/usr/share/perl5/relative.pm is in librelative-perl 0.04-2.
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use strict;
use Carp;
use UNIVERSAL::require;
no strict "vars";
$VERSION = '0.04';
=head1 NAME
relative - Load modules with relative names
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.04
sub import {
return if @_ <= 1; # called with no args
my ($package, @args) = @_;
my ($caller) = caller();
my @loaded = ();
# read the optional parameters
my %param = ();
if (ref $args[0] eq 'HASH') {
%param = %{shift @args}
elsif (ref $args[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
%param = @{shift @args}
# go through the args list, looking to parameters with the dash syntax,
# and module names and optional arguments
my %args_for = (); # modules arguments
my @modules = (); # will be filled with only the module names
my $prev = "";
for my $item (@args) {
# if $prev is true, the previous thing (parameter or module name)
# is expecting a value
if ($prev) {
# this is a parameter
if (index($prev, "-") == 0) {
$param{substr($prev, 1)} = $item;
$prev = "";
# this is a module name
else {
push @modules, $prev;
# this isn't a ref, so the previous module is just stored
# and the current item becomes the new $prev
if (not ref $item) {
$prev = $item;
# this is an arrayref, which will be used as the import list
# for the module name in $prev
elsif (ref $item eq "ARRAY") {
$args_for{$prev} = $item;
$prev = "";
else {
my $that = "a ".lc(ref $item)."ref";
croak "error: Don't know how to deal with $that (after '$prev')";
else {
if ($item eq "-aliased") {
# -aliased is a flag, so it doesn't expect a value
$param{aliased} = 1
else {
$prev = $item
push @modules, $prev if $prev;
# determine the base name
my $base = exists $param{to} ? $param{to} : $caller;
# load the modules
for my $relname (@modules) {
# resolve the module relative name to absolute name
my $module = "$base\::$relname";
1 while $module =~ s/::\w+::(?:\.\.)?::/::/g;
$module =~ s/^:://;
# load the module, die if it failed
$module->require or croak _clean($@);
# import the symbols from the loaded module into the caller module
if (exists $args_for{$relname}) {
my $args = $args_for{$relname};
# an arguments list has been defined, but only call import if
# there are some arguments
if (@$args) {
my $args_str = join ", ", map {"q/\Q$_\E/"} @$args;
eval qq{ package $caller; $module->import($args_str); 1 }
or croak _clean($@);
else {
# use the default import method
eval qq{ package $caller; $module->import; 1 } or croak _clean($@);
# define alias if asked to
if ($param{aliased}) {
my ($alias) = $module =~ /\b(\w+)$/;
eval qq{ package $caller; sub $alias () { q/$module/ } };
# keep a list of the loaded modules
push @loaded, $module;
return wantarray ? @loaded : $loaded[-1]
sub _clean {
my ($msg) = @_;
$msg =~ s/ at .*relative.pm line \d+\.\s*$//s;
return $msg
package BigApp::Report;
use relative qw(Create Publish);
# loads BigApp::Report::Create, BigApp::Report::Publish
use relative qw(..::Utils);
# loads BigApp::Utils
use relative -to => "Enterprise::Framework" => qw(Base Factory);
# loads Enterprise::Framework::Base, Enterprise::Framework::Factory
This module allows you to load modules using only parts of their name,
relatively to the current module or to a given module. Module names are
by default searched below the current module, but can be searched upper
in the hierarchy using the C<..::> syntax.
In order to further loosen the namespace coupling, C<import> returns
the full names of the loaded modules, making object-oriented code easier
to write:
use relative;
my ($Maker, $Publisher) = import relative qw(Create Publish);
my $report = $Maker->new;
my $publisher = $Publisher->new;
my ($Base, $Factory) = import relative -to => "Enterprise::Framework"
=> qw(Base Factory);
my $thing = $Factory->new;
This can also be written using aliases:
use relative -aliased => qw(Create Publish);
my $report = Create->new;
my $publisher = Publisher->new;
use relative -to => "Enterprise::Framework", -aliased => qw(Base Factory);
my $thing = Factory->new;
Import options can be given as an hashref or an arrayref as the first
# options as a hashref
import relative { param => value, ... }, qw(Name ...);
# options as an arrayref
import relative [ param => value, ... ], qw(Name ...);
In order to simplyfing syntax, options can also be given as dash-prefixed
import relative -param => value, qw(name ...);
Available options:
=item *
C<to> can be used to indicate another hierarchy to search modules inside.
# in a hashref:
import relative { to => "Some::Other::Namespace" }, qw(Other Modules);
# as dash-param:
import relative -to => "Some::Other::Namespace", qw(Other Modules);
=item *
C<aliased> will create constants, named with the last component of each
loaded module, returning its corresponding full name. Yes, this feature
is very similar to what C<aliased> does as it was added per Ovid request C<:-)>
# in a hashref:
import relative { aliased => 1 }, qw(Whack Zlonk);
my $frob = Whack->fizzle;
# as dash-param:
import relative -aliased, qw(Whack Zlonk);
my $frob = Whack->fizzle;
C<import> will C<die> as soon as a module can't be loaded.
C<import> returns the full names of the loaded modules when called in
list context, or the last one when called in scalar context.
=head1 AUTHOR
SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni, C<< <sebastien at aperghis.net> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-relative at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc relative
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * Search CPAN
Thanks to Aristotle Pagaltzis, Andy Armstrong, Ken Williams
and Curtis Poe for their suggestions and ideas.
Copyright 2007 SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
"evitaler fo dnE" # "End of relative"