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<a name="g_t_0040z_003a-Begin-ignorable-material_002c-or-terminate-change"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">5.5.31 ‘<samp>@z</samp>’: Begin ignorable material, or terminate change</h4>
<a name="index-_0040z"></a>
<p><small>FWEB</small> files may begin with the construction
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">@z
<p>where the ‘<samp>@z</samp>’ occupies the very first two characters of the file, and
where the ‘<samp>@z</samp>’ and ‘<samp>@x</samp>’ must begin in column 1.
Material between the ‘<samp>@z</samp>’ and ‘<samp>@x</samp>’ is <em>pure commentary</em> and is
ignored by both processors, with one exception.
<a name="index-_0040K"></a>
<a name="index-_0040k"></a>
<a name="index-_0024KEYWORD"></a>
<a name="index-_0024L_005fKEYWORD"></a>
<a name="index-RCS_002dlike-keyword"></a>
<a name="index-Keyword_002c-RCS_002dlike"></a>
<p>The exception is that an RCS-like line (RCS stands for
“revision-control system”) with syntax
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">$Keyword: Text of Keyword $
<p>(at least one blank after the colon, and at least one before the last
dollar sign; <small>UNIX</small> users, see ‘<samp>man ident</samp>’) is parsed, and the
text of the <code>Keyword</code> is made
available to the control codes ‘<samp>@K</samp>’ (see <a href="ATK_005f.html#ATK_005f">ATK_</a>) and ‘<samp>@k</samp>’
(see <a href="ATk.html#ATk">ATk</a>) as well as to <small>FTANGLE</small>’s built-in function <code>$KEYWORD</code>
(see <a href="_0024KEYWORD.html#g_t_0024KEYWORD">$KEYWORD</a>.
<p>A distinction is made between keywords that are found in the ignorable
commentary at the beginning of the master web file, which are called
<em>global keywords</em>, and ones that are found at the beginning of files
included via ‘<samp>@i</samp>’, which are called <em>local keywords</em>.
<p>The commands that access RCS-like keywords function as follows:
<li> ‘<samp>$KEYWORD(Keyword)</samp>’ accesses a global keyword. It is a built-in
function that is
expanded by <small>FTANGLE</small> (during output) into the quoted character
string <code>"Text of Keyword"</code>.
</li><li> ‘<samp>@K</samp>’ and ‘<samp>@k</samp>’ are expanded during input. ‘<samp>@K</samp>’
accesses a global keyword, whereas ‘<samp>@k</samp>’ accesses a local keyword.
</li><li> In the limbo section or a TeX part, <small>FWEAVE</small> will expand ‘<samp>@K
Keyword @></samp>’ into <code>Text of Keyword</code> (without the surrounding
quotes), and similarly for ‘<samp>@k</samp>’. (The intention is that the
expanded text can be used as bodies of TeX macros.)
<small>FWEAVE</small> will also print the
values of global keywords at the end of its output, whether or not they
are referenced by ‘<samp>@K</samp>’.
</li><li> Elsewhere <small>FWEAVE</small> will just print the keyword name itself,
surrounded by double angle brackets. If the keyword was local
(‘<samp>@k</samp>’), the brackets will carry the subscript 0.
</li><li> <small>FTANGLE</small> treats the global command ‘<samp>@K Keyword @></samp>’
essentially like it does ‘<samp>$Keyword</samp>’, except that the construction
is expanded on input rather than output.
</li><li> <small>FTANGLE</small> expands the command ‘<samp>@k keyword @></samp>’ on input,
generating a quoted string containing the value of the local keyword.
<p>The command ‘<samp>@z</samp>’ is also used in change files to end a change.
See <a href="Change-files.html#Change-files">Change files</a>.
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