/usr/mipsel-linux-gnu/include/linux/dvb/video.h is in linux-libc-dev-mipsel-cross 4.4.0-18.34cross1.
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* video.h
* Copyright (C) 2000 Marcus Metzler <marcus@convergence.de>
* & Ralph Metzler <ralph@convergence.de>
* for convergence integrated media GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _DVBVIDEO_H_
#define _DVBVIDEO_H_
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef enum {
VIDEO_FORMAT_4_3, /* Select 4:3 format */
VIDEO_FORMAT_16_9, /* Select 16:9 format. */
VIDEO_FORMAT_221_1 /* 2.21:1 */
} video_format_t;
typedef enum {
} video_system_t;
typedef enum {
VIDEO_PAN_SCAN, /* use pan and scan format */
VIDEO_LETTER_BOX, /* use letterbox format */
VIDEO_CENTER_CUT_OUT /* use center cut out format */
} video_displayformat_t;
typedef struct {
int w;
int h;
video_format_t aspect_ratio;
} video_size_t;
typedef enum {
VIDEO_SOURCE_DEMUX, /* Select the demux as the main source */
VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY /* If this source is selected, the stream
comes from the user through the write
system call */
} video_stream_source_t;
typedef enum {
VIDEO_STOPPED, /* Video is stopped */
VIDEO_PLAYING, /* Video is currently playing */
VIDEO_FREEZED /* Video is freezed */
} video_play_state_t;
/* Decoder commands */
#define VIDEO_CMD_PLAY (0)
#define VIDEO_CMD_STOP (1)
#define VIDEO_CMD_FREEZE (2)
/* Flags for VIDEO_CMD_FREEZE */
#define VIDEO_CMD_FREEZE_TO_BLACK (1 << 0)
/* Flags for VIDEO_CMD_STOP */
#define VIDEO_CMD_STOP_TO_BLACK (1 << 0)
/* Play input formats: */
/* The decoder has no special format requirements */
/* The decoder requires full GOPs */
#define VIDEO_PLAY_FMT_GOP (1)
/* The structure must be zeroed before use by the application
This ensures it can be extended safely in the future. */
struct video_command {
__u32 cmd;
__u32 flags;
union {
struct {
__u64 pts;
} stop;
struct {
/* 0 or 1000 specifies normal speed,
1 specifies forward single stepping,
-1 specifies backward single stepping,
>1: playback at speed/1000 of the normal speed,
<-1: reverse playback at (-speed/1000) of the normal speed. */
__s32 speed;
__u32 format;
} play;
struct {
__u32 data[16];
} raw;
/* FIELD_UNKNOWN can be used if the hardware does not know whether
the Vsync is for an odd, even or progressive (i.e. non-interlaced)
field. */
struct video_event {
__s32 type;
__kernel_time_t timestamp;
union {
video_size_t size;
unsigned int frame_rate; /* in frames per 1000sec */
unsigned char vsync_field; /* unknown/odd/even/progressive */
} u;
struct video_status {
int video_blank; /* blank video on freeze? */
video_play_state_t play_state; /* current state of playback */
video_stream_source_t stream_source; /* current source (demux/memory) */
video_format_t video_format; /* current aspect ratio of stream*/
video_displayformat_t display_format;/* selected cropping mode */
struct video_still_picture {
char *iFrame; /* pointer to a single iframe in memory */
__s32 size;
struct video_highlight {
int active; /* 1=show highlight, 0=hide highlight */
__u8 contrast1; /* 7- 4 Pattern pixel contrast */
/* 3- 0 Background pixel contrast */
__u8 contrast2; /* 7- 4 Emphasis pixel-2 contrast */
/* 3- 0 Emphasis pixel-1 contrast */
__u8 color1; /* 7- 4 Pattern pixel color */
/* 3- 0 Background pixel color */
__u8 color2; /* 7- 4 Emphasis pixel-2 color */
/* 3- 0 Emphasis pixel-1 color */
__u32 ypos; /* 23-22 auto action mode */
/* 21-12 start y */
/* 9- 0 end y */
__u32 xpos; /* 23-22 button color number */
/* 21-12 start x */
/* 9- 0 end x */
} video_highlight_t;
typedef struct video_spu {
int active;
int stream_id;
} video_spu_t;
typedef struct video_spu_palette { /* SPU Palette information */
int length;
__u8 *palette;
} video_spu_palette_t;
typedef struct video_navi_pack {
int length; /* 0 ... 1024 */
__u8 data[1024];
} video_navi_pack_t;
typedef __u16 video_attributes_t;
/* bits: descr. */
/* 15-14 Video compression mode (0=MPEG-1, 1=MPEG-2) */
/* 13-12 TV system (0=525/60, 1=625/50) */
/* 11-10 Aspect ratio (0=4:3, 3=16:9) */
/* 9- 8 permitted display mode on 4:3 monitor (0=both, 1=only pan-sca */
/* 7 line 21-1 data present in GOP (1=yes, 0=no) */
/* 6 line 21-2 data present in GOP (1=yes, 0=no) */
/* 5- 3 source resolution (0=720x480/576, 1=704x480/576, 2=352x480/57 */
/* 2 source letterboxed (1=yes, 0=no) */
/* 0 film/camera mode (0=camera, 1=film (625/50 only)) */
/* bit definitions for capabilities: */
/* can the hardware decode MPEG1 and/or MPEG2? */
#define VIDEO_CAP_MPEG1 1
#define VIDEO_CAP_MPEG2 2
/* can you send a system and/or program stream to video device?
(you still have to open the video and the audio device but only
send the stream to the video device) */
#define VIDEO_CAP_SYS 4
#define VIDEO_CAP_PROG 8
/* can the driver also handle SPU, NAVI and CSS encoded data?
(CSS API is not present yet) */
#define VIDEO_CAP_SPU 16
#define VIDEO_CAP_NAVI 32
#define VIDEO_CAP_CSS 64
#define VIDEO_STOP _IO('o', 21)
#define VIDEO_PLAY _IO('o', 22)
#define VIDEO_FREEZE _IO('o', 23)
#define VIDEO_CONTINUE _IO('o', 24)
#define VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE _IO('o', 25)
#define VIDEO_SET_BLANK _IO('o', 26)
#define VIDEO_GET_STATUS _IOR('o', 27, struct video_status)
#define VIDEO_GET_EVENT _IOR('o', 28, struct video_event)
#define VIDEO_STILLPICTURE _IOW('o', 30, struct video_still_picture)
#define VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD _IO('o', 31)
#define VIDEO_SLOWMOTION _IO('o', 32)
#define VIDEO_GET_CAPABILITIES _IOR('o', 33, unsigned int)
#define VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER _IO('o', 34)
#define VIDEO_SET_ID _IO('o', 35)
#define VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE _IO('o', 36)
#define VIDEO_SET_FORMAT _IO('o', 37)
#define VIDEO_SET_SYSTEM _IO('o', 38)
#define VIDEO_SET_HIGHLIGHT _IOW('o', 39, video_highlight_t)
#define VIDEO_SET_SPU _IOW('o', 50, video_spu_t)
#define VIDEO_SET_SPU_PALETTE _IOW('o', 51, video_spu_palette_t)
#define VIDEO_GET_NAVI _IOR('o', 52, video_navi_pack_t)
#define VIDEO_SET_ATTRIBUTES _IO('o', 53)
#define VIDEO_GET_SIZE _IOR('o', 55, video_size_t)
#define VIDEO_GET_FRAME_RATE _IOR('o', 56, unsigned int)
* Read the 33 bit presentation time stamp as defined
* in ITU T-REC-H.222.0 / ISO/IEC 13818-1.
* The PTS should belong to the currently played
* frame if possible, but may also be a value close to it
* like the PTS of the last decoded frame or the last PTS
* extracted by the PES parser.
#define VIDEO_GET_PTS _IOR('o', 57, __u64)
/* Read the number of displayed frames since the decoder was started */
#define VIDEO_GET_FRAME_COUNT _IOR('o', 58, __u64)
#define VIDEO_COMMAND _IOWR('o', 59, struct video_command)
#define VIDEO_TRY_COMMAND _IOWR('o', 60, struct video_command)
#endif /* _DVBVIDEO_H_ */