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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
* the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
* to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
* Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
* We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
* any work or product based on this material
* Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
* and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
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* may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
* Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
* warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
* purpose.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: saledit.h
* Author: Colombe Chappey
* Version Creation Date: 2/19/97
* $Revision: 6.37 $
* File Description:
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Name Description of modification
* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _SALEDIT_
#define _SALEDIT_
#include <ncbi.h>
#include <objseq.h>
#include <objmgr.h>
#include <objfdef.h>
#include <gather.h>
#include <vibrant.h>
#include <salsa.h>
#include <viewer.h>
#include <util/creaders/alnread.h>
typedef struct seqeditview {
PaneL pnl;
ValNodePtr data;
VieweR graph;
PrompT pos;
TexT gototxt,
TexT fromtxt, totxt;
ButtoN gotobt,
GrouP btngp;
ButtoN showfeatbt;
ButtoN translatebt;
ButtoN savefeatbt;
ButtoN refreshbt;
ButtoN closebt;
ButtoN svclosebt;
ButtoN gap_choicebn;
ButtoN keep_protid1,
MenU menu_align;
IteM editmodeitem,
IteM prefitem;
IteM undoitem;
IteM cutitem, delitem, copyitem, pasteitem, insitem;
IteM rfitem[10];
IteM conscolor;
IteM importseq,
IteM showfeatitem,
IteM propaitem;
IteM tmpcdsnitem, tmpcdspitem;
IteM selmaster;
IteM selall,
IteM showdifitem,
IteM dotmat;
IteM alreport;
/** not used **/
IteM translateitem;
IteM codonstitem;
IteM savefeatitem;
GrouP replaceMergeCopyGroup;
GrouP rmcExtra [3];
ButtoN acceptBtn;
Boolean extended_align_menu;
Boolean extended_dist_menu;
Boolean extended_tree_menu;
} SeqEditViewForm, PNTR SeqEditViewFormPtr;
typedef struct dialogboxdata
WindoW w;
TexT txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, txt5, txt6;
LisT lst1, lst2, lst3;
ButtoN bt;
ButtoN bt2;
PopuP color[10];
Int2 align_format, mol_type;
Int2 matrix, separator;
Boolean db_bool;
PrompT prompt;
} DialogBoxData, PNTR DialogBoxDataPtr;
* The SeqEditViewProcsPtr may be registered with a call to SetAppProperty
* e.g., SetAppProperty ("SeqEditDisplayForm", &viewprocs), where viewprocs
* is a persistent structure filled with callback function pointers specific
* for a given application.
typedef SeqEntryPtr (LIBCALLBACK *SeqEdDwnloadProc) (CharPtr program, CharPtr accession, Int4 uid, Boolean is_na, BoolPtr is_new);
typedef struct seqeditviewprocs {
WndActnProc activateForm;
FormMessageFunc handleMessages;
Int2 minPixelWidth;
Int2 minPixelHeight;
Boolean viewer_mode;
Boolean showfeat;
Boolean extended_align_menu;
Boolean extended_dist_menu;
Boolean extended_tree_menu;
SeqEdDwnloadProc download; /* application links to Entrez network service */
Boolean Cn3D_On;
IteM conscolor;
Uint1 colorR_HL, colorG_HL, colorB_HL; /* yanli added to store highlight color */
ValNodePtr seqinfo; /* yanli added */
/* data initially filled by cn3d to store SeqId, entityID, itemID, visible status and color arrays for those sequences loaded into memory by cn3d. seqinfo->data.ptrvalue is MediaInfoPtr(see "cn3dmsg.h"), each node is for one sequence */
} SeqEditViewProcs, PNTR SeqEditViewProcsPtr;
#define REGISTER_NEW_BIOSEQ_EDIT ObjMgrProcLoad(OMPROC_EDIT,"New Edit Bioseq","BioseqEditor",OBJ_BIOSEQ,Seq_repr_raw,OBJ_BIOSEQ,Seq_repr_raw,NULL,SeqEditFunc,PROC_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
extern EditAlignDataPtr EditAlignDataRepopulateFromSeqAlign (PaneL pnl, EditAlignDataPtr adp, SeqAlignPtr salp);
extern void SalsaPanelHasResized (PaneL pnl);
extern Boolean FindIdsInSalsaPanel (PaneL pnl, PoinT pt, Uint2 *entityID, Uint4 *itemID, Uint2 *itemtype);
extern void SaveSalsaPanel (PaneL pnl);
extern PaneL SalsaTextPanel (GrouP g, Int2 wid, Int2 hgt);
extern void PopulateSalsaPanel (PaneL pnl, SeqEntryPtr sep, Boolean all_seq, Uint1 sequence_shown, Uint1 show_feat, Uint1 numbering, FonT font);
extern void repopulate_panel (WindoW w, EditAlignDataPtr adp, SeqAlignPtr salp);
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK SeqEditFunc PROTO((Pointer data));
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK AlgEditFunc PROTO((Pointer data));
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK AnnotAlgEditFunc PROTO((Pointer data));
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK AlgViewFunc (Pointer data);
extern void OldAlignmentEditor (IteM i);
extern void LaunchAnnotAlignEditor (SeqAnnotPtr sap);
extern void LaunchAlignEditor (SeqAlignPtr salp);
extern void LaunchAlignViewer (SeqAlignPtr salp);
extern void OpenNewAlignmentEditor (SeqAlignPtr salp, Uint2 input_entityID);
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK LaunchAlignEditorFromDesktop (Pointer data);
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK LaunchAlignEditorFromDesktop2 (Pointer data);
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK LaunchAlignEditorFromDesktop3 (Pointer data);
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK LaunchAlignEditorFromDesktop4 (Pointer data);
extern Int2 LIBCALLBACK UpdateSeqAlign (Pointer data);
validates a SeqAlign using the ValidateSeqAlign function
in api directory, and tests for occurrence of ACC string in sequence ID.
ACC|ACC# will be compared with the corresponding sequence (ACC#)
in the database and replaced by a far pointer if the sequences
are identical.
NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALLBACK ValidateSeqAlignandACCFromData (Pointer data);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ValidateSeqAlignandACC (SeqAlignPtr salp, Uint2 entityID,
Boolean message,
Boolean msg_success, Boolean find_remote_bsp,
Boolean find_acc_bsp,
Boolean delete_bsp, Boolean delete_salp, BoolPtr dirty);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean ValidateSeqAlignandACCInSeqEntry (SeqEntryPtr sep,
Boolean message,
Boolean msg_success, Boolean find_remote_bsp,
Boolean find_acc_bsp,
Boolean delete_bsp, Boolean delete_salp);
NLM_EXTERN void CalculateAlignmentOffsets (SeqEntryPtr sepnew, SeqEntryPtr sepold);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CheckAlignmentSequenceLengths (SeqAlignPtr salp);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean UpdateOneSeqAlignFarPointer (SeqAlignPtr salp, Int4 pos);
extern const char *nucleotide_alphabet;
extern const char *protein_alphabet;
NLM_EXTERN DialoG AlnSettingsDlg (GrouP h, Boolean allow_sequence_type);
NLM_EXTERN TSequenceInfoPtr GetAlignmentOptions (Uint1Ptr moltype, TSequenceInfoPtr sequence_info);
NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr ReadAlignmentForSeqEntry (SeqEntryPtr sep, Boolean is_nuc, Boolean allow_options, Boolean from_clipboard);
NLM_EXTERN void ProduceAlignmentNotes (TAlignmentFilePtr afp, TErrorInfoPtr error_list);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean CorrectAlignmentIDs (TAlignmentFilePtr afp, Uint1 moltype);
* for debugging purpose, wdpext is a global SeqEditViewProcsPtr
* printEntityIDForMsg prints the OMUserDataPtr's
extern void printEntityIDForMsg (SeqEditViewFormPtr wdp, CharPtr str);
SeqEditViewFormPtr wdpext;
extern void printEntityIDForMsg (SeqEditViewFormPtr wdp, CharPtr str)
EditAlignDataPtr adp;
AlignNodePtr anp;
ValNodePtr vnp;
OMUserDataPtr omudp;
Uint2 eID;
SeqEntryPtr sep;
FILE *fp;
if (wdp==NULL) return;
GetPanelExtra (wdp->pnl, &adp);
if ( adp == NULL )
return ;
if ( adp->seqnumber == 0 )
fp = FileOpen("ObjMgr.log", "a");
fprintf (fp, "printEntityID %s\n", str);
for (vnp=adp->anp_list; vnp!=NULL; vnp=vnp->next) {
anp = (AlignNodePtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
if (anp!=NULL) {
sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (anp->seq_entityID);
if (sep!=NULL) {
eID = SeqMgrGetEntityIDForSeqEntry(sep);
omudp = ObjMgrGetUserData (eID, wdp->procid, OMPROC_EDIT, wdp->userkey);
if (omudp != NULL)
fprintf(fp, "PRINTENTITYID-OMUDP %d %d %d %d\n", eID, anp->entityID, wdp->input_entityID, anp->seq_entityID);
if (omudp->userdata.ptrvalue == NULL)
fprintf(fp, " OMUDP->userdata.ptrvalue == NULL \n");
fprintf(fp, " OMUDP->userdata.ptrvalue NON NULL \n");
if (omudp->messagefunc == NULL)
fprintf(fp, " OMUDP->messagefunc == NULL \n");
fprintf(fp, " OMUDP->messagefunc NON NULL \n");
else {
if (eID != wdp->input_entityID) {
fprintf(fp, "PRINTENTITYID-OMUDPNULL %d %d %d %d\n", eID, anp->entityID, wdp->input_entityID, anp->seq_entityID);