This file is indexed.

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/test_export.csv is in python3-dbf 0.96.005-1.

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"Soft                     ",False,4.0,"0006-03-03","Soft rains, given time, have rounded the angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight,",8.0,12.0,2,"2002-03-03 02:02:06","b'Soft time, the great after borne brought amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years.'","b'Soft angles wind amid All away. holds Sunlight,'"
"rains,                   ",True,4.5,"0008-04-04","rains, given time, have rounded the angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading",10.125,13.5,3,"2003-04-04 03:03:09","b'rains, have angles towers. generation, seeds down the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight,'","b'rains, of borne the statues Still its fading'"
"given                    ",False,8.33333,"0012-06-06","given time, have rounded the angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn",34.72222222222223,25.0,5,"2005-06-06 05:05:15","b'given rounded of Generation wind have cities gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading'","b'given great seeds gentle of one lines autumn'"
"time,                    ",False,9.8,"0016-08-08","time, have rounded the angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light,",48.02000000000001,29.4,7,"2007-08-08 07:07:21","b'time, the great after borne brought amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn'","b'time, towers. have tangle stone statue, against light,'"
"have                     ",False,17.28571,"0024-12-12","have rounded the angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms",149.39795918367346,51.857,11,"2011-12-12 11:11:33","b'have angles towers. generation, seeds down the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light,'","b'have Generation brought of have not the warms'"
"rounded                  ",False,15.36364,"0028-02-14","rounded the angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the",118.02066115702479,46.091,13,"2013-02-14 13:13:39","b'rounded of Generation wind have cities gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms'","b'rounded after down their been of passing the'"
"the                      ",True,22.23077,"0036-06-18","the angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture",247.10355029585796,66.692,17,"2017-06-18 17:17:51","b'the great after borne brought amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the'","b'the generation, cities roots. worn stone, years. sculpture'"
"angles                   ",True,21.23529,"0040-08-20","angles of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as",225.46885813148788,63.706,19,"2019-08-20 19:19:57","b'angles towers. generation, seeds down the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture'","b'angles wind amid All away. holds Sunlight, as'"
"of                       ",False,27.84211,"0048-12-24","of great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best",387.59141274238226,83.526,23,"2023-12-24 23:23:09","b'of Generation wind have cities gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as'","b'of borne the statues Still its fading best'"
"great                    ",False,36.56522,"0060-06-03","great towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it",668.5075614366731,109.696,29,"2029-06-02 05:29:27","b'great after borne brought amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best'","b'great seeds gentle of one lines autumn it'"
"towers.                  ",False,33.13793,"0064-08-05","towers. Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can,",549.0612366230679,99.414,31,"2031-08-04 07:31:33","b'towers. generation, seeds down the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it'","b'towers. have tangle stone statue, against light, can,'"
"Generation               ",False,44.16129,"0076-02-11","Generation after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost",975.1097814776276,132.484,37,"2037-02-10 13:37:51","b'Generation wind have cities gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can,'","b'Generation brought of have not the warms almost'"
"after                    ",False,45.43243,"0084-06-15","after generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating",1032.0529583637692,136.297,41,"2041-06-14 17:41:03","b'after borne brought amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost'","b'after down their been of passing the penetrating'"
"generation,              ",False,45.09756,"0088-08-17","generation, wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to",1016.8950029744199,135.293,43,"2043-08-16 19:43:09","b'generation, seeds down the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating'","b'generation, cities roots. worn stone, years. sculpture to'"
"wind                     ",False,51.37209,"0096-12-21","wind borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its",1319.5459707950245,154.116,47,"2047-12-20 23:47:21","b'wind have cities gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to'","b'wind amid All away. holds Sunlight, as its'"
"borne                    ",False,59.76596,"0108-06-27","borne seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming",1785.984834766863,179.298,53,"2053-06-26 05:53:39","b'borne brought amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its'","b'borne the statues Still its fading best dreaming'"
"seeds                    ",False,65.67925,"0120-12-06","seeds have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core.",2156.8816304734783,197.038,59,"2059-12-04 11:59:57","b'seeds down the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming'","b'seeds gentle of one lines autumn it core.'"
"have                     ",False,63.0678,"0124-02-08","have brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The",1988.7734846308533,189.203,61,"2061-02-06 13:01:03","b'have cities gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core.'","b'have tangle stone statue, against light, can, The'"
"brought                  ",False,73.59016,"0136-08-14","brought down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure",2707.7561139478635,220.77,67,"2067-08-12 19:07:21","b'brought amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The'","b'brought of have not the warms almost figure'"
"down                     ",False,75.23881,"0144-12-18","down cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is",2830.438961906884,225.716,71,"2071-12-16 23:11:33","b'down the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure'","b'down their been of passing the penetrating is'"
"cities                   ",True,75.05634,"0148-02-20","cities amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that",2816.7269390993847,225.169,73,"2073-02-18 01:13:39","b'cities gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is'","b'cities roots. worn stone, years. sculpture to that'"
"amid                     ",False,85.49315,"0160-08-26","amid the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of",3654.5394070182024,256.479,79,"2079-08-24 07:19:57","b'amid tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that'","b'amid All away. holds Sunlight, as its of'"
"the                      ",True,87.20253,"0168-12-03","the gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a",3802.1407626982855,261.608,83,"2083-12-28 11:23:09","b'the of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of'","b'the statues Still its fading best dreaming a'"
"gentle                   ",True,95.43373,"0180-06-09","gentle tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman,",4553.798882276092,286.301,89,"2089-06-06 17:29:27","b'gentle their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a'","b'gentle of one lines autumn it core. woman,'"
"tangle                   ",True,105.7191,"0196-02-17","tangle of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once",5588.264171190506,317.157,97,"2097-02-14 01:37:51","b'tangle roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman,'","b'tangle stone statue, against light, can, The once'"
"of                       ",False,105.16495,"0204-06-21","of their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the",5529.83319162504,315.495,101,"2101-06-18 05:41:03","b'of All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once'","b'of have not the warms almost figure the'"
"their                    ",False,105.0396,"0208-08-23","their roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair",5516.659200078423,315.119,103,"2103-08-20 07:43:09","b'their statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the'","b'their been of passing the penetrating is fair'"
"roots.                   ",True,111.15534,"0216-12-27","roots. All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex",6177.75478367424,333.466,107,"2107-12-24 11:47:21","b'roots. of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair'","b'roots. worn stone, years. sculpture to that sex'"
"All                      ",True,111.03738,"0220-02-02","All statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of",6164.650231461263,333.112,109,"2109-02-26 13:49:27","b'All stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex'","b'All away. holds Sunlight, as its of of'"
"statues                  ",False,117.14679,"0228-06-06","statues of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a",6861.6850854305185,351.44,113,"2113-06-02 17:53:39","b'statues have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the of'","b'statues Still its fading best dreaming a a'"
"of                       ",False,142.73451,"0256-08-20","of stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species",10186.57063983084,428.204,127,"2127-08-16 07:07:21","b'of been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a'","b'of one lines autumn it core. woman, species'"
"stone                    ",False,135.12598,"0264-12-24","stone have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now",9129.51581003162,405.378,131,"2131-12-20 11:11:33","b'stone worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species'","b'stone statue, against light, can, The once now'"
"have                     ",False,143.27481,"0276-06-03","have been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled",10263.835469960959,429.824,137,"2137-06-26 17:17:51","b'have away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the of now'","b'have not the warms almost figure the untroubled'"
"been                     ",False,141.0292,"0280-08-05","been worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and",9944.617214555916,423.088,139,"2139-08-28 19:19:57","b'been Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled'","b'been of passing the penetrating is fair and'"
"worn                     ",False,159.71942,"0300-06-15","worn away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long",12755.14727498577,479.158,149,"2149-06-10 05:29:27","b'worn one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and'","b'worn stone, years. sculpture to that sex long'"
"away.                    ",False,153.02685,"0304-08-17","away. Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen.",11708.607742894466,459.081,151,"2151-08-12 07:31:33","b'away. statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the of now long'","b'away. holds Sunlight, as its of of unseen.'"
"Still                    ",False,163.23841,"0316-02-23","Still one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man",13323.389346958465,489.715,157,"2157-02-18 13:37:51","b'Still not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen.'","b'Still its fading best dreaming a a Man'"
"one                      ",True,169.2293,"0328-08-02","one statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps",14319.277881455637,507.688,163,"2163-08-24 19:43:09","b'one of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man'","b'one lines autumn it core. woman, species sleeps'"
"statue,                  ",False,171.09816,"0336-12-06","statue, not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the",14637.290093718242,513.294,167,"2167-12-28 23:47:21","b'statue, stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps'","b'statue, against light, can, The once now the'"
"not                      ",True,179.21557,"0348-06-12","not of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep",16059.110061314499,537.647,173,"2173-06-06 05:53:39","b'not holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the'","b'not the warms almost figure the untroubled sleep'"
"of                       ",False,185.20809,"0360-12-18","of stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of",17151.018761067862,555.624,179,"2179-12-12 11:59:57","b'of its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep'","b'of passing the penetrating is fair and of'"
"stone,                   ",True,183.02235,"0364-02-20","stone, holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction.",16748.58963515496,549.067,181,"2181-02-14 13:01:03","b'stone, lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps of'","b'stone, years. sculpture to that sex long extinction.'"
"holds                    ",False,201.55249,"0384-12-03","holds its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This",20311.70234425079,604.657,191,"2191-12-24 23:11:33","b'holds against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction.'","b'holds Sunlight, as its of of unseen. This'"
"its                      ",True,195.02094,"0388-02-05","its lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one",19016.58398892574,585.063,193,"2193-02-26 01:13:39","b'its the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This'","b'its fading best dreaming a a Man one'"
"lines                    ",False,201.0829,"0396-06-09","lines against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue",20217.166648769093,603.249,197,"2197-06-02 05:17:51","b'lines passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps of one'","b'lines autumn it core. woman, species sleeps statue'"
"against                  ",False,201.0203,"0400-08-11","against the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains.",20204.58142441186,603.061,199,"2199-08-04 07:19:57","b'against years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue'","b'against light, can, The once now the remains.'"
"the                      ",True,223.72362,"0424-08-23","the passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind",25026.128645741268,671.171,211,"2211-08-16 19:31:33","b'the Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains.'","b'the warms almost figure the untroubled sleep Behind'"
"passing                  ",False,235.68246,"0448-08-08","passing years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the",27773.112025785584,707.047,223,"2223-08-28 07:43:09","b'passing fading warms as can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind'","b'passing the penetrating is fair and of the'"
"years.                   ",True,231.07175,"0456-12-12","years. Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace",26697.076564982202,693.215,227,"2227-12-04 11:47:21","b'years. autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the'","b'years. sculpture to that sex long extinction. grace'"
"Sunlight,                ",True,231.01762,"0460-02-14","Sunlight, fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of",26684.57063983388,693.053,229,"2229-02-06 13:49:27","b'Sunlight, light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace'","b'Sunlight, as its of of unseen. This of'"
"fading                   ",True,237.06987,"0468-06-18","fading autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its",28101.06139280334,711.21,233,"2233-06-10 17:53:39","b'fading warms as can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of'","b'fading best dreaming a a Man one its'"
"autumn                   ",True,245.15451,"0480-12-24","autumn light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory",30050.366013372877,735.464,239,"2239-12-16 23:59:57","b'autumn the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its'","b'autumn it core. woman, species sleeps statue ivory'"
"light,                   ",True,243.01674,"0484-02-26","light, warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow",29528.56708566027,729.05,241,"2241-02-18 01:01:03","b'light, sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory'","b'light, can, The once now the remains. brow'"
"warms                    ",False,261.41494,"0504-12-09","warms the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and",34168.88484185879,784.245,251,"2251-12-28 11:11:33","b'warms as can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow'","b'warms almost figure the untroubled sleep Behind and'"
"the                      ",True,263.14343,"0516-06-15","the sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle,",34622.231401088866,789.43,257,"2257-06-06 17:17:51","b'the best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and'","b'the penetrating is fair and of the gentle,'"
"sculpture                ",True,269.14008,"0528-12-21","sculpture as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing",36218.190744750114,807.42,263,"2263-12-12 23:23:09","b'sculpture it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle,'","b'sculpture to that sex long extinction. grace unseeing'"
"as                       ",False,275.13688,"0540-06-27","as best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes,",37850.15195390999,825.411,269,"2269-06-18 05:29:27","b'as can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing'","b'as its of of unseen. This of eyes,'"
"best                     ",False,273.01487,"0544-08-02","best it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the",37268.5595901107,819.045,271,"2271-08-20 07:31:33","b'best almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes,'","b'best dreaming a a Man one its the'"
"it                       ",False,283.13284,"0556-02-08","it can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue",40082.102919350225,849.399,277,"2277-02-26 13:37:51","b'it penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the'","b'it core. woman, species sleeps statue ivory statue'"
"can,                     ",False,285.05776,"0564-06-12","can, almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams.",40628.963762071704,855.173,281,"2281-06-02 17:41:03","b'can, to core. is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue'","b'can, The once now the remains. brow dreams.'"
"almost                   ",True,285.01423,"0568-08-14","almost penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A",40616.55704081762,855.043,283,"2283-08-04 19:43:09","b'almost its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams.'","b'almost figure the untroubled sleep Behind and A'"
"penetrating              ",False,303.35336,"0588-06-24","penetrating to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus",46011.629568355194,910.06,293,"2293-06-14 05:53:39","b'penetrating dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A'","b'penetrating is fair and of the gentle, susurrus'"
"to                       ",False,321.66894,"0616-08-11","to its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of",51735.454117112604,965.007,307,"2307-08-28 19:07:21","b'to core. is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus'","b'to that sex long extinction. grace unseeing of'"
"its                      ",True,315.05212,"0624-12-15","its dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices,",49628.918296215335,945.156,311,"2311-12-04 23:11:33","b'its The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of'","b'its of of unseen. This of eyes, voices,'"
"dreaming                 ",False,315.01286,"0628-02-17","dreaming core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a",49616.55152965747,945.039,313,"2313-02-06 01:13:39","b'dreaming figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices,'","b'dreaming a a Man one its the a'"
"core.                    ",False,321.05112,"0636-06-21","core. The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter",51536.910252222646,963.153,317,"2317-06-10 05:17:51","b'core. is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a'","b'core. woman, species sleeps statue ivory statue flutter'"
"The                      ",True,345.6183,"0664-08-08","The figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of",59726.0034481386,1036.855,331,"2331-08-24 19:31:33","b'The that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter'","b'The once now the remains. brow dreams. of'"
"figure                   ",True,343.10876,"0676-02-14","figure is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images,",58861.81105046504,1029.326,337,"2337-02-02 01:37:51","b'figure of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of'","b'figure the untroubled sleep Behind and A images,'"
"is                       ",False,357.29674,"0696-12-24","is that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and",63830.47874419956,1071.89,347,"2347-12-12 11:47:21","b'is a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images,'","b'is fair and of the gentle, susurrus and'"
"that                     ",False,351.01153,"0700-02-26","that of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the",61604.546175950294,1053.035,349,"2349-02-14 13:49:27","b'that woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and'","b'that sex long extinction. grace unseeing of the'"
"of                       ",False,357.04585,"0708-06-03","of a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream",63740.86781307214,1071.138,353,"2353-06-18 17:53:39","b'of once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the'","b'of of unseen. This of eyes, voices, dream'"
"a                        ",False,365.10198,"0720-12-09","a woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles",66649.72899630043,1095.306,359,"2359-12-24 23:59:57","b'a the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream'","b'a a Man one its the a tumbles'"
"woman,                   ",True,375.17827,"0736-08-17","woman, once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down",70379.36825831581,1125.535,367,"2367-08-04 07:07:21","b'woman, fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles'","b'woman, species sleeps statue ivory statue flutter down'"
"once                     ",False,379.09809,"0748-02-23","once the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through",71857.68192279992,1137.294,373,"2373-02-10 13:13:39","b'once sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down'","b'once now the remains. brow dreams. of through'"
"the                      ",True,385.09651,"0760-08-02","the fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the",74149.66283449173,1155.29,379,"2379-08-16 19:19:57","b'the of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through'","b'the untroubled sleep Behind and A images, the'"
"fair                     ",False,387.04222,"0768-12-06","fair sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long",74900.83862198118,1161.127,383,"2383-12-20 23:23:09","b'fair a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the'","b'fair and of the gentle, susurrus and long'"
"sex                      ",True,395.09399,"0780-06-12","sex of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning.",78049.63235484598,1185.282,389,"2389-06-26 05:29:27","b'sex species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long'","b'sex long extinction. grace unseeing of the morning.'"
"of                       ",False,405.16452,"0796-02-20","of a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended.",82079.14592488816,1215.494,397,"2397-02-06 13:37:51","b'of now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning.'","b'of unseen. This of eyes, voices, dream Suspended.'"
"a                        ",False,405.0403,"0804-06-24","a species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating",82028.82323027238,1215.121,401,"2401-06-10 17:41:03","b'a untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended.'","b'a Man one its the a tumbles Floating'"
"species                  ",False,417.1596,"0820-02-05","species now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on",87011.0663521993,1251.479,409,"2409-02-18 01:49:27","b'species and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long Floating'","b'species sleeps statue ivory statue flutter down on'"
"now                      ",True,429.2445,"0840-12-15","now untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the",92125.41986537623,1287.733,419,"2419-12-28 11:59:57","b'now long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning. on'","b'now the remains. brow dreams. of through the'"
"untroubled               ",False,423.00955,"0844-02-17","untroubled and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream",89468.53823172572,1269.029,421,"2421-02-02 13:01:03","b'untroubled unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended. the'","b'untroubled sleep Behind and A images, the stream'"
"and                      ",True,441.23753,"0864-12-27","and long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that",97345.27880400134,1323.713,431,"2431-12-12 23:11:33","b'and Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long Floating stream'","b'and of the gentle, susurrus and long that'"
"long                     ",False,435.00928,"0868-02-02","long unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings",94616.53716603592,1305.028,433,"2433-02-14 01:13:39","b'long sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning. on that'","b'long extinction. grace unseeing of the morning. brings'"
"unseen.                  ",False,445.08314,"0880-08-08","unseen. Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from",99049.50114673395,1335.249,439,"2439-08-20 07:19:57","b'unseen. the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended. the brings'","b'unseen. This of eyes, voices, dream Suspended. from'"
"Man                      ",True,447.03645,"0888-12-12","Man sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the",99920.79223592655,1341.109,443,"2443-12-24 11:23:09","b'Man sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long Floating stream from'","b'Man one its the a tumbles Floating the'"
"sleeps                   ",True,455.08126,"0900-06-18","sleeps the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart",103549.47847122789,1365.244,449,"2449-06-02 17:29:27","b'sleeps of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning. on that the'","b'sleeps statue ivory statue flutter down on heart'"
"the                      ",True,465.14254,"0916-02-26","the sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of",108178.79078228779,1395.428,457,"2457-02-10 01:37:51","b'the extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended. the brings heart'","b'the remains. brow dreams. of through the of'"
"sleep                    ",False,465.03501,"0924-06-03","sleep of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time",108128.78070041035,1395.105,461,"2461-06-14 05:41:03","b'sleep This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long Floating stream from of'","b'sleep Behind and A images, the stream time'"
"of                       ",False,465.00868,"0928-08-05","of extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the",108116.5347448017,1395.026,463,"2463-08-16 07:43:09","b'of one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning. on that the time'","b'of the gentle, susurrus and long that the'"
"extinction.              ",False,471.03456,"0936-12-09","extinction. This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering",110936.77705498463,1413.104,467,"2467-12-20 11:47:21","b'extinction. statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended. the brings heart the'","b'extinction. grace unseeing of the morning. brings wandering'"
"This                     ",False,491.30835,"0960-12-21","This one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self.",120691.94796848991,1473.925,479,"2479-12-04 23:59:57","b'This remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long Floating stream from of wandering'","b'This of eyes, voices, dream Suspended. from self.'"
"one                      ",True,495.13361,"0976-08-02","one statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya",122578.64671309835,1485.401,487,"2487-08-12 07:07:21","b'one Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning. on that the time self.'","b'one its the a tumbles Floating the Maya'"
"statue                   ",True,495.03285,"0984-12-06","statue remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya for",122528.7633733751,1485.099,491,"2491-12-16 11:11:33","b'statue the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended. the brings heart the Maya'","b'statue ivory statue flutter down on heart for'"
"remains.                 ",False,507.13035,"1000-08-14","remains. Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya for that",128590.594034785,1521.391,499,"2499-08-24 19:19:57","b'remains. grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long Floating stream from of wandering for'","b'remains. brow dreams. of through the of that'"
"Behind                   ",True,507.03206,"1008-12-18","Behind the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya for that is",128540.75702708022,1521.096,503,"2503-12-28 23:23:09","b'Behind of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning. on that the time self. that'","b'Behind and A images, the stream time is'"
"the                      ",True,515.07157,"1020-06-24","the grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya for that is the",132649.36140809223,1545.215,509,"2509-06-06 05:29:27","b'the its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended. the brings heart the Maya is'","b'the gentle, susurrus and long that the the'"
"grace                    ",False,533.28291,"1044-06-09","grace of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya for that is the statue",142195.3298022626,1599.849,521,"2521-06-18 17:41:03","b'grace ivory gentle, the A voices, of the down long Floating stream from of wandering for the'","b'grace unseeing of the morning. brings wandering statue'"
"of                       ",False,525.00768,"1048-08-11","of its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya for that is the statue s",137816.5307396451,1575.023,523,"2523-08-20 19:43:09","b'of brow unseeing statue susurrus a images, dream through morning. on that the time self. that statue'","b'of eyes, voices, dream Suspended. from self. s'"
"its                      ",True,559.6195,"1084-02-02","its ivory brow and gentle, unseeing eyes, the statue dreams. A susurrus of voices, a flutter of images, and the dream tumbles down through the long morning. Suspended. Floating on the stream that brings from the heart of time the wandering self. Maya for that is the statue s name--",156586.99399515224,1678.859,541,"2541-02-10 13:01:03","b'its and eyes, dreams. of flutter and tumbles the Suspended. the brings heart the Maya is s'","b'its the a tumbles Floating the Maya name--'"