/usr/include/paraview/vtkxdmf2/XdmfTopology.h is in paraview-dev 4.0.1-1ubuntu1.
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/* XDMF */
/* eXtensible Data Model and Format */
/* */
/* Id : Id */
/* Date : $Date$ */
/* Version : $Revision$ */
/* */
/* Author: */
/* Jerry A. Clarke */
/* clarke@arl.army.mil */
/* US Army Research Laboratory */
/* Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD */
/* */
/* Copyright @ 2002 US Army Research Laboratory */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* See Copyright.txt or http://www.arl.hpc.mil/ice for details */
/* */
/* This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without */
/* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS */
/* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice */
/* for more information. */
/* */
#ifndef __XdmfTopology_h
#define __XdmfTopology_h
#include "XdmfElement.h"
#define XDMF_MAX_ORDER 10
// General Uniform Organization
// Topologies
#define XDMF_POLYLINE 0x2
#define XDMF_POLYGON 0x3
#define XDMF_TRI 0x4
#define XDMF_QUAD 0x5
#define XDMF_TET 0x6
#define XDMF_PYRAMID 0x7
#define XDMF_WEDGE 0x8
#define XDMF_HEX 0x9
#define XDMF_EDGE_3 0x0022
#define XDMF_TRI_6 0x0024
#define XDMF_QUAD_8 0x0025
#define XDMF_QUAD_9 0x0023
#define XDMF_TET_10 0x0026
#define XDMF_PYRAMID_13 0x0027
#define XDMF_WEDGE_15 0x0028
#define XDMF_WEDGE_18 0x0029
#define XDMF_HEX_20 0x0030
#define XDMF_HEX_24 0x0031
#define XDMF_HEX_27 0x0032
#define XDMF_MIXED 0x0070
#define XDMF_2DSMESH 0x0100
#define XDMF_2DRECTMESH 0x0101
#define XDMF_2DCORECTMESH 0x0102
#define XDMF_3DSMESH 0x1100
#define XDMF_3DRECTMESH 0x1101
#define XDMF_3DCORECTMESH 0x1102
class XdmfArray;
class XdmfDataDesc;
class XdmfDataItem;
//! Container class for base topologies
Currently supported BASE topologies are :
POLYVERTEX .......... A Group of Points (Atoms)
POLYLINE ............ Line Segments (Bonds)
POLYGON ............. N Sided
TRIANGLE ............ 3 Edge Polygon
QUADRILATERAL ....... 4 Edge Polygon
TETRAHEDRON ......... 4 Triangular Faces
PYRAMID ............. 4 Triangles, QUADRILATERAL Base
WEDGE ............... 2 Trianges, 2 QUADRILATERAL and QUADRILATERAL Base
EDGE_3 .............. 3 Node High Order Line
TRIANGLE_6 .......... 6 Node High Order Triangle
QUADRILATERAL_8 ..... 8 Node High Order Quadrilateral
TETRAHEDRON_10 ...... 10 Node High Order Tetrahedron
PYRAMID_13 .......... 13 Node High Order Pyramid
WEDGE_15 ............ 15 Node High Order Wedge (Quadratic Wedge)
WEDGE_18 ............ 18 Node High Order Wedge (Bi-Quadratic Wedge)
HEXAHEDRON_20 ....... 20 Node High Order Hexahedron (Quadratic Hexahedron)
HEXAHEDRON_24 ....... 24 Node High Order Hexahedron (Bi-Quadratic Hexahedron)
HEXAHEDRON_27 ....... 27 Node High Order Hexahedron (Tri-Quadratic Hexahedron)
MIXED ............... A Mixture of Unstructured Base Topologies
2DSMESH ............. General ( Curved )
2DRECTMESH .......... Rectilinear
2DCORECTMESH......... Co-Rectilinear
3DSMESH ............. Curvelinear Mesh
3DRECTMESH .......... VectorX, VectorY, VectorZ
3DCORECTMESH ........ Origin Dx, Dy, Dz
XdmfTopology is the in memory representation of the \b Topology
Tag specified in the XML. Typically XdmfGrid is used to read
a Grid and the XdmfGrid Method GetTopology() is used to retrive
this class.
XdmfTopology has the general class (XDMF_STRUCTURED | XDMF_UNSTRUCTURED)
and the specific \b BASE type (TETRAHEDRON | 3DSMESH etc.). For unstructured
meshes, XdmfTopology also contains the connectivity array. For structured
meshes, connectivity is implicit (i.e. X[i] is connected to X[i+1])
The XML for the Topology section of a Grid might look like :
<Topology Type="Tetrahedron"
BaseOffset="1" >
<DataItem Format="HDF"
Dimensions="1838 4"
DataType="Int" >
Shapes.h5:/Block 1/Connections
For Mixed Topologies the DataItem for Connections defines a list that has
the cell types mixed in with the connectivity. Cell types POLYVERTEX, POLYLINE,
and POLYGON are followed by the number of entries. For example, the connectivity
for a TETRAHEDRON (cell type = 6) followed by a POLYGON (cell type = 3) with 5 points might look
like this :
6 20 25 100 200 3 5 300 301 302 303 304
The Tet uses point index 20, 25, 100, and 200 while the polygon uses 300 - 304.
XML Element : Topology
XML Attribute : Name = Any String
XML Attribute : TopologyType = Polyvertex | Polyline | Polygon |
Triangle | Quadrilateral | Tetrahedron | Pyramid| Wedge | Hexahedron |
Edge_3 | Triangle_6 | Quadrilateral_8 | Tetrahedron_10 | Pyramid_13 |
Wedge_15 | Wedge_18 | Hexahedron_20 | Hexahedron_24 | Hexahedron_27 |
Mixed |
2DSMesh | 2DRectMesh | 2DCoRectMesh |
3DSMesh | 3DRectMesh | 3DCoRectMesh
XML Attribute : NumberOfElements = Number of Cells
XML Attribute : NodesPerElement = # (Only Important for Polyvertex, Polygon and Polyline)
XML Attribute : Order = Order of Nodes if not Default
XML BaseOffset: Offset if not 0
class XDMF_EXPORT XdmfTopology : public XdmfElement {
XdmfConstString GetClassName() { return ( "XdmfTopology" ) ; };
//! Build the XML (Output)
XdmfInt32 Build();
//! Insert an Element
XdmfInt32 Insert(XdmfElement *Child);
//! Get General Class
XdmfInt32 GetClass ( void ) {
if( ( this->TopologyType & 0x100 ) == 0 ) {
//! Get the General TopologyType as a String
XdmfConstString GetClassAsString( void ) {
if( this->GetClass() == XDMF_STRUCTURED ){
return( "XDMF_STRUCTURED" );
//! Set the base topology type
XdmfInt32 SetTopologyType( XdmfInt32 TopologyType );
//! Set the base topology type from a string
This is needed for some scripting languages.
\param TopologyType String defining the type of topology.
This is case insensative. (i.e. TetraHedron or tetrahedron )
but the entire word must be specified (i.e. Tet will be ignored)
XdmfInt32 SetTopologyTypeFromString( XdmfConstString TopologyType );
//! Get the base topology type
XdmfGetValueMacro( TopologyType, XdmfInt32 );
//! Returns Topology Type as a String
Returns Topology Type as a String with the first letter
capitalized (i.e. Hexahedron).
XdmfConstString GetTopologyTypeAsString( void );
//! Set Node Ordering
For all unstructured topologies there is a default node ordering. For
example a \b HEXAHEDRON is ordered :
7 --------- 6
/ /|
4 --------- 5 2
| 3 | /
| / |/
0 --------- 1
That is the first node index listed specified the index of the
first node of the hex. Setting the \b Order re-sets this mapping.
To use the following \b Order :
1 --------- 0
/ /|
3 --------- 2 5
| 4 | /
| / |/
7 --------- 6
Set the \b Order to 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0, 1
Order is defined for all elements. This is for Hexahedron there
are 8 values, for triangles 3, etc.
XdmfInt32 *GetOrder( void );
//! Return the Order as a SPACE separated string
XdmfConstString GetOrderAsString( void );
//! Set the Order from a SPACE separated String
XdmfInt32 SetOrderFromString( XdmfConstString Order );
//! Set the Order from Integers
Set the Order from Integers. Since the number of nodes
in a cell for some topologies is not defined, \b Length
must be specified.
\param Length The Number of Values Pointed to by Order
\param Order Zero based list of Nodal Indecies
XdmfInt32 SetOrder( XdmfInt32 Length, XdmfInt32 *Order );
//! Set the number of values to be written to Light Data before switching to Heavy Data
XdmfSetValueMacro(LightDataLimit, XdmfInt32)
//! Gets the number of values to be written to Light Data before switching to Heavy Data
XdmfGetValueMacro(LightDataLimit, XdmfInt32)
//! Set the number of Nodes in a Cell
Some topologies like tetrahedron and hexahedron have a
defined number of nodes in a cell. But a Polygon, for
example, may have a variable number of nodes.
XdmfSetValueMacro( NodesPerElement, XdmfInt32 );
//! Get the number of nodes in a Cell
XdmfGetValueMacro( NodesPerElement, XdmfInt32 );
Get the number of edges per element for this particular topology type
XdmfInt32 GetEdgesPerElement();
Get the number of faces per element for this particular topology type
XdmfInt32 GetFacesPerElement();
//! Specify Base offset other than zero for connectivity
Sometimes it is convenient to specify connectivity
based on something other than zero. For example, many
FORTRAN based codes use 1 as the first index. This allows
for the connectivity to index the nodal array in
any convenient manner.
XdmfSetValueMacro( BaseOffset, XdmfInt32 );
//! Get the Base Offset of the connectivity
XdmfGetValueMacro( BaseOffset, XdmfInt32 );
//! Return the SHAPE of the Topology
Sometimes it is convenient to specify a \b SHAPE other
than linear. For example, a block of hexahedron might be
stacked 10x20x30. This could be specified described as
6000 hexahedron, or 10 layers of 20 columns of 10 rows.
XdmfDataDesc *
GetShapeDesc( void ) {
return( this->Shape );
//! Set the total number of cells
XdmfInt32 SetNumberOfElements(XdmfInt64 NumberOfElements);
//! Return the total number of Cells
XdmfInt64 GetNumberOfElements( void );
//! Returns an XdmfArray of Connectivity
Returns the connectivity as an XdmfArray. No matter what
Base Offset has been specified, this array is zero based.
XdmfArray *GetConnectivity( XdmfArray *Array = NULL, XdmfInt32 Create=1 );
//! Set the connectivity
XdmfInt32 SetConnectivity( XdmfArray *Array );
//! Get the Offsets of each cell in the Connectivity Array
XdmfArray *GetCellOffsets(XdmfArray *Array = NULL);
//! Update the Heavy Data
If the Heavy Data is dynamic (i.e. stored in NDGM) or
if only InitTopologyFromElement() has been called, Update()
will (Re)Read the Heavy Data.
XdmfInt32 Update( void );
//! Intiailize the Topology but do not access the Heavy Data
XdmfInt32 UpdateInformation(void);
//! Release Big Data
XdmfInt32 Release();
// XdmfInt32 SetBaseConnectivity( XdmfPointer Grid );
XdmfXNode *SetElementFromTopology( XdmfXNode *Element = NULL );
XdmfDataItem *GetDataItem();
XdmfInt32 TopologyType;
XdmfInt32 Order[ XDMF_MAX_ORDER ];
XdmfInt32 NodesPerElement;
XdmfArray *Connectivity;
XdmfArray *CellOffsets;
XdmfInt32 OrderIsDefault;
XdmfInt32 ConnectivityIsMine;
XdmfInt32 BaseOffset;
XdmfDataDesc *Shape;
XdmfInt32 LightDataLimit;
extern XDMF_EXPORT XdmfTopology *HandleToXdmfTopology( XdmfString Source );
#endif // __XdmfTopology_h