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<HEAD><TITLE>Translating Grisbi</TITLE>
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15">
<meta name="generator" content="Bluefish 0.9">
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffff99">
<H1 ALIGN=center>Translating Grisbi</H1>
<H3 ALIGN=center>Copyright © 2001-2003 Daniel <FONT COLOR=navy>Cartron</FONT></H3>
<H4 ALIGN=center>English translation: Daniel <FONT COLOR=navy>Cartron</FONT></H4>
<H4 ALIGN=center>Proof reading: Sébastien <FONT COLOR=navy>Blondeel</FONT> AKA SBI</H4>
<H3 ALIGN=center>Last update: 2003-04-02</H3>
Grisbi needs your help for translations. If you can do some translations
in a language not yet implemented, please feel free to send a mail to
<a href="mailto:daniel@grisbi.org?Subject=[grisbi] Translation&Body="I
can translate the user's guide in the following language:">Daniel</a>
explaining in which language you can translate.
Then it's really important to subscribe to the <a
href="mailto:traduction@grisbi.org">translation mailing list</a>
by sending <a href="mailto:traduction-subscribe@grisbi.org">this mail</a>.
<h1>The files to translate</h1>
There are several kinds of files to translate. We'll check all of them.
All these files will be avaliable on the <a
href="http://www.grisbi.org">Grisbi's site</a> in the section <a
Download/Translation</a>. However, if you want to work on the latest
issues of the files, you should ask us for Git and FTP access.
<h2>The website</h2>
Not the more usefull for the programm but the more usefull for advertising and
finding some help.
The files to translate are :
Once the files are translated you have to rename them with your
<a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm">2 letter ISO-639 language code</a>
e.g. grisbi-home-en.txt for English or grisbi-home-fr.txt for French.
<h2>The programm</h2>
You just have to translate the grisbi.pot file. Then rename it with your
<a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm">2 letter ISO-639 language code</a>
and .po, e.g. en.po for English or fr.po for French.
<h2>The help files</h2>
There are three HTML files and a text file:
<h2>The user's guide</h2>
The user's guide is made of several .tex files, a Makefile, an image
directory and a tool directory.
The image directory contains all the screenshots and the icons in two
separate sub-directories. We will soon provide you some scripts to make
the screenshots automatically. We'll also provide you a script that will
warn you as soon as a .po change implies a new screenshot. But for the
moment you'll have to do it by yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The tool directory contains the scripts (mainly in Perl) that will help
you to compile the sources.
The .tex files will be soon connected to the .po files, so you won't
have to translate any text that appears in the GUI.
<h1>How to translate</h1>
We'll give you some advice that you are not abliged to follow. Only the
result matters...
<h2>The website</h2>
As they are HTML files, you can use any editor you want. You can use a
text editor or an editor dedicated to the HTML as Bluefish or Quanta+.
<h2>The program</h2>
The .po file can be translated easily with Kbabel, Emacs, or even some
VI clone... Choose the one you want.
If you are not used to any of these programs, Kbabel will certainly be
the easiest one for you.
<h2>The help files</h2>
As they are HTML and text files, you can use any editor you want for
translating them. Just be careful not to translate the tags, only the
text :-) For the topic.dat you <b>must</b> only translate the second
term of each line (which is the label of the entry in the help menu) but
not the first one (which is the name of the related file).
<h2>The user's guide</h2>
The user's guide is written in LaTeX, including macros which will help
to compile the source in two differents types, text-only or illustrated.
We therefore advise you to keep this format. If you are not used with
LaTeX, you should try Kile, which is a LaTeX-editor dedicated to KDE. If
you really want another file format, let us know, but you'll probably
have difficulties to maintain two differents types at the same time...
<h1>How to verify</h1>
Before commiting your translations it's your duty to control they will work.
<h2>The website</h2>
As the website uses text files with the HTML tags you just have to write
them with an HTML editor and then copy the text part between tne body
and /body tags and it should work. Anyway, if it doesn't, it's easy to
see on the site, so you just have to correct.
<h2>The program</h2>
You should be able to compile the program on your box. If you never do
such a thing don't panic we'll help you. You just have to install the
needed libraries then compile as it's explained in the user's guide.
<h2>The help files</h2>
They are HTML and TXT files, so it's easy to see if they work. And if
you copy them in the right location on your box you can see imediately
if it's correct.
The directory of your language is
/usr/share/gnome/help/grisbi/<i>lang</i> where <i>lang</i> is the 2
letters code for your language.
<h2>The user's guide</h2>
<!-- SBIREM explain hot to compile them -->
If you use the LaTeX files you just have to compile them with the tools
provided, and then control the result either in HTML or PDF format.
<h1>How to commit</h1>
<!-- SBIREM explain how -->
Once you are satisfied, you have to commit your work in order to let the
community use it.
<h2>The website</h2>
The best way is to ask our <a href="mailto:webmestres@grisbi.org">webmasters
</a> to give you an access just for your language, so you can add or
modify the texts as you want. Send a mail to
<a href="mailto:webmestres@grisbi.org?Subject=[grisbi site]&Body=I would
like to have an access to the website for publishing texts in the following
language:">the webmasters</a> to ask for such an access.
<h2>The programm</h2>
This file have to be commited in the code sources, so if you're a lone
translator, you just can send the .po file to
<a href="mailto:daniel@grisbi.org?Subject=[grisbi] Translation&Body=You
will find attached the .po file for the following language:">Daniel</a>
who will commit it for you.
If you work in a team it's more efficient that one of you asks for the
rights to commit the .po and doc files, so you just have to deal with
him (or her) for the commits.
<h2>The help files</h2>
See above.
<h2>The user's guide</h2>
The scripts to publish the guide are in the makefile (make transfer).
You will need the config files, so just ask to <a
href="mailto:daniel@grisbi.org?Subject='[grisbi] Translation'&Body='I
need the config files for committing the user s guide for the following
language:'">Daniel</a> the needed files.