmit_to_pub);
NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr RestoreFromFile (CharPtr path);
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 RestoreEntityIDFromFileEx (CharPtr path, Uint2 entityID, Boolean convert_seqsubmit_to_pub);
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 RestoreEntityIDFromFile (CharPtr path, Uint2 entityID);
NLM_EXTERN Int2 PanelOffsetFromCharOffsetEx (DoC doc, FonT font, Int2 item, Int2 col, Int2 char_offset);
NLM_EXTERN Int2 GetTextSelectCharOffsetEx (PoinT pt, DoC doc, FonT font, Int2 item, Int2 row, Int2 col);
NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GetSelectedDocText (DoC doc, Int2 item_start, Int2 row_start, Int2 col_start, Int2 char_start,
Int2 item_stop, Int2 row_stop, Int2 col_stop, Int2 char_stop,
Int2Ptr only_these_columns, Int2 num_col);
/* for feature replace */
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr FeatureReplaceListFree (ValNodePtr vnp);
NLM_EXTERN void ActOnFeatureReplaceList (ValNodePtr list);
NLM_EXTERN DialoG FeatureReplaceListDialog (GrouP h, Int4 width, Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify, Pointer change_userdata);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean AddFeaturesToReplaceList (DialoG d, ValNodePtr feature_list);
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr RemoveFeaturesFromReplaceList (DialoG d);
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr FeatureReplaceListFromSeqAnnot (SeqAnnotPtr sap);
NLM_EXTERN DialoG FeatureSelectListDialog (GrouP h, Int4 width);
NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr RemoveSelectedFeaturesFromList (DialoG d);
NLM_EXTERN void AddFeaturesToList (DialoG d, ValNodePtr features);
NLM_EXTERN void SortSeqFeatInAnnot (SeqAnnotPtr sap);
NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr GetSelectedNewFeature (DialoG d);
NLM_EXTERN void ScrollToMatchingFeatures (DialoG d, SeqFeatPtr sfp);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean AutomatchFeatures (DialoG d, ValNodePtr PNTR existing_features);
NLM_EXTERN void CloseLog (LogInfoPtr lip);
NLM_EXTERN void TextToFeatID (TexT t, ChoicePtr cp);
NLM_EXTERN void TextToFeatXref (TexT t, SeqFeatPtr sfp);
NLM_EXTERN DialoG DescriptorStreamEditor (GrouP h, Nlm_ChangeNotifyProc change_notify, Pointer change_userdata);
NLM_EXTERN void SetDescriptorStreamEditorIdList (DialoG d, SeqIdPtr sip_list);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ndef _DLOGUTIL_ */