/usr/share/games/freedroidrpg/dialogs/WillGapes.dialog is in freedroidrpg-data 0.15.1-1build1.
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Beginning of new chat dialog for character="XXXXX"
<EveryTime LuaCode>
if (not has_met("WillGapes")) then
npc_says(_"Don't come any closer! Or I'll turn you into scrap metal!")
npc_says(_"Wait... You're not a robot. Who are you? What are you doing here?")
show(1, 2, 3)
elseif (has_quest(_"Gapes Gluttony")) and (not done_quest(_"Gapes Gluttony")) then
if (has_item_backpack("Lunch in a Picnic Basket") > 0) then
del_item_backpack("Lunch in a Picnic Basket")
npc_says(_"Have you brought me some food?")
tux_says(_"No, not yet.")
npc_says(_"Hurry... I'm starting to feel weak.")
elseif (has_cookie("generous_gapes")) and (get_tux_hp() < 20) then
npc_says(_"Hey, are you all right? It looks like the robots are winning.")
npc_says(_"I found this in the First Aid kit. Maybe it will help.")
npc_says(_"I see you're still alive. Maybe the robots won't win after all.")
Nr=1 Text=_"A friend..."
tux_says(_"My name is ".. get_player_name() .._", and I'm here to stop the robots!")
npc_says(_"Stop them!? You can't. It's too late. The robots have killed everyone.")
hide(1, 2, 3) show(4, 5, 6)
Nr=2 Text=_"I am Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, and I'm here to save you!"
npc_says(_"Huh? Am I dreaming?")
tux_says(_"Sorry, I've always wanted to say that.")
npc_says(_"Who are you really?")
Nr=3 Text=_"Your worst nightmare! I'm here to punish you for your crimes against humanity."
npc_says(_"Wait, Stop! I'm worth billions of circuits... I'll give you anything. Just don't kill me!")
npc_says(_"Who are you really?")
Nr=4 Text=_"There are still some alive in the town."
npc_says(_"Ha, they won't last long. The robots will destroy them all. It's hopeless!")
Nr=5 Text=_"But you're still alive?"
npc_says(_"Barely, all I've had to eat for the past few months were energy bars from the snack machine.")
npc_says(_"Now all that's left are military rations, and I would rather starve than eat those!")
hide(5) show(7)
Nr=6 Text=_"Who are you?"
npc_says(_"My name is Will Gapes. I'm the chief software architect for MegaSys. I helped start the company.")
npc_says(_"Without my help this company would still be learning BASIC!")
set_bot_name(_"Will Gapes -- MegaSys CSA")
hide(6) show(8)
Nr=7 Text=_"Maybe I could find you some food?"
npc_says(_"If you bring me a well-cooked meal, I will tell you about Hell's Fortress.")
npc_says(_"Trust me, you won't survive long in there without my help.")
add_quest(_"Gapes Gluttony", _"I found a man who is starving. He is willing to tell me about Hell's Fortress if I will bring him some food. I should speak to Michelangelo about this.")
Nr=8 Text=_"So these murderous robots are your creation?"
npc_says(_"NO! It was the company's fault!")
npc_says(_"I told them the upgrade wasn't ready. It hadn't been fully tested.")
npc_says(_"They wouldn't listen to me. They called me a fool! ME!?")
npc_says(_"Now they are all dead. Serves them right too!")
Nr=9 Text=_"I've brought you some food."
npc_says(_"It's about time! I'm starving.")
npc_says(_"Oh, this is delicious!")
npc_says(_"om nom nom")
tux_says(_"Um...You're welcome?")
tux_says(_"Now, how about some information?")
npc_says(_"OK, so what do you want to know?")
end_quest(_"Gapes Gluttony", _"I brought the full picnic basket to Gapes, and he tore into it like a wild animal. It was a disgusting sight, but thankfully it ended quickly.")
del_item_backpack("Lunch in a Picnic Basket")
add_item("Empty Picnic Basket")
hide(9) show(11, 12)
Nr=11 Text=_"Tell me about this upgrade. Is that why all the robots are killing people?"
npc_says(_"I'm afraid so... It wasn't finished yet.")
npc_says(_"The upgrade was supposed to revolutionize the world, but instead, it seems to have destroyed it.")
Nr=12 Text=_"How can I shut down the factory?"
npc_says(_"You must deactivate the energy supply.")
npc_says(_"But the robots have sealed the doors shut.")
hide(12) show(13)
Nr=13 Text=_"Is there another way to get in?"
npc_says(_"You might be able to get guest access.")
npc_says(_"It was created to give clearance to the tourists when the factory was first built.")
npc_says(_"Because the program hasn't been used in years, maybe the robots haven't disabled it.")
npc_says(_"But you will have to find some other way into the headquarters. Guests were never given clearance.")
npc_says(_"However, owners are.")
npc_says(_"I guess that is all this otherwise worthless piece of paper is useful for anymore.")
npc_says(_"Sheet of cellulose.")
npc_says(_"Here, take it.")
add_item("MS Stock Certificate", 1)
Nr=99 Text=_"I'll be going then."
npc_says(_"Be careful!")
End of chat dialog for character="XXXXX"