/usr/share/apps/kvtml/nn/easy.kvtml is in kde-l10n-nn 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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<kvtml version="2.0" >
<author>Eirik U. Birkeland <eirbir@gmail.com> og Karl Ove Hufthammer <karl@huftis.org></author>
<license>GPLv2 (GNU General Public License versjon 2)</license>
<comment>Enkle ord</comment>
<identifier id="0" >
<entry id="0" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>tid som vert gjeve til ungar der dei kan ha det gøy</comment>
<entry id="1" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>tinga i eit rom</comment>
<entry id="2" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>eit lite dyrka område</comment>
<entry id="3" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ein person som lærer noko av ein annan</comment>
<entry id="4" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>planter som vert dyrka til mat</comment>
<entry id="5" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ei rund og hard frukt</comment>
<entry id="6" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>han er rund og nesten flat</comment>
<entry id="7" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>smakar som det inneheld sukker</comment>
<entry id="8" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>rom der måltid vert laga</comment>
<entry id="9" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>laga av kakaoplanta</comment>
<entry id="10" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ei elektronisk maskin</comment>
<entry id="11" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>kaninar likar dei</comment>
<entry id="12" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>viser informasjon</comment>
<entry id="13" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ei gul frukt</comment>
<entry id="14" >
<translation id="0" >
<entry id="15" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>myntar og setlar</comment>
<entry id="16" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>oppdikta forteljing</comment>
<entry id="17" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>personen i førarsetet</comment>
<entry id="18" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>skal sikra ro og orden</comment>
<entry id="19" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>tropisk frukt med hardt og oppdelt skal</comment>
<entry id="20" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>betalingsbevis på brev</comment>
<entry id="21" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>måltid midt på dagen</comment>
<entry id="22" >
<translation id="0" >
<entry id="23" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>trapp som rører seg</comment>
<entry id="24" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>det første måltidet på dagen</comment>
<entry id="25" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>vakker plante</comment>
<entry id="26" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>systematisk opplæring</comment>
<entry id="27" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>er flatt oppå og har ein eller fleire føter</comment>
<entry id="28" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>der elevar får opplæring</comment>
<entry id="29" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>tek imot og viser levande bilete</comment>
<entry id="30" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>handling eller ord som ikkje burde ha kome</comment>
<entry id="31" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>måndag til fredag</comment>
<entry id="32" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ei stor gruppe personar</comment>
<entry id="33" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>unge menneske</comment>
<entry id="34" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>noko plutseleg eller uventa</comment>
<entry id="35" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ei kort kappe</comment>
<entry id="36" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>hardt pålegg laga av mjølk</comment>
<entry id="37" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ein ung fugl</comment>
<entry id="38" >
<translation id="0" >
<entry id="39" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>landmasse som når store høgder</comment>
<entry id="40" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>mange tre</comment>
<entry id="41" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>plante med ein stiv knoll som kan etast</comment>
<entry id="42" >
<translation id="0" >
<entry id="43" >
<translation id="0" >
<comment>ein stor naturleg vasstraum</comment>
<entry id="0" />
<entry id="1" />
<entry id="2" />
<entry id="3" />
<entry id="4" />
<entry id="5" />
<entry id="6" />
<entry id="7" />
<entry id="8" />
<entry id="9" />
<entry id="10" />
<entry id="11" />
<entry id="12" />
<entry id="13" />
<entry id="14" />
<entry id="15" />
<entry id="16" />
<entry id="17" />
<entry id="18" />
<entry id="19" />
<entry id="20" />
<entry id="21" />
<entry id="22" />
<entry id="23" />
<entry id="24" />
<entry id="25" />
<entry id="26" />
<entry id="27" />
<entry id="28" />
<entry id="29" />
<entry id="30" />
<entry id="31" />
<entry id="32" />
<entry id="33" />
<entry id="34" />
<entry id="35" />
<entry id="36" />
<entry id="37" />
<entry id="38" />
<entry id="39" />
<entry id="40" />
<entry id="41" />
<entry id="42" />
<entry id="43" />