/usr/share/perl5/Circos/Track/Highlight.pm is in circos 0.69-1.
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=head1 NAME
Circos::Track::Highlight - routines for highlight tracks in Circos
This module is not meant to be used directly.
Circos is an application for the generation of publication-quality,
circularly composited renditions of genomic data and related
Circos is particularly suited for visualizing alignments, conservation
and intra and inter-chromosomal relationships. However, Circos can be
used to plot any kind of 2D data in a circular layout - its use is not
limited to genomics. Circos' use of lines to relate position pairs
(ribbons add a thickness parameter to each end) is effective to
display relationships between objects or positions on one or more
All documentation is in the form of tutorials at L<http://www.circos.ca>.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw();
use Carp qw( carp confess croak );
use FindBin;
use GD::Image;
use Params::Validate qw(:all);
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin";
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib";
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/lib";
use Circos::Configuration; # qw(%CONF $DIMS);
use Circos::Constants;
#use Circos::Colors;
use Circos::Debug;
use Circos::Image;
use Circos::Error;
#use Circos::Font;
#use Circos::Geometry;
#use Circos::SVG;
#use Circos::Image;
use Circos::Unit;
use Circos::Utils;
use Circos::URL;
use Memoize;
for my $f ( qw ( ) ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub draw_highlights {
# Draw hilight data for a given ideogram. If a test
# is included, then only highlights whose options pass
# the test will be drawn.
# The test is a hash of variable=>value pairs.
my ( $tracks, $default, $chr, $set, $ideogram, $test ) = @_;
for my $track ( sort { $a->{z} <=> $b->{z} } @$tracks ) {
my @param_path = ($track,$default);
next unless $track->{__data};
my $track_id = $track->{id};
my $svg_header_done;
# create a working list of highlights at a given z-depth
for my $datum ( sort {$a->{param}{z} <=> $b->{param}{z} } @{$track->{__data}} ) {
next unless $datum->{data}[0]{chr} eq $chr;
#my $intersection = $datum->{data}[0]{set}->intersect( $Circos::KARYOTYPE->{$chr}{chr}{display_region}{accept} );
# call to old routine
#my $intersection = Circos::filter_data($datum->{data}[0]{set},$chr);
#next unless $intersection->cardinality;
# intersect the data point with the current ideogram's extent
my $intersection = $datum->{data}[0]{set}->intersect( $set );
next unless $intersection->cardinality;
my $r0 = seek_parameter( "r0", $datum, @param_path );
my $r1 = seek_parameter( "r1", $datum, @param_path );
$r0 = unit_parse( $r0, $ideogram );
$r1 = unit_parse( $r1, $ideogram );
my $accept = 1;
if ($test) {
for my $param ( keys %$test ) {
my $value = seek_parameter( $param, $datum, @param_path ) || 0;
$accept &&= $value == $test->{$param};
next unless $accept;
if ( seek_parameter( "ideogram", $datum, @param_path ) ) {
$r0 = $DIMS->{ideogram}{ $ideogram->{tag} }{radius_inner};
$r1 = $DIMS->{ideogram}{ $ideogram->{tag} }{radius_outer};
} else {
my $offset = seek_parameter( "offset", $datum, @param_path );
$r0 += $offset if $offset;
$r1 += $offset if $offset;
my $url = seek_parameter( "url", $datum, @param_path );
$url = format_url(url=>$url,param_path=>[ $datum, @param_path]);
for my $subset ( $intersection->sets) {
if(! $svg_header_done++) {
Circos::printsvg(qq{<g id="highlight$track_id">}) if $SVG_MAKE;
image => $IM,
start => $subset->min,
end => $subset->max,
chr => $datum->{data}[0]{chr},
radius_from => $r0,
radius_to => $r1,
edgecolor => seek_parameter("stroke_color", $datum, @param_path),
edgestroke => seek_parameter("stroke_thickness", $datum, @param_path),
fillcolor => seek_parameter("fill_color", $datum, @param_path),
mapoptions => { url => $url },
if($svg_header_done) {
Circos::printsvg(qq{</g>}) if $SVG_MAKE;