/usr/share/kmahjongglib/backgrounds/wood_light.desktop is in kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 | [KMahjonggBackground]
Name=Light Wood
Name[ast]=Madera clara
Name[bs]=Svjetlo drvo
Name[ca]=Fusta lleugera
Name[ca@valencia]=Fusta lleugera
Name[cs]=Světlé dřevo
Name[da]=Lyst træ
Name[de]=Leichtes Holz
Name[el]=Ανοιχτό ξύλο
Name[en_GB]=Light Wood
Name[eo]=Hela ligno
Name[es]=Madera clara
Name[et]=Hele puit
Name[eu]=Egur argia
Name[fa]=چوب سبک
Name[fi]=Vaalea puu
Name[fr]=Bois clair
Name[ga]=Adhmad Geal
Name[gl]=Madeira clara
Name[hne]=हल्का लकड़ी
Name[hr]=Light Wood
Name[hu]=Világos fa
Name[is]=Ljós viður
Name[it]=Legno chiaro
Name[kk]=Ашық ағаш
Name[ko]=가벼운 나무
Name[lt]=Šviesus medis
Name[lv]=Gaiša koksne
Name[mr]=हलके लाकूड
Name[nb]=Lyst tre
Name[nds]=Hell Holt
Name[nl]=Licht hout
Name[nn]=Lyst trevirke
Name[pl]=Jasne drewno
Name[pt]=Madeira Clara
Name[pt_BR]=Madeira leve
Name[ro]=Lemn luminos
Name[ru]=Светлое дерево
Name[sk]=Svetlé drevo
Name[sl]=Svetel les
Name[sr]=Светло дрво
Name[sr@ijekavian]=Светло дрво
Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Svetlo drvo
Name[sr@latin]=Svetlo drvo
Name[sv]=Ljust trä
Name[te]=తెలిక చెక్క
Name[tr]=Aydınlık Tahta
Name[uk]=Легке дерево
Name[wa]=Bwès ledjir
Name[x-test]=xxLight Woodxx
Description=Resembles the surface of a wood table
Description[ast]=Paezse a la superficie d'una mesa de madera
Description[bs]=Nalikuje površini drvenog stola
Description[ca]=Sembla la superfície de fusta d'una taula
Description[ca@valencia]=Pareix la superfície de fusta d'una taula
Description[da]=Minder om et træbords overflade
Description[de]=Gleicht der Oberfläche eines Holztisches.
Description[el]=Παρομοιάζει την επιφάνεια ενός ξύλινου τραπεζιού
Description[en_GB]=Resembles the surface of a wood table
Description[es]=Se asemeja a la superficie de una mesa de madera
Description[et]=Meenutab puitlaua pinda
Description[eu]=Egur taula baten azala dirudi
Description[fi]=Muistuttaa puisen pöydän pintaa
Description[fr]=Ressemble à la surface d'une table en bois
Description[ga]=Cosúil le tábla adhmaid
Description[gl]=Un fondo que se asemella á superficie dunha mesa de madeira.
Description[hu]=Egy fából készült asztal lapjára hasonlít
Description[it]=Ricorda la superficie di un asse di legno
Description[kk]=Ағаш үстел үстіне ұқсас
Description[ko]=목재 탁자 표면을 닮은 테마
Description[lt]=Primena medinio stalo paviršių
Description[lv]=Atgādina koka galda virsmu
Description[nb]=Likner overflaten på et trebord
Description[nds]=Liek to de Böversiet vun en holten Disch
Description[nl]=Lijkt op een houten tafelblad
Description[nn]=Liknar på overflata på eit trebord.
Description[pl]=Przypomina powierzchnię drewnianego stołu
Description[pt]=Dá uma aparência de mesa de madeira
Description[pt_BR]=Lembra a superfície de uma mesa de madeira
Description[ro]=Amintește de suprafața unei mese de lemn
Description[ru]=Поверхность деревянного стола
Description[sk]=Pripomína povrch dreveného stola
Description[sl]=Spominja na površino lesene mize
Description[sr]=Налик на површ дрвеног стола
Description[sr@ijekavian]=Налик на површ дрвеног стола
Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Nalik na površ drvenog stola
Description[sr@latin]=Nalik na površ drvenog stola
Description[sv]=Liknar ytan på ett träbord
Description[tr]=Tahta masanın yüzeyini göstermektedir
Description[uk]=Нагадує поверхню дерев’яного стола
Description[wa]=Rishonne li surface d' ene tåve di bwès
Description[x-test]=xxResembles the surface of a wood tablexx
Author=Raquel Ravanini