/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychBasic/GetChar.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% [ch, when] = GetChar([getExtendedData], [getRawCode])
% Wait for a typed character and return it. If a character was typed
% before calling GetChar then GetChar will return that character immediatly.
% Characters flushed by FlushEvents are all ignored by GetChar. Characters
% are returned in the first return argument "ch".
% Please read the 'help ListenChar' carefully to understand various
% limitations and caveats of this function, and to learn about - often
% better - alternatives.
% CAUTION: Do not rely on the keypress timestamps returned by GetChar
% without fully reading and understanding this help text. Run your own
% timing tests on GetChar and KbCheck to verify that the timing is good
% enough and avoid GetChar for timed keypresses if possible at all. Use
% KbWait and KbCheck instead.
% The main purpose of GetChar is to reliably collect keyboard input in the
% background while your experiment script is occupied with performing other
% operations, e.g., Matlab computations, sound output or visual stimulus
% drawing. After an initial call to ListenChar, the operating system will
% record all keyboard input into an internal queue. GetChar removes
% characters from that queue, one character per invocation of GetChar. You
% can empty that queue any time by calling FlushEvents('keyDown').
% If you want to check the current state of the keyboard, e.g., for
% triggering immediate actions in response to a key press, waiting for a
% subjects response, synchronizing to keytriggers (e.g., fMRI machines) or
% if you require high timing precision then use KbCheck instead of GetChar.
% GetChar should work on all platforms, but its specific functionality,
% beyond simply returning typed characters, will vary depending on OS type
% and version, if you use Matlab or Octave, and if you use Matlab with or
% without Java based GUI active. For portability it is therefore best to
% ignore all info returned beyond the character code.
% "when" is a struct. It (used to) return the time of the keypress, the "adb"
% address of the input device, and the state of all the modifier keys
% (shift, control, command, option, alphaLock) and the mouse button.
% "when.secs" is an estimate, of what GetSecs would have been. Since it's
% derived sometime from a timebase different from the timebase of GetSecs,
% times returned by GetSecs are not directly comparable to when.secs.
% By setting getExtendedData to 0, all extended timing/modifier information
% will not be collected and "when" will be returned empty. This speeds up
% calls to this function. If ommitted or set to 1, the "when" data
% structure is filled. getRawCode set to 1 will set "ch" to be the integer
% ACII code of the available character. If ommitted or set to 0, "ch" will
% be in char format. When running under Linux in "matlab -nojvm" mode or on
% Octave, "when" will be returned empty. When running on any other
% operating system under Octave or in "matlab -nojvm" mode, or on Windows
% Vista and later versions of the Windows OS, when will only contain a
% valid timestamp, but all other fields will be meaningless.
% GetChar and CharAvail are character-oriented (and slow), whereas KbCheck
% and KbWait are keypress-oriented (and fast). If only a meta key (like
% <option> or <shift>) was hit, KbCheck will return true, because a key was
% pressed, but CharAvail will return false, because no character was
% generated. See KbCheck.
% CharAvail and GetChar use the system event queue to retrieve the character
% generated, not the raw key press(es) per se. If the user presses "a",
% GetChar returns 'a', but if the user presses option-e followed by "a",
% this selects an accented a, "?", which is treated by GetChar as a single
% character, even though it took the user three keypresses (counting the
% option key) to produce it.
% There can be some delay between when the key is pressed and when CharAvail
% or GetChar detects it, due to internal processing overhead in Matlabs Java
% implementation. GetChar internally collects timestamps in the timebase
% used by Matlabs Java implementation, whereas other Psychtoolbox timing functions
% (GetSecs, Screen('Flip'), KbCheck, KbWait, ...) use time reported by some
% high precision system timer. The "when.secs" time reported by GetChar is
% converted from Java timebase to Psychtoolboxs timebase. Due to conversion
% errors mostly out of our control, the reported values can be off by
% multiple dozen or even hundreds of milliseconds from what KbWait, KbCheck
% or GetSecs would report. Example: A high-end Pentium-4 3.2 Ghz system
% running Windows-XP has been measured to be off by 40 to 70 milliseconds.
% Some Java implementations are also known to have problems/bugs in
% timestamping keyboard presses properly and each Matlab version on each
% operating system is bundled with a different Java version, so some Matlab
% versions may be reliable with respect to GetChars timing, whereas others
% are not.
% ---> If precise timing of the keypress is important, use KbCheck or
% KbWait or KbQueueXXX functions or KbEventGet for consistent results!
% OS X / Windows-XP / Linux with Matlab and Java enabled: _________________
% JAVA PATH: The GetChar implementation for Matlab is based on Java.
% Therefore, the Psychtoolbox subfolder PsychJava must be added to Matlabs
% static classpath. Normally this is done by the Psychtoolbox installer by
% editing the Matlab file "classpath.txt" (enter which('classpath.txt') to
% find the location of that file). If the installer fails to edit the file
% properly, you'll need to perform that step manually by following the
% instructions of the installer. See 'help PsychJavaTrouble' for more infos
% on this.
% KEYSTROKES IN THE BACKGROUND: To detect keypresses made before the
% GetChar call, you must have called "ListenChar" earlier. ListenChar
% redirects keystrokes to the GetChar queue. Calling ListenChar at the
% beginning of your script should cause GetChar to behave identically
% to OS 9 GetChar with respect to background keystroke collection.
% KEYSTROKES IN MATLAB WINDOW: By default, all keystrokes are also sent to
% Matlabs window, generating some ugly clutter. You can suppress this by
% calling ListenChar(2), so your Matlab console stays nice and clean. Don't
% forget to call ListenChar(1) or ListenChar(0) though before the end of
% your script. If Matlab returns to its command prompt without reenabling
% keyboard input via ListenChar(0) or ListenChar(1), Matlab will be left
% with a dead keyboard until you press the CTRL+C key combo. This silencing
% of clutter does currently not work in matlab -nojvm mode, or if you use
% GNU/Octave instead of Matlab.
% OTHER "when" RETURN ARGUMENT FIELDS: Owing to differences in what
% accessory information the underlying operating systems provides about
% keystrokes, "when' return argument fields differs between operating systems.
% GetChar sets fields for which it returns no value to the value 'Nan'.
% See also: ListenChar, CharAvail, FlushEvents, GetCharTest, KbCheck,
% KbWait
% 5/7/96 dgp Wrote this help file.
% 1/22/97 dhb Added comment and pointer to TIMER routines.
% 3/6/97 dhb References to KbWait, KbCheck.
% 7/23/97 dgp It's a character not a keypress.
% 8/2/97 dgp Explain difference between key and character. See KbCheck.
% 2/7/98 dgp Streamlined. Eliminated call to GetKey, since it's now GetChar.mex.
% 3/24/98 dgp Explain backgrounding and meta keys. Don't mention obsolete GetKey and KbHit.
% 3/15/99 xmz Put in some comment for Windows version.
% 3/19/99 dgp Update explanation of backgrounding.
% 3/28/99 dgp Show how to turn off backgrounding.
% 8/19/00 dgp Cosmetic.
% 4/23/02 dgp Fixed GetChar.mex to always quit on command-period.
% 4/27/02 dgp Added optional second return argument.
% 6/1/02 dgp Mention Tick0Secs.
% 9/21/02 dgp Added address field to "when", using C code donated by Tom Busey.
% 7/12/04 awi ****** OS X-specific fork from the OS 9 version *******
% Expanded on explantion in the first paragraph about when
% GetChar waits, when it returns immediatly, what
% it ignores. Retains OS 9-specific comments.
% 1/27/04 awi Issue an error when calling GetChar and suggest KbWait.
% 1/19/05 awi Implemented GetChar on OS X. Added AssertMex for OS 9 and OS X conditional block.
% 7/20/05 awi Wrote OS X documentation section.
% 2/2/06 awi Tested to see if this works when the MATLAB text editing
% window is minimized. It does not.
% 2/22/06 awi Commented out Cocoa wrapper and wrote Java wrapper.
% 3/28/06 awi Detect buffer overflow.
% Handle new double value from .getChar(), was char type.
% Changed "char" return value to "ch" to avoid name conflict with
% built-in MATLAB function "char"
% 6/15/06 awi Added a second return argument.
% Updated built-in help for the Java implementation.
% 6/15/06 awi Added break on CTRL-C
% Added TO DO section and item to detect genuine KeyDown
% events.
% 6/20/06 awi Use AddPsychJavaPath instead of AssertGetCharJava.
% 8/16/06 cgb Now using the new GetChar system which taps straight into
% the java keypress dispatcher.
% 9/18/06 mk GetChar now works on all Matlabs (OS-X, Windows) in JVM
% mode. In -nojvm mode on Windows, it falls back to the old
% Windows DLL ...
% 05/31/09 mk Add support for Octave and Matlab in noJVM mode.
% 10/22/12 mk Remove support for legacy Matlab R11 GetCharNoJVM.dll.
% 10/22/12 mk Add support for KbQueue-Based implementation.
% The second return argument from OS 9 PTB looks like this:
% ticks: 5760808
% secs: 1.4681e+05
% address: 2
% mouseButton: 0
% alphaLock: 0
% commandKey: 0
% controlKey: 0
% optionKey: 0
% shiftKey: 0
% If no command line argument was passed we'll assume that the user only
% wants to get character data and timing/modifier data.
if nargin == 0
getExtendedData = 1;
getRawCode = 0;
elseif nargin == 1
getRawCode = 0;
% Is this Matlab? Is the JVM running? Isn't this Windows Vista or later?
if psychusejava('desktop') && ~IsWinVista
% Java virtual machine and AWT and Desktop are running. Use our Java based
% GetChar.
% Make sure that the GetCharJava class is loaded and registered with
% the java focus manager.
if isempty(OSX_JAVA_GETCHAR)
OSX_JAVA_GETCHAR = AssignGetCharJava;
catch %#ok<*CTCH>
error('Could not load Java class GetCharJava! Read ''help PsychJavaTrouble'' for help.');
% Make sure the Matlab window has keyboard focus:
if exist('commandwindow') %#ok<EXIST>
% Call builtin implementation:
% Loop until we receive character input.
keepChecking = 1;
while keepChecking
% Check to see if a character is available, and stop looking if
% we've found one.
charValue = OSX_JAVA_GETCHAR.getChar;
keepChecking = charValue == 0;
if keepChecking
% Throw an error if we've exceeded the buffer size.
if charValue == -1
% Reenable keystroke dispatching to Matlab to leave us with a
% functional Matlab console.
error('GetChar buffer overflow. Use "FlushEvents" to clear error');
% Get the typed character.
if getRawCode
ch = charValue;
ch = char(charValue);
% Only fill up the 'when' data stucture if extended data was requested.
if getExtendedData
modifiers = OSX_JAVA_GETCHAR.getModifiers;
when.commandKey = modifiers(1);
when.controlKey = modifiers(2);
when.optionKey = modifiers(3);
when.shiftKey = modifiers(4);
rawEventTimeMs = OSX_JAVA_GETCHAR.getEventTime; % result is in units of ms.
when.ticks = nan;
when.secs = JavaTimeToGetSecs(rawEventTimeMs, -1);
when = [];
% Running either on Octave, or on Matlab in No JVM mode or on MS-Vista+:
% If we are on Linux and the keyboard queue is already in use by usercode,
% we can fall back to 'GetMouseHelper' low-level terminal tty magic. The
% only downside is that typed characters will spill into the console, ie.,
% ListenChar(2) suppression is unsupported:
if IsLinux && KbQueueReserve(3, 2, [])
% Loop until we receive character input.
keepChecking = 1;
while keepChecking
% Check to see if a character is available, and stop looking if
% we've found one.
% KeyboardHelper with command code 15 delivers
% id of currently pending characters on stdin:
charValue = PsychHID('KeyboardHelper', -15);
keepChecking = charValue == 0;
if keepChecking
if exist('fflush') %#ok<EXIST>
builtin('fflush', 1);
% Throw an error if we've exceeded the buffer size.
if charValue == -1
% Reenable keystroke display to leave us with a
% functional console.
PsychHID('KeyboardHelper', -11);
error('GetChar buffer overflow. Use "FlushEvents" to clear error');
% No extended data in this mode:
when = [];
% Use keyboard queue:
% Only need to reserve/create/start queue if we don't have it
% already:
if ~KbQueueReserve(3, 1, [])
% LoadPsychHID is needed on MS-Windows. It no-ops if called redundantly:
% Try to reserve default keyboard queue for our exclusive use:
if ~KbQueueReserve(1, 1, [])
% Ok, we have to abort here. While the same issue is only worth
% a warning for CharAvail and FlushEvents, it is game over for
% GetChar, as we must not touch a user managed kbqueue, and we
% can't provide any sensible behaviour if we can't do that:
error('Keyboard queue for default keyboard device already in use by KbQueue/KbEvent functions et al. Use of ListenChar/GetChar etc. and keyboard queues is mutually exclusive!');
% Got it. Allocate and start it:
if (IsOSX(1) || (IsOctave && IsGUI))
% Enable keystroke redirection via kbyqueue and pty to bypass
% blockade of onscreen windows:
PsychHID('KeyboardHelper', -14);
% Queue is running: Poll it for new events we're interested in:
% Loop until we receive character input.
keepChecking = 1;
while keepChecking
% Check to see if a character is available, and stop looking if
% we've found one.
event = PsychHID('KbQueueGetEvent', [], 0.1);
if ~isempty(event) && event.Pressed && (event.CookedKey > 0)
charValue = event.CookedKey;
keepChecking = 0;
charValue = 0;
keepChecking = 1;
if keepChecking
if exist('fflush') %#ok<EXIST>
builtin('fflush', 1);
% Only fill up the 'when' data stucture if extended data was requested.
if getExtendedData
modifiers = [nan, nan, nan, nan];
when.commandKey = modifiers(1);
when.controlKey = modifiers(2);
when.optionKey = modifiers(3);
when.shiftKey = modifiers(4);
when.ticks = nan;
when.secs = event.Time;
when = [];
% Get the typed character.
if getRawCode
ch = charValue;
ch = char(charValue);