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% Copyright (c) Jim Grundy 1992 %
% All rights reserved %
% %
% Jim Grundy, hereafter referred to as `the Author', retains the %
% copyright and all other legal rights to the Software contained in %
% this file, hereafter referred to as `the Software'. %
% %
% The Software is made available free of charge on an `as is' basis. %
% No guarantee, either express or implied, of maintenance, reliability, %
% merchantability or suitability for any purpose is made by the Author. %
% %
% The user is granted the right to make personal or internal use %
% of the Software provided that both: %
% 1. The Software is not used for commercial gain. %
% 2. The user shall not hold the Author liable for any consequences %
% arising from use of the Software. %
% %
% The user is granted the right to further distribute the Software %
% provided that both: %
% 1. The Software and this statement of rights is not modified. %
% 2. The Software does not form part or the whole of a system %
% distributed for commercial gain. %
% %
% The user is granted the right to modify the Software for personal or %
% internal use provided that all of the following conditions are %
% observed: %
% 1. The user does not distribute the modified software. %
% 2. The modified software is not used for commercial gain. %
% 3. The Author retains all rights to the modified software. %
% %
% Anyone seeking a licence to use this software for commercial purposes %
% is invited to contact the Author. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% CONTENTS: reflexivity, transitivity, strengh and window rules tables. %
%$Id: tables.ml,v 3.1 1993/12/07 14:15:19 jg Exp $%
begin_section relation_sec;;
% Simple matching mp. %
let FAST_MATCH_MP th1 th2 =
let matcher = match (fst (dest_imp (concl th1))) (concl th2) in
MP (INST_TY_TERM matcher th1) th2;;
% Create and maintain a function called reflexive, shown below: %
% %
% ------- reflexive "t R t" %
% t R t %
letref refl_ptr = \tm:term.(failwith `reflexive`):thm;;
let add_refl th =
let old_refl = refl_ptr in
refl_ptr := \tm:term. (PART_MATCH I th tm) ? (old_refl tm)
let reflexive tm = refl_ptr tm;;
% Create and maintain a function called transitve, shown below: %
% (H |- t R u /\ u R v) %
% ---------------------------- transitive %
% H |- t R v %
letref trans_ptr = \t1t2:thm.(failwith `transitive`):thm;;
let add_trans th =
let old_trans = trans_ptr in
let gth = GSPEC th in
trans_ptr :=
\t1t2. (FAST_MATCH_MP gth t1t2) ? (old_trans t1t2)
let transitive tm = trans_ptr tm;;
% known_relation rel is true iff the details of the relation rel have %
% been added to the system with add_relation. %
let known_relation rel =
(let gv = genvar (dom rel) in
can reflexive (mk_comb (mk_comb (rel, gv), gv))
) ? failwith `know_relation`;;
% A list of theorems stating which relations are stonger than which. %
letref weakenings = [] : thm list;;
% A table which stores for each relation the list of relations that %
% are stonger than it. This information can be infered from the %
% weakenings table and is only duplicated here to increase %
% performance. %
letref weak_table = [] : (term # (term list)) list;;
% check_weak_thm takes a theorem of the following form: %
% |- !x y. (x S y) ==> (x R y) %
% and returns the pair (S,R) %
% If the theorem it is given is not of the correct form, then it fails. %
let check_weak_thm all_x_y_Sxy_imp_Rxy_th =
let ([],all_x_y_Sxy_imp_Rxy) = dest_thm all_x_y_Sxy_imp_Rxy_th in
let ([x;y],Sxy_imp_Rxy) = strip_forall all_x_y_Sxy_imp_Rxy in
let (Sxy,Rxy) = dest_imp Sxy_imp_Rxy in
let (Sx,_) = dest_comb Sxy in
let (S,_) = dest_comb Sx in
let (Rx,_) = dest_comb Rxy in
let (R,_) = dest_comb Rx in
if all_x_y_Sxy_imp_Rxy =
% MATCH_IMP_TRANS takes two thorems of the form %
% (|- A ==> B) and (|- Y ==> Z). %
% It matches B to Y or Y to B and returns %
% (|- (match A) ==> (match Z) %
let MATCH_IMP_TRANS th1 th2 =
(snd (dest_imp (concl th1)))
(fst (dest_imp (concl th2)))
) ?
(fst (dest_imp (concl th2)))
(snd (dest_imp (concl th1)))
) ? failwith `MATCH_IMP_TRANS` ;;
% stronger r1 r2 is true if the relation r1 is recorded as being %
% stronger than relation r2. %
let stronger (r1,r2) =
(let x = genvar (dom r1) in
let y = genvar (dom r2) in
let con =
mk_imp (mk_comb(mk_comb(r1,x),y), mk_comb(mk_comb(r2,x),y))
exists (\th. can (uncurry match) ((concl th), con)) weakenings
) ? false;;
% weaker r1 r2 is true if the relation r1 is recorded as being %
% weaker than relation r2. %
let weaker (r1,r2) =
(let x = genvar (dom r1) in
let y = genvar (dom r2) in
let con =
mk_imp (mk_comb(mk_comb(r2,x),y), mk_comb(mk_comb(r1,x),y))
exists (\th. can (uncurry match) ((concl th), con)) weakenings
) ? false;;
% match_type matches up the types of its two parameters. %
let match_type tm1 tm2 =
let v1 = mk_var(`v`, type_of tm1)
and v2 = mk_var(`v`, type_of tm2)
snd (match v1 v2);;
% rel_str rel gives a list of relations stronger than rel, %
% in order of increasing strength. %
% This verion only works for the functions actually stored, %
% like it might know that "=:*->*->bool" is stronger than itsself %
% if that is stored (which it will be), but it wont be able to %
% infer the "=:num->num->bool" is stronger than itsself. %
let rel_str r =
let srs = map (\th. (rator (rator (rand (rator (concl th))))))
let msrs = mapfilter (\s. inst [] (match_type s r) s) srs in
sort weaker (term_setify (filter (\s. stronger (s,r)) msrs));;
% Add a theorem that asserts one relation is stronger than another to %
% the data base of information about relations. %
let add_weak =
letrec crush = fun [] . []
| (h.t).
if exists (\th. can (uncurry match)
((concl th), (concl h)))
(crush t)
h.(crush t) in
let (s,r) = check_weak_thm wth ?
failwith `add_weak: theorem not of required form.`
let wthm = GSPEC wth in
if exists (\t. can (uncurry match) ((concl t), (concl wthm)))
failwith `No duplicate entries.`
else if
(\t. can
(uncurry match)
(((mk_imp o (\(a,b).(b,a)) o dest_imp o concl) t),
(concl wthm)))
failwith `No cycles in the graph of relative strengths.`
((assert known_relation s) ?
failwith `add_weak: first relation is unknown.`);
((assert known_relation r) ?
failwith `add_weak: second relation is unknown.`);
% Try to resove all the theorems we have against eachother %
% to come up with some new ones. %
letref newweaks = (crush (wthm.weakenings)) in
while (not (set_equal weakenings newweaks))
weakenings := newweaks;
newweaks :=
( weakenings
@ (flat (map (\t. mapfilter
let wrs =
(map (\th. (rator (rator (rand (concl th)))))
do (weak_table := combine (wrs, map rel_str wrs));;
% (H |- t R s) %
% -------------- weaken "Q" %
% (H |- t Q s) %
letrec weaken (Q : term) (th : thm) =
let R = rator (rator (concl th)) in
if Q = R then
% The last clause will handle this case, but it is faster %
% not to do any searching. %
let th1 = FAST_MATCH_MP t th in
let R = rator (rator (concl th1)) in
INST_TY_TERM (match R Q) th1
% Given a relation r, (relative_strengths r) returns a list of relation %
% which are stronger than r (including r itself) in order of %
% increasing strength. %
let relative_strengths r =
let (s,sl) = find (\(s,sl). can (uncurry match) (s, r)) weak_table in
let mtch = snd (match s r) in
map (inst [] mtch) sl;;
let add_relation =
let check_refl_thm rth =
(let rtm = concl rth in
let (rx,rb) = dest_forall rtm in
let rf = rator (rator rb) in
if rtm = "!^rx. ^rf ^rx ^rx" then
) ? failwith `reflexive theorem is not of the form:\L`^
`(|- !x. x R x).`
and check_trans_thm tth =
(let ttm = concl tth in
let ([tx;ty;tz],tb) = strip_forall ttm in
let tf = rator (rator (rand tb)) in
if ttm =
"!^tx ^ty ^tz. ((^tf ^tx ^ty) /\ (^tf ^ty ^tz)) ==> (^tf ^tx ^tz)"
) ? failwith `transitive theorem is not of the form:\L`^
`(|- !x y z. ((x R y) /\ (y R Z)) ==> (x R z)).`
let rf = check_refl_thm refl_thm
and tf = check_trans_thm trans_thm
if not ((is_const rf) & (is_const tf)) then
failwith `The relation being added\L`^
`must be defined as a constant.`
else if not (rf = tf) then
failwith `The reflexive and transitive theorems\L`^
`must describe the same relation.`
add_refl refl_thm;
add_trans trans_thm;
let x = mk_var(`x`,dom rf)
and y = mk_var(`y`,dom rf)
(add_weak (GENL [x;y] (IMP_REFL "^rf ^x ^y")))
?? [`No duplicate entries.`] ();
let th =
"!^x ^y. (^x = ^y) ==> (^rf ^x ^y)"
(add_weak th) ?? [`No duplicate entries.`] ()
) ;;
add_relation (EQ_REFL, EQ_TRANS);;
add_relation (IMP_REFL_THM, IMP_TRANS_THM);;
add_relation (PMI_REFL_THM, PMI_TRANS_THM);;
end_section relation_sec;;
let (
) = it ;;
% A path is a list made up of RATOR, RAND AND BODY. %
% Paths are used to denote a particular subterm within a term. %
type path_elt = RATOR | RAND | BODY;;
lettype path = path_elt list;;
% The function traverse takes a path and returns a function from %
% a term to the selected subterm. %
let traverse =
let translate =
fun RATOR . rator
| RAND . rand
| BODY . body
\p. rev_itlist (curry $o) (map translate p) I;;
% A win_path denotes a path to a term within a window. %
% The term is either a subterm of the focus or of an element of the context.%
type win_path = FOCUS_PATH of path | CONTEXT_PATH of (term # path);;
% A window rule is composed of the following components: %
% A path which describes the subterm which is to be the focus of the %
% child window as a funtion of the focus of the parent. %
% Funtions from the focus of the parent window to the following: %
% A boolean indicating whether this rule is valid for use on the %
% focus. %
% Functions from the relation the user wishes to preserve in the %
% parent window to: %
% A term which is the relationship which will be preserved in the %
% child window. %
% A term which is the relationship which will be preserved in the %
% parent window. %
% A function from the hypotheses in the parent window to the %
% hypotheses in the child. %
% A list of terms which are the variables free in the child window %
% which are bound in the parent. %
% A function from the theorem generated by the child window to one %
% relavent to the parent. %
lettype window_rule = ( path
# (term -> bool)
# (term -> term -> term)
# (term -> term -> term)
# (term -> (thm list) -> (thm list))
# (term -> (term list))
# (term -> (thm -> thm))
% Create and maintain a table of rules for opening at various positions %
% in a term. %
% The rules are stored in tree of assignable variables which is keyed %
% off the path. %
type (*,**) tree =
(((* list) # **) -> void)
((* list) -> (((* list) # **) list))
(void -> void)
begin_section treesec;;
let plant (TREE(plnt,_,_)) = plnt
and harvest (TREE(_,hrvst,_)) = hrvst
and purge (TREE(_,_,prg)) = prg;;
letrec newtree (():void) =
letref value = [] : ( (term -> bool)
# (term -> term -> term)
# (term -> term -> term)
# (term -> (thm list) -> (thm list))
# (term -> (term list))
# (term -> (thm -> thm))
) list
and children = [] : ( path_elt
# (
( path_elt
, ( (term -> bool)
# (term -> term -> term)
# (term -> term -> term)
# (term -> (thm list) -> (thm list))
# (term -> (term list))
# (term -> (thm -> thm))
) tree
) list
(\(trail, element).
if trail = [] then
do (value := element.value)
let (hd_trail.tl_trail) = trail in
let chosen_child =
(snd (assoc hd_trail children)) ?
(let new_child = newtree () in
children := (hd_trail,new_child).children;
plant chosen_child (tl_trail,element))
if trail = [] then
map (\v. ([],v)) value
let (hd_trail.tl_trail) = trail in
let sub_tree_values =
(\(t,v). ((hd_trail.t),v))
(snd (assoc hd_trail children))
tl_trail)) ?
if null sub_tree_values then
map (\v. ([],v)) value
append (map (\v. ([],v)) value) sub_tree_values)
(\(():void). do(value := []; children := []))
let rule_tree = newtree ();;
let store_rule = plant rule_tree
and search_rule = harvest rule_tree
and empty_rules = purge rule_tree;;
(store_rule, search_rule, empty_rules);;
end_section treesec;;
let (store_rule, search_rule, empty_rules) = it;;