/usr/share/racket/collects/pkg/path.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 | #lang racket/base
(require setup/dirs)
(provide (struct-out pkg-info)
(struct-out pkg-info/alt)
(struct-out sc-pkg-info)
(struct-out sc-pkg-info/alt)
(struct pkg-info (orig-pkg checksum auto?) #:prefab)
(struct pkg-info/alt pkg-info (dir-name) #:prefab) ; alternate installation directory
(struct sc-pkg-info pkg-info (collect) #:prefab) ; a pkg with a single collection
(struct sc-pkg-info/alt sc-pkg-info (dir-name) #:prefab) ; alternate installation
(define (check-scope who scope)
(unless (or (eq? scope 'user)
(eq? scope 'installation)
(and (path? scope)
(complete-path? scope)))
"(or/c 'user 'installation (and/c path? complete-path?))"
(define (get-pkgs-dir scope [user-version (get-installation-name)])
(check-scope 'get-pkgs-dir scope)
(unless (string? user-version)
(raise-argument-error 'get-pkgs-dir "string?" user-version))
(if (path? scope)
(case scope
[(installation) (find-pkgs-dir)]
[(user) (find-user-pkgs-dir user-version)]
[else (error "unknown package scope")])))
(define (read-pkg-file-hash file)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (x)
(log-error (string-append
"error reading package file hash\n"
" error: ~s")
(exn-message x))
(if (file-exists? file) ; don't complain if the file is missing
(lambda (i)
(lambda ()
(define ht (read i))
(unless (hash? ht) (error "content is not a hash"))
(define (read-pkgs-db scope [user-version (get-installation-name)])
(check-scope 'read-pkgs-db scope)
(let ([db (read-pkg-file-hash
(build-path (get-pkgs-dir scope user-version) "pkgs.rktd"))])
;; compatibility: map 'pnr to 'catalog:
(for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash db)])
(values k
(if (eq? 'pnr (car (pkg-info-orig-pkg v)))
;; note: legacy 'pnr entry cannot be a single-collection package
(struct-copy pkg-info v
[orig-pkg `(catalog ,(cadr (pkg-info-orig-pkg v)))])
(define (path->pkg+subpath+collect* who given-p cache want-collect?)
(unless (path-string? given-p)
(raise-argument-error who "path-string?" given-p))
(unless (or (not cache)
(and (hash? cache)
(not (immutable? cache))))
(raise-argument-error who "(or/c #f (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?)))" cache))
(define (explode p)
(simplify-path (path->complete-path p))))
(define (sub-path? < p d)
(and ((length d) . < . (length p))
(for/and ([de (in-list d)]
[pe (in-list p)])
(equal? (normal-case-path de) (normal-case-path pe)))))
(define p (explode given-p))
(define (build-path* l)
(if (null? l) 'same (apply build-path l)))
(for/fold ([pkg #f] [subpath #f] [collect #f] [install-scope #f])
([scope (in-list (list* 'user
#:when (not pkg))
(define d (or (and cache
(hash-ref cache `(dir ,scope) #f))
(let ([d (explode (get-pkgs-dir scope))])
(when cache (hash-set! cache `(dir ,scope) d))
(define (read-pkg-db/cached)
(or (and cache
(hash-ref cache `(db ,scope) #f))
(let ([db (read-pkgs-db scope)])
(when cache (hash-set! cache `(db ,scope) db))
(define (normal-case-mapping/cached db)
(if (eq? 'windows (system-path-convention-type))
(or (and cache
(hash-ref cache `(normal-case ,scope) #f))
(let ([ht (for/hash ([n (in-hash-keys db)])
(values (normal-case-path n) n))])
(when cache (hash-set! cache `(normal-case ,scope) ht))
[(sub-path? < p d)
;; Under the installation mode's package directory.
;; We assume that no one else writes there, so the
;; next path element is the package name, the package
;; name followed by "+<n>", or ".trash"
(define len (length d))
(define pkg-name (path-element->string (list-ref p len)))
(if (or (regexp-match? #rx"pkgs[.]rktd" pkg-name)
(regexp-match? #rx"[.]trash" pkg-name))
(values #f #f #f #f) ; don't count the database or trash can as a package
(let* ([pkg-name
(if (regexp-match? #rx"[+]" pkg-name) ; +<n> used as an alternate path, sometimes
(regexp-replace #rx"[+].*$" pkg-name "")
[db (read-pkg-db/cached)]
;; Double-check that such a package is installed, in case
;; there's a junk directory or the path case is wrong:
[pkg-name (if (hash-ref db pkg-name #f)
(hash-ref (normal-case-mapping/cached db)
(normal-case-path pkg-name)
(if pkg-name
(values pkg-name
(build-path* (list-tail p (add1 len)))
(and want-collect?
(let ([i (hash-ref (read-pkg-db/cached) pkg-name #f)])
(and i (sc-pkg-info? i) (sc-pkg-info-collect i))))
(values #f #f #f #f))))]
;; Maybe it's a linked package
(define pkgs-dir (get-pkgs-dir scope))
(for/fold ([pkg #f] [subpath #f] [collect #f] [install-scope #f])
([(k v) (in-hash (read-pkg-db/cached))]
#:when (not pkg))
(define orig (pkg-info-orig-pkg v))
(if (and (pair? orig)
(or (eq? 'link (car orig))
(eq? 'static-link (car orig))
(eq? 'clone (car orig))))
(let ([e (or (and cache
(hash-ref cache `(pkg-dir ,(cadr orig)) #f))
(let ([e (explode (simplify-path
(path->complete-path (cadr orig) pkgs-dir)
(when cache
(hash-set! cache `(pkg-dir ,(cadr orig)) e))
(if (sub-path? <= p e)
(values k
(build-path* (list-tail p (length e)))
(and (sc-pkg-info? v) (sc-pkg-info-collect v))
(values #f #f #f #f)))
(values #f #f #f #f)))])))
(define (path->pkg+subpath+collect+scope given-p #:cache [cache #f])
(path->pkg+subpath+collect* 'path->pkg+subpath+collect given-p cache #t))
(define (path->pkg+subpath+collect given-p #:cache [cache #f])
(define-values (pkg subpath collect scope)
(path->pkg+subpath+collect* 'path->pkg+subpath+collect given-p cache #t))
(values pkg subpath collect))
(define (path->pkg+subpath+scope given-p #:cache [cache #f])
(define-values (pkg subpath collect scope)
(path->pkg+subpath+collect* 'path->pkg+subpath given-p cache #f))
(values pkg subpath scope))
(define (path->pkg+subpath given-p #:cache [cache #f])
(define-values (pkg subpath collect scope)
(path->pkg+subpath+collect* 'path->pkg+subpath given-p cache #f))
(values pkg subpath))
(define (path->pkg given-p #:cache [cache #f])
(define-values (pkg subpath collect scope)
(path->pkg+subpath+collect* path->pkg given-p cache #f))