/usr/share/axiom-20140801/input/cmds.input is in axiom-test 20140801-11.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 | )set break resume
)spool cmds.output
)set message test on
)set message auto off
)clear all
--S 1 of 20
)abbreviation domain TIM TimDaly )quiet
--E 1
--S 2 of 20
)abbreviation domain TIMD TimDalyDomain
--R TIMD abbreviates domain TimDalyDomain
--E 2
--S 3 of 20
)abbreviation category TIMC TimDalyCategory
--R TIMC abbreviates category TimDalyCategory
--E 3
--S 4 of 20
)abbreviation package TIMP TimDalyPackage
--R TIMP abbreviates package TimDalyPackage
--E 4
--S 5 of 20
)abbreviation query LIST
--R LIST abbreviates domain List
--E 5
--S 6 of 20
)abbreviation query List
--R LIST abbreviates domain List
--E 6
--S 7 of 20
)abbreviation query TIMD
--R TIMD abbreviates domain TimDalyDomain
--E 7
--S 8 of 20
)abbreviation remove TIMD
--E 8
--S 9 of 20
)abbreviation query TIMD
--R TIMD is neither a constructor name nor a constructor abbreviation.
--E 9
--S 10 of 20
)abbreviation query TimDalyPackage
--R TIMP abbreviates package TimDalyPackage
--E 10
--S 11 of 20
)abbreviation remove TimDalyPackage
--E 11
--S 12 of 20
)abbreviation query TimDalyPackage
--R TIMP abbreviates package TimDalyPackage
--E 12
--S 13 of 20
)what categories
--R------------------------------- Categories --------------------------------
--R A1AGG OneDimensionalArrayAggregate ABELGRP AbelianGroup
--R ABELMON AbelianMonoid ABELSG AbelianSemiGroup
--R ACF AlgebraicallyClosedField
--R ACFS AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace
--R AFSPCAT AffineSpaceCategory AGG Aggregate
--R AHYP ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory
--R ALAGG AssociationListAggregate ALGEBRA Algebra
--R AMR AbelianMonoidRing ARR2CAT TwoDimensionalArrayCategory
--R ATRIG ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory
--R ATTREG AttributeRegistry BASTYPE BasicType
--R BGAGG BagAggregate BLMETCT BlowUpMethodCategory
--R BMODULE BiModule BRAGG BinaryRecursiveAggregate
--R BTAGG BitAggregate BTCAT BinaryTreeCategory
--R CABMON CancellationAbelianMonoid CACHSET CachableSet
--R CFCAT CombinatorialFunctionCategory
--R CHARNZ CharacteristicNonZero CHARZ CharacteristicZero
--R CLAGG Collection COMBOPC CombinatorialOpsCategory
--R COMPCAT ComplexCategory COMRING CommutativeRing
--R DIAGG Dictionary DIFEXT DifferentialExtension
--R DIFRING DifferentialRing DIOPS DictionaryOperations
--R DIRPCAT DirectProductCategory DIVCAT DivisorCategory
--R DIVRING DivisionRing DLAGG DoublyLinkedAggregate
--R DPOLCAT DifferentialPolynomialCategory
--R DQAGG DequeueAggregate DSTRCAT DesingTreeCategory
--R DVARCAT DifferentialVariableCategory ELAGG ExtensibleLinearAggregate
--R ELEMFUN ElementaryFunctionCategory ELTAB Eltable
--R ELTAGG EltableAggregate ENTIRER EntireRing
--R ES ExpressionSpace EUCDOM EuclideanDomain
--R EVALAB Evalable FAMONC FreeAbelianMonoidCategory
--R FAMR FiniteAbelianMonoidRing
--R FAXF FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField
--R FDIVCAT FiniteDivisorCategory FEVALAB FullyEvalableOver
--R FFCAT FunctionFieldCategory FFIELDC FiniteFieldCategory
--R FIELD Field FILECAT FileCategory
--R FINAALG FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra
--R FINITE Finite FINRALG FiniteRankAlgebra
--R FLAGG FiniteLinearAggregate FLALG FreeLieAlgebra
--R FLINEXP FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver
--R FMC FortranMatrixCategory FMCAT FreeModuleCat
--R FMFUN FortranMatrixFunctionCategory
--R FMTC FortranMachineTypeCategory FNCAT FileNameCategory
--R FORTCAT FortranProgramCategory FORTFN FortranFunctionCategory
--R FPATMAB FullyPatternMatchable FPC FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic
--R FPS FloatingPointSystem FRAMALG FramedAlgebra
--R FRETRCT FullyRetractableTo FRNAALG FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra
--R FS FunctionSpace FSAGG FiniteSetAggregate
--R FVC FortranVectorCategory
--R FVFUN FortranVectorFunctionCategory
--R GCDDOM GcdDomain GRALG GradedAlgebra
--R GRMOD GradedModule GROUP Group
--R HOAGG HomogeneousAggregate HYPCAT HyperbolicFunctionCategory
--R IDPC IndexedDirectProductCategory IEVALAB InnerEvalable
--R INFCLCT InfinitlyClosePointCategory INS IntegerNumberSystem
--R INTCAT IntervalCategory INTDOM IntegralDomain
--R IXAGG IndexedAggregate KDAGG KeyedDictionary
--R KOERCE CoercibleTo KONVERT ConvertibleTo
--R LALG LeftAlgebra LFCAT LiouvillianFunctionCategory
--R LIECAT LieAlgebra LINEXP LinearlyExplicitRingOver
--R LMODULE LeftModule LNAGG LinearAggregate
--R LOCPOWC LocalPowerSeriesCategory
--R LODOCAT LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory
--R LOGIC Logic LSAGG ListAggregate
--R LZSTAGG LazyStreamAggregate
--R MAGCDOC ModularAlgebraicGcdOperations
--R MATCAT MatrixCategory MDAGG MultiDictionary
--R MLO MonogenicLinearOperator MODULE Module
--R MONAD Monad MONADWU MonadWithUnit
--R MONOGEN MonogenicAlgebra MONOID Monoid
--R MSETAGG MultisetAggregate
--R MTSCAT MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory
--R NAALG NonAssociativeAlgebra NARNG NonAssociativeRng
--R NASRING NonAssociativeRing
--R NTSCAT NormalizedTriangularSetCategory
--R NUMINT NumericalIntegrationCategory OAGROUP OrderedAbelianGroup
--R OAMON OrderedAbelianMonoid OAMONS OrderedAbelianMonoidSup
--R OASGP OrderedAbelianSemiGroup OC OctonionCategory
--R OCAMON OrderedCancellationAbelianMonoid
--R ODECAT OrdinaryDifferentialEquationsSolverCategory
--R OINTDOM OrderedIntegralDomain OM OpenMath
--R OMSAGG OrderedMultisetAggregate
--R OPTCAT NumericalOptimizationCategory
--R ORDFIN OrderedFinite ORDMON OrderedMonoid
--R ORDRING OrderedRing ORDSET OrderedSet
--R OREPCAT UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategory
--R PACEXTC PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfAlgExtOfRationalNumberCategory
--R PACFFC PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfFiniteFieldCategory
--R PACPERC PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfPerfectFieldCategory
--R PACRATC PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfRationalNumberCategory
--R PADICCT PAdicIntegerCategory PATAB Patternable
--R PATMAB PatternMatchable
--R PDECAT PartialDifferentialEquationsSolverCategory
--R PDRING PartialDifferentialRing PERMCAT PermutationCategory
--R PFECAT PolynomialFactorizationExplicit
--R PID PrincipalIdealDomain PLACESC PlacesCategory
--R POLYCAT PolynomialCategory PPCURVE PlottablePlaneCurveCategory
--R PRIMCAT PrimitiveFunctionCategory PRQAGG PriorityQueueAggregate
--R PRSPCAT ProjectiveSpaceCategory PSCAT PowerSeriesCategory
--R PSCURVE PlottableSpaceCurveCategory PSETCAT PolynomialSetCategory
--R PTCAT PointCategory
--R PTRANFN PartialTranscendentalFunctions
--R QFCAT QuotientFieldCategory QUAGG QueueAggregate
--R QUATCAT QuaternionCategory RADCAT RadicalCategory
--R RCAGG RecursiveAggregate RCFIELD RealClosedField
--R REAL RealConstant RETRACT RetractableTo
--R RING Ring RMATCAT RectangularMatrixCategory
--R RMODULE RightModule RNG Rng
--R RNS RealNumberSystem RPOLCAT RecursivePolynomialCategory
--R RRCC RealRootCharacterizationCategory
--R RSETCAT RegularTriangularSetCategory SEGCAT SegmentCategory
--R SEGXCAT SegmentExpansionCategory SETAGG SetAggregate
--R SETCAT SetCategory SETCATD SetCategoryWithDegree
--R SEXCAT SExpressionCategory
--R SFRTCAT SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetCategory
--R SGROUP SemiGroup SKAGG StackAggregate
--R SMATCAT SquareMatrixCategory
--R SNTSCAT SquareFreeNormalizedTriangularSetCategory
--R SPACEC ThreeSpaceCategory SPFCAT SpecialFunctionCategory
--R SRAGG StringAggregate STAGG StreamAggregate
--R STEP StepThrough STRICAT StringCategory
--R TBAGG TableAggregate
--R TRANFUN TranscendentalFunctionCategory
--R TRIGCAT TrigonometricFunctionCategory
--R TSETCAT TriangularSetCategory TYPE Type
--R UFD UniqueFactorizationDomain
--R ULSCAT UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory
--R ULSCCAT UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory
--R UPOLYC UnivariatePolynomialCategory
--R UPSCAT UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory
--R UPXSCAT UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory
--R UPXSCCA UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory
--R URAGG UnaryRecursiveAggregate
--R UTSCAT UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory
--R VECTCAT VectorCategory VSPACE VectorSpace
--R XALG XAlgebra XF ExtensionField
--R XFALG XFreeAlgebra XPOLYC XPolynomialsCat
--E 13
--S 14 of 20
)what domains
--R--------------------------------- Domains ---------------------------------
--R A1AGG- OneDimensionalArrayAggregate&
--R ABELGRP- AbelianGroup& ABELMON- AbelianMonoid&
--R ABELSG- AbelianSemiGroup& ACF- AlgebraicallyClosedField&
--R ACFS- AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace&
--R ACPLOT PlaneAlgebraicCurvePlot AFFPL AffinePlane
--R AFFPLPS AffinePlaneOverPseudoAlgebraicClosureOfFiniteField
--R AFFSP AffineSpace AGG- Aggregate&
--R ALGEBRA- Algebra& ALGFF AlgebraicFunctionField
--R ALGSC AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants
--R ALIST AssociationList AMR- AbelianMonoidRing&
--R AN AlgebraicNumber ANON AnonymousFunction
--R ANTISYM AntiSymm ANY Any
--R ARR2CAT- TwoDimensionalArrayCategory& ARRAY1 OneDimensionalArray
--R ARRAY2 TwoDimensionalArray ASP1 Asp1
--R ASP10 Asp10 ASP12 Asp12
--R ASP19 Asp19 ASP20 Asp20
--R ASP24 Asp24 ASP27 Asp27
--R ASP28 Asp28 ASP29 Asp29
--R ASP30 Asp30 ASP31 Asp31
--R ASP33 Asp33 ASP34 Asp34
--R ASP35 Asp35 ASP4 Asp4
--R ASP41 Asp41 ASP42 Asp42
--R ASP49 Asp49 ASP50 Asp50
--R ASP55 Asp55 ASP6 Asp6
--R ASP7 Asp7 ASP73 Asp73
--R ASP74 Asp74 ASP77 Asp77
--R ASP78 Asp78 ASP8 Asp8
--R ASP80 Asp80 ASP9 Asp9
--R ASTACK ArrayStack
--R ATRIG- ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory&
--R ATTRBUT AttributeButtons AUTOMOR Automorphism
--R BASTYPE- BasicType& BBTREE BalancedBinaryTree
--R BFUNCT BasicFunctions BGAGG- BagAggregate&
--R BINARY BinaryExpansion BINFILE BinaryFile
--R BITS Bits BLHN BlowUpWithHamburgerNoether
--R BLQT BlowUpWithQuadTrans BOOLEAN Boolean
--R BOP BasicOperator BPADIC BalancedPAdicInteger
--R BPADICRT BalancedPAdicRational BRAGG- BinaryRecursiveAggregate&
--R BSD BasicStochasticDifferential BSTREE BinarySearchTree
--R BTAGG- BitAggregate& BTCAT- BinaryTreeCategory&
--R BTOURN BinaryTournament BTREE BinaryTree
--R CARD CardinalNumber CARTEN CartesianTensor
--R CCLASS CharacterClass CDFMAT ComplexDoubleFloatMatrix
--R CDFVEC ComplexDoubleFloatVector CHAR Character
--R CLAGG- Collection& CLIF CliffordAlgebra
--R COLOR Color COMM Commutator
--R COMPCAT- ComplexCategory& COMPLEX Complex
--R COMPPROP SubSpaceComponentProperty CONTFRAC ContinuedFraction
--R D01AJFA d01ajfAnnaType D01AKFA d01akfAnnaType
--R D01ALFA d01alfAnnaType D01AMFA d01amfAnnaType
--R D01ANFA d01anfAnnaType D01APFA d01apfAnnaType
--R D01AQFA d01aqfAnnaType D01ASFA d01asfAnnaType
--R D01FCFA d01fcfAnnaType D01GBFA d01gbfAnnaType
--R D01TRNS d01TransformFunctionType D02BBFA d02bbfAnnaType
--R D02BHFA d02bhfAnnaType D02CJFA d02cjfAnnaType
--R D02EJFA d02ejfAnnaType D03EEFA d03eefAnnaType
--R D03FAFA d03fafAnnaType DBASE Database
--R DECIMAL DecimalExpansion DEQUEUE Dequeue
--R DERHAM DeRhamComplex DFLOAT DoubleFloat
--R DFMAT DoubleFloatMatrix DFVEC DoubleFloatVector
--R DHMATRIX DenavitHartenbergMatrix DIAGG- Dictionary&
--R DIFEXT- DifferentialExtension& DIFRING- DifferentialRing&
--R DIOPS- DictionaryOperations& DIRPCAT- DirectProductCategory&
--R DIRPROD DirectProduct DIRRING DirichletRing
--R DIV Divisor DIVRING- DivisionRing&
--R DLIST DataList
--R DMP DistributedMultivariatePolynomial
--R DPMM DirectProductMatrixModule DPMO DirectProductModule
--R DPOLCAT- DifferentialPolynomialCategory&
--R DROPT DrawOption
--R DSMP DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial
--R DSTREE DesingTree
--R DVARCAT- DifferentialVariableCategory&
--R E04DGFA e04dgfAnnaType E04FDFA e04fdfAnnaType
--R E04GCFA e04gcfAnnaType E04JAFA e04jafAnnaType
--R E04MBFA e04mbfAnnaType E04NAFA e04nafAnnaType
--R E04UCFA e04ucfAnnaType EAB ExtAlgBasis
--R EFULS ElementaryFunctionsUnivariateLaurentSeries
--R EFUPXS ElementaryFunctionsUnivariatePuiseuxSeries
--R ELAGG- ExtensibleLinearAggregate& ELEMFUN- ElementaryFunctionCategory&
--R ELTAGG- EltableAggregate& EMR EuclideanModularRing
--R EQ Equation EQTBL EqTable
--R ES- ExpressionSpace& EUCDOM- EuclideanDomain&
--R EVALAB- Evalable& EXIT Exit
--R EXPEXPAN ExponentialExpansion EXPR Expression
--R EXPUPXS ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries
--R FAGROUP FreeAbelianGroup FAMONOID FreeAbelianMonoid
--R FAMR- FiniteAbelianMonoidRing& FARRAY FlexibleArray
--R FAXF- FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField&
--R FC FortranCode FCOMP FourierComponent
--R FDIV FiniteDivisor FDIVCAT- FiniteDivisorCategory&
--R FEVALAB- FullyEvalableOver& FEXPR FortranExpression
--R FF FiniteField FFCAT- FunctionFieldCategory&
--R FFCG FiniteFieldCyclicGroup
--R FFCGP FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtensionByPolynomial
--R FFCGX FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtension
--R FFIELDC- FiniteFieldCategory& FFNB FiniteFieldNormalBasis
--R FFNBP FiniteFieldNormalBasisExtensionByPolynomial
--R FFNBX FiniteFieldNormalBasisExtension
--R FFP FiniteFieldExtensionByPolynomial
--R FFX FiniteFieldExtension FGROUP FreeGroup
--R FIELD- Field& FILE File
--R FINAALG- FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra&
--R FINRALG- FiniteRankAlgebra& FLAGG- FiniteLinearAggregate&
--R FLINEXP- FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver&
--R FLOAT Float FM FreeModule
--R FM1 FreeModule1 FMONOID FreeMonoid
--R FNAME FileName FNLA FreeNilpotentLie
--R FORMULA ScriptFormulaFormat FORTRAN FortranProgram
--R FPARFRAC FullPartialFractionExpansion FPC- FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic&
--R FPS- FloatingPointSystem& FR Factored
--R FRAC Fraction FRAMALG- FramedAlgebra&
--R FRETRCT- FullyRetractableTo& FRIDEAL FractionalIdeal
--R FRMOD FramedModule FRNAALG- FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra&
--R FS- FunctionSpace& FSAGG- FiniteSetAggregate&
--R FSERIES FourierSeries FST FortranScalarType
--R FT FortranType FTEM FortranTemplate
--R FUNCTION FunctionCalled GCDDOM- GcdDomain&
--R GCNAALG GenericNonAssociativeAlgebra
--R GDMP GeneralDistributedMultivariatePolynomial
--R GMODPOL GeneralModulePolynomial GOPT GuessOption
--R GOPT0 GuessOptionFunctions0 GPOLSET GeneralPolynomialSet
--R GRALG- GradedAlgebra& GRIMAGE GraphImage
--R GRMOD- GradedModule& GROUP- Group&
--R GSERIES GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries GSTBL GeneralSparseTable
--R GTSET GeneralTriangularSet HACKPI Pi
--R HASHTBL HashTable
--R HDMP HomogeneousDistributedMultivariatePolynomial
--R HDP HomogeneousDirectProduct HEAP Heap
--R HELLFDIV HyperellipticFiniteDivisor HEXADEC HexadecimalExpansion
--R HOAGG- HomogeneousAggregate& HTMLFORM HTMLFormat
--R HYPCAT- HyperbolicFunctionCategory& IAN InnerAlgebraicNumber
--R IARRAY1 IndexedOneDimensionalArray IARRAY2 IndexedTwoDimensionalArray
--R IBITS IndexedBits ICARD IndexCard
--R ICP InfClsPt IDEAL PolynomialIdeals
--R IDPAG IndexedDirectProductAbelianGroup
--R IDPAM IndexedDirectProductAbelianMonoid
--R IDPO IndexedDirectProductObject
--R IDPOAM IndexedDirectProductOrderedAbelianMonoid
--R IDPOAMS IndexedDirectProductOrderedAbelianMonoidSup
--R IEVALAB- InnerEvalable& IFAMON InnerFreeAbelianMonoid
--R IFARRAY IndexedFlexibleArray IFF InnerFiniteField
--R IIARRAY2 InnerIndexedTwoDimensionalArray
--R ILIST IndexedList IMATRIX IndexedMatrix
--R INDE IndexedExponents
--R INFCLSPS InfinitlyClosePointOverPseudoAlgebraicClosureOfFiniteField
--R INFCLSPT InfinitlyClosePoint INFORM InputForm
--R INS- IntegerNumberSystem& INT Integer
--R INTABL InnerTable INTDOM- IntegralDomain&
--R INTFTBL IntegrationFunctionsTable INTRVL Interval
--R IPADIC InnerPAdicInteger IPF InnerPrimeField
--R IR IntegrationResult ISTRING IndexedString
--R ISUPS InnerSparseUnivariatePowerSeries
--R ITAYLOR InnerTaylorSeries ITUPLE InfiniteTuple
--R IVECTOR IndexedVector IXAGG- IndexedAggregate&
--R JORDAN AssociatedJordanAlgebra KAFILE KeyedAccessFile
--R KDAGG- KeyedDictionary& KERNEL Kernel
--R LA LocalAlgebra LALG- LeftAlgebra&
--R LAUPOL LaurentPolynomial LEXP LieExponentials
--R LIB Library LIE AssociatedLieAlgebra
--R LIECAT- LieAlgebra& LIST List
--R LMDICT ListMultiDictionary LMOPS ListMonoidOps
--R LNAGG- LinearAggregate& LO Localize
--R LODO LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator
--R LODO1 LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator1
--R LODO2 LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator2
--R LODOCAT- LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory&
--R LOGIC- Logic& LPOLY LiePolynomial
--R LSAGG- ListAggregate& LSQM LieSquareMatrix
--R LWORD LyndonWord LZSTAGG- LazyStreamAggregate&
--R M3D ThreeDimensionalMatrix MAGMA Magma
--R MATCAT- MatrixCategory& MATRIX Matrix
--R MCMPLX MachineComplex MFLOAT MachineFloat
--R MINT MachineInteger MKCHSET MakeCachableSet
--R MMLFORM MathMLFormat MODFIELD ModularField
--R MODMON ModMonic MODMONOM ModuleMonomial
--R MODOP ModuleOperator MODRING ModularRing
--R MODULE- Module& MOEBIUS MoebiusTransform
--R MONAD- Monad& MONADWU- MonadWithUnit&
--R MONOGEN- MonogenicAlgebra& MONOID- Monoid&
--R MPOLY MultivariatePolynomial MRING MonoidRing
--R MSET Multiset MYEXPR MyExpression
--R MYUP MyUnivariatePolynomial NAALG- NonAssociativeAlgebra&
--R NARNG- NonAssociativeRng& NASRING- NonAssociativeRing&
--R Enumeration Mapping
--R Record Union
--R NIPROB NumericalIntegrationProblem NNI NonNegativeInteger
--R NONE None NOTTING NottinghamGroup
--R NSDPS NeitherSparseOrDensePowerSeries
--R NSMP NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial
--R NSUP NewSparseUnivariatePolynomial
--R OC- OctonionCategory& OCT Octonion
--R ODEIFTBL ODEIntensityFunctionsTable ODEPROB NumericalODEProblem
--R ODP OrderedDirectProduct
--R ODPOL OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial
--R ODR OrdinaryDifferentialRing ODVAR OrderlyDifferentialVariable
--R OFMONOID OrderedFreeMonoid OMCONN OpenMathConnection
--R OMDEV OpenMathDevice OMENC OpenMathEncoding
--R OMERR OpenMathError OMERRK OpenMathErrorKind
--R OMLO OppositeMonogenicLinearOperator
--R ONECOMP OnePointCompletion OP Operator
--R OPTPROB NumericalOptimizationProblem ORDCOMP OrderedCompletion
--R ORDRING- OrderedRing& ORDSET- OrderedSet&
--R OREPCAT- UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategory&
--R ORESUP SparseUnivariateSkewPolynomial
--R OREUP UnivariateSkewPolynomial OSI OrdSetInts
--R OUTFORM OutputForm OVAR OrderedVariableList
--R OWP OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials
--R PACEXT PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfAlgExtOfRationalNumber
--R PACOFF PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfFiniteField
--R PACRAT PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfRationalNumber
--R PADIC PAdicInteger PADICRAT PAdicRational
--R PADICRC PAdicRationalConstructor PALETTE Palette
--R PARPCURV ParametricPlaneCurve PARSCURV ParametricSpaceCurve
--R PARSURF ParametricSurface PATLRES PatternMatchListResult
--R PATRES PatternMatchResult PATTERN Pattern
--R PBWLB PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis
--R PDEPROB NumericalPDEProblem PDRING- PartialDifferentialRing&
--R PENDTREE PendantTree PERM Permutation
--R PERMGRP PermutationGroup PF PrimeField
--R PFECAT- PolynomialFactorizationExplicit&
--R PFR PartialFraction PI PositiveInteger
--R PLACES Places
--R PLACESPS PlacesOverPseudoAlgebraicClosureOfFiniteField
--R PLCS Plcs PLOT Plot
--R PLOT3D Plot3D POINT Point
--R POLY Polynomial POLYCAT- PolynomialCategory&
--R PR PolynomialRing PRIMARR PrimitiveArray
--R PRODUCT Product PROJPL ProjectivePlane
--R PROJPLPS ProjectivePlaneOverPseudoAlgebraicClosureOfFiniteField
--R PROJSP ProjectiveSpace PRTITION Partition
--R PSCAT- PowerSeriesCategory& PSETCAT- PolynomialSetCategory&
--R QALGSET QuasiAlgebraicSet QEQUAT QueryEquation
--R QFCAT- QuotientFieldCategory& QFORM QuadraticForm
--R QUAT Quaternion QUATCAT- QuaternionCategory&
--R QUEUE Queue RADCAT- RadicalCategory&
--R RADFF RadicalFunctionField RADIX RadixExpansion
--R RCAGG- RecursiveAggregate& RCFIELD- RealClosedField&
--R RECLOS RealClosure REF Reference
--R REGSET RegularTriangularSet RESRING ResidueRing
--R RESULT Result RETRACT- RetractableTo&
--R RGCHAIN RegularChain RING- Ring&
--R RMATCAT- RectangularMatrixCategory& RMATRIX RectangularMatrix
--R RNS- RealNumberSystem&
--R ROIRC RightOpenIntervalRootCharacterization
--R ROMAN RomanNumeral ROUTINE RoutinesTable
--R RPOLCAT- RecursivePolynomialCategory&
--R RRCC- RealRootCharacterizationCategory&
--R RSETCAT- RegularTriangularSetCategory&
--R RULE RewriteRule RULECOLD RuleCalled
--R RULESET Ruleset SAE SimpleAlgebraicExtension
--R SAOS SingletonAsOrderedSet SD StochasticDifferential
--R SDPOL SequentialDifferentialPolynomial
--R SDVAR SequentialDifferentialVariable
--R SEG Segment SEGBIND SegmentBinding
--R SET Set SETAGG- SetAggregate&
--R SETCAT- SetCategory& SETMN SetOfMIntegersInOneToN
--R SEX SExpression SEXOF SExpressionOf
--R SFORT SimpleFortranProgram SGROUP- SemiGroup&
--R SHDP SplitHomogeneousDirectProduct
--R SINT SingleInteger SMATCAT- SquareMatrixCategory&
--R SMP SparseMultivariatePolynomial
--R SMTS SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries
--R SPACE3 ThreeSpace SPLNODE SplittingNode
--R SPLTREE SplittingTree SQMATRIX SquareMatrix
--R SRAGG- StringAggregate&
--R SREGSET SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet
--R STACK Stack STAGG- StreamAggregate&
--R STBL SparseTable STREAM Stream
--R STRING String STRTBL StringTable
--R SUBSPACE SubSpace SUCH SuchThat
--R SULS SparseUnivariateLaurentSeries
--R SUP SparseUnivariatePolynomial
--R SUPEXPR SparseUnivariatePolynomialExpressions
--R SUPXS SparseUnivariatePuiseuxSeries
--R SUTS SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries SWITCH Switch
--R SYMBOL Symbol SYMPOLY SymmetricPolynomial
--R SYMS TheSymbolTable SYMTAB SymbolTable
--R TABLE Table TABLEAU Tableau
--R TBAGG- TableAggregate& TEX TexFormat
--R TRANFUN- TranscendentalFunctionCategory&
--R TREE Tree
--R TRIGCAT- TrigonometricFunctionCategory&
--R TS TaylorSeries TSETCAT- TriangularSetCategory&
--R TUBE TubePlot TUPLE Tuple
--R U16MAT U16Matrix U16VEC U16Vector
--R U32MAT U32Matrix U32VEC U32Vector
--R U8MAT U8Matrix U8VEC U8Vector
--R UFD- UniqueFactorizationDomain& UFPS UnivariateFormalPowerSeries
--R ULS UnivariateLaurentSeries
--R ULSCCAT- UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory&
--R ULSCONS UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructor
--R UNISEG UniversalSegment UP UnivariatePolynomial
--R UPOLYC- UnivariatePolynomialCategory&
--R UPSCAT- UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory&
--R UPXS UnivariatePuiseuxSeries
--R UPXSCCA- UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory&
--R UPXSCONS UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructor
--R UPXSSING UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity
--R URAGG- UnaryRecursiveAggregate& UTS UnivariateTaylorSeries
--R UTSCAT- UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory&
--R UTSZ UnivariateTaylorSeriesCZero VARIABLE Variable
--R VECTCAT- VectorCategory& VECTOR Vector
--R VIEW2D TwoDimensionalViewport VIEW3D ThreeDimensionalViewport
--R VOID Void VSPACE- VectorSpace&
--R WP WeightedPolynomials WUTSET WuWenTsunTriangularSet
--R XDPOLY XDistributedPolynomial XF- ExtensionField&
--R XPBWPOLY XPBWPolynomial XPOLY XPolynomial
--R XPR XPolynomialRing XRPOLY XRecursivePolynomial
--R ZMOD IntegerMod
--E 14
--S 15 of 20
)what packages
--R-------------------------------- Packages ---------------------------------
--R AF AlgebraicFunction
--R AFALGGRO AffineAlgebraicSetComputeWithGroebnerBasis
--R AFALGRES AffineAlgebraicSetComputeWithResultant
--R ALGFACT AlgFactor ALGMANIP AlgebraicManipulations
--R ALGMFACT AlgebraicMultFact ALGPKG AlgebraPackage
--R ANY1 AnyFunctions1 API ApplicationProgramInterface
--R APPLYORE ApplyUnivariateSkewPolynomial
--R APPRULE ApplyRules
--R ARRAY12 OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2
--R ASSOCEQ AssociatedEquations AXSERV AxiomServer
--R BALFACT BalancedFactorisation BEZIER Bezier
--R BEZOUT BezoutMatrix BLAS1 BlasLevelOne
--R BLUPPACK BlowUpPackage BOP1 BasicOperatorFunctions1
--R BOUNDZRO BoundIntegerRoots BRILL BrillhartTests
--R CARTEN2 CartesianTensorFunctions2 CDEN CommonDenominator
--R CHARPOL CharacteristicPolynomialPackage
--R CHVAR ChangeOfVariable
--R CINTSLPE ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation
--R CLIP TwoDimensionalPlotClipping CMPLXRT ComplexRootPackage
--R COMBF CombinatorialFunction COMBINAT IntegerCombinatoricFunctions
--R COMMONOP CommonOperators
--R COMMUPC CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory
--R COMPFACT ComplexFactorization COMPLEX2 ComplexFunctions2
--R COMPLPAT ComplexPattern COORDSYS CoordinateSystems
--R CPIMA CharacteristicPolynomialInMonogenicalAlgebra
--R CPMATCH ComplexPatternMatch CRAPACK CRApackage
--R CRFP ComplexRootFindingPackage CSTTOOLS CyclicStreamTools
--R CTRIGMNP ComplexTrigonometricManipulations
--R CVMP CoerceVectorMatrixPackage CYCLES CycleIndicators
--R CYCLOTOM CyclotomicPolynomialPackage D01AGNT d01AgentsPackage
--R D01WGTS d01WeightsPackage D02AGNT d02AgentsPackage
--R D03AGNT d03AgentsPackage DBLRESP DoubleResultantPackage
--R DDFACT DistinctDegreeFactorize
--R DEFINTEF ElementaryFunctionDefiniteIntegration
--R DEFINTRF RationalFunctionDefiniteIntegration
--R DEGRED DegreeReductionPackage DFINTTLS DefiniteIntegrationTools
--R DFSFUN DoubleFloatSpecialFunctions DIOSP DiophantineSolutionPackage
--R DIRPROD2 DirectProductFunctions2 DISPLAY DisplayPackage
--R DLP DiscreteLogarithmPackage DRAW TopLevelDrawFunctions
--R DRAWCFUN TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions
--R DRAWCURV TopLevelDrawFunctionsForAlgebraicCurves
--R DRAWCX DrawComplex DRAWHACK DrawNumericHack
--R DRAWPT TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints
--R DROPT0 DrawOptionFunctions0 DROPT1 DrawOptionFunctions1
--R DTP DesingTreePackage E04AGNT e04AgentsPackage
--R EF ElementaryFunction
--R EFSTRUC ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage
--R ELFUTS EllipticFunctionsUnivariateTaylorSeries
--R EP EigenPackage EQ2 EquationFunctions2
--R ERROR ErrorFunctions ES1 ExpressionSpaceFunctions1
--R ES2 ExpressionSpaceFunctions2
--R ESCONT ExpertSystemContinuityPackage
--R ESCONT1 ExpertSystemContinuityPackage1
--R ESTOOLS ExpertSystemToolsPackage ESTOOLS1 ExpertSystemToolsPackage1
--R ESTOOLS2 ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 EVALCYC EvaluateCycleIndicators
--R EXP3D Export3D EXPR2 ExpressionFunctions2
--R EXPR2UPS ExpressionToUnivariatePowerSeries
--R EXPRODE ExpressionSpaceODESolver EXPRSOL ExpressionSolve
--R EXPRTUBE ExpressionTubePlot
--R FACTEXT FactorisationOverPseudoAlgebraicClosureOfAlgExtOfRationalNumber
--R FACTFUNC FactoredFunctions
--R FACTRN FactorisationOverPseudoAlgebraicClosureOfRationalNumber
--R FACUTIL FactoringUtilities
--R FAMR2 FiniteAbelianMonoidRingFunctions2
--R FCPAK1 FortranCodePackage1 FDIV2 FiniteDivisorFunctions2
--R FFCAT2 FunctionFieldCategoryFunctions2
--R FFF FiniteFieldFunctions FFFACTOR FiniteFieldFactorization
--R FFFACTSE FiniteFieldFactorizationWithSizeParseBySideEffect
--R FFFG FractionFreeFastGaussian
--R FFFGF FractionFreeFastGaussianFractions
--R FFHOM FiniteFieldHomomorphisms FFINTBAS FunctionFieldIntegralBasis
--R FFPOLY FiniteFieldPolynomialPackage
--R FFPOLY2 FiniteFieldPolynomialPackage2
--R FFSLPE FiniteFieldSolveLinearPolynomialEquation
--R FFSQFR FiniteFieldSquareFreeDecomposition
--R FLAGG2 FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2
--R FLASORT FiniteLinearAggregateSort FLOATCP FloatingComplexPackage
--R FLOATRP FloatingRealPackage FOP FortranOutputStackPackage
--R FORDER FindOrderFinite FORMULA1 ScriptFormulaFormat1
--R FORT FortranPackage FR2 FactoredFunctions2
--R FRAC2 FractionFunctions2 FRIDEAL2 FractionalIdealFunctions2
--R FRNAAF2 FramedNonAssociativeAlgebraFunctions2
--R FRUTIL FactoredFunctionUtilities FS2 FunctionSpaceFunctions2
--R FS2EXPXP FunctionSpaceToExponentialExpansion
--R FS2UPS FunctionSpaceToUnivariatePowerSeries
--R FSAGG2 FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2
--R FSCINT FunctionSpaceComplexIntegration
--R FSINT FunctionSpaceIntegration FSPECF FunctionalSpecialFunction
--R FSPRMELT FunctionSpacePrimitiveElement
--R FSRED FunctionSpaceReduce
--R FSUPFACT FunctionSpaceUnivariatePolynomialFactor
--R GALFACT GaloisGroupFactorizer
--R GALFACTU GaloisGroupFactorizationUtilities
--R GALPOLYU GaloisGroupPolynomialUtilities
--R GALUTIL GaloisGroupUtilities GAUSSFAC GaussianFactorizationPackage
--R GB GroebnerPackage
--R GBEUCLID EuclideanGroebnerBasisPackage
--R GBF GroebnerFactorizationPackage GBINTERN GroebnerInternalPackage
--R GDRAW GnuDraw GENEEZ GenExEuclid
--R GENMFACT GeneralizedMultivariateFactorize
--R GENPGCD GeneralPolynomialGcdPackage GENUFACT GenUFactorize
--R GENUPS GenerateUnivariatePowerSeries
--R GHENSEL GeneralHenselPackage GOSPER GosperSummationMethod
--R GPAFF GeneralPackageForAlgebraicFunctionField
--R GRAY GrayCode GRDEF GraphicsDefaults
--R GROEBSOL GroebnerSolve GUESS Guess
--R GUESSAN GuessAlgebraicNumber GUESSF GuessFinite
--R GUESSF1 GuessFiniteFunctions GUESSINT GuessInteger
--R GUESSP GuessPolynomial GUESSUP GuessUnivariatePolynomial
--R HB HallBasis HEUGCD HeuGcd
--R IALGFACT InnerAlgFactor
--R IBACHIN ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases
--R IBATOOL IntegralBasisTools IBPTOOLS IntegralBasisPolynomialTools
--R ICDEN InnerCommonDenominator IDECOMP IdealDecompositionPackage
--R IMATLIN InnerMatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions
--R IMATQF InnerMatrixQuotientFieldFunctions
--R INBFF InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions
--R INCRMAPS IncrementingMaps INEP InnerNumericEigenPackage
--R INFINITY Infinity INFORM1 InputFormFunctions1
--R INFPROD0 InfiniteProductCharacteristicZero
--R INFSP InnerNumericFloatSolvePackage
--R INMODGCD InnerModularGcd INNMFACT InnerMultFact
--R INPRODFF InfiniteProductFiniteField INPRODPF InfiniteProductPrimeField
--R INPSIGN InnerPolySign INTAF AlgebraicIntegration
--R INTALG AlgebraicIntegrate INTBIT IntegerBits
--R INTDIVP IntersectionDivisorPackage INTEF ElementaryIntegration
--R INTERGB InterfaceGroebnerPackage INTFACT IntegerFactorizationPackage
--R INTFRSP InterpolateFormsPackage INTG0 GenusZeroIntegration
--R INTHEORY IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions INTHERAL AlgebraicHermiteIntegration
--R INTHERTR TranscendentalHermiteIntegration
--R INTPACK AnnaNumericalIntegrationPackage
--R INTPAF PureAlgebraicIntegration INTPM PatternMatchIntegration
--R INTRAT RationalIntegration INTRET IntegerRetractions
--R INTRF RationalFunctionIntegration
--R INTSLPE IntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation
--R INTTOOLS IntegrationTools INTTR TranscendentalIntegration
--R INVLAPLA InverseLaplaceTransform IPRNTPK InternalPrintPackage
--R IR2 IntegrationResultFunctions2 IR2F IntegrationResultToFunction
--R IROOT IntegerRoots IRREDFFX IrredPolyOverFiniteField
--R IRRF2F IntegrationResultRFToFunction
--R IRSN IrrRepSymNatPackage
--R IRURPK InternalRationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage
--R ISUMP InnerPolySum ITFUN2 InfiniteTupleFunctions2
--R ITFUN3 InfiniteTupleFunctions3
--R ITRIGMNP InnerTrigonometricManipulations
--R KERNEL2 KernelFunctions2 KOVACIC Kovacic
--R LAPLACE LaplaceTransform LAZM3PK LazardSetSolvingPackage
--R LEADCDET LeadingCoefDetermination LEXTRIPK LexTriangularPackage
--R LF LiouvillianFunction LGROBP LinGroebnerPackage
--R LIMITPS PowerSeriesLimitPackage LIMITRF RationalFunctionLimitPackage
--R LINDEP LinearDependence LIST2 ListFunctions2
--R LIST2MAP ListToMap LIST3 ListFunctions3
--R LISYSER LinearSystemFromPowerSeriesPackage
--R LODEEF ElementaryFunctionLODESolver
--R LODOF LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorFactorizer
--R LODOOPS LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorsOps
--R LOP LinesOpPack
--R LPARSPT LocalParametrizationOfSimplePointPackage
--R LPEFRAC LinearPolynomialEquationByFractions
--R LSMP LinearSystemMatrixPackage LSMP1 LinearSystemMatrixPackage1
--R LSPP LinearSystemPolynomialPackage
--R MAMA MatrixManipulation MAPHACK1 MappingPackageInternalHacks1
--R MAPHACK2 MappingPackageInternalHacks2 MAPHACK3 MappingPackageInternalHacks3
--R MAPPKG1 MappingPackage1 MAPPKG2 MappingPackage2
--R MAPPKG3 MappingPackage3 MAPPKG4 MappingPackage4
--R MATCAT2 MatrixCategoryFunctions2 MATLIN MatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions
--R MATSTOR StorageEfficientMatrixOperations
--R MCALCFN MultiVariableCalculusFunctions
--R MCDEN MatrixCommonDenominator
--R MDDFACT ModularDistinctDegreeFactorizer
--R MESH MeshCreationRoutinesForThreeDimensions
--R MFINFACT MultFiniteFactorize MHROWRED ModularHermitianRowReduction
--R MKBCFUNC MakeBinaryCompiledFunction MKFLCFN MakeFloatCompiledFunction
--R MKFUNC MakeFunction MKRECORD MakeRecord
--R MKUCFUNC MakeUnaryCompiledFunction MLIFT MultivariateLifting
--R MMAP MultipleMap MONOTOOL MonomialExtensionTools
--R MPC2 MPolyCatFunctions2 MPC3 MPolyCatFunctions3
--R MPCPF MPolyCatPolyFactorizer
--R MPRFF MPolyCatRationalFunctionFactorizer
--R MRATFAC MRationalFactorize MRF2 MonoidRingFunctions2
--R MSYSCMD MoreSystemCommands MTHING MergeThing
--R MULTFACT MultivariateFactorize MULTSQFR MultivariateSquareFree
--R NAGC02 NagPolynomialRootsPackage NAGC05 NagRootFindingPackage
--R NAGC06 NagSeriesSummationPackage NAGD01 NagIntegrationPackage
--R NAGD02 NagOrdinaryDifferentialEquationsPackage
--R NAGD03 NagPartialDifferentialEquationsPackage
--R NAGE01 NagInterpolationPackage NAGE02 NagFittingPackage
--R NAGE04 NagOptimisationPackage NAGF01 NagMatrixOperationsPackage
--R NAGF02 NagEigenPackage
--R NAGF04 NagLinearEquationSolvingPackage
--R NAGF07 NagLapack NAGS NagSpecialFunctionsPackage
--R NAGSP NAGLinkSupportPackage NCEP NumericComplexEigenPackage
--R NCNTFRAC NumericContinuedFraction
--R NCODIV NonCommutativeOperatorDivision
--R NEWTON NewtonInterpolation NFINTBAS NumberFieldIntegralBasis
--R NLINSOL NonLinearSolvePackage NODE1 NonLinearFirstOrderODESolver
--R NONE1 NoneFunctions1 NORMMA NormInMonogenicAlgebra
--R NORMPK NormalizationPackage NORMRETR NormRetractPackage
--R NPCOEF NPCoef NPOLYGON NewtonPolygon
--R NREP NumericRealEigenPackage
--R NSUP2 NewSparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
--R NTPOLFN NumberTheoreticPolynomialFunctions
--R NUMERIC Numeric NUMFMT NumberFormats
--R NUMODE NumericalOrdinaryDifferentialEquations
--R NUMQUAD NumericalQuadrature NUMTUBE NumericTubePlot
--R OCTCT2 OctonionCategoryFunctions2 ODECONST ConstantLODE
--R ODEEF ElementaryFunctionODESolver ODEINT ODEIntegration
--R ODEPACK AnnaOrdinaryDifferentialEquationPackage
--R ODEPAL PureAlgebraicLODE ODEPRIM PrimitiveRatDE
--R ODEPRRIC PrimitiveRatRicDE ODERAT RationalLODE
--R OMEXPR ExpressionToOpenMath OMPKG OpenMathPackage
--R OMSERVER OpenMathServerPackage ONECOMP2 OnePointCompletionFunctions2
--R OPQUERY OperationsQuery
--R OPTPACK AnnaNumericalOptimizationPackage
--R ORDCOMP2 OrderedCompletionFunctions2 ORDFUNS OrderingFunctions
--R OREPCTO UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategoryOps
--R ORTHPOL OrthogonalPolynomialFunctions
--R OUT OutputPackage PADE PadeApproximants
--R PADEPAC PadeApproximantPackage
--R PAFF PackageForAlgebraicFunctionField
--R PAFFFF PackageForAlgebraicFunctionFieldOverFiniteField
--R PAN2EXPR PolynomialAN2Expression PARAMP ParametrizationPackage
--R PARPC2 ParametricPlaneCurveFunctions2
--R PARSC2 ParametricSpaceCurveFunctions2
--R PARSU2 ParametricSurfaceFunctions2 PARTPERM PartitionsAndPermutations
--R PATMATCH PatternMatch PATRES2 PatternMatchResultFunctions2
--R PATTERN1 PatternFunctions1 PATTERN2 PatternFunctions2
--R PCOMP PolynomialComposition PDECOMP PolynomialDecomposition
--R PDEPACK AnnaPartialDifferentialEquationPackage
--R PERMAN Permanent
--R PFBR PolynomialFactorizationByRecursion
--R PFBRU PolynomialFactorizationByRecursionUnivariate
--R PFO PointsOfFiniteOrder PFOQ PointsOfFiniteOrderRational
--R PFORP PackageForPoly PFOTOOLS PointsOfFiniteOrderTools
--R PFRPAC PartialFractionPackage PGCD PolynomialGcdPackage
--R PGE PermutationGroupExamples PGROEB PolyGroebner
--R PICOERCE PiCoercions PINTERP PolynomialInterpolation
--R PINTERPA PolynomialInterpolationAlgorithms
--R PLEQN ParametricLinearEquations PLOT1 PlotFunctions1
--R PLOTTOOL PlotTools PLPKCRV PolynomialPackageForCurve
--R PMASS PatternMatchAssertions PMASSFS FunctionSpaceAssertions
--R PMDOWN PatternMatchPushDown PMFS PatternMatchFunctionSpace
--R PMINS PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem
--R PMKERNEL PatternMatchKernel PMLSAGG PatternMatchListAggregate
--R PMPLCAT PatternMatchPolynomialCategory
--R PMPRED AttachPredicates
--R PMPREDFS FunctionSpaceAttachPredicates
--R PMQFCAT PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory
--R PMSYM PatternMatchSymbol PMTOOLS PatternMatchTools
--R PNTHEORY PolynomialNumberTheoryFunctions
--R POLUTIL RealPolynomialUtilitiesPackage
--R POLY2 PolynomialFunctions2
--R POLY2UP PolynomialToUnivariatePolynomial
--R POLYCATQ PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions
--R POLYLIFT PolynomialCategoryLifting POLYROOT PolynomialRoots
--R POLYVEC U32VectorPolynomialOperations
--R PREASSOC PrecomputedAssociatedEquations
--R PRIMARR2 PrimitiveArrayFunctions2 PRIMELT PrimitiveElement
--R PRIMES IntegerPrimesPackage PRINT PrintPackage
--R PRJALGPK ProjectiveAlgebraicSetPackage
--R PRS PseudoRemainderSequence
--R PSETPK PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage
--R PSEUDLIN PseudoLinearNormalForm PSQFR PolynomialSquareFree
--R PTFUNC2 PointFunctions2 PTPACK PointPackage
--R PUSHVAR PushVariables
--R PWFFINTB PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis
--R QALGSET2 QuasiAlgebraicSet2 QCMPACK QuasiComponentPackage
--R QFCAT2 QuotientFieldCategoryFunctions2
--R QUATCT2 QuaternionCategoryFunctions2 RADUTIL RadixUtilities
--R RANDSRC RandomNumberSource RATFACT RationalFactorize
--R RATRET RationalRetractions RDEEF ElementaryRischDE
--R RDEEFS ElementaryRischDESystem RDETR TranscendentalRischDE
--R RDETRS TranscendentalRischDESystem RDIST RandomDistributions
--R RDIV ReducedDivisor REAL0 RealZeroPackage
--R REAL0Q RealZeroPackageQ REALSOLV RealSolvePackage
--R RECOP RecurrenceOperator REDORDER ReductionOfOrder
--R REP RadicalEigenPackage REP1 RepresentationPackage1
--R REP2 RepresentationPackage2 REPDB RepeatedDoubling
--R REPSQ RepeatedSquaring RESLATC ResolveLatticeCompletion
--R RETSOL RetractSolvePackage RF RationalFunction
--R RFDIST RandomFloatDistributions RFFACT RationalFunctionFactor
--R RFFACTOR RationalFunctionFactorizer RFP RootsFindingPackage
--R RIDIST RandomIntegerDistributions RINTERP RationalInterpolation
--R RMCAT2 RectangularMatrixCategoryFunctions2
--R RSDCMPK RegularSetDecompositionPackage
--R RSETGCD RegularTriangularSetGcdPackage
--R RURPK RationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage
--R SAEFACT SimpleAlgebraicExtensionAlgFactor
--R SAERFFC SAERationalFunctionAlgFactor SCACHE SortedCache
--R SCPKG StructuralConstantsPackage SEG2 SegmentFunctions2
--R SEGBIND2 SegmentBindingFunctions2
--R SFQCMPK SquareFreeQuasiComponentPackage
--R SFRGCD SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetGcdPackage
--R SGCF SymmetricGroupCombinatoricFunctions
--R SHP SturmHabichtPackage SIGNEF ElementaryFunctionSign
--R SIGNRF RationalFunctionSign
--R SIMPAN SimplifyAlgebraicNumberConvertPackage
--R SMITH SmithNormalForm SOLVEFOR PolynomialSolveByFormulas
--R SOLVERAD RadicalSolvePackage SOLVESER TransSolvePackageService
--R SOLVETRA TransSolvePackage SORTPAK SortPackage
--R SPECOUT SpecialOutputPackage
--R SRDCMPK SquareFreeRegularSetDecompositionPackage
--R STINPROD StreamInfiniteProduct STNSR StreamTensor
--R STREAM1 StreamFunctions1 STREAM2 StreamFunctions2
--R STREAM3 StreamFunctions3 STTAYLOR StreamTaylorSeriesOperations
--R STTF StreamTranscendentalFunctions
--R STTFNC StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative
--R SUBRESP SubResultantPackage SUMFS FunctionSpaceSum
--R SUMRF RationalFunctionSum
--R SUP2 SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
--R SUPFRACF SupFractionFactorizer SYMFUNC SymmetricFunctions
--R SYSSOLP SystemSolvePackage TABLBUMP TableauxBumpers
--R TANEXP TangentExpansions TBCMPPK TabulatedComputationPackage
--R TEMUTL TemplateUtilities TEX1 TexFormat1
--R TOOLSIGN ToolsForSign TOPSP TopLevelThreeSpace
--R TRIGMNIP TrigonometricManipulations TRIMAT TriangularMatrixOperations
--R TRMANIP TranscendentalManipulations TUBETOOL TubePlotTools
--R TWOFACT TwoFactorize UDPO UserDefinedPartialOrdering
--R UDVO UserDefinedVariableOrdering
--R UFPS1 UnivariateFormalPowerSeriesFunctions
--R ULS2 UnivariateLaurentSeriesFunctions2
--R UNIFACT UnivariateFactorize UNISEG2 UniversalSegmentFunctions2
--R UP2 UnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
--R UPCDEN UnivariatePolynomialCommonDenominator
--R UPDECOMP UnivariatePolynomialDecompositionPackage
--R UPDIVP UnivariatePolynomialDivisionPackage
--R UPMP UnivariatePolynomialMultiplicationPackage
--R UPOLYC2 UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2
--R UPSQFREE UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree
--R UPXS2 UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesFunctions2
--R UTS2 UnivariateTaylorSeriesFunctions2
--R UTSODE UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver
--R UTSODETL UTSodetools UTSSOL TaylorSolve
--R VECTOR2 VectorFunctions2 VIEW ViewportPackage
--R VIEWDEF ViewDefaultsPackage WEIER WeierstrassPreparation
--R WFFINTBS WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis
--R XEXPPKG XExponentialPackage
--R YSTREAM ParadoxicalCombinatorsForStreams
--R ZDSOLVE ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage ZLINDEP IntegerLinearDependence
--E 15
--S 16 of 20
)set compiler
--R Current Values of compiler Variables
--RVariable Description Current Value
--Routput library in which to place compiled code user.lib
--Rinput controls libraries from which to load compiled code
--E 16
--S 17 of 20
)set compiler input
--R---------------------------- The input Option -----------------------------
--R Description: controls libraries from which to load compiled code
--R )set compile input add library is used to tell AXIOM to add library to
--Rthe front of the path used to find compile code.
--R )set compile input drop library is used to tell AXIOM to remove library
--Rfrom this path.
--E 17
--S 18 of 20
)set compiler input add
--R )set compile input add library is used to tell AXIOM to add library to
--Rthe front of the path used to find compile code.
--R )set compile input drop library is used to tell AXIOM to remove library
--Rfrom this path.
--E 18
--S 19 of 20
)set compiler input add foo
--E 19
--S 20 of 20
)set compiler output
--R---------------------------- The output Option ----------------------------
--R Description: library in which to place compiled code
--R )set compile output library is used to tell the compiler where to place
--Rcompiled code generated by the library compiler. By default it goes
--Rin a file called user.lib in the current directory.
--E 20
)lisp (bye)