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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>2 Invoking the OPI</TITLE><LINK href="ozdoc.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></HEAD><BODY><TABLE align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="6" class="nav"><TR bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><TD><A href="node1.html#chapter.intro"><< Prev</A></TD><TD><A href="index.html">- Up -</A></TD><TD><A href="node3.html#chapter.editing">Next >></A></TD></TR></TABLE><DIV id="chapter.start"><H1><A name="chapter.start">2 Invoking the OPI</A></H1><P> This chapter describes how to invoke the OPI, i. e., how to access its functionality. </P><H2><A name="label7">2.1 Invoking the OPI in the Unix Environment</A></H2><P> <A name="label8"></A> <A name="label9"></A> The easiest way to start the OPI is to type the following command at the shell prompt<A href="node2.html#label57"><SUP>1</SUP></A>: </P><BLOCKQUOTE class="code"><CODE>% oz </CODE><<I>emacs args</I>></BLOCKQUOTE><P> After setting up the necessary environment variables, this starts up an Emacs process, passing to it all arguments given on the command line, creates a new buffer named <SPAN class="buffer">Oz</SPAN>, and starts a Mozart sub-process. </P><DIV class="apropos"><P class="margin">Which Emacs to Use</P><P> <A name="label10"></A><A name="label11"></A> <A name="label12"></A><A name="label13"></A> The command used to invoke Emacs is determined through the following steps: </P><OL type="1"><LI><P>If the environment variable <A name="label14"></A><A name="label15"></A><CODE>OZEMACS</CODE> is set, its contents is used. </P></LI><LI><P>Else, if a command named <CODE>emacs</CODE> is found in the <A name="label16"></A><A name="label17"></A><CODE>PATH</CODE>, this is used. </P></LI><LI><P>Else, if a command named <CODE>xemacs</CODE> is found in the <A name="label18"></A><A name="label19"></A><CODE>PATH</CODE>, this is used. </P></LI><LI><P>Else, if a command named <CODE>lemacs</CODE> is found in the <A name="label20"></A><A name="label21"></A><CODE>PATH</CODE>, this is used. </P></LI></OL><P> </P></DIV><H2><A name="label22">2.2 Invoking the OPI Under Windows</A></H2><P> <A name="label23"></A> The installation procedure will have created a <A name="label24"></A><SPAN class="index">program group</SPAN> for the Mozart system. The OPI is started by launching the <SPAN class="program">Mozart</SPAN> item. This item is a shortcut to the <CODE>oz.exe</CODE> program within the <CODE>bin</CODE> subfolder of the installation folder; as under Unix, any arguments given to it are passed on to the invoked Emacs. </P><DIV class="apropos"><P class="margin">Which Emacs to Use</P><P> <A name="label25"></A><A name="label26"></A> <A name="label27"></A><A name="label28"></A> The command used to invoke Emacs is determined through the following steps: </P><OL type="1"><LI><P>If the environment variable <A name="label29"></A><A name="label30"></A><CODE>OZEMACS</CODE> is set, its contents is used. </P></LI><LI><P>Else, if the registry indicates where GNU Emacs is installed, this is used. </P></LI><LI><P>Else, if the registry indicates where XEmacs is installed, this is used. </P></LI></OL><P> </P></DIV><H2><A name="label31">2.3 Invoking the OPI From Within Emacs</A></H2><P> You can also configure your Emacs so that you can use all of the OPI's functionality without using the <CODE>oz</CODE> script. Here's what you would typically add to your <A name="label32"></A>Emacs startup file (usually called <CODE>~/.emacs</CODE> under Unix and <CODE>C:\_emacs</CODE> under <A name="label33"></A><SPAN class="index">Windows</SPAN> 95; under Windows NT, it is located in your home directory): </P><BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>(or (getenv <SPAN class="string">"OZHOME"</SPAN>)<BR> (setenv <SPAN class="string">"OZHOME"</SPAN> <BR> <SPAN class="string">"/usr/local/oz"</SPAN>)) ; <SPAN class="comment">or wherever Mozart is installed<BR></SPAN>(setenv <SPAN class="string">"PATH"</SPAN> (concat (getenv <SPAN class="string">"OZHOME"</SPAN>) <SPAN class="string">"/bin:"</SPAN> (getenv <SPAN class="string">"PATH"</SPAN>)))<BR> <BR>(<SPAN class="keyword">setq</SPAN> <SPAN class="variablename">load-path</SPAN> (cons (concat (getenv <SPAN class="string">"OZHOME"</SPAN>) <SPAN class="string">"/share/elisp"</SPAN>)<BR> load-path))<BR> <BR>(<SPAN class="keyword">setq</SPAN> <SPAN class="variablename">auto-mode-alist</SPAN> <BR> (append '((<SPAN class="string">"\\.oz\\'"</SPAN> . oz-mode)<BR> (<SPAN class="string">"\\.ozg\\'"</SPAN> . oz-gump-mode))<BR> auto-mode-alist))<BR> <BR>(autoload 'run-oz <SPAN class="string">"oz"</SPAN> "" t)<BR>(autoload 'oz-mode <SPAN class="string">"oz"</SPAN> "" t)<BR>(autoload 'oz-gump-mode <SPAN class="string">"oz"</SPAN> "" t)<BR>(autoload 'oz-new-buffer <SPAN class="string">"oz"</SPAN> "" t)<BR></PRE></BLOCKQUOTE><P> Don't worry if you don't understand all of this (yet). </P><H2><A name="label34">2.4 The Oz Major Modes</A></H2><P> All of the OPI's functions are accessible in the following two major modes: </P><DL><DT class="command"><A name="label35"></A><SPAN class="index"><CODE>oz-mode</CODE></SPAN> <SPAN class="entrycategory"><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket"> [</SPAN><I>command</I><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket">]</SPAN></SPAN></DT><DD><P>This is the major mode for editing Oz code. Loading a file with extension <CODE>.oz</CODE> automatically puts a buffer into Oz mode. You can tell a buffer is in Oz mode by the string <CODE>Oz</CODE> in its <A name="label36"></A><SPAN class="index">mode line</SPAN>. </P></DD><DT class="command"><A name="label37"></A><SPAN class="index"><CODE>oz-gump-mode</CODE></SPAN> <SPAN class="entrycategory"><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket"> [</SPAN><I>command</I><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket">]</SPAN></SPAN></DT><DD><P>This is the major mode for editing Oz code with embedded Gump specifications (see <A href="../gump/index.html">``Gump - A Front-End Generator for Oz''</A>). Loading a file with extension <CODE>.ozg</CODE> automatically puts a buffer in Oz-Gump mode. You can tell a buffer is in Oz-Gump mode by the string <CODE>Oz-Gump</CODE> in its mode line. </P></DD></DL><P> </P><DIV class="apropos"><P class="margin">Oz Mode Hook</P><P> To both of these, the following <A name="label38"></A><SPAN class="index">hook</SPAN> applies. </P><DL><DT class="useroption"><A name="label39"></A><SPAN class="index"><CODE>oz-mode-hook</CODE></SPAN> <SPAN class="entrycategory"><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket"> [</SPAN><I>user option</I><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket">]</SPAN></SPAN></DT><DD><P>A list of functions to be run when one of the Oz modes is activated. These functions are applied without arguments. Change using Emacs functions <A name="label40"></A><SPAN class="index"><CODE>add-hook</CODE></SPAN> and <A name="label41"></A><SPAN class="index"><CODE>remove-hook</CODE></SPAN>. </P></DD></DL><P> </P></DIV><H2><A name="label42">2.5 Inspecting the OPI's Commands and User Options</A></H2><DIV class="apropos"><P class="margin">The Oz Menu</P><P> The Oz major modes add a <A name="label43"></A><SPAN class="index">menu</SPAN> called <CODE>Oz</CODE> to the menu bar (see <A href="node2.html#figure.menu">Figure 2.1</A>); this <A name="label44"></A>menu is also accessible by pressing the right mouse button in an Oz buffer. Many of the commands described in the next chapters are accessible through this menu. </P></DIV><DIV class="apropos"><P class="margin">Emacs Conventions</P><P> <A name="label45"></A> The Oz modes conform to the following Emacs conventions: </P><UL><LI><P>Nearly all functions and variables start with <CODE>oz-</CODE>... </P></LI><LI><P>If the <A name="label46"></A><SPAN class="index">documentation string</SPAN> of a variable starts with an asterisk, then its value is meant for the user to modify at will (a so-called <A name="label47"></A><EM>user option</EM>). The documentation string of a variable can be inspected with <A name="label48"></A><SPAN class="key">M-x describe-variable</SPAN> (<SPAN class="key">C-h v</SPAN>). </P></LI><LI><P>If a function has a documentation string, then it is meant for the user to use directly if she so wishes. Inspect the documentation string of a function with <A name="label49"></A><SPAN class="key">M-x describe-function</SPAN> (<SPAN class="key">C-h f</SPAN>); if a command is bound to a key, you can examine its documentation string with <A name="label50"></A><A name="label51"></A><SPAN class="key">M-x describe-key</SPAN> (<SPAN class="key">C-h k</SPAN>). </P></LI><LI><P>The OPI provides the feature <SPAN class="ignore"><CODE>(<SPAN class="keyword">provide</SPAN> '</CODE></SPAN><CODE><SPAN class="reference">oz</SPAN></CODE><SPAN class="ignore"><CODE>)</CODE></SPAN>. See Emacs' <SPAN class="ignore"><CODE>(</CODE></SPAN><CODE><SPAN class="keyword">require</SPAN></CODE> function for more details. </P></LI></UL><P> </P></DIV><DIV class="apropos"><P class="margin">Customization</P><P> New Emacsen offer a feature called <A name="label52"></A><EM>customization</EM>, which serves the purpose of setting the user options pertaining to a mode in a structured way. You can access this feature by <SPAN class="key">M-x customize</SPAN>; look at the group <SPAN class="buffer">Programming</SPAN>/<SPAN class="buffer">Languages</SPAN>/<SPAN class="buffer">Oz</SPAN>. You can also access this group directly via <SPAN class="key">M-x customize-group RET oz</SPAN>. </P></DIV><DIV class="apropos"><P class="margin">Key Bindings</P><P> A short description of the current major mode and its <A name="label53"></A>key bindings can be obtained through Emacs' <A name="label54"></A><SPAN class="key">M-x describe-mode</SPAN> (<SPAN class="key">C-h m</SPAN>). In this manual, the key sequences a command is bound to by default will always be shown in parenthesis following the command name. </P><DL><DT class="useroption"><A name="label55"></A><SPAN class="index"><CODE>oz-mode-map</CODE></SPAN> <SPAN class="entrycategory"><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket"> [</SPAN><I>user option</I><SPAN class="entrycategorybracket">]</SPAN></SPAN></DT><DD><P><A name="label56"></A>Keymap used in the Oz modes. </P></DD></DL><P> Generally, Oz-specific commands are made available both with <SPAN class="key">C-.</SPAN> and <SPAN class="key">C-c .</SPAN> as prefix. This manual always lists only the first of these. However, some terminals may not be able to generate <SPAN class="key">C-.</SPAN>; this is why the second one is provided. </P></DIV></DIV><DIV class="maxi" id="figure.menu"><TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD><HR><P><A name="figure.menu"></A></P><P> </P><DIV align="center"><IMG alt="" src="menu.gif" id="menu.gif"></DIV><P> </P><P class="caption"><STRONG>Figure 2.1:</STRONG> The Oz Menu.</P><HR></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV><TABLE align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="6" class="nav"><TR bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><TD><A href="node1.html#chapter.intro"><< Prev</A></TD><TD><A href="index.html">- Up -</A></TD><TD><A href="node3.html#chapter.editing">Next >></A></TD></TR></TABLE><HR align="left" width="30%"><DIV class="footnote"><A name="label57">1. </A>The percent sign (<CODE>%</CODE>) represents the shell prompt; it is not part of the command.</DIV><HR><ADDRESS><A href="http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~kornstae/">Leif Kornstaedt</A> and <A href="http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~duchier/">Denys Duchier</A><BR><SPAN class="version">Version 1.4.0 (20110908185330)</SPAN></ADDRESS></BODY></HTML>