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Video packages
This package depends on:
multimedia-tasks (= 0.4ubuntu1)
This package recommends:
advene, blender, bombono-dvd, browser-plugin-vlc, camorama, crtmpserver, dvbcut, dvdstyler, ffdiaporama, ffmpeg, ffmpeg2theora, ffmsindex, flowblade, freetuxtv, frei0r-plugins, gjacktransport, gnome-mplayer, gnome-mpv, gpac, gscanbus, gstreamer1.0-crystalhd, handbrake, harvid, i965-va-driver, kodi, kodi-eventclients-j2me, kodi-eventclients-kodi-send, kodi-pvr-argustv, kodi-pvr-dvbviewer, kodi-pvr-hts, kodi-pvr-iptvsimple, kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver, kodi-pvr-mythtv, kodi-pvr-nextpvr, kodi-pvr-njoy, kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi, kodi-pvr-vuplus, kodi-pvr-wmc, liba52-0.7.4, libav-tools, lives, m2vrequantiser, mediatomb, mencoder, mjpegtools, mjpegtools-gtk, mp4v2-utils, mpeg2dec, mplayer, mplayer-gui, mplayer2, mpv, multicat, ogmrip, opencollada-tools, openshot, rtmpdump, shotdetect, smplayer-themes, smtube, tsdecrypt, vdpau-va-driver, vdr-plugin-vnsiserver, x264, x265, xbmc-pvr-argustv, xbmc-pvr-dvbviewer
This package suggests:
2mandvd, animata, avidemux, booh, cinelerra-cv, cinepaint, clipgrab, colladacoherencytest, create-resources, deefuzzer, devede, dirac, djv-imaging, dvd-slideshow, dvd-vr, dvd95, dvdwizard, dvgrab, ffmpeg-gui, ffmpeg2dirac, ffmulticonverter, flash-player-flv, flowplayer, flumotion, freemix, freshplayerplugin, fuoco-converter, fuppes, glc, gstreamer-sharp-1.0, h264enc, ht5streamer, kdenlive, kino, kmediafactory, kodiplatform, libgstreamer-java, mediaconch, mediagoblin, mtn, mythtv, noad, ogmrip-plugins, openshot-docs, phonon-backend-mplayer, pixelstruct, pvr-hdhomerun, qmagneto, qmplay2, qwinff, qyledl, stopmotion, subtitleeditor, toutv, transcode, videolan-doc, videotrans, xbmc, xbmc-pvr-demo, xjadeo, yle-dl
This package does not conflict with any other package.
multimedia-video 0.4ubuntu1 is in ubuntu - xenial / universe. This package's architecture is: architectureless.
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