/usr/share/help/ca/mate-control-center/config-screensaver.xml is in mate-control-center-common 1.12.1-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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<sect1 id="config-screensaver">
Screensavers are nearly old as computers. Initially, they were
meant keep images from being 'burned' onto the monitor screen.
This would ruin the monitor. Today, technology has advanced
enough that images no longer get burnt on your monitor. However,
people enjoy using screensavers because they look cool and
entertain visitors.
<application>Mate</application> uses either the
<application>xscreensaver</application> or the <application>mate-screensaver</application>
programs to display
screensavers. By default, <application>Mate</application> comes
with dozens of screensavers. These can all be configured in the
<application>Settings Capplet</application> in <application>Mate
Control Center</application>.
<sect2 id="config-screensaver-config">
The <application>Screensaver Capplet</application> interface
is broken into two main sections:
<term>Screensaver Options</term>
Located on the left side of the screen, the screensaver
half lets you configure properties that affect your
screensaver's behavior.
<term>Screensaver Preview</term>
The right half of the capplet is both a preview of your
selected screensaver.
<sect3 id="config-screensaver-config-basics">
<title>Setting Up a Screensaver</title>
Chances are, you'll want to setup your screensaver. Below
are the steps to setup your screensaver:
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
You can choose different modes to display your
<term>Disable Screen Saver</term>
This will turn off your screensaver entirely.
<term>Black screen only</term>
Your monitor will display only a black image
instead of an animation. This is good for
helping to conserve power.
<term>One Screen Saver</term>
Displays only one screensaver while the
screensaver is active.
<term>Random Screen Saver</term>
The screensaver program can
display screensavers in a random fashion.
This option displays screensavers randomly.
It also puts checkboxes next to the
screensavers, so you can choose which to
Select the screensaver you wish to use.
Set the time preferences. The available options are:
<term>Blank After</term>
How long to wait before your screensavers start.
<term>Cycle After</term>
If you're using multiple screensavers, set the
time which to change your screensavers.
<term>Lock Screen After</term>
By enabling screen locking, you can help increase
physical security. This requires that a user must
enter a password before the screensaver stops,
allowing them to use the system again.
Below the preview window are two buttons:
<guibutton>Preview</guibutton> and <guibutton>Settings</guibutton>.
By clicking the <guibutton>Preview</guibutton> button, you'll
be able to see what the screensaver will look like at full
screen. Hit any key to close the screensaver when you're viewing it.
<guibutton>Settings</guibutton> lets you configure each individual screensaver. The
contents of the <guibutton>Settings</guibutton> button is
beyond the scope of this document.
<sect2 id="config-screensaver-advanced">
<title>The Advanced Tab</title>
The <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab holds a whole plethora of
options available to you.
The <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab is broken into four
<term>Image Manipulation</term>
Your screensaver can take your desktop and temporarily
run image manipulations on your desktop as your screensaver.
<term>Display Power Management</term>
Your system can help save power by changing your
monitor's status.
Sometimes, your system may have problems because of your
screensaver. Use this section to enable information to
be displayed to help you fix your problem.
<sect3 id="config-screensaver-advanced-imgmanip">
<title>The Image Manipulation Section</title>
Your screensaver has the ability take your desktop and
temporarily run image manipulations on your desktop as your
screensaver. Several options exist for you to setup your
image manipulation. Select the method of image manipulation
you wish to use.
If you don't want your screensaver to use any image
manipulations, deselect all the options.
<sect3 id="config-screensaver-advanced-apm">
<title>The Display Power Management Section</title>
Power management can help conserve power by setting modes of
your monitor. Select the timings for the modes to be set in
this section.
<sect3 id="config-screensaver-advanced-diag">
<title>The Diagnostics Section</title>
Sometimes, your system may have problems because of your
screensaver. Use this section to enable information to
be displayed to help you fix your problem.
These won't give you a straight forward answer to your
problem. However, your system adminstrator may find this
to be useful information in fixing your problem.
<sect3 id="config-screensaver-advanced-color">
<title>The Colormaps Section</title>
Colormaps allow some simple color options to be changed. Set
your color options here.