/usr/share/octave/packages/optim-1.3.0/vfzero.m is in octave-optim 1.3.0-1.
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## Copyright (C) 2010 Olaf Till <i7tiol@t-online.de>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {} vfzero (@var{fun}, @var{x0})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} vfzero (@var{fun}, @var{x0}, @var{options})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{fval}, @var{info}, @var{output}] =} vfzero (@dots{})
## A variant of @code{fzero}. Finds a zero of a vector-valued
## multivariate function where each output element only depends on the
## input element with the same index (so the Jacobian is diagonal).
## @var{fun} should be a handle or name of a function returning a column
## vector. @var{x0} should be a two-column matrix, each row specifying
## two points which bracket a zero of the respective output element of
## @var{fun}.
## If @var{x0} is a single-column matrix then several nearby and distant
## values are probed in an attempt to obtain a valid bracketing. If
## this is not successful, the function fails. @var{options} is a
## structure specifying additional options. Currently, @code{vfzero}
## recognizes these options: @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"},
## @code{"TolX"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}. For a
## description of these options, see @ref{doc-optimset,,optimset}.
## On exit, the function returns @var{x}, the approximate zero and
## @var{fval}, the function value thereof. @var{info} is a column vector
## of exit flags that can have these values:
## @itemize
## @item 1 The algorithm converged to a solution.
## @item 0 Maximum number of iterations or function evaluations has been
## reached.
## @item -1 The algorithm has been terminated from user output function.
## @item -5 The algorithm may have converged to a singular point.
## @end itemize
## @var{output} is a structure containing runtime information about the
## @code{fzero} algorithm. Fields in the structure are:
## @itemize
## @item iterations Number of iterations through loop.
## @item nfev Number of function evaluations.
## @item bracketx A two-column matrix with the final bracketing of the
## zero along the x-axis.
## @item brackety A two-column matrix with the final bracketing of the
## zero along the y-axis.
## @end itemize
## @seealso{optimset, fsolve}
## @end deftypefn
## This is essentially the ACM algorithm 748: Enclosing Zeros of
## Continuous Functions due to Alefeld, Potra and Shi, ACM Transactions
## on Mathematical Software, Vol. 21, No. 3, September 1995. Although
## the workflow should be the same, the structure of the algorithm has
## been transformed non-trivially; instead of the authors' approach of
## sequentially calling building blocks subprograms we implement here a
## FSM version using one interior point determination and one bracketing
## per iteration, thus reducing the number of temporary variables and
## simplifying the algorithm structure. Further, this approach reduces
## the need for external functions and error handling. The algorithm has
## also been slightly modified.
## Author: Jaroslav Hajek <highegg@gmail.com>
## PKG_ADD: __all_opts__ ("vfzero");
function [x, fval, info, output] = vfzero (fun, x0, options = struct ())
## Get default options if requested.
if (nargin == 1 && ischar (fun) && strcmp (fun, 'defaults'))
x = optimset ("MaxIter", Inf, "MaxFunEvals", Inf, "TolX", 1e-8, ...
"OutputFcn", [], "FunValCheck", "off");
if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3)
print_usage ();
if (ischar (fun))
fun = str2func (fun, "global");
## displev = optimget (options, "Display", "notify");
funvalchk = strcmpi (optimget (options, "FunValCheck", "off"), "on");
outfcn = optimget (options, "OutputFcn");
tolx = optimget (options, "TolX", 1e-8);
maxiter = optimget (options, "MaxIter", Inf);
maxfev = optimget (options, "MaxFunEvals", Inf);
nx = rows (x0);
## fun may assume a certain length of x, so we will always call it
## with the full-length x, even if only some elements are needed
persistent mu = 0.5;
if (funvalchk)
## Replace fun with a guarded version.
fun = @(x) guarded_eval (fun, x);
## The default exit flag if exceeded number of iterations.
info = zeros (nx, 1);
niter = 0;
nfev = 0;
x = fval = fc = a = fa = b = fb = aa = c = u = fu = NaN (nx, 1);
bracket_ready = false (nx, 1);
eps = eps (class (x0));
## Prepare...
a = x0(:, 1);
fa = fun (a)(:);
nfev = 1;
if (columns (x0) > 1)
b = x0(:, 2);
fb = fun (b)(:);
nfev += 1;
## Try to get b.
aa(idx = a == 0) = 1;
aa(! idx) = a(! idx);
for tb = [0.9*aa, 1.1*aa, aa-1, aa+1, 0.5*aa 1.5*aa, -aa, 2*aa, -10*aa, 10*aa]
tfb = fun (tb)(:); nfev += 1;
idx = ! bracket_ready & sign (fa) .* sign (tfb) <= 0;
bracket_ready |= idx;
b(idx) = tb(idx);
fb(idx) = tfb(idx);
if (all (bracket_ready))
tp = a(idx = b < a);
a(idx) = b(idx);
b(idx) = tp;
tp = fa(idx);
fa(idx) = fb(idx);
fb(idx) = tp;
if (! all (sign (fa) .* sign (fb) <= 0))
error ("fzero:bracket", "vfzero: not a valid initial bracketing");
slope0 = (fb - fa) ./ (b - a);
idx = fa == 0;
b(idx) = a(idx);
fb(idx) = fa(idx);
idx = (! idx & fb == 0);
a(idx) = b(idx);
fa(idx) = fb(idx);
itype = ones (nx, 1);
idx = abs (fa) < abs (fb);
u(idx) = a(idx); fu(idx) = fa(idx);
u(! idx) = b(! idx); fu(! idx) = fb(! idx);
d = e = u;
fd = fe = fu;
mba = mu * (b - a);
not_ready = true (nx, 1);
while (niter < maxiter && nfev < maxfev && any (not_ready))
## itype == 1
type1idx = not_ready & itype == 1;
## The initial test.
idx = b - a <= 2*(2 * eps * abs (u) + tolx) & type1idx;
x(idx) = u(idx); fval(idx) = fu(idx);
info(idx) = 1;
not_ready(idx) = false;
type1idx &= not_ready;
exclidx = type1idx;
## Secant step.
idx = type1idx & ...
(tidx = abs (fa) <= 1e3*abs (fb) & abs (fb) <= 1e3*abs (fa));
c(idx) = u(idx) - (a(idx) - b(idx)) ./ (fa(idx) - fb(idx)) .* fu(idx);
## Bisection step.
idx = type1idx & ! tidx;
c(idx) = 0.5*(a(idx) + b(idx));
d(type1idx) = u(type1idx); fd(type1idx) = fu(type1idx);
itype(type1idx) = 5;
## itype == 2 or 3
type23idx = not_ready & ! exclidx & (itype == 2 | itype == 3);
exclidx |= type23idx;
uidx = cellfun (@ (x) length (unique (x)), ...
num2cell ([fa, fb, fd, fe], 2)) == 4;
oidx = sign (c - a) .* sign (c - b) > 0;
## Inverse cubic interpolation.
idx = type23idx & (uidx & ! oidx);
q11 = (d(idx) - e(idx)) .* fd(idx) ./ (fe(idx) - fd(idx));
q21 = (b(idx) - d(idx)) .* fb(idx) ./ (fd(idx) - fb(idx));
q31 = (a(idx) - b(idx)) .* fa(idx) ./ (fb(idx) - fa(idx));
d21 = (b(idx) - d(idx)) .* fd(idx) ./ (fd(idx) - fb(idx));
d31 = (a(idx) - b(idx)) .* fb(idx) ./ (fb(idx) - fa(idx));
q22 = (d21 - q11) .* fb(idx) ./ (fe(idx) - fb(idx));
q32 = (d31 - q21) .* fa(idx) ./ (fd(idx) - fa(idx));
d32 = (d31 - q21) .* fd(idx) ./ (fd(idx) - fa(idx));
q33 = (d32 - q22) .* fa(idx) ./ (fe(idx) - fa(idx));
c(idx) = a(idx) + q31 + q32 + q33;
## Quadratic interpolation + newton.
idx = type23idx & (oidx | ! uidx);
a0 = fa(idx);
a1 = (fb(idx) - fa(idx))./(b(idx) - a(idx));
a2 = ((fd(idx) - fb(idx))./(d(idx) - b(idx)) - a1) ./ (d(idx) - a(idx));
## Modification 1: this is simpler and does not seem to be worse.
c(idx) = a(idx) - a0./a1;
taidx = a2 != 0;
tidx = idx;
tidx(tidx) = taidx;
c(tidx) = a(tidx)(:) - (a0(taidx)./a1(taidx))(:);
for i = 1:3
tidx &= i <= itype;
taidx = tidx(idx);
pc = a0(taidx)(:) + (a1(taidx)(:) + ...
a2(taidx)(:).*(c(tidx) - b(tidx))(:)) ...
.*(c(tidx) - a(tidx))(:);
pdc = a1(taidx)(:) + a2(taidx)(:).*(2*c(tidx) - a(tidx) - b(tidx))(:);
tidx0 = tidx;
tidx0(tidx0, 1) &= (p0idx = pdc == 0);
taidx0 = tidx0(idx);
tidx(tidx, 1) &= ! p0idx;
c(tidx0) = a(tidx0)(:) - (a0(taidx0)./a1(taidx0))(:);
c(tidx) = c(tidx)(:) - (pc(! p0idx)./pdc(! p0idx))(:);
itype(type23idx) += 1;
## itype == 4
type4idx = not_ready & ! exclidx & itype == 4;
exclidx |= type4idx;
## Double secant step.
idx = type4idx;
c(idx) = u(idx) - 2*(b(idx) - a(idx))./(fb(idx) - fa(idx)).*fu(idx);
## Bisect if too far.
idx = type4idx & abs (c - u) > 0.5*(b - a);
c(idx) = 0.5 * (b(idx) + a(idx));
itype(type4idx) = 5;
## itype == 5
type5idx = not_ready & ! exclidx & itype == 5;
## Bisection step.
idx = type5idx;
c(idx) = 0.5 * (b(idx) + a(idx));
itype(type5idx) = 2;
## Don't let c come too close to a or b.
delta = 2*0.7*(2 * eps * abs (u) + tolx);
nidx = not_ready & ! (idx = b - a <= 2*delta);
idx &= not_ready;
c(idx) = (a(idx) + b(idx))/2;
c(nidx) = max (a(nidx) + delta(nidx), ...
min (b(nidx) - delta(nidx), c(nidx)));
## Calculate new point.
idx = not_ready;
x(idx, 1) = c(idx, 1);
if (any (idx))
c(! idx) = u(! idx); # to have some working place-holders since
# fun() might expect full-length
# argument
fval(idx, 1) = fc(idx, 1) = fun (c)(:)(idx, 1);
niter ++; nfev ++;
## Modification 2: skip inverse cubic interpolation if
## nonmonotonicity is detected.
nidx = not_ready & ! (idx = sign (fc - fa) .* sign (fc - fb) >= 0);
idx &= not_ready;
## The new point broke monotonicity.
## Disable inverse cubic.
fe(idx) = fc(idx);
e(nidx) = d(nidx); fe(nidx) = fd(nidx);
## Bracketing.
idx1 = not_ready & sign (fa) .* sign (fc) < 0;
idx2 = not_ready & ! idx1 & sign (fb) .* sign (fc) < 0;
idx3 = not_ready & ! (idx1 | idx2) & fc == 0;
d(idx1) = b(idx1); fd(idx1) = fb(idx1);
b(idx1) = c(idx1); fb(idx1) = fc(idx1);
d(idx2) = a(idx2); fd(idx2) = fa(idx2);
a(idx2) = c(idx2); fa(idx2) = fc(idx2);
a(idx3) = b(idx3) = c(idx3); fa(idx3) = fb(idx3) = fc(idx3);
info(idx3) = 1;
not_ready(idx3) = false;
if (any (not_ready & ! (idx1 | idx2 | idx3)))
## This should never happen.
error ("fzero:bracket", "vfzero: zero point is not bracketed");
## If there's an output function, use it now.
if (! isempty (outfcn))
optv.funccount = nfev;
optv.fval = fval;
optv.iteration = niter;
idx = not_ready & outfcn (x, optv, "iter");
info(idx) = -1;
not_ready(idx) = false;
nidx = not_ready & ! (idx = abs (fa) < abs (fb));
idx &= not_ready;
u(idx) = a(idx); fu(idx) = fa(idx);
u(nidx) = b(nidx); fu(nidx) = fb(nidx);
idx = not_ready & b - a <= 2*(2 * eps * abs (u) + tolx);
info(idx) = 1;
not_ready(idx) = false;
## Skip bisection step if successful reduction.
itype(not_ready & itype == 5 & (b - a) <= mba) = 2;
idx = not_ready & itype == 2;
mba(idx) = mu * (b(idx) - a(idx));
## Check solution for a singularity by examining slope
idx = not_ready & info == 1 & (b - a) != 0;
idx(idx, 1) &= ...
abs ((fb(idx, 1) - fa(idx, 1))./(b(idx, 1) - a(idx, 1)) ...
./ slope0(idx, 1)) > max (1e6, 0.5/(eps+tolx));
info(idx) = - 5;
output.iterations = niter;
output.funcCount = nfev;
output.bracketx = [a, b];
output.brackety = [fa, fb];
## An assistant function that evaluates a function handle and checks for
## bad results.
function fx = guarded_eval (fun, x)
fx = fun (x);
if (! isreal (fx))
error ("fzero:notreal", "vfzero: non-real value encountered");
elseif (any (isnan (fx)))
error ("fzero:isnan", "vfzero: NaN value encountered");
%!shared opt0
%! opt0 = optimset ("tolx", 0);
%!assert(vfzero(@cos, [0, 3], opt0), pi/2, 10*eps)
%!assert(vfzero(@(x) x^(1/3) - 1e-8, [0,1], opt0), 1e-24, 1e-22*eps)