/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pex/package.py is in python-pex 1.1.4-1.
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
import os
from pkg_resources import EGG_NAME, parse_version, safe_name
from .archiver import Archiver
from .base import maybe_requirement
from .interpreter import PythonInterpreter
from .link import Link
from .pep425 import PEP425, PEP425Extras
from .platforms import Platform
from .util import Memoizer
class Package(Link):
"""Base class for named Python binary packages (e.g. source, egg, wheel)."""
class Error(Exception): pass
class InvalidPackage(Error): pass
# The registry of concrete implementations
_REGISTRY = set()
# The cache of packages that we have already constructed.
def register(cls, package_type):
"""Register a concrete implementation of a Package to be recognized by pex."""
if not issubclass(package_type, cls):
raise TypeError('package_type must be a subclass of Package.')
def from_href(cls, href, **kw):
"""Convert from a url to Package.
:param href: The url to parse
:type href: string
:returns: A Package object if a valid concrete implementation exists, otherwise None.
package = cls._HREF_TO_PACKAGE_CACHE.get(href)
if package is not None:
return package
link_href = Link.wrap(href)
for package_type in cls._REGISTRY:
package = package_type(link_href.url, **kw)
except package_type.InvalidPackage:
if package is not None:
cls._HREF_TO_PACKAGE_CACHE.store(href, package)
return package
def name(self):
return NotImplementedError
def raw_version(self):
return NotImplementedError
def version(self):
return parse_version(self.raw_version)
def satisfies(self, requirement):
"""Determine whether this package matches the requirement.
:param requirement: The requirement to compare this Package against
:type requirement: string or :class:`pkg_resources.Requirement`
:returns: True if the package matches the requirement, otherwise False
requirement = maybe_requirement(requirement)
link_name = safe_name(self.name).lower()
if link_name != requirement.key:
return False
return self.raw_version in requirement
def compatible(self, identity, platform=Platform.current()):
"""Is this link compatible with the given :class:`PythonIdentity` identity and platform?
:param identity: The Python identity (e.g. CPython 2.7.5) against which compatibility
should be checked.
:type identity: :class:`PythonIdentity`
:param platform: The platform against which compatibility should be checked. If None, do not
check platform compatibility.
:type platform: string or None
raise NotImplementedError
class SourcePackage(Package):
"""A Package representing an uncompiled/unbuilt source distribution."""
def split_fragment(cls, fragment):
"""A heuristic used to split a string into version name/fragment:
>>> SourcePackage.split_fragment('pysolr-2.1.0-beta')
('pysolr', '2.1.0-beta')
>>> SourcePackage.split_fragment('cElementTree-1.0.5-20051216')
('cElementTree', '1.0.5-20051216')
>>> SourcePackage.split_fragment('pil-1.1.7b1-20090412')
('pil', '1.1.7b1-20090412')
>>> SourcePackage.split_fragment('django-plugin-2-2.3')
('django-plugin-2', '2.3')
def likely_version_component(enumerated_fragment):
return sum(bool(v and v[0].isdigit()) for v in enumerated_fragment[1].split('.'))
fragments = fragment.split('-')
if len(fragments) == 1:
return fragment, ''
max_index, _ = max(enumerate(fragments), key=likely_version_component)
return '-'.join(fragments[0:max_index]), '-'.join(fragments[max_index:])
def __init__(self, url, **kw):
super(SourcePackage, self).__init__(url, **kw)
ext = Archiver.get_extension(self.filename)
if ext is None:
raise self.InvalidPackage('%s is not a recognized archive format.' % self.filename)
fragment = self.filename[:-len(ext)]
self._name, self._raw_version = self.split_fragment(fragment)
def name(self):
return safe_name(self._name)
def raw_version(self):
return self._raw_version
# SourcePackages are always compatible as they can be translated to a distribution.
def compatible(self, identity, platform=Platform.current()):
return True
class EggPackage(Package):
"""A Package representing a built egg."""
def __init__(self, url, **kw):
super(EggPackage, self).__init__(url, **kw)
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
if ext.lower() != '.egg':
raise self.InvalidPackage('Not an egg: %s' % filename)
matcher = EGG_NAME(filename)
if not matcher:
raise self.InvalidPackage('Could not match egg: %s' % filename)
self._name, self._raw_version, self._py_version, self._platform = matcher.group(
'name', 'ver', 'pyver', 'plat')
if self._raw_version is None or self._py_version is None:
raise self.InvalidPackage('url with .egg extension but bad name: %s' % url)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.name, self.version, self.py_version, self.platform))
def name(self):
return safe_name(self._name)
def raw_version(self):
return self._raw_version
def py_version(self):
return self._py_version
def platform(self):
return self._platform
def compatible(self, identity, platform=Platform.current()):
if not Platform.version_compatible(self.py_version, identity.python):
return False
if not Platform.compatible(self.platform, platform):
return False
return True
class WheelPackage(Package):
"""A Package representing a built wheel."""
def __init__(self, url, **kw):
super(WheelPackage, self).__init__(url, **kw)
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
if ext.lower() != '.whl':
raise self.InvalidPackage('Not a wheel: %s' % filename)
self._name, self._raw_version, self._py_tag, self._abi_tag, self._arch_tag = (
except ValueError:
raise self.InvalidPackage('Wheel filename malformed.')
# See https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1150 for why this is unavoidable.
self._name.replace('_', '-')
self._raw_version.replace('_', '-')
self._supported_tags = frozenset(self._iter_tags())
def name(self):
return self._name
def raw_version(self):
return self._raw_version
def _iter_tags(self):
for py in self._py_tag.split('.'):
for abi in self._abi_tag.split('.'):
for arch in self._arch_tag.split('.'):
for real_arch in PEP425Extras.platform_iterator(arch):
yield (py, abi, real_arch)
def compatible(self, identity, platform=Platform.current()):
for tag in PEP425.iter_supported_tags(identity, platform):
if tag in self._supported_tags:
return True
return False
def distribution_compatible(dist, interpreter=None, platform=None):
"""Is this distribution compatible with the given interpreter/platform combination?
:param interpreter: The Python interpreter against which compatibility should be checked. If None
specified, the current interpreter is used.
:type identity: :class:`PythonInterpreter` or None
:param platform: The platform against which compatibility should be checked. If None, the current
platform will be used
:type platform: string or None
:returns: True if the distribution is compatible, False if it is unrecognized or incompatible.
interpreter = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get()
platform = platform or Platform.current()
package = Package.from_href(dist.location)
if not package:
return False
return package.compatible(interpreter.identity, platform=platform)