/usr/lib/streams.scm is in scheme9 2013.11.26-1.
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; By Nils M Holm, 2006,2010
; Placed in the Public Domain
; (make-stream obj1 proc1 proc2 proc3 proc4 obj2) ==> stream
; (stream-any object) ==> #t
; (stream-none object) ==> #f
; (stream-id object) ==> object
; (stream-value stream) ==> object
; (stream-next stream) ==> stream
; (stream-eos? object) ==> boolean
; (list->stream list) ==> stream
; (stream->list stream) ==> list
; (map-stream procedure stream) ==> stream
; (filter-stream procedure stream) ==> stream
; (append-streams stream ...) ==> stream
; (stream-member procedure stream) ==> stream
; (stream-extract integer stream) ==> list
; (stream-iota integer1 integer2) ==> stream
; (load-from-library "streams.scm")
; These procedures implement purely functional streams. The most
; general procedure for creating a new stream is MAKE-STREAM,
; whose arguments are as follows:
; OBJ1 is the initial object to be stored in the stream, e.g.
; the first number of a sequence or a list object when the
; stream is to produce the members of a list.
; PROC1 fetches the current value of OBJ1 and returns it.
; This would be CAR for list objects or STREAM-ID for numeric
; streams.
; PROC2 is a filter that selects specific members from OBJ1.
; For instance, EVEN? would make sure that a given numeric
; stream would produce only even numbers. STREAM-ANY would
; pass through all values.
; PROC3 generates a new value, i.e. it turns OBJ1 into OBJ1',
; where OBJ1' is the next member of the sequence produced by
; the stream. CDR would typically be used in a list stream
; and (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) in a stream enumerating integers.
; PROC4 checks whether the end of the stream has been reached.
; In list streams, this would be NULL?. Infinite streams can
; be created by specifying STREAM-ANY or STREAM-INDEFINITE.
; OBJ2 is the final object to be delivered. This is typically
; *STREAM-EOS*, but this argument can also be used to
; concatenate streams. In infinite streams, this value does
; not matter.
; STREAM-VALUE returns the current value of a stream.
; STREAM-NEXT advances to the next value of a stream.
; STREAM-EOS? checks if a stream has been exhausted (end of stream).
; LIST->STREAM and STREAM->LIST convert lists to streams and
; vice versa. STREAM-EXTRACT is like STREAM->LIST, but extracts
; only a given number of arguments. The stream passed to it must
; be able to produce the given number of arguments.
; corresponding Scheme functions.
; FILTER-STREAM adds an additional filter to an existing stream.
; STREAM-IOTA generates a finite numeric stream that counts from
; Example: (stream->list
; (append-streams (list->stream '(a b c))
; (stream-iota 1 3))) ==> (a b c 1 2 3)
; (stream->list
; (filter-stream even?
; (stream-iota 1 10))) ==> (2 4 6 8 10)
; (stream->list
; (map-stream (lambda (x) (* 7 x))
; (stream-iota 1 5))) ==> (7 14 21 28 35)
; (stream->list
; (stream-member (lambda (x) (= 27 x))
; (stream-iota 1 30))) ==> (27 28 29 30)
; (stream-extract
; 5
; (stream-iota 1 10000000)) ==> (1 2 3 4 5)
(define (make-stream init first filter rest lim final)
(define (find x)
(if (or (lim x)
(filter (first x)))
(find (rest x))))
(define (new-stream v)
(lambda ()
(let ((next-value (find v)))
(if (lim next-value)
(cons (first next-value)
(new-stream (rest next-value)))))))
((new-stream init)))
(define (stream-any x) #t)
(define stream-indefinite stream-any)
(define (stream-none x) #f)
(define (stream-id x) x)
(define stream-value car)
(define (stream-next s) ((cdr s)))
(define *stream-eos* #f)
(define stream-eos? not)
(define (list->stream v)
(make-stream v car stream-any cdr null? *stream-eos*))
(define (stream->list s)
(lambda (s lst)
(if s
(stream->list2 (stream-next s)
(cons (stream-value s) lst))
(reverse! lst)))))
(stream->list2 s '())))
(define (map-stream f s)
(make-stream s
(lambda (s) (f (stream-value s)))
(define (append-streams . s*)
(if (null? s*)
(make-stream (car s*)
(apply append-streams (cdr s*)))))
(define (filter-stream p s)
(make-stream s
(define (stream-member p s)
(cond ((stream-eos? s) *stream-eos*)
((p (stream-value s)) s)
(else (stream-member p (stream-next s)))))
(define (stream-extract n s)
(if (zero? n)
(cons (stream-value s)
(stream-extract (- n 1) (stream-next s)))))
(define (stream-iota l h)
(make-stream l
(lambda (x) (+ 1 x))
(lambda (x) (> x h))