/usr/share/racket/pkgs/plai-lib/test-harness.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
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(require (only-in srfi/13 string-contains)
(provide plai-error test test/pred test/regexp test/exn)
[exn:plai? (any/c . -> . boolean?)]
[abridged-test-output (parameter/c boolean?)]
[plai-ignore-exn-strings (parameter/c boolean?)]
[plai-catch-test-exn (parameter/c boolean?)]
[test-inspector (parameter/c inspector?)]
[test-inexact-epsilon (parameter/c number?)])
(define thunk (-> any))
(define test-inspector (make-parameter (current-inspector)))
(define test-inexact-epsilon (make-parameter 0.01))
; We only catch exceptions of this type. plai-error throws such exceptions.
(define-struct (exn:plai exn:fail) () #:transparent)
(define (plai-error . args)
[(exn:fail? (λ (exn)
(make-exn:plai (exn-message exn)
(exn-continuation-marks exn)))))]
(apply error args)))
(define-struct (exn:test exn:fail) ())
(define (install-test-inspector)
(test-inspector (current-inspector))
(current-inspector (make-inspector))
(print-struct #t))
(define (maybe-command-line arg)
(and (member arg (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments))) true))
(define halt-on-errors? (maybe-command-line "--plai-halt-on-errors"))
(define print-only-errors? (maybe-command-line "--plai-print-only-errors"))
(provide/contract (halt-on-errors (() (boolean?) . ->* . void?)))
(define (halt-on-errors [halt? true])
(set! halt-on-errors? halt?))
(provide/contract (print-only-errors (() (boolean?) . ->* . void?)))
(define (print-only-errors [print? true])
(set! print-only-errors? print?))
; list of all test results
(provide plai-all-test-results)
(define plai-all-test-results empty)
; set to true if
(define plai-ignore-exn-strings (make-parameter false))
(define (may-print-result result)
(parameterize ([current-inspector (test-inspector)]
[print-struct #t])
(define error?
(not (eq? (first result) 'good)))
(define print?
(if print-only-errors?
(if error?
(set! plai-all-test-results (cons result plai-all-test-results))
(when print?
(if (abridged-test-output)
(apply (if error? eprintf printf) "(~s ~v ~v)\n" result)
(apply (if error? eprintf printf) "(~s ~s ~v ~v ~s)\n" result)))
(when (and halt-on-errors? error?)
(raise (make-exn:test (string->immutable-string (format "test failed: ~s" result))
(define plai-catch-test-exn (make-parameter true))
(define (exn+catching? x)
(and (exn? x) (plai-catch-test-exn)))
;;; If the expression raises an exception, it is returned as a value, only if
;;; the exception subclasses struct:exn.
(define-syntax (return-exception stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ expr)
([exn+catching? (λ (exn) exn)])
;;; Syntax forms for the test procedures make it unnecessary to enclose the
;;; expression in a thunk. More importantly, they automatically specify the
;;; line number of the test as the comment.
(provide generic-test equal~?)
(define (abridged v)
(if (abridged-test-output)
(list v)))
(define (print-error case test-sexp test-result expected-val loc)
,@(abridged test-sexp)
,@(abridged loc)))
(define (generic-test test-thunk pred test-sexp loc)
(unless (disable-tests)
; Applying the predicate shouldn't raise an exception.
([exn+catching? (λ (exn)
(exn-message exn)
(let ([test-result (return-exception (test-thunk))])
(if (or (exn:plai? test-result)
(not (exn? test-result)))
(local [(define-values (test-value expected-val)
(pred test-result))]
[(exn:plai? test-value) 'exception]
[test-value 'good]
[else 'bad])
(if (exn:plai? test-result)
(exn-message test-result)
expected-val loc))
(exn-message test-result)
(define (equal~? x y)
(or (parameterize ([current-inspector (test-inspector)])
(equal? x y))
(and (number? x) (number? y)
(or (inexact? x) (inexact? y))
; If one of them is inexact, we do the math.
(< (abs (- x y)) (test-inexact-epsilon)))))
(define-syntax (test stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ result-expr expected-expr)
(λ () result-expr)
(λ (result-value)
(define expected-val expected-expr)
[(exn:plai? result-value) result-value]
[(equal~? result-value expected-val) true]
[else false])
(quote #,(syntax->datum #'result-expr))
(format "at line ~a" #,(syntax-line stx)))]))
(define-syntax (test/pred stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ test-expr pred)
(λ () test-expr)
(λ (val)
[(exn:plai? val) val]
[else (pred val)])
(quote #,(syntax->datum #'pred))))
(quote #,(syntax->datum #'test-expr))
(format "at line ~a" #,(syntax-line stx)))]))
(define-syntax (test/exn stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ test-expr exception-substring)
(λ () test-expr)
(λ (val)
(define exception-substring-val exception-substring)
(and (exn:plai? val)
(or (plai-ignore-exn-strings)
(string-contains (exn-message val) exception-substring-val)))
(quote #,(syntax->datum #'test-expr))
(format "at line ~a" #,(syntax-line stx)))]))
(define-syntax (test/regexp stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ test-expr regexp)
(λ () test-expr)
(λ (val)
(define regexp-val regexp)
(and (exn:plai? val)
(or (plai-ignore-exn-strings)
(regexp-match regexp (exn-message val))))
(quote #,(syntax->datum #'test-expr))
(format "at line ~a" #,(syntax-line stx)))]))