/usr/share/pyshared/zope.principalannotation-3.6.1.egg-info/PKG-INFO is in python-zope.principalannotation 3.6.1-0ubuntu4.
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Name: zope.principalannotation
Version: 3.6.1
Summary: Annotations for Zope Principals
Home-page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.principalannotation
Author: Zope Foundation and Contributors
Author-email: zope-dev@zope.org
License: ZPL 2.1
Description: =====================
Principal Annotations
This package implements annotations for zope.security principals.
To make it clear, the `principal` here is the object that provides
``zope.security.interfaces.IPrincipal`` interface and `annotations` is
the object providing ``zope.annotation.interfaces.IAnnotations``.
The problem is that principals is dynamic, non-persistent objects created
on the fly for every security participation (request or something), so
common annotation techniques, like AttributeAnnotations cannot be applied
to them.
This package provides a persistent storage of principal annotations,
storing annotations by principal ID as well as an adapter from IPrincipal
to IAnnotations.
The core of this package is the ``PrincipalAnnotationUtility`` class
that stores annotations for principals and allows to get them easily.
It provides the IPrincipalAnnotationUtility interface::
>>> from zope.principalannotation.interfaces import IPrincipalAnnotationUtility
>>> from zope.principalannotation.utility import PrincipalAnnotationUtility
>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
>>> util = PrincipalAnnotationUtility()
>>> verifyObject(IPrincipalAnnotationUtility, util)
It provides three methods: ``getAnnotations``, ``getAnnotationsById``
and ``hasAnnotations``. Let's create a testing principal and check out
these methods::
>>> from zope.security.testing import Principal
>>> nadako = Principal('nadako')
>>> nadako.id
We can check if our principal has any annotations. Of course, it
currently doesn't have any::
>>> util.hasAnnotations(nadako)
We can get ``IAnnotations`` object using principal object itself::
>>> util.getAnnotations(nadako)
<zope.principalannotation.utility.Annotations object at 0x...>
Or using principal id::
>>> util.getAnnotationsById(nadako.id)
<zope.principalannotation.utility.Annotations object at 0x...>
Let's get the ``IAnnotations`` object for our principal and play with it::
>>> annots = util.getAnnotations(nadako)
>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
>>> from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
>>> verifyObject(IAnnotations, annots)
Let's check the ``IAnnotation`` contract::
>>> bool(annots)
>>> annots['not.here']
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'not.here'
>>> annots.get('not.here') is None
>>> annots.get('not.here', 42)
Note, that the ``IAnnotations`` object gets stored in the utility only
when we set a key for it. This is a simple optimization that allows
us not to store any data when all we do is simply checking for presense
of annotation. The ``hasAnnotations`` method will return ``True`` after
storing a key in the annotations::
>>> util.hasAnnotations(nadako)
>>> annots['its.here'] = 'some info'
>>> util.hasAnnotations(nadako)
We can also delete the existing key::
>>> del annots['its.here']
But we can't delete the key that is (no more) existant::
>>> del annots['its.here']
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'its.here'
Multiple annotation utilities
Imagine that your application has a root ``site`` object with its
component registry (a.k.a. site manager) and that object has a sub-site
object with its own component registry, and that component registry
has the root's component registry as its base.
In that case, we want the ``IAnnotations`` object to be available to
retrieve annotations from higher-level utilities.
Let's register our utility in the root site and create a sub-site
with its own IPrincipalAnnotationUtility::
>>> root['util'] = util
>>> rootsm = root.getSiteManager()
>>> rootsm.registerUtility(util, IPrincipalAnnotationUtility)
>>> from zope.site.folder import Folder
>>> from zope.site.site import LocalSiteManager
>>> subsite = Folder()
>>> root['subsite'] = subsite
>>> subsm = LocalSiteManager(subsite)
>>> subsm.__bases__ = (rootsm,)
>>> subsite.setSiteManager(subsm)
>>> util2 = PrincipalAnnotationUtility()
>>> subsite['util2'] = util2
>>> subsm.registerUtility(util2, IPrincipalAnnotationUtility)
Now, let's create a key in the IAnnotations, provided by root utility::
>>> annots = util.getAnnotations(nadako)
>>> annots['root.number'] = 42
The subsite utility should get the annotation successfully::
>>> annots2 = util2.getAnnotations(nadako)
>>> bool(annots2)
>>> annots2['root.number']
If we have the key both in higher-level annotations and lower-level ones,
the lower-level will have priority, but higher-level won't be deleted or
>>> annots['another.number'] = 1
>>> annots2['another.number'] = 42
>>> annots['another.number']
>>> annots2['another.number']
If we'll delete the key from lower-level, it will not be deleted from a
higher level utility::
>>> del annots2['another.number']
>>> annots['another.number']
>>> annots2['another.number']
IPrincipal -> IAnnotations adapter
Of course, the most nice feature is that we can simply adapt our
principal object to IAnnotations and get those annotations using
standard way documented in ``zope.annotation`` package.
>>> annots = IAnnotations(nadako)
>>> annots
<zope.principalannotation.utility.Annotations object at 0x...>
>>> annots['root.number']
By default, the IAnnotation adapter uses the current site's utility::
>>> IAnnotations(nadako) is util.getAnnotations(nadako)
>>> from zope.site.hooks import setSite
>>> setSite(subsite)
>>> IAnnotations(nadako) is util2.getAnnotations(nadako)
Howerver, we can use a binary multi-adapter to IAnnotations to specify
some context object from which to get the annotations utility::
>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> annots = getMultiAdapter((nadako, root), IAnnotations)
>>> annots is util.getAnnotations(nadako)
>>> annots = getMultiAdapter((nadako, subsite), IAnnotations)
>>> annots is util2.getAnnotations(nadako)
3.6.1 (2010-05-05)
- Fixed a test failure in nested local site manager setup.
- Removed dependency on zope.container.
3.6.0 (2009-03-09)
Initial release. This package was splitted off zope.app.principalannotation
to remove its dependencies on "zope 3 application server" components.
In addition, the following changes were made after split off:
- The IAnnotations implementation was fixed to look in the higher-level
utility not only on ``__getitem__``, but also on ``get`` and ``__nonzero``.
- Tests was reworked into the README.txt doctest.
- Added a buildout part that generates Sphinx documentation from the
Keywords: zope security principal annotation
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Classifier: Framework :: Zope3