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<a name="Outer-macros-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">7.1 Outer macros</h3>
<a name="index-Macros_002c-outer"></a>
<p>Outer macros provide a shorthand way of invoking macro definitions in
the source language; they are not expanded by <small>FWEB</small>. Outer macros are
defined by ‘<samp>@d</samp>’ (see <a href="ATd.html#ATd">ATd</a>) or ‘<samp>@D</samp>’
(see <a href="ATD_005f.html#ATD_005f">ATD_</a>). They may be placed in any definition part. <small>FTANGLE</small>
collects them during phase 1; during phase 2, they are simply copied in
order of their appearance to the beginning of the output file. This is
most useful for C or C++ codes; it’s a quick way of typing
‘<samp>#define</samp>’ when the positioning of the ‘<samp>#define</samp>’ is
<p>As an example,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">@c
@d YES 1
@d NO 0
@d BUF_LEN 100
<p>The keyword into which the ‘<samp>@d</samp>’ is translated is
language-dependent; it is controlled by the style-file parameter
‘<samp>outer_def</samp>’. See <a href="Miscellaneous-params.html#Miscellaneous-params">Miscellaneous params</a>.
<p>Outer macros can be undefined by ‘<samp>@u</samp>’. The translation is
controlled by the style-file parameter ‘<samp>outer_undef</samp>’.
See <a href="Miscellaneous-params.html#Miscellaneous-params">Miscellaneous params</a>.
<p>The default behavior, in which the outer macro definitions are just
copied to the top of the output file, is fine for simple applications.
However, often C programmers prefer to maintain their macro definitions
in a header file such as <samp>test.h</samp>. One way of accomplishing this is to
redirect <small>FTANGLE</small>’s output from the command line, as in
‘<samp>ftangle test -=test.h</samp>’, then use an ‘<samp>@O</samp>’ command immediately
after the first ‘<samp>@a</samp>’ in the <code>web</code> file to open up
<samp>test.c</samp>. A more complicated variant of this allows additional
information to be placed into the header file, as in the following example:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">@c
We assume command-line redirection into \.{test.h} (`\.{-=test.h}').
@d A 1 // This will go into \.{test.h}.
@<Header material@>@; // Also goes into \.{test.h}.
@O test.c // Remaining unnamed sections go into \.{test.c}.
@ Header material may be defined as needed throughout the code, but
with this design it will all go into \.{test.h}.
@<Header material@>=
@<Global variables@>@;
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