/usr/share/pyshared/MMTK/MolecularSurface.py is in python-mmtk 2.7.9-1.
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# Copyright 2000 by Peter McCluskey (pcm@rahul.net).
# You may do anything you want with it, provided this notice is kept intact.
# This module is in part a replacement for the MolecularSurface MMTK module
# that uses the NSC code. It has a less restrictive license than the NSC code,
# and is mostly more flexible, but is probably slower and somewhat less
# accurate. It can run (slowly) without any of the C code. It has an
# additional routine surfacePointsAndGradients, which returns area, an
# "up" vector, and surface points for each atom.
# Modifications by Konrad Hinsen <hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr>:
# - Replaced tabs by spaces
# - Added/adapted docstrings to MMTK conventions
# - Removed assignment of methods to class GroupOfAtoms
# - Use vectors in the return value of surfacePointsAndGradients
# - Replaced "math" module by "Numeric"
# - Renamed module _surface to MMTK_surface
# - Converted docstrings to epydoc
# - Changed first argument name from self to object
Molecular surfaces and volumes.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
from MMTK import surfm
from MMTK.Collections import Collection
from MMTK import Vector
from Scientific import N
def surfaceAndVolume(object, probe_radius = 0.):
:param object: a chemical object
:type object: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
:param probe_radius: the distance from the vdW-radii of the atoms
at which the surface is computed
:type probe_radius: float
:returns: the molecular surface and volume of object
:rtype: tuple
atoms = object.atomList()
smap = surfm.surface_atoms(atoms, probe_radius, ret_fmt = 2)
tot_a = 0
tot_v = 0
for a in atoms:
atom_data = smap[a]
tot_a = tot_a + atom_data[0]
tot_v = tot_v + atom_data[1]
return (tot_a, tot_v)
def surfaceAtoms(object, probe_radius = 0.):
:param object: a chemical object
:type object: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
:param probe_radius: the distance from the vdW-radii of the atoms
at which the surface is computed
:type probe_radius: float
:returns: a dictionary that maps the surface atoms to their
exposed surface areas
:rtype: dict
atoms = object.atomList()
smap = surfm.surface_atoms(atoms, probe_radius, ret_fmt = 1)
surface_atoms = {}
for a in atoms:
area = smap[a]
if area > 0.:
# we have a surface atom
surface_atoms[a] = area
return surface_atoms
def surfacePointsAndGradients(object, probe_radius = 0., point_density = 258):
:param object: a chemical object
:type object: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
:param probe_radius: the distance from the vdW-radii of the atoms
at which the surface is computed
:type probe_radius: float
:param point_density: the density of points that describe the surface
:type point_density: int
:returns: a dictionary that maps the surface atoms to a tuple
containing three surface-related quantities: the exposed surface
area, a list of points in the exposed surface, and a gradient
vector pointing outward from the surface.
:rtype: dict
atoms = object.atomList()
smap = surfm.surface_atoms(atoms, probe_radius, ret_fmt = 4,
point_density = point_density)
surface_data = {}
for a in atoms:
(area, volume, points1, grad) = smap[a]
if area > 0.:
# we have a surface atom
surface_data[a] = (area, map(Vector, points1), Vector(grad))
return surface_data
class Contact(object):
def __init__(self, a1, a2, dist = None):
self.a1 = a1
self.a2 = a2
if dist is None:
self.dist = (a1.position() - a2.position()).length()
self.dist = dist
def __getitem__(self, index):
return (self.a1, self.a2)[index]
def __cmp__(a, b):
return cmp(a.dist, b.dist)
def __hash__(self):
return (self.a1, self.a2)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Contact(%s, %s)' % (self.a1, self.a2)
__str__ = __repr__
def findContacts(object1, object2, contact_factor = 1.0, cutoff = 0.0):
Identifies contacts between two molecules. A contact is defined as a pair
of atoms whose distance is less than contact_factor*(r1+r2+cutoff),
where r1 and r2 are the atomic van-der-Waals radii.
:param object1: a chemical object
:type object1: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
:param object2: a chemical object
:type object2: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
:param contact_factor: a scale factor in the contact distance criterion
:type contact_factor: float
:param cutoff: a constant in the contact distance criterion
:type cutoff: float
:returns: a list of Contact objects that describe atomic contacts
between object1 and object2.
:rtype: list
max_object1 = len(object1.atomList())
atoms = object1.atomList() + object2.atomList()
tup = surfm.get_atom_data(atoms, 0.0)
max_rad = tup[0] # max vdW_radius
atom_data = tup[1]
nbors = surfm.NeighborList(atoms, contact_factor*(2*max_rad+cutoff),
clist = []
done = {}
for index1 in range(len(atoms)):
for (index2, dist2) in nbors[index1]:
if (index1 < max_object1) != (index2 < max_object1):
if index1 < index2:
a1 = atoms[index1]
a2 = atoms[index2]
a1 = atoms[index2]
a2 = atoms[index1]
dist = N.sqrt(dist2)
if dist >= contact_factor*(a1.vdW_radius + a2.vdW_radius + cutoff):
if not done.has_key((index1, index2)):
clist.append(Contact(a1, a2, dist))
done[(index1, index2)] = 1
return clist
if __name__ == '__main__':
from MMTK.PDB import PDBConfiguration
from MMTK import Units
import sys
target_filename = sys.argv[2]
pdb_conf1 = PDBConfiguration(target_filename)
if sys.argv[1][:2] == '-f':
chains = pdb_conf1.createNucleotideChains()
molecule_names = []
if len(chains) >= 2:
clist = findContacts(chains[0], chains[1])
molecule_names = []
for (key, mol) in pdb_conf1.molecules.items():
for o in mol:
targets = pdb_conf1.createAll(molecule_names = molecule_names)
if len(molecule_names) > 1:
clist = findContacts(targets[0], targets[1])
atoms = targets.atomList()
mid = len(atoms)/2
clist = findContacts(Collection(atoms[:mid]),
print len(clist), 'contacts'
for c in clist[:8]:
print '%-64s %6.2f' % (c, c.dist/Units.Ang)
target = pdb_conf1.createAll()
if sys.argv[1][:2] == '-v':
(a, v) = target.surfaceAndVolume()
print 'surface area %.2f volume %.2f' \
% (a/(Units.Ang**2), v/(Units.Ang**3))
elif sys.argv[1][:2] == '-a':
smap = target.surfaceAtoms(probe_radius = 1.4*Units.Ang)
print len(smap.keys()),'of',len(target.atomList()),'atoms on surface'
elif sys.argv[1][:2] == '-p':
smap = target.surfacePointsAndGradients(probe_radius = 1.4*Units.Ang)
for (a, tup) in smap.items():
print '%-40.40s %6.2f %5d %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f' \
% (a.fullName(), tup[0]/(Units.Ang**2), len(tup[1]),
tup[2][0], tup[2][1], tup[2][2])