/usr/share/common-lisp/source/trivial-utf-8/trivial-utf-8.lisp is in cl-trivial-utf-8 20111001-1.
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;;; See http://common-lisp.net/project/trivial-utf-8/
(defpackage :trivial-utf-8
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export #:utf-8-byte-length
(in-package :trivial-utf-8)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defparameter *optimize*
'(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 1)
(compilation-speed 0))))
(defun utf-8-byte-length (string)
"Calculate the amount of bytes needed to encode a string."
(declare (type string string)
(let ((length (length string))
(string (coerce string 'simple-string)))
(loop :for char :across string
:do (let ((code (char-code char)))
(when (> code 127)
(incf length
(cond ((< code 2048) 1)
((< code 65536) 2)
(t 3))))))
(defmacro as-utf-8-bytes (char writer)
"Given a character, calls the writer function for every byte in the
encoded form of that character."
(let ((char-code (gensym)))
`(let ((,char-code (char-code ,char)))
(declare (type fixnum ,char-code))
(cond ((< ,char-code 128)
(,writer ,char-code))
((< ,char-code 2048)
(,writer (logior #b11000000 (ldb (byte 5 6) ,char-code)))
(,writer (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) ,char-code))))
((< ,char-code 65536)
(,writer (logior #b11100000 (ldb (byte 4 12) ,char-code)))
(,writer (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 6) ,char-code)))
(,writer (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) ,char-code))))
(,writer (logior #b11110000 (ldb (byte 3 18) ,char-code)))
(,writer (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 12) ,char-code)))
(,writer (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 6) ,char-code)))
(,writer (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) ,char-code))))))))
(defun string-to-utf-8-bytes (string &key null-terminate)
"Convert a string into an array of unsigned bytes containing its
utf-8 representation."
(declare (type string string)
(let ((buffer (make-array (+ (the fixnum (utf-8-byte-length string))
(if null-terminate 1 0))
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
(position 0)
(string (coerce string 'simple-string)))
(declare (type (array (unsigned-byte 8)) buffer)
(type fixnum position))
(macrolet ((add-byte (byte)
`(progn (setf (aref buffer position) ,byte)
(incf position))))
(loop :for char :across string
:do (as-utf-8-bytes char add-byte)))
(when null-terminate
(setf (elt buffer (1- (length buffer))) 0))
(defun write-utf-8-bytes (string output &key null-terminate)
"Write a string to a byte-stream, encoding it as utf-8."
(declare (type string string)
(type stream output)
(macrolet ((byte-out (byte)
`(write-byte ,byte output)))
(let ((string (coerce string 'simple-string)))
(loop :for char :across string
:do (as-utf-8-bytes char byte-out))))
(when null-terminate
(write-byte 0 output)))
(define-condition utf-8-decoding-error (simple-error)
((message :initarg :message)
(byte :initarg :byte :initform nil))
(:report (lambda (err stream)
(format stream (slot-value err 'message)
(slot-value err 'byte)))))
(declaim (inline utf-8-group-size))
(defun utf-8-group-size (byte)
"Determine the amount of bytes that are part of the character
starting with a given byte."
(declare (type fixnum byte)
(cond ((zerop (logand byte #b10000000)) 1)
((= (logand byte #b11100000) #b11000000) 2)
((= (logand byte #b11110000) #b11100000) 3)
((= (logand byte #b11111000) #b11110000) 4)
(t (error 'utf-8-decoding-error :byte byte
:message "Invalid byte at start of character: 0x~X"))))
(defun utf-8-string-length (bytes &key (start 0) (end (length bytes)))
"Calculate the length of the string encoded by the given bytes."
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) bytes)
(type fixnum start end)
(loop :with i :of-type fixnum = start
:with string-length = 0
:while (< i end)
:do (progn
(incf (the fixnum string-length) 1)
(incf i (utf-8-group-size (elt bytes i))))
:finally (return string-length)))
(defun get-utf-8-character (bytes group-size &optional (start 0))
"Given an array of bytes and the amount of bytes to use,
extract the character starting at the given start position."
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) bytes)
(type fixnum group-size start)
(macrolet ((next-byte ()
'(prog1 (elt bytes start)
(incf start)))
(six-bits (byte)
(let ((b (gensym)))
`(let ((,b ,byte))
(unless (= (logand ,b #b11000000) #b10000000)
(error 'utf-8-decoding-error :byte ,b
:message "Invalid byte 0x~X inside a character."))
(ldb (byte 6 0) ,b))))
(test-overlong (byte min-size)
(let ((b (gensym)))
`(let ((,b ,byte))
(unless (>= ,b ,min-size)
(error 'utf-8-decoding-error :byte ,b
:message "Overlong byte sequence found."))
(case group-size
(1 (next-byte))
(2 (test-overlong (logior (ash (ldb (byte 5 0) (next-byte)) 6)
(six-bits (next-byte))) 128))
(3 (test-overlong (logior (ash (ldb (byte 4 0) (next-byte)) 12)
(ash (six-bits (next-byte)) 6)
(six-bits (next-byte))) 2048))
(4 (test-overlong (logior (ash (ldb (byte 3 0) (next-byte)) 18)
(ash (six-bits (next-byte)) 12)
(ash (six-bits (next-byte)) 6)
(six-bits (next-byte))) 65536)))))
(defun utf-8-bytes-to-string (bytes-in &key (start 0) (end (length bytes-in)))
"Convert a byte array containing utf-8 encoded characters into
the string it encodes."
(declare (type vector bytes-in)
(type fixnum start end)
(loop :with bytes = (coerce bytes-in '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
:with buffer = (make-string (utf-8-string-length bytes :start start :end end) :element-type 'character)
:with array-position :of-type fixnum = start
:with string-position :of-type fixnum = 0
:while (< array-position end)
:do (let* ((char (elt bytes array-position))
(current-group (utf-8-group-size char)))
(when (> (+ current-group array-position) end)
(error 'utf-8-decoding-error
:message "Unfinished character at end of byte array."))
(setf (char buffer string-position)
(code-char (get-utf-8-character bytes current-group
(incf string-position 1)
(incf array-position current-group))
:finally (return buffer)))
(defun read-utf-8-string (input &key null-terminated stop-at-eof
(char-length -1) (byte-length -1))
"Read utf-8 encoded data from a byte stream and construct a
string with the characters found. When null-terminated is given
it will stop reading at a null character, stop-at-eof tells it to
stop at the end of file without raising an error, and the
char-length and byte-length parameters can be used to specify the
max amount of characters or bytes to read."
(declare (type stream input)
(type fixnum byte-length char-length)
(let ((buffer (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
(bytes-read 0)
(string (make-array 64 :element-type 'character
:adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
(declare (type fixnum bytes-read))
(when (or (and (/= -1 byte-length) (>= bytes-read byte-length))
(and (/= -1 char-length) (= char-length (length string))))
(let ((next-char (read-byte input (not stop-at-eof) :eof)))
(when (or (eq next-char :eof)
(and null-terminated (eq next-char 0)))
(let ((current-group (utf-8-group-size next-char)))
(incf bytes-read current-group)
(cond ((= current-group 1)
(vector-push-extend (code-char next-char) string))
(setf (elt buffer 0) next-char)
(loop :for i :from 1 :below current-group
:for next-char = (read-byte input nil :eof)
:do (when (eq next-char :eof)
(error 'utf-8-decoding-error
:message "Unfinished character at end of input."))
:do (setf (elt buffer i) next-char))
(vector-push-extend (code-char (get-utf-8-character
buffer current-group))
;;; Copyright (c) Marijn Haverbeke
;;; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
;;; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
;;; damages arising from the use of this software.
;;; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
;;; purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
;;; redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
;;; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
;;; not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
;;; software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
;;; documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
;;; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
;;; not be misrepresented as being the original software.
;;; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
;;; distribution.