/usr/share/axiom-20140801/input/ecfact.as is in axiom-test 20140801-11.
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--% Elliptic curve method for integer factorization
-- This file implements Lenstra's algorithm for integer factorization.
-- A divisor of N is found by computing a large multiple of a rational
-- point on a randomly generated elliptic curve in P2 Z/NZ.
-- The Hessian model is used for the curve (1) to simplify the selection
-- of the initial point on the random curve and (2) to minimize the
-- cost of adding points.
-- Ref: IBM RC 11262, DV Chudnovsky & GV Chudnovsky
-- SMW Sept 86.
--% EllipticCurveRationalPoints
--)abbrev domain ECPTS EllipticCurveRationalPoints
EllipticCurveRationalPoints(x0:Integer, y0:Integer, z0:Integer, n:Integer): ECcat == ECdef where
Point ==> Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer)
ECcat ==> AbelianGroup with
double: % -> %
p0: %
HessianCoordinates: % -> Point
ECdef ==> add
Rep == Point
import from Rep
import from List Integer
Ex == OutputForm
default u, v: %
apply(u:%,x:'x'):Integer == rep(u).x
apply(u:%,y:'y'):Integer == rep(u).y
apply(u:%,z:'z'):Integer == rep(u).z
import from 'x'
import from 'y'
import from 'z'
coerce(u:%): Ex == [u.x, u.y, u.z]$List(Integer) :: Ex
p0:% == per [x0 rem n, y0 rem n, z0 rem n]
HessianCoordinates(u:%):Point == rep u
0:% ==
per [1, (-1) rem n, 0]
-(u:%):% ==
per [u.y, u.x, u.z]
(u:%) = (v:%):Boolean ==
XuZv := u.x * v.z
XvZu := v.x * u.z
YuZv := u.y * v.z
YvZu := v.y * u.z
(XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0
(u:%) + (v:%): % ==
XuZv := u.x * v.z
XvZu := v.x * u.z
YuZv := u.y * v.z
YvZu := v.y * u.z
(XuZv-XvZu) rem n = 0 and (YuZv-YvZu) rem n = 0 => double u
XuYv := u.x * v.y
XvYu := v.x * u.y
Xw := XuZv*XuYv - XvZu*XvYu
Yw := YuZv*XvYu - YvZu*XuYv
Zw := XvZu*YvZu - XuZv*YuZv
per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n]
double(u:%): % ==
import from PositiveInteger
X3 := u.x**(3@PositiveInteger)
Y3 := u.y**(3@PositiveInteger)
Z3 := u.z**(3@PositiveInteger)
Xw := u.x*(Y3 - Z3)
Yw := u.y*(Z3 - X3)
Zw := u.z*(X3 - Y3)
per [Yw rem n, Xw rem n, Zw rem n]
(n:Integer)*(u:%): % ==
n < 0 => (-n)*(-u)
v := 0
import from UniversalSegment Integer
for i in 0..length n - 1 repeat
if bit?(n,i) then v := u + v
u := double u
--% EllipticCurveFactorization
--)abbrev package ECFACT EllipticCurveFactorization
EllipticCurveFactorization: with
LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer) -> Integer
LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Float) -> Integer
LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
LenstraEllipticMethod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
lcmLimit: Integer -> Integer
lcmLimit: Float-> Integer
solveBound: Float -> Float
bfloor: Float -> Integer
primesTo: Integer -> List Integer
lcmTo: Integer -> Integer
== add
import from List Integer
Ex == OutputForm
import from Ex
import from String
import from Float
NNI==> NonNegativeInteger
import from OutputPackage
import from Integer, NonNegativeInteger
import from UniversalSegment Integer
blather:Boolean := true
--% Finding the multiplier
flabs (f: Float): Float == abs f
flsqrt(f: Float): Float == sqrt f
nthroot(f:Float,n:Integer):Float == exp(log f/n::Float)
bfloor(f: Float): Integer == wholePart floor f
lcmLimit(n: Integer):Integer ==
lcmLimit nthroot(n::Float, 3)
lcmLimit(divisorBound: Float):Integer ==
y := solveBound divisorBound
lcmLim := bfloor exp(log divisorBound/y)
if blather then
output("The divisor bound is", divisorBound::Ex)
output("The lcm Limit is", lcmLim::Ex)
-- Solve the bound equation using a Newton iteration.
-- f = y**2 - log(B)/log(y+1)
-- f/f' = fdf =
-- 2 2
-- y (y + 1)log(y + 1) - (y + 1)log(y + 1) logB
-- ---------------------------------------------
-- 2
-- 2y(y + 1)log(y + 1) + logB
fdf(y: Float, logB: Float): Float ==
logy := log(y + 1)
ylogy := (y + 1)*logy
ylogy2:= y*logy*ylogy
(y*ylogy2 - logB*ylogy)/((2@Integer)*ylogy2 + logB)
solveBound(divisorBound:Float):Float ==
-- solve y**2 = log(B)/log(y + 1)
-- although it may be y**2 = log(B)/(log(y)+1)
relerr := (10::Float)**(-5)
logB := log divisorBound
y0 := flsqrt log10 divisorBound
y1 := y0 - fdf(y0, logB)
while flabs((y1 - y0)/y0) > relerr repeat
y0 := y1
y1 := y0 - fdf(y0, logB)
-- maxpin(p, n, logn) is max d s.t. p**d <= n
maxpin(p:Integer,n:Integer,logn:Float): NonNegativeInteger ==
d: Integer := bfloor(logn/log(p::Float))
if d < 0 then d := 0
multiple?(i: Integer, plist: List Integer): Boolean ==
for p in plist repeat if i rem p = 0 then return true
primesTo(n:Integer):List Integer ==
n < 2 => []
n = 2 => [2]
plist := [3, 2]
i:Integer := 5
while i <= n repeat
if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist)
i := i + 2
if not multiple?(i, plist) then plist := cons(i, plist)
i := i + 4
lcmTo(n:Integer):Integer ==
plist := primesTo n
m: Integer := 1
logn := log(n::Float)
for p in plist repeat m := m * p**maxpin(p,n,logn)
if blather then
output("The lcm of 1..", n::Ex)
output(" is", m::Ex)
LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer):Integer ==
LenstraEllipticMethod(n, flsqrt(n::Float))
LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, divisorBound: Float):Integer ==
lcmLim0 := lcmLimit divisorBound
multer0 := lcmTo lcmLim0
LenstraEllipticMethod(n, lcmLim0, multer0)
InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, multer:Integer,
X0:Integer, Y0:Integer, Z0:Integer):Integer ==
import from EllipticCurveRationalPoints(X0,Y0,Z0,n)
import from Record(x: Integer, y: Integer, z: Integer)
p := p0
pn := multer * p
Zn := HessianCoordinates.pn.z
gcd(n, Zn)
LenstraEllipticMethod(n: Integer, multer: Integer):Integer ==
X0:Integer := random()
Y0:Integer := random()
Z0:Integer := random()
InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer, X0, Y0, Z0)
LenstraEllipticMethod(n:Integer, lcmLim0:Integer, multer0:Integer):Integer ==
nfact: Integer := 1
for i:Integer in 1.. while nfact = 1 repeat
output("Trying elliptic curve number", i::Ex)
X0:Integer := random()
Y0:Integer := random()
Z0:Integer := random()
nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0)
if nfact = n then
lcmLim := lcmLim0
while nfact = n repeat
output("Too many iterations... backing off")
lcmLim := bfloor(lcmLim * 0.6)
multer := lcmTo lcmLim
nfact := InnerLenstraEllipticMethod(n, multer0, X0, Y0, Z0)