/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gtweak/utils.py is in gnome-tweak-tool 3.18.1-1.
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# Copyright (c) 2011 John Stowers
# gnome-tweak-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gnome-tweak-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gnome-tweak-tool. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os.path
import logging
import tempfile
import shutil
import subprocess
import glob
import gtweak
from gtweak.gsettings import GSettingsSetting
import gi
gi.require_version("Notify", "0.7")
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi.repository import Gio
from gi.repository import Notify
def singleton(cls):
Singleton decorator that works with GObject derived types. The 'recommended'
python one - http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecoratorLibrary#Singleton
does not (interacts badly with GObjectMeta
instances = {}
def getinstance():
if cls not in instances:
instances[cls] = cls()
return instances[cls]
return getinstance
def make_combo_list_with_default(opts, default, title=True, default_text=None):
Turns a list of values into a list of value,name (where name is the
display name a user will see in a combo box). If a value is opt is
equal to that supplied in default the display name for that value is
modified to "value <i>(default)</i>"
@opts: a list of value
@returns: a list of 2-tuples (value, name)
themes = []
for t in opts:
if t.lower() == "default" and t != default:
#some themes etc are actually called default. Ick. Dont show them if they
#are not the actual default value
if title and len(t):
name = t[0].upper() + t[1:]
name = t
if t == default:
#indicates the default theme, e.g Adwaita (default)
name = default_text or _("%s <i>(default)</i>") % name
themes.append((t, name))
return themes
def walk_directories(dirs, filter_func):
valid = []
for thdir in dirs:
if os.path.isdir(thdir):
for t in os.listdir(thdir):
if filter_func(os.path.join(thdir, t)):
logging.critical("Error parsing directories", exc_info=True)
return valid
def extract_zip_file(z, members_path, dest):
""" returns (true_if_extracted_ok, true_if_updated) """
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
tmpdest = os.path.join(tmp, members_path)
ok = True
updated = False
if os.path.exists(dest):
updated = True
shutil.copytree(tmpdest, dest)
except OSError:
ok = False
logging.warning("Error extracting zip", exc_info=True)
if ok:
logging.info("Extracted zip to %s, copied to %s" % (tmpdest, dest))
return ok, updated
def execute_subprocess(cmd_then_args, block=True):
p = subprocess.Popen(
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
if block:
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
return stdout, stderr, p.returncode
class AutostartManager:
def get_desktop_files():
return [a.get_filename() for a in Gio.app_info_get_all()]
def get_user_autostart_files():
return glob.glob(
GLib.get_user_config_dir(), "autostart", "*.desktop"))
def get_system_autostart_files():
f = []
for d in GLib.get_system_config_dirs():
f.extend( glob.glob(os.path.join(d, "autostart", "*.desktop")) )
return f
class AutostartFile:
def __init__(self, appinfo, autostart_desktop_filename="", exec_cmd="", extra_exec_args=""):
if appinfo:
self._desktop_file = appinfo.get_filename()
self._autostart_desktop_filename = autostart_desktop_filename or os.path.basename(self._desktop_file)
self._create_file = False
elif autostart_desktop_filename:
self._desktop_file = None
self._autostart_desktop_filename = autostart_desktop_filename
self._create_file = True
raise Exception("Need either an appinfo or a file name")
self._exec_cmd = exec_cmd
self._extra_exec_args = " %s\n" % extra_exec_args
user_autostart_dir = os.path.join(GLib.get_user_config_dir(), "autostart")
if not os.path.isdir(user_autostart_dir):
logging.critical("Could not create autostart dir: %s" % user_autostart_dir)
self._user_autostart_file = os.path.join(user_autostart_dir, self._autostart_desktop_filename)
if self._desktop_file:
logging.debug("Found desktop file: %s" % self._desktop_file)
logging.debug("User autostart desktop file: %s" % self._user_autostart_file)
def _create_user_autostart_file(self):
f = open(self._user_autostart_file, "w")
f.write("[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nName=%s\nExec=%s\n" %
(self._autostart_desktop_filename[0:-len('.desktop')], self._exec_cmd + self._extra_exec_args))
def is_start_at_login_enabled(self):
if os.path.exists(self._user_autostart_file):
#prefer user directories first
#if it contains X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false then it has
#has been disabled by the user in the session applet, otherwise
#it is enabled
return open(self._user_autostart_file).read().find("X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false") == -1
#check the system directories
for f in AutostartManager().get_system_autostart_files():
if os.path.basename(f) == self._autostart_desktop_filename:
return True
return False
def update_start_at_login(self, update):
if os.path.exists(self._user_autostart_file):
logging.info("Removing user autostart file %s" % self._user_autostart_file)
if update:
if (not self._desktop_file) or (not os.path.exists(self._desktop_file)):
if self._create_file:
logging.critical("Could not find desktop file: %s" % self._desktop_file)
logging.info("Adding autostart %s" % self._user_autostart_file)
#copy the original file to the new file, but add the extra exec args
old = open(self._desktop_file, "r")
new = open(self._user_autostart_file, "w")
for l in old.readlines():
if l.startswith("Exec="):
if self._exec_cmd:
new.write("Exec=%s\n" % self._exec_cmd)
class SchemaList:
__list = None
def __init__(self):
if SchemaList.__list == None:
SchemaList.__list = []
def get(self):
return SchemaList.__list
def insert(self, key_name, schema_name):
v = [key_name, schema_name]
def reset(self):
for i in SchemaList.__list:
s = Gio.Settings(i[1])
class DisableExtension(GObject.GObject):
__gsignals__ = {
"disable-extension": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE,()),
def __init__(self):
def disable(self):
class XSettingsOverrides:
'Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu': GLib.Variant.new_int32,
'Gtk/EnablePrimaryPaste': GLib.Variant.new_int32,
'Gdk/WindowScalingFactor': GLib.Variant.new_int32,
def __init__(self):
self._settings = Gio.Settings(schema='org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings')
self._variant = self._settings.get_value("overrides")
def _dup_variant_as_dict(self):
items = {}
for k in self._variant.keys():
#variant override doesnt support .items()
v = self._variant[k]
items[k] = self.VARIANT_TYPES[k](v)
except KeyError:
return items
def _dup_variant(self):
return GLib.Variant('a{sv}', self._dup_variant_as_dict())
def _set_override(self, name, v):
items = self._dup_variant_as_dict()
items[name] = self.VARIANT_TYPES[name](v)
n = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', items)
self._settings.set_value('overrides', n)
self._variant = self._settings.get_value("overrides")
def _get_override(self, name, default):
return self._variant[name]
except KeyError:
return default
#while I could store meta type information in the VARIANT_TYPES
#dict, its easiest to do default value handling and missing value
#checks in dedicated functions
def set_shell_shows_app_menu(self, v):
self._set_override('Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu', int(v))
def get_shell_shows_app_menu(self):
return self._get_override('Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu', True)
def set_enable_primary_paste(self, v):
self._set_override('Gtk/EnablePrimaryPaste', int(v))
def get_enable_primary_paste(self):
return self._get_override('Gtk/EnablePrimaryPaste', True)
def set_window_scaling_factor(self, v):
self._set_override('Gdk/WindowScalingFactor', int(v))
def get_window_scaling_factor(self):
return self._get_override('Gdk/WindowScalingFactor', 1)
class Notification:
def __init__(self, summary, body):
if Notify.is_initted() or Notify.init("GNOME Tweak Tool"):
self.notification = Notify.Notification.new(
GLib.Variant('s', 'gnome-tweak-tool'))
raise Exception("Not Supported")
class LogoutNotification:
def __init__(self):
if Notify.is_initted() or Notify.init("GNOME Tweak Tool"):
self.notification = Notify.Notification.new(
"Configuration changes require restart",
"Your session needs to be restarted for settings to take effect",
"Restart Session",
self._logout, None, None)
GLib.Variant('s', 'gnome-tweak-tool'))
raise Exception("Not Supported")
def _logout(self, btn, action, user_data, unknown):
d = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(
d,Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None,
proxy.Logout('(u)', 0)