/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyFAI/utils.py is in pyfai 0.3.5-1.
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import fabio #, h5py
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from math import ceil
import logging, sys
import relabel as relabelCython
from scipy.optimize.optimize import fmin, fminbound
logger = logging.getLogger("pyFAI.utils")
import time
timelog = logging.getLogger("pyFAI.timeit")
from scipy.signal import gaussian
if sys.platform != "win32":
WindowsError = RuntimeError
def timeit(func):
def wrapper(*arg, **kw):
'''This is the docstring from timeit:
a decorator that prints the execution time'''
t1 = time.time()
res = func(*arg, **kw)
timelog.warning("%s took %.3fs" % (func.func_name, time.time() - t1))
return res
return wrapper
import fftw3
except (ImportError, WindowsError) as e:
logging.error("Exception %s: FFTw3 not available. Falling back on Scipy" % e)
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
def gaussian_filter(input, sigma, mode="reflect", cval=0.0):
2-dimensional Gaussian filter implemented with FFTw
@param input: input array to filter
@type input: array-like
@param sigma: standard deviation for Gaussian kernel.
The standard deviations of the Gaussian filter are given for each axis as a sequence,
or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes.
@type sigma: scalar or sequence of scalars
@param mode: {'reflect','constant','nearest','mirror', 'wrap'}, optional
The ``mode`` parameter determines how the array borders are
handled, where ``cval`` is the value when mode is equal to
'constant'. Default is 'reflect'
@param cval: scalar, optional
Value to fill past edges of input if ``mode`` is 'constant'. Default is 0.0
# orig_shape = input.shape
if mode != "wrap":
input = expand(input, sigma, mode, cval)
s0, s1 = input.shape
if isinstance(sigma, (list, tuple)):
k0 = int(ceil(float(sigma[0])))
k1 = int(ceil(float(sigma[1])))
k0 = k1 = int(ceil(float(sigma)))
sum_init = input.astype("float32").sum()
fftOut = numpy.zeros((s0, s1), dtype=complex)
fftIn = numpy.zeros((s0, s1), dtype=complex)
fft = fftw3.Plan(fftIn, fftOut, direction='forward')
ifft = fftw3.Plan(fftOut, fftIn, direction='backward')
g0 = gaussian(s0, k0)
g1 = gaussian(s1, k1)
g0 = numpy.concatenate((g0[s0 // 2:], g0[:s0 // 2]))
g1 = numpy.concatenate((g1[s1 // 2:], g1[:s1 // 2]))
g2 = numpy.outer(g0, g1)
g2fft = numpy.zeros((s0, s1), dtype=complex)
fftIn[:, :] = g2.astype(complex)
g2fft[:, :] = fftOut.conjugate()
fftIn[:, :] = input.astype(complex)
fftOut *= g2fft
out = fftIn.real.astype("float32")
sum_out = out.sum()
res = out * sum_init / sum_out
if mode == "wrap":
return res
return res[k0:-k0, k1:-k1]
except MemoryError:
logging.error("MemoryError in FFTw3 part. Falling back on Scipy")
import scipy.ndimage.filters
return scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(input, sigma, mode=(mode or "reflect"))
def expand(input, sigma, mode="constant", cval=0.0):
"""Expand array a with its reflection on boundaries
@param a: 2D array
@param sigma: float or 2-tuple of floats
@param mode:"constant","nearest" or "reflect"
@param cval: filling value used for constant, 0.0 by default
s0, s1 = input.shape
dtype = input.dtype
if isinstance(sigma, (list, tuple)):
k0 = int(ceil(float(sigma[0])))
k1 = int(ceil(float(sigma[1])))
k0 = k1 = int(ceil(float(sigma)))
if k0 > s0 or k1 > s1:
raise RuntimeError("Makes little sense to apply a kernel (%i,%i)larger than the image (%i,%i)" % (k0, k1, s0, s1))
output = numpy.zeros((s0 + 2 * k0, s1 + 2 * k1), dtype=dtype) + float(cval)
output[k0:k0 + s0, k1:k1 + s1] = input
if mode in ["reflect", "mirror"]:
#4 corners
output[s0 + k0:, s1 + k1:] = input[-1:-k0 - 1:-1, -1:-k1 - 1:-1]
output[:k0, :k1] = input[k0 - 1::-1, k1 - 1::-1]
output[:k0, s1 + k1:] = input[k0 - 1::-1, s1 - 1: s1 - k1 - 1:-1]
output[s0 + k0:, :k1] = input[s0 - 1: s0 - k0 - 1:-1, k1 - 1::-1]
#4 sides
output[k0:k0 + s0, :k1] = input[:s0, k1 - 1::-1]
output[:k0, k1:k1 + s1] = input[k0 - 1::-1, :s1]
output[-k0:, k1:s1 + k1] = input[:s0 - k0 - 1:-1, :]
output[k0:s0 + k0, -k1:] = input[:, :s1 - k1 - 1:-1]
elif mode == "nearest":
#4 corners
output[s0 + k0:, s1 + k1:] = input[-1, -1]
output[:k0, :k1] = input[0, 0]
output[:k0, s1 + k1:] = input[0, -1]
output[s0 + k0:, :k1] = input[-1, 0]
#4 sides
output[k0:k0 + s0, :k1] = numpy.outer(input[:, 0], numpy.ones(k1))
output[:k0, k1:k1 + s1] = numpy.outer(numpy.ones(k0), input[0, :])
output[-k0:, k1:s1 + k1] = numpy.outer(numpy.ones(k0), input[-1, :])
output[k0:s0 + k0, -k1:] = numpy.outer(input[:, -1], numpy.ones(k1))
return output
def relabel(label, data, blured, max_size=None):
Relabel limits the number of region in the label array.
They are ranked relatively to their max(I0)-max(blur(I0)
@param label: a label array coming out of scipy.ndimage.measurement.label
@param data: an array containing the raw data
@param blured: an array containing the blured data
@param max_size: the max number of label wanted
@return array like label
max_label = label.max()
a, b, c, d = relabelCython.countThem(label, data, blured)
count = d
sortCount = count.argsort()
invSortCount = sortCount[-1::-1]
invCutInvSortCount = numpy.zeros(max_label + 1, dtype=int)
for i, j in enumerate(list(invSortCount[:max_size])):
invCutInvSortCount[j] = i
f = lambda i:invCutInvSortCount[i]
return f(label)
def averageImages(listImages, output=None, threshold=0.1, minimum=None, maximum=None):
Takes a list of filenames and create an average frame discarding all saturated pixels.
@param listImages: list of string representing the filenames
@param output: name of the optional output file
@param threshold: what is the upper limit? all pixel > max*(1-threshold) are discareded.
@param minimum: minimum valid value or True
@param maximum: maximum valid value
ld = len(listImages)
sumImg = None
for fn in listImages:
logger.info("Reading %s" % fn)
ds = fabio.open(fn).data
logger.debug("Intensity range for %s is %s --> %s", fn, ds.min(), ds.max())
shape = ds.shape
if sumImg is None:
sumImg = numpy.zeros((shape[0], shape[1]), dtype="float64")
sumImg += removeSaturatedPixel(ds.astype("float32"), threshold, minimum, maximum)
datared = (sumImg / float(ld)).astype("float32")
if output is None:
prefix = ""
for ch in zip(*listImages):
c = ch[0]
good = True
for i in ch:
if i != c:
good = False
if good:
prefix += c
output = ("merge%02i-" % ld) + prefix + ".edf"
logger.debug("Intensity range in merged dataset : %s --> %s", datared.min(), datared.max())
header={"merged": ", ".join(listImages)}).write(output)
return output
def boundingBox(img):
Tries to guess the bounding box around a valid massif
@param img: 2D array like
@return: 4-typle (d0_min, d1_min, d0_max, d1_max)
img = img.astype(numpy.int)
img0 = (img.sum(axis=1) > 0).astype(numpy.int)
img1 = (img.sum(axis=0) > 0).astype(numpy.int)
dimg0 = img0[1:] - img0[:-1]
min0 = dimg0.argmax()
max0 = dimg0.argmin() + 1
dimg1 = img1[1:] - img1[:-1]
min1 = dimg1.argmax()
max1 = dimg1.argmin() + 1
if max0 == 1:
max0 = img0.size
if max1 == 1:
max1 = img1.size
return (min0, min1, max0, max1)
def removeSaturatedPixel(ds, threshold=0.1, minimum=None, maximum=None):
@param ds: a dataset as ndarray
@param threshold: what is the upper limit? all pixel > max*(1-threshold) are discareded.
@param minimum: minumum valid value (or True for auto-guess)
@param maximum: maximum valid value
@return: another dataset
shape = ds.shape
if ds.dtype == numpy.uint16:
maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 65535.0
elif ds.dtype == numpy.int16:
maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 32767.0
elif ds.dtype == numpy.uint8:
maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 255.0
elif ds.dtype == numpy.int8:
maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 127.0
if maximum is None:
maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * ds.max()
maxt = maximum
if maximum is not None:
maxt = min(maxt, maximum)
invalid = (ds > maxt)
if minimum:
if minimum is True: #automatic guess of the best minimum TODO: use the HWHM to guess the minumum...
data_min = ds.min()
x, y = numpy.histogram(numpy.log(ds - data_min + 1.0), bins=100)
f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0, -x, bounds_error=False, fill_value= -x.min())
max_low = fmin(f, y[1], disp=0)
max_hi = fmin(f, y[-1], disp=0)
if max_hi > max_low:
f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0, x, bounds_error=False)
min_center = fminbound(f, max_low, max_hi)
min_center = max_hi
minimum = float(numpy.exp(y[((min_center / y) > 1).sum() - 1])) - 1.0 + data_min
logger.debug("removeSaturatedPixel: best minimum guessed is %s", minimum)
ds[ds < minimum] = minimum
ds -= minimum #- 1.0
if invalid.sum(dtype=int) == 0:
logger.debug("No saturated area where found")
return ds
gi = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(invalid)
lgi, nc = ndimage.label(gi)
if nc > 100:
logger.warning("More than 100 saturated zones were found on this image !!!!")
for zone in range(nc + 1):
dzone = (lgi == zone)
if dzone.sum(dtype=int) > ds.size // 2:
min0, min1, max0, max1 = boundingBox(dzone)
ksize = min(max0 - min0, max1 - min1)
subset = ds[max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize), max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize)]
while subset.max() > maxt:
subset = ndimage.median_filter(subset, ksize)
ds[max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize), max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize)] = subset
return ds
def binning(inputArray, binsize):
@param inputArray: input ndarray
@param binsize: int or 2-tuple representing the size of the binning
@return: binned input ndarray
inputSize = inputArray.shape
outputSize = []
assert(len(inputSize) == 2)
if isinstance(binsize, int):
binsize = (binsize, binsize)
for i, j in zip(inputSize, binsize):
assert(i % j == 0)
outputSize.append(i // j)
if numpy.array(binsize).prod() < 50:
out = numpy.zeros(tuple(outputSize))
for i in xrange(binsize[0]):
for j in xrange(binsize[1]):
out += inputArray[i::binsize[0], j::binsize[1]]
temp = inputArray.copy()
temp.shape = (outputSize[0], binsize[0], outputSize[1], binsize[1])
out = temp.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=1)
return out
def unBinning(binnedArray, binsize):
@param binnedArray: input ndarray
@param binsize: 2-tuple representing the size of the binning
@return: unBinned input ndarray
if isinstance(binsize, int):
binsize = (binsize, binsize)
outputShape = []
for i, j in zip(binnedArray.shape, binsize):
outputShape.append(i * j)
out = numpy.zeros(tuple(outputShape), dtype=binnedArray.dtype)
for i in xrange(binsize[0]):
for j in xrange(binsize[1]):
out[i::binsize[0], j::binsize[1]] += binnedArray
return out